diff --git a/apps/freeview/dataloaders.js b/apps/freeview/dataloaders.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96e13796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/freeview/dataloaders.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+function FormTempaltesLoader() {
+ function loadingFormTemplates() {
+ $CAMIC.store.findTemplate()
+ //
+ .then(function(temps) {
+ // get templates data
+ $D.templates = temps;
+ })
+ //
+ .catch(function(error) {
+ // templates schema
+ console.error(error);
+ })
+ //
+ .finally(function() {
+ if ($D.templates) {
+ // load UI
+ } else {
+ // set message
+ $UI.message.addError('Loading Templates is Error');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ var checkCoreIsReady = setInterval(function() {
+ if ($CAMIC) {
+ clearInterval(checkCoreIsReady);
+ // load data
+ loadingFormTemplates();
+ }
+ }, 500);
+function layersLoader() {
+ // human
+ function loadingHumanOverlayers() {
+ $CAMIC.store.findMarkTypes($D.params.slideId, 'human').then(function(layers) {
+ // convert part not nesscary
+ $D.humanlayers = [...layers.map(covertToHumanLayer)];
+ // add data and create ui item
+ addHumanLayerItems();
+ }).catch(function(error) {
+ // overlayers schema
+ $UI.message.addError('Loading Human Layers is Error');
+ console.error(error);
+ });
+ }
+ // ruler
+ function loadingRulerOverlayers() {
+ console.info("Ignoring ruler because htt. Using Empty list.")
+ $D.rulerlayers = [];
+ addRulerLayerItems();
+ }
+ // heatmap
+ function loadingHeatmapOverlayers() {
+ console.info("Ignoring heatmap because htt. Using Empty list.")
+ $D.heatmaplayers = [];
+ addHeatmapLayerItems();
+ }
+ // segmentation
+ function loadingComputerOverlayers() {
+ onsole.info("Ignoring segmentation because htt. Using Empty list.")
+ $D.computerlayers=[];
+ addComputerLayerItems();
+ }
+ var checkCoreIsReady = setInterval(function() {
+ if ($UI.layersViewer && $UI.layersViewerMinor) {
+ clearInterval(checkCoreIsReady);
+ loadingHumanOverlayers();
+ loadingRulerOverlayers();
+ loadingHeatmapOverlayers();
+ loadingComputerOverlayers();
+ }
+ }, 500);
diff --git a/apps/freeview/init.js b/apps/freeview/init.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a840554f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/freeview/init.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+// CAMIC is an instance of camicroscope core
+// $CAMIC in there
+let $CAMIC = null;
+let tracker;
+let $minorCAMIC = null;
+// for all instances of UI components
+const $UI = new Map();
+const $D = {
+ pages: {
+ home: '../table.html',
+ table: '../table.html',
+ },
+ params: null, // parameter from url - slide Id and status in it (object).
+ overlayers: null, // array for each layers
+ templates: null, // json schema for prue-form
+ segments: [],
+window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
+ if (!$CAMIC || !$CAMIC.viewer) return;
+ const key = e.key;
+ // escape key to close all operations
+ if ('escape' == key.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
+ magnifierOff();
+ measurementOff();
+ annotationOff();
+ presetLabelOff();
+ }
+ // open annotation (ctrl + a)
+ if (e.ctrlKey && 'a' == key.toLocaleLowerCase() && $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance) {
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('annotation');
+ eventFire(li, 'click');
+ return;
+ }
+ // open magnifier (ctrl + m)
+ if (e.ctrlKey && 'm' == key.toLocaleLowerCase() && $UI.spyglass) {
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('magnifier');
+ const chk = li.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]');
+ chk.checked = !chk.checked;
+ eventFire(chk, 'change');
+ return;
+ }
+ // open measurement (ctrl + r)
+ if (e.ctrlKey && 'r' == key.toLocaleLowerCase() && $CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('measurement');
+ const chk = li.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]');
+ chk.checked = !chk.checked;
+ eventFire(chk, 'change');
+ return;
+ }
+ // open side-by-side (ctrl + s)
+ if (e.ctrlKey && 's' == key.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('sbsviewer');
+ const chk = li.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]');
+ chk.checked = !chk.checked;
+ eventFire(chk, 'click');
+ return;
+ }
+ // open side-by-side (ctrl + l)
+ if (e.ctrlKey && 'l' == key.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('preset_label');
+ const chk = li.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]');
+ chk.checked = !chk.checked;
+ eventFire(chk, 'click');
+ return;
+ }
+ // shortcuts for preset labels
+ if ($D.labels &&
+ $D.labels.configuration &&
+ Array.isArray($D.labels.configuration) &&
+ $D.labels.configuration.length > 0 &&
+ e.ctrlKey) {
+ e.key;
+ const elt = $UI.labelsViewer.allLabels.find((l)=>l.dataset.key&&l.dataset.key.toLowerCase()==e.key.toLowerCase());
+ if (elt) {
+ $UI.toolbar
+ .getSubTool('preset_label')
+ .querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked = true;
+ $UI.labelsViewer.selectLabel(elt);
+ }
+ }
+// initialize viewer page
+function initialize() {
+ var checkPackageIsReady = setInterval(function() {
+ if (IsPackageLoading) {
+ clearInterval(checkPackageIsReady);
+ // create a viewer and set up
+ initCore();
+ // loading the form template data
+ FormTempaltesLoader();
+ // loading the overlayers data
+ layersLoader();
+ }
+ }, 100);
+// setting core functionalities
+function initCore() {
+ // start initial
+ // create the message queue
+ $UI.message = new MessageQueue({position: 'bottom-left'});
+ // zoom info and mmp
+ const opt = {
+ draw: {
+ // extend context menu btn group
+ btns: [
+ {
+ // annotation
+ type: 'btn',
+ title: 'Annotation',
+ class: 'material-icons',
+ text: 'description',
+ callback: saveAnnotation,
+ },
+ {
+ // analytics
+ type: 'btn',
+ title: 'Analytics',
+ class: 'material-icons',
+ text: 'settings_backup_restore',
+ callback: saveAnalytics,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ };
+ // set states if exist
+ if ($D.params.states) {
+ opt.states = $D.params.states;
+ }
+ // pathdb home directly
+ if ($D.params.mode == 'pathdb') {
+ $D.pages.home = '../../../';
+ $D.pages.table = '../../../';
+ }
+ try {
+ const slideQuery = {};
+ slideQuery.id = $D.params.slideId;
+ slideQuery.name = $D.params.slide;
+ slideQuery.location = $D.params.location;
+ opt.addRulerCallback = onAddRuler;
+ opt.deleteRulerCallback = onDeleteRuler;
+ $CAMIC = new CaMic('main_viewer', slideQuery, opt);
+ } catch (error) {
+ Loading.close();
+ $UI.message.addError('Core Initialization Failed');
+ console.error(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ $CAMIC.loadImg(function(e) {
+ // image loaded
+ if (e.hasError) {
+ // if this is a retry, assume normal behavior (one retry per slide)
+ if ($D.params.retry) {
+ $UI.message.addError(e.message);
+ // can't reach Slide and return to home page
+ if (e.isServiceError) redirect($D.pages.table, e.message, 0);
+ } else {
+ // If this is our first attempt, try one more time.
+ let params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
+ params.set('retry', '1');
+ window.location.search = params.toString();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $D.params.data = e;
+ // popup panel
+ $CAMIC.viewer.addHandler('canvas-lay-click', function(e) {
+ if (!e.data) {
+ $UI.annotPopup.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // for support QUIP 2.0
+ const data = Array.isArray(e.data) ? e.data[e.data.selected] : e.data;
+ const type = data.provenance.analysis.source;
+ let body;
+ let attributes;
+ let warning = null;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'human':
+ let area;
+ let circumference;
+ if (data.geometries) {
+ if (
+ (data.selected != null || data.selected != undefined) &&
+ data.geometries.features[data.selected] &&
+ data.geometries.features[data.selected].properties.area
+ ) {
+ area = `${Math.round(
+ data.geometries.features[data.selected].properties.area,
+ )} μm²`;
+ }
+ if (
+ (data.selected != null || data.selected != undefined) &&
+ data.geometries.features[data.selected] &&
+ data.geometries.features[data.selected].properties.circumference
+ ) {
+ circumference = `${Math.round(
+ data.geometries.features[data.selected].properties
+ .circumference,
+ )} μm`;
+ }
+ } // othereise, don't try to calculate area and circumference
+ // human
+ attributes = data.properties.annotations;
+ if (area) attributes.area = area;
+ if (circumference) attributes.circumference = circumference;
+ body = convertHumanAnnotationToPopupBody(attributes);
+ if (
+ data.geometries &&
+ data.geometries.features[data.selected].properties.isIntersect
+ ) {
+ warning = `
Inaccurate Area and Circumference
+ }
+ if (
+ data.geometries &&
+ data.geometries.features[data.selected].properties.nommp
+ ) {
+ warning = `This slide has no mpp
+ }
+ $UI.annotPopup.showFooter();
+ break;
+ case 'computer':
+ // handle data.provenance.analysis.computation = `segmentation`
+ attributes = data.properties.scalar_features[0].nv;
+ body = {type: 'map', data: attributes};
+ $UI.annotPopup.hideFooter();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ // statements_def
+ break;
+ }
+ $UI.annotPopup.data = {
+ id: data.provenance.analysis.execution_id,
+ oid: data._id.$oid,
+ annotation: attributes,
+ selected: e.data.selected,
+ };
+ const getCateName = () => {
+ const items = $UI.layersViewer.setting.categoricalData.human.items;
+ var dataType = null;
+ for (const key in items) {
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(items, key)) {
+ dataType = key;
+ if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)&&
+ Array.isArray(items[key].items)&&
+ items[key].items.some((i)=>i.item.id == $UI.annotPopup.data.id)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ return dataType;
+ };
+ $UI.annotPopup.dataType = null;
+ $UI.annotPopup.dataType = data.provenance && data.provenance.analysis &&
+ data.provenance.analysis.source && data.provenance.analysis.source=='human'?
+ getCateName($UI.annotPopup.data.id):null;
+ $UI.annotPopup.setTitle(`id:${data.provenance.analysis.execution_id}`);
+ $UI.annotPopup.setBody(body);
+ if (warning) $UI.annotPopup.body.innerHTML += warning;
+ $UI.annotPopup.open(e.position);
+ });
+ // create the message bar TODO for reading slide Info TODO
+ $UI.slideInfos = new CaMessage({
+ /* opts that need to think of*/
+ id: 'cames',
+ defaultText: `Slide: ${$D.params.data.name}`,
+ });
+ // spyglass
+ $UI.spyglass = new Spyglass({
+ targetViewer: $CAMIC.viewer,
+ imgsrc: $D.params.data.url,
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $CAMIC.viewer.addHandler('open', function() {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.addHandler('start-drawing', startDrawing);
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.addHandler('stop-drawing', stopDrawing);
+ // init UI -- some of them need to wait data loader to load data
+ // because UI components need data to initialize
+ initUIcomponents();
+ // action tracker start
+ tracker = new Tracker($CAMIC, $D.params.data._id.$oid, getUserId());
+ tracker.start();
+ });
+// initialize all UI components
+async function initUIcomponents() {
+ /* create UI components */
+ $UI.modalbox = new ModalBox({
+ id: 'modalbox',
+ hasHeader: true,
+ headerText: 'HeatMap List',
+ hasFooter: false,
+ });
+ const subToolsOpt = [];
+ // home
+ if (ImgloaderMode == 'iip') {
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'home',
+ icon: 'home', // material icons' name
+ title: 'Home',
+ type: 'btn', // btn/check/dropdown
+ value: 'home',
+ callback: goHome,
+ });
+ }
+ // pen
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'annotation',
+ icon: 'create', // material icons' name
+ title: 'Draw',
+ type: 'multistates',
+ callback: draw,
+ });
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'preset_label',
+ icon: 'colorize', // material icons' name
+ title: 'Preset Labels',
+ type: 'check',
+ value: 'prelabels',
+ callback: drawLabel,
+ });
+ // magnifier
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'magnifier',
+ icon: 'search',
+ title: 'Magnifier',
+ type: 'dropdown',
+ value: 'magn',
+ dropdownList: [
+ {
+ value: 0.5,
+ title: '0.5',
+ checked: true,
+ },
+ {
+ value: 1,
+ title: '1.0',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 2,
+ title: '2.0',
+ },
+ ],
+ callback: toggleMagnifier,
+ });
+ // measurement tool
+ if ($CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance) {
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'measurement',
+ icon: 'straighten',
+ title: 'Measurement',
+ type: 'dropdown',
+ value: 'measure',
+ dropdownList: [
+ {
+ value: 'straight',
+ title: 'straight',
+ icon: 'straighten',
+ checked: true,
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'coordinate',
+ title: 'coordinate',
+ icon: 'square_foot',
+ },
+ ],
+ callback: toggleMeasurement,
+ });
+ }
+ // enhance
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'Enhance',
+ icon: 'invert_colors',
+ title: 'Enhance',
+ type: 'dropdown',
+ value: 'Enhance',
+ dropdownList: [
+ {
+ value: 'Histogram Eq',
+ title: 'Histogram Equalization',
+ icon: 'leaderboard',
+ checked: true,
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'Edge',
+ title: 'Edge',
+ icon: 'show_chart',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'Sharpen',
+ title: 'Sharpen',
+ icon: 'change_history',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'Custom',
+ title: 'Custom',
+ icon: 'api',
+ },
+ ],
+ callback: enhance,
+ });
+ // share
+ if (ImgloaderMode == 'iip') {
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'share',
+ icon: 'share',
+ title: 'Share View',
+ type: 'btn',
+ value: 'share',
+ callback: shareURL,
+ });
+ }
+ // side-by-side
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'sbsviewer',
+ icon: 'view_carousel',
+ title: 'Side By Side Viewer',
+ value: 'dbviewers',
+ type: 'check',
+ callback: toggleViewerMode,
+ });
+ // heatmap
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'heatmap',
+ icon: 'satellite',
+ title: 'Heat Map',
+ value: 'heatmap',
+ type: 'btn',
+ callback: openHeatmap,
+ });
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'labeling',
+ icon: 'label',
+ title: 'Labeling',
+ value: 'labeling',
+ type: 'btn',
+ callback: function() {
+ window.location.href = `../labeling/labeling.html${window.location.search}`;
+ },
+ });
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'segment',
+ icon: 'timeline',
+ type: 'btn',
+ value: 'rect',
+ title: 'Segment',
+ callback: function() {
+ if (window.location.search.length > 0) {
+ window.location.href =
+ '../segment/segment.html' + window.location.search;
+ } else {
+ window.location.href = '../segment/segment.html';
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'model',
+ icon: 'aspect_ratio',
+ type: 'btn',
+ value: 'rect',
+ title: 'Predict',
+ callback: function() {
+ if (window.location.search.length > 0) {
+ window.location.href = '../model/model.html' + window.location.search;
+ } else {
+ window.location.href = '../model/model.html';
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ // -- For Nano borb Start -- //
+ if (ImgloaderMode == 'imgbox') {
+ // download
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'downloadmarks',
+ icon: 'cloud_download',
+ title: 'Download Marks',
+ type: 'btn',
+ value: 'download',
+ callback: Store.prototype.DownloadMarksToFile,
+ });
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'uploadmarks',
+ icon: 'cloud_upload',
+ title: 'Load Marks',
+ type: 'btn',
+ value: 'upload',
+ callback: Store.prototype.LoadMarksFromFile,
+ });
+ }
+ // -- For Nano borb End -- //
+ // -- view btn START -- //
+ if (!($D.params.data.hasOwnProperty('review') && $D.params.data['review']=='true')) {
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'review',
+ icon: 'playlist_add_check',
+ title: 'has reviewed',
+ type: 'btn',
+ value: 'review',
+ callback: updateSlideView,
+ });
+ }
+ // screenshot
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'slideCapture',
+ icon: 'camera_enhance',
+ title: 'Slide Capture',
+ type: 'btn',
+ value: 'slCap',
+ callback: captureSlide,
+ });
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: 'tutorial',
+ icon: 'help',
+ title: 'Tutorial',
+ value: 'tutorial',
+ type: 'btn',
+ callback: function() {
+ tour.init();
+ tour.start(true);
+ },
+ });
+ // Additional Links handler
+ function additionalLinksHandler(url, openInNewTab, appendSlide) {
+ if (appendSlide === true) {
+ url = url + '?slide=' + $D.params.slideId;
+ url = url + '&state=' + StatesHelper.encodeStates(StatesHelper.getCurrentStates());
+ }
+ if (openInNewTab === true) {
+ window.open(url, '_blank').focus();
+ } else {
+ window.location.href = url;
+ }
+ }
+ var additionalLinksConfig = await $CAMIC.store.getConfigByName('additional_links')
+ .then((list)=>list.length==0?null:list[0]);
+ if (additionalLinksConfig&&additionalLinksConfig.configuration&&Array.isArray(additionalLinksConfig.configuration)) {
+ additionalLinksConfig.configuration.forEach((link)=>{
+ var openInNewTab = link.openInNewTab === false ? false : true;
+ var appendSlide = link.appendSlide === true ? true : false;
+ var url = link.url;
+ subToolsOpt.push({
+ name: link.displayName,
+ icon: link.icon ? link.icon : 'link',
+ title: link.displayName,
+ value: link.displayName,
+ type: 'btn',
+ callback: function() {
+ additionalLinksHandler(url, openInNewTab, appendSlide);
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ // create the tool bar
+ $UI.toolbar = new CaToolbar({
+ /* opts that need to think of*/
+ id: 'ca_tools',
+ zIndex: 601,
+ mainToolsCallback: mainMenuChange,
+ subTools: subToolsOpt,
+ });
+ // create two side menus for tools
+ $UI.appsSideMenu = new SideMenu({
+ id: 'side_apps',
+ width: 300,
+ // , isOpen:true
+ callback: toggleSideMenu,
+ });
+ $UI.layersSideMenu = new SideMenu({
+ id: 'side_layers',
+ width: 250,
+ contentPadding: 5,
+ // , isOpen:true
+ callback: toggleSideMenu,
+ });
+ const loading = ``;
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.addContent(loading);
+ // TODO add layer viewer
+ /* annotation popup */
+ $UI.annotPopup = new PopupPanel({
+ footer: [
+ // { // edit
+ // title:'Edit',
+ // class:'material-icons',
+ // text:'notes',
+ // callback:annoEdit
+ // },
+ {
+ // delete
+ title: 'Delete',
+ class: 'material-icons',
+ text: 'delete_forever',
+ callback: annoDelete,
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ // TODO -- labels //
+ $UI.labelsSideMenu = new SideMenu({
+ id: 'labels_layers',
+ width: 180,
+ contentPadding: 5,
+ });
+ var labelsTitle = document.createElement('div');
+ labelsTitle.classList.add('item_head');
+ labelsTitle.textContent = 'Label Manager';
+ $UI.labelsSideMenu.addContent(labelsTitle);
+ $D.labels = await $CAMIC.store.getConfigByName('preset_label').then((list)=>list.length==0?null:list[0]);
+ // onAdd()
+ // onRemove(labels)
+ // onUpdate(labels)
+ // onSelected()
+ $UI.labelsViewer = new LabelsViewer({
+ id: 'labelmanager',
+ data: $D.labels?$D.labels.configuration:[],
+ onAdd: addPresetLabelsHandler,
+ onEdit: editPresetLabelsHandler,
+ onRemove: removePresetLabelsHandler,
+ onSelected: selectedPresetLabelsHandler,
+ },
+ );
+ $UI.labelsViewer.elt.parentNode.removeChild($UI.labelsViewer.elt);
+ $UI.labelsSideMenu.addContent($UI.labelsViewer.elt);
+ // == end -- //
+ var checkOverlaysDataReady = setInterval(function() {
+ if (
+ $D.params.data &&
+ $CAMIC &&
+ $CAMIC.viewer &&
+ $CAMIC.viewer.omanager
+ ) {
+ clearInterval(checkOverlaysDataReady);
+ // for segmentation
+ $CAMIC.viewer.createSegment({
+ store: $CAMIC.store,
+ slide: $D.params.data.slide,
+ data: [],
+ });
+ // create control
+ // TODO move to add layers
+ // create main layer viewer items with states
+ // const mainViewerData = $D.overlayers.map((d) => {
+ // const isShow =
+ // $D.params.states &&
+ // $D.params.states.l &&
+ // $D.params.states.l.includes(d.id) ?
+ // true :
+ // false;
+ // return {item: d, isShow: isShow};
+ // });
+ // TODO move to add layers
+ // create monir layer viewer items
+ // const minorViewerData = $D.overlayers.map((d) => {
+ // return {item: d, isShow: false};
+ // });
+ // create UI and set data
+ $UI.layersViewer = createLayerViewer(
+ 'overlayers',
+ null,
+ callback.bind('main'),
+ rootCallback.bind('main'),
+ );
+ // create UI and set data - minor
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor = createLayerViewer(
+ 'overlayersMinor',
+ null,
+ callback.bind('minor'),
+ rootCallback.bind('minor'),
+ );
+ // TODO move to add layers
+ // if ($D.params.states && $D.params.states.l) {
+ // $D.params.states.l.forEach((id) =>
+ // loadAnnotationById($CAMIC, $UI.layersViewer.getDataItemById(id), null),
+ // );
+ // }
+ $UI.layersList = new CollapsibleList({
+ id: 'layerslist',
+ list: [
+ {
+ id: 'left',
+ title: 'Left Viewer',
+ content: 'No Template Loaded', // $UI.annotOptPanel.elt
+ // isExpand:true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'right',
+ title: 'Right Viewer',
+ content: 'No Template Loaded', // $UI.algOptPanel.elt,
+ },
+ ],
+ changeCallBack: function(e) {
+ // console.log(e);
+ },
+ });
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.clearContent();
+ // add to layers side menu
+ const title = document.createElement('div');
+ title.classList.add('item_head');
+ title.textContent = 'Layers Manager';
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.addContent(title);
+ // loading status
+ $UI.loadStatus = document.createElement('div');
+ $UI.loadStatus.style.display = 'none';
+ $UI.loadStatus.classList.add('load-status');
+ $UI.loadStatus.innerHTML = `cached
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.addContent($UI.loadStatus);
+ // zoom locker control
+ $UI.lockerPanel = document.createElement('div');
+ $UI.lockerPanel.classList.add('lock_panel');
+ $UI.lockerPanel.style.display = 'none';
+ $UI.lockerPanel.innerHTML = ``;
+ $UI.lockerPanel
+ .querySelector('input[type=checkbox]')
+ .addEventListener('change', (e) => {
+ isLock = !isLock;
+ if (isLock) {
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.zoomTo(
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getZoom(true),
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getCenter(true),
+ true,
+ );
+ $CAMIC.viewer.controls.bottomright.style.display = 'none';
+ } else {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.controls.bottomright.style.display = '';
+ }
+ });
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.addContent($UI.lockerPanel);
+ $UI.layersList.clearContent('left');
+ $UI.layersList.addContent('left', $UI.layersViewer.elt);
+ $UI.layersList.clearContent('right');
+ $UI.layersList.addContent('right', $UI.layersViewerMinor.elt);
+ $UI.layersList.elt.parentNode.removeChild($UI.layersList.elt);
+ closeMinorControlPanel();
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.addContent($UI.layersList.elt);
+ }
+ }, 300);
+ var checkTemplateSchemasDataReady = setInterval(function() {
+ if ($D.templates) {
+ clearInterval(checkTemplateSchemasDataReady);
+ const annotRegex = new RegExp('annotation', 'gi');
+ const annotSchemas = $D.templates.filter((item) =>
+ item.id.match(annotRegex),
+ );
+ /* annotation control */
+ $UI.annotOptPanel = new OperationPanel({
+ // id:
+ // element:
+ formSchemas: annotSchemas,
+ resetCallback: resetCallback,
+ action: {
+ title: 'Save',
+ callback: annoCallback,
+ },
+ });
+ const title = document.createElement('div');
+ title.classList.add('item_head');
+ title.textContent = 'Annotation';
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.addContent(title);
+ $UI.annotOptPanel.elt.classList.add('item_body');
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.addContent($UI.annotOptPanel.elt);
+ }
+ }, 300);
+function createLayerViewer(id, viewerData, callback, rootCallback) {
+ const layersViewer = new LayersViewer({
+ id: id,
+ data: viewerData,
+ removeCallback: removeCallback,
+ locationCallback: locationCallback,
+ callback: callback,
+ rootCallback: rootCallback,
+ });
+ layersViewer.elt.parentNode.removeChild(layersViewer.elt);
+ return layersViewer;
+// create lay panel for side-by-side control
+function createLayPanelControl() {
+ $UI.layCtrlbar = document.createElement('div');
+ $UI.layCtrlbar.style = `
+ display:none;
+ margin: .2rem;
+ background-color: #365f9c;
+ cursor: default;
+ padding: .5rem;
+ width: 100%;
+ border: none;
+ text-align: left;
+ outline: none;
+ font-size: 1.2rem;`;
+ createRadios();
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.addContent($UI.layCtrlbar);
+ // control
+ const radios = $UI.layCtrlbar.querySelectorAll('input[name=ctrlPane]');
+ radios.forEach((r) => {
+ r.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
+ const val = e.target.value;
+ switch (val) {
+ case 'main':
+ $UI.layersViewer.elt.style.display = 'flex';
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.elt.style.display = 'none';
+ break;
+ case 'minor':
+ $UI.layersViewer.elt.style.display = 'none';
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.elt.style.display = 'flex';
+ break;
+ default:
+ // statements_def
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+function createRadios() {
+ const temp = `
+ `;
+ $UI.layCtrlbar.innerHTML = temp;
+function redirect(url, text = '', sec = 5) {
+ let timer = sec;
+ if (!timer) {
+ window.location.href = url;
+ }
+ setInterval(function() {
+ if (!timer) {
+ window.location.href = url;
+ }
+ if (Loading.instance && Loading.instance.parentNode) {
+ Loading.text.textContent = `${text} ${timer}s.`;
+ } else {
+ Loading.open(document.body, `${text} ${timer}s.`);
+ }
+ // Hint Message for clients that page is going to redirect to Flex table in 5s
+ timer--;
+ }, 1000);
+function updateSlideView() {
+ if (!confirm(`Do you want to mark this slide as reviewed?`)) return;
+ Loading.open(document.body, 'changing review status ...');
+ $CAMIC.store.updateSlideReview($D.params.slideId, 'true').then(function(e) {
+ if (e.status==200) {
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('review').style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ }).finally(function() {
+ Loading.close();
+ });
+function addHumanLayerItems() {
+ const mainViewerItems = {
+ 'other': {
+ item: {
+ id: 'other',
+ name: 'other',
+ },
+ items: [],
+ },
+ };
+ $D.humanlayers.reduce((items, d)=> {
+ const isShow =
+ $D.params.states &&
+ $D.params.states.l &&
+ $D.params.states.l.includes(d.id) ?
+ true:
+ false;
+ if (d.label&&d.label.id&&d.label.name) { // preset label
+ const {id, name} = d.label;
+ if (!items[id]) {
+ items[id] = {
+ item: {
+ id: id,
+ name: name,
+ },
+ items: [],
+ };
+ }
+ items[id].items.push({item: d, isShow});
+ } else { // other
+ items['other'].items.push({item: d, isShow});
+ }
+ return items;
+ }, mainViewerItems);
+ $UI.layersViewer.addHumanItems(mainViewerItems);
+ // minor viewer minorViewer
+ const minorViewerItems = {
+ 'other': {
+ item: {
+ id: 'other',
+ name: 'other',
+ },
+ items: [],
+ },
+ };
+ $D.humanlayers.reduce((items, d)=> {
+ const isShow =
+ $D.params.states &&
+ $D.params.states.l &&
+ $D.params.states.l.includes(d.id) ?
+ true:
+ false;
+ if (d.label&&d.label.id&&d.label.name) {
+ }
+ if (d.label&&d.label.id&&d.label.name) { // preset label
+ const {id, name} = d.label;
+ if (!items[id]) {
+ items[id] = {
+ item: {
+ id: id,
+ name: name,
+ },
+ items: [],
+ };
+ }
+ items[id].items.push({item: d, isShow});
+ } else { // other
+ items['other'].items.push({item: d, isShow});
+ }
+ return items;
+ }, minorViewerItems);
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.addHumanItems(minorViewerItems);
+function openLoadStatus(text) {
+ const txt = $UI.loadStatus.querySelector('.text');
+ txt.textContent = `Loading ${text}`;
+ $UI.loadStatus.style.display = null;
+function closeLoadStatus() {
+ $UI.loadStatus.style.display = 'none';
+function addRulerLayerItems(data) {
+ const mainViewerData = $D.rulerlayers.map((d) => {
+ return {item: d, isShow: false};
+ });
+ // create monir layer viewer items
+ const minorViewerData = $D.rulerlayers.map((d) => {
+ return {item: d, isShow: false};
+ });
+ $UI.layersViewer.addItems(mainViewerData, 'ruler');
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.addItems(minorViewerData, 'ruler');
+function addComputerLayerItems(data) {
+ const mainViewerData = $D.computerlayers.map((d) => {
+ return {item: d, isShow: false};
+ });
+ // create monir layer viewer items
+ const minorViewerData = $D.computerlayers.map((d) => {
+ return {item: d, isShow: false};
+ });
+ $UI.layersViewer.addItems(mainViewerData, 'segmentation');
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.addItems(minorViewerData, 'segmentation');
+function addHeatmapLayerItems(data) {
+ const mainViewerData = $D.heatmaplayers.map((d) => {
+ return {item: d, isShow: false};
+ });
+ // create monir layer viewer items
+ const minorViewerData = $D.heatmaplayers.map((d) => {
+ return {item: d, isShow: false};
+ });
+ $UI.layersViewer.addItems(mainViewerData, 'heatmap');
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.addItems(minorViewerData, 'heatmap');
+// const mainViewerData = $D.overlayers.map((d) => {
+// const isShow =
+// $D.params.states &&
+// $D.params.states.l &&
+// $D.params.states.l.includes(d.id) ?
+// true :
+// false;
+// return {item: d, isShow: isShow};
+// });
+// TODO move to add layers
+// create monir layer viewer items
+// const minorViewerData = $D.overlayers.map((d) => {
+// return {item: d, isShow: false};
+// });
diff --git a/apps/freeview/tut.js b/apps/freeview/tut.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e135ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/freeview/tut.js
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+var tour = new Tour({
+ name: 'Tour',
+ steps: [{
+ element: 'label[title=\'Applications\']',
+ title: 'Annotations',
+ content: 'Opens the Annotation panel,'+
+ ' where you can select which annotation set to view,'+
+ ' name that annotation set, add optional notes about'+
+ ' the annotation set, save the annotation set, and reset the panel to its original state.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'label[title=\'Layers\']',
+ title: 'Layer Manager',
+ content: 'Opens the Layers Manager panel,'+
+ ' where you can select which layers to view.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Home\']',
+ title: 'Home',
+ content: 'Return to the data table so that'+
+ ' you can open another slide.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'label[title=\'Draw\']',
+ title: 'Draw',
+ content: 'Draw thin lines, thick lines, or polygons on the image.'+
+ ' Annotations can also be computer aided using the Smart-pen tool. Draw them, stretch them, remove them.'+
+ ' To maintain the integrity of measurements, avoid drawing shapes that overlap or intersect one another.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'label[title=\'Magnifier\']',
+ title: 'Magnifier',
+ content: 'The Magnifier works like a magnifying glass and allows'+
+ ' you to see the slide at normal magnification (1.0), low magnification (0.5),'+
+ ' or high magnification (2.0). Click a magnification level and place the'+
+ ' bounding box on the area of the slide you want to magnify.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'label[title=\'Measurement\']',
+ title: 'Measurement',
+ content: 'Drag this tool on the slide to learn the measurement in micrometers.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Share View\']',
+ title: 'Share View',
+ content: 'Opens a window with a URL to the current presentation state of the'+
+ ' slide including the magnification level, layers that are currently open, and your position on the image.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'label[title=\'Side By Side Viewer\']',
+ title: 'Side By Side Viewer',
+ content: 'Shows the Layer Manager panel, the left and right'+
+ ' layers, and inset window. For the right and left layer, select which layer you want to view.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Heat Map\']',
+ title: 'Heat Map',
+ content: 'For a slide with heatmap data, opens the choices of heatmaps available,'+
+ ' as well as ways of displaying the heatmaps.'+
+ ' The gradient shows all of the values on the selected spectrum for the field you selected.'+
+ ' Contains a heatmap edit pen function.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Labeling\']',
+ title: 'Labeling',
+ content: 'Use this tool to draw a circle or rectangle around a tumor region,'+
+ ' measure an area on the slide, and download labels.'+
+ ' The Labeling tool has its own toolbar with tools in the following order from left to right:'+
+ ' return to the previous slide, place a square on the slide, place a circle on the slide,'+
+ ' measure an area, and download labels.'+
+ ' Click the left arrow at the far right of the toolbar to hide it,'+
+ ' then click the right arrow to show it.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Segment\']',
+ title: 'Segment',
+ content: 'This tool allows you to display, count, and export nuclear segmentations on the image.'+
+ ' Clicking this tool opens the following custom toolbar.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Predict\']',
+ title: 'Model',
+ content: 'Show results from a pre-trained tensorflow compatible model on a ROI of the slide.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Download Slide\']',
+ title: 'Download Slide',
+ content:
+ 'Download the slide image to your system',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Slide Capture\']',
+ title: 'Slide Capture',
+ content: 'Take Screenshot of the slide.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ },
+ {
+ element: 'i[title=\'Tutorial\']',
+ title: 'Tutorial',
+ content: 'Click here to start viewer Tour.',
+ placement: 'auto bottom',
+ smartPlacement: true,
+ }],
+ template: ''+
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ backdrop: true,
+ // resets tour always to resume always from the beginning
+ onEnd: function reset() {
+ window.localStorage.setItem('Tour_current_step', 0);
+ },
diff --git a/apps/freeview/uicallbacks.js b/apps/freeview/uicallbacks.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27e29633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/freeview/uicallbacks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2500 @@
+UI and Core callback and hook
+all functions help the UI and Core part together that makes workflows.
+// UI callback functions list
+ * Toggles side-by-side viewer
+ * @param {Object} opt
+ */
+function toggleViewerMode(opt) {
+ if (opt.checked) {
+ // turn off preset label
+ toolsOff();
+ // turn off magnifier
+ // magnifierOff();
+ // turn off measurement
+ // measurementOff();
+ // open layers menu
+ $UI.toolbar._mainTools[1].querySelector(
+ 'input[type=checkbox]',
+ ).checked = true;
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.open();
+ // close apps menu
+ $UI.toolbar._mainTools[0].querySelector(
+ 'input[type=checkbox]',
+ ).checked = false;
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ openMinorControlPanel();
+ openSecondaryViewer();
+ } else {
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.close();
+ closeMinorControlPanel();
+ closeSecondaryViewer();
+ }
+ * Finds the slide for minor-viewer in side-by-side viewer
+ * @param {Object} size object with height and width
+ */
+function multSelectorAction(size) {
+ // hidden main viewer's bottom right control and get navigator
+ $CAMIC.viewer.controls.bottomright.style.display = 'none';
+ $UI.lockerPanel.style.display = '';
+ $UI.lockerPanel.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked = true;
+ isLock = true;
+ // open new instance camic
+ try {
+ const slideQuery = {};
+ slideQuery.id = $D.params.slideId;
+ slideQuery.name = $D.params.slide;
+ slideQuery.location = $D.params.location;
+ $minorCAMIC = new CaMic('minor_viewer', slideQuery, {
+ // osd options
+ // mouseNavEnabled:false,
+ // panVertical:false,
+ // panHorizontal:false,
+ // showNavigator:false,
+ // customized options
+ // hasZoomControl:false,
+ hasDrawLayer: false,
+ addRulerCallback: onAddRuler,
+ deleteRulerCallback: onDeleteRuler,
+ // hasLayerManager:false,
+ // hasScalebar:false,
+ // states options
+ navigatorHeight: size.height,
+ navigatorWidth: size.width,
+ states: {
+ x: $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getCenter().x,
+ y:
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getCenter().y *
+ $CAMIC.viewer.imagingHelper.imgAspectRatio,
+ z: $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getZoom(),
+ },
+ });
+ // synchornic zoom and move
+ // coordinated Viewer - zoom
+ $CAMIC.viewer.addHandler('zoom', synchornicView1, {type: 'zoom'});
+ // coordinated Viewer - pan
+ $CAMIC.viewer.addHandler('pan', synchornicView1, {type: 'pan'});
+ // loading image
+ $minorCAMIC.loadImg(function(e) {
+ // image loaded
+ if (e.hasError) {
+ $UI.message.addError(e.message);
+ }
+ });
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.addOnceHandler('tile-drawing', function() {
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.addHandler('zoom', synchornicView2, {type: 'zoom'});
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.addHandler('pan', synchornicView2, {type: 'pan'});
+ // create segment display
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.createSegment({
+ store: $minorCAMIC.store,
+ slide: $D.params.data.name,
+ data: [],
+ });
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ Loading.close();
+ console.error(error);
+ $UI.message.addError('Core Initialization Failed');
+ return;
+ }
+var active1 = false;
+var active2 = false;
+var isLock = true;
+function synchornicView1(data) {
+ if (active2) return;
+ active1 = true;
+ switch (data.userData.type) {
+ case 'zoom':
+ if (isLock) {
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.zoomTo(data.zoom, data.refPoint);
+ } else {
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.panTo(
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getCenter(true),
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'pan':
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.panTo(data.center);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.zoomTo($CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getZoom());
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.panTo($CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getCenter());
+ break;
+ }
+ active1 = false;
+function synchornicView2(data) {
+ if (active1) return;
+ active2 = true;
+ switch (data.userData.type) {
+ case 'zoom':
+ if (isLock) {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.zoomTo(data.zoom, data.refPoint);
+ } else {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.panTo(
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.getCenter(true),
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'pan':
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.panTo(data.center);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.zoomTo($minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.getZoom());
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.panTo($minorCAMIC.viewer.viewport.getCenter());
+ break;
+ }
+ active2 = false;
+ * Opens the side-by-side secondary viewer
+ */
+function openSecondaryViewer() {
+ // ui changed
+ const main = document.getElementById('main_viewer');
+ const minor = document.getElementById('minor_viewer');
+ main.classList.remove('main');
+ main.classList.add('left');
+ minor.classList.remove('none');
+ // minor.classList.add('display');
+ minor.classList.add('right');
+ const navSize = {
+ height: $CAMIC.viewer.controls.bottomright.querySelector('.navigator').style
+ .height,
+ width: $CAMIC.viewer.controls.bottomright.querySelector('.navigator').style
+ .width,
+ };
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ multSelectorAction(navSize);
+ }, 100);
+ * Closes the side-by-side secondary viewer
+ */
+function closeSecondaryViewer() {
+ // ui changed
+ const main = document.getElementById('main_viewer');
+ const minor = document.getElementById('minor_viewer');
+ main.classList.add('main');
+ main.classList.remove('left');
+ minor.classList.add('none');
+ minor.classList.remove('right');
+ $CAMIC.viewer.controls.bottomright.style.display = '';
+ $UI.lockerPanel.style.display = 'none';
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('sbsviewer');
+ li.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]').checked = false;
+ Loading.close();
+ // destory
+ if ($minorCAMIC) {
+ // remove handler
+ $CAMIC.viewer.removeHandler('zoom', synchornicView1);
+ $CAMIC.viewer.removeHandler('pan', synchornicView1);
+ // destroy object
+ $minorCAMIC.destroy();
+ $minorCAMIC = null;
+ }
+ // hide on layersViewer TODO
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.toggleAllItems();
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.setting.data.forEach((d) => delete d.layer);
+ * side menu toggle callback, called from layerManager and annotation side menu
+ * @param {Object} opt
+ */
+function toggleSideMenu(opt) {
+ if (!opt.isOpen) {
+ const id = opt.target.id.split('_')[1];
+ $UI.toolbar.changeMainToolStatus(id, false);
+ }
+ * side menu toggle callback, called from layerManager and annotation side menu
+ * @param {Object} opt
+ */
+ * Home callback for redirecting to table page
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+function goHome(data) {
+ redirect($D.pages.home, `GO Home Page`, 0);
+// --- Annotation Tool ---//
+// pen draw callback
+const label = document.createElement('div');
+label.style.transformOrigin = 'center';
+label.style.height = 0;
+label.style.width = 0;
+function draw(e) {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance) {
+ alert('Draw Doesn\'t Initialize');
+ return;
+ }
+ const state = +e.state;
+ const canvasDraw = $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance;
+ const target = this.srcElement || this.target || this.eventSource.canvas;
+ if (state) {
+ // on
+ // off magnifier
+ // magnifierOff();
+ // off measurement
+ // measurementOff();
+ // turn off annotaiton
+ if (state==1) {
+ // show pop-up message to user
+ $UI.message.add('infoFor More Options, Right Click Anywhere On The Image', 4000);
+ }
+ if ($CAMIC.status == 'normal') {
+ annotationOn.call(this, state, target);
+ return;
+ }
+ toolsOff();
+ var checkAllToolsOff = setInterval(
+ function() {
+ if ($CAMIC && $CAMIC.status == null) {
+ // all tool has turn off
+ clearInterval(checkAllToolsOff);
+ annotationOn.call(this, state, target);
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ 100,
+ );
+ } else {
+ // off
+ annotationOff();
+ }
+ * utility function for switching off given tool
+ */
+function toolsOff() {
+ switch ($CAMIC.status) {
+ case 'magnifier':
+ magnifierOff();
+ break;
+ case 'measure':
+ measurementOff();
+ break;
+ case 'normal':
+ annotationOff();
+ break;
+ case 'label':
+ presetLabelOff();
+ break;
+ }
+function annotationOn(state, target) {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance) return;
+ const canvasDraw = $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance;
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('annotation');
+ const {style, model} = $CAMIC.drawContextmenu.getStyle();
+ canvasDraw.drawMode = model;
+ canvasDraw.style.color = style.color;
+ li.appendChild(label);
+ switch (state) {
+ case 1:
+ spen.menu(65, 0.2);
+ spen.undo.onclick=()=>canvasDraw.__align_undo();
+ // open menu
+ $UI.annotOptPanel._action_.style.display = '';
+ label.style.transform = 'translateY(-12px) translateX(18px)';
+ label.textContent = '1';
+ label.style.color = '';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $UI.annotOptPanel._action_.style.display = '';
+ label.style.transform =
+ ' rotate(-90deg) translateX(2px) translateY(13px)';
+ label.textContent = '8';
+ label.style.color = 'white';
+ break;
+ default:
+ // statements_def
+ break;
+ }
+ canvasDraw.drawOn();
+ $CAMIC.drawContextmenu.on();
+ $CAMIC.drawContextmenu.open({
+ x: this.clientX,
+ y: this.clientY,
+ target: target,
+ });
+ $CAMIC.status = 'normal';
+ // close layers menu
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.close();
+ // open annotation menu
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.open();
+ // -- START QUIP550 -- //
+ // $UI.appsList.triggerContent('annotation','open');
+ // -- END QUIP550 -- //
+ const input = $UI.annotOptPanel._form_.querySelector('#name');
+ input.focus();
+ input.select();
+function annotationOff() {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance) return;
+ const canvasDraw = $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance;
+ if (
+ canvasDraw._draws_data_.length &&
+ confirm(`Do You Want To Save Annotation Before You Leave?`)
+ ) {
+ saveAnnotation();
+ } else {
+ spen.close();
+ // close menu
+ canvasDraw.clear();
+ canvasDraw.drawOff();
+ $CAMIC.drawContextmenu.off();
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ toggleOffDrawBtns();
+ $CAMIC.status = null;
+ }
+function toggleOffDrawBtns() {
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('annotation');
+ const lab = li.querySelector('label');
+ const state = +lab.dataset.state;
+ lab.classList.remove(`s${state}`);
+ lab.dataset.state = 0;
+ lab.classList.add(`s0`);
+ if (label.parentNode) li.removeChild(label);
+function brushOn(d) {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance) return;
+ const bctrl = document.getElementById('bctrl');
+ bctrl.style.display = 'block';
+ const canvasDraw = $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance;
+ canvasDraw.drawMode = d.mode;
+ canvasDraw.size = [parseInt(d.size), parseInt(d.size)];
+ canvasDraw.style.color = d.color;
+ canvasDraw.brushType = d.type;
+ canvasDraw.drawOn();
+ $CAMIC.status = 'brush';
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('brush').querySelector('label').style.color = d.color;
+ // //close layers menu
+ // $UI.layersSideMenu.close();
+// --- Measurement Tool ---//
+ * Callback measurement tool to toggle measurement tool
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+function toggleMeasurement(data) {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance) {
+ console.warn('No Measurement Tool');
+ return;
+ }
+ // $UI.message.add(`Measument Tool ${data.checked?'ON':'OFF'}`);
+ if (data.checked) {
+ // trun off the main menu
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.close();
+ if ($CAMIC.status == 'measure') {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance.mode = data.status;
+ measurementOn();
+ return;
+ }
+ // turn off annotation
+ toolsOff();
+ var checkAllToolsOff = setInterval(function() {
+ if ($CAMIC && $CAMIC.status == null) {
+ // all tool has turn off
+ clearInterval(checkAllToolsOff);
+ $CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance.mode = data.status;
+ measurementOn();
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ // turn off magnifier
+ // magnifierOff();
+ } else {
+ measurementOff();
+ }
+ * switches measuring tool on, called from toggleMeasurement
+ */
+function measurementOn() {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance) return;
+ $CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance.on();
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('measurement');
+ li.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked = true;
+ const value = li.querySelector('.drop_down input[type=radio]:checked').value;
+ if (value=='straight') {
+ li.querySelector('label').textContent = 'straighten';
+ } else if (value=='coordinate') {
+ li.querySelector('label').textContent = 'square_foot';
+ }
+ $CAMIC.status = 'measure';
+ * switches measuring tool off, called from toggleMeasurement
+ */
+function measurementOff() {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance) return;
+ $CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance.off();
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('measurement');
+ li.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked = false;
+ $CAMIC.status = null;
+// --- Magnifier tool ---//
+ * Callback magnifier tool to toggle measurement tool
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+function toggleMagnifier(data) {
+ if (data.checked) {
+ if ($CAMIC.status == 'magnifier') {
+ // all tool has turn off
+ clearInterval(checkAllToolsOff);
+ magnifierOn(+data.status, this.clientX, this.clientY);
+ // turn off the main menu
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.close();
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // annotation off
+ toolsOff();
+ var checkAllToolsOff = setInterval(
+ function() {
+ if ($CAMIC && $CAMIC.status == null) {
+ // all tool has turn off
+ clearInterval(checkAllToolsOff);
+ magnifierOn(+data.status, this.clientX, this.clientY);
+ // trun off the main menu
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.close();
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ 100,
+ );
+ // measurement off
+ // measurementOff();
+ } else {
+ magnifierOff();
+ }
+ * switches magnifier tool on, called from toggleMagnifier
+ */
+function magnifierOn(factor = 1, x = 0, y = 0) {
+ if (!$UI.spyglass) return;
+ $UI.spyglass.factor = factor;
+ $UI.spyglass.open(x, y);
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('magnifier');
+ li.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked = true;
+ $CAMIC.status = 'magnifier';
+ * switches magnifier tool off, called from toggleMagnifier
+ */
+function magnifierOff() {
+ if (!$UI.spyglass) return;
+ $UI.spyglass.close();
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('magnifier');
+ li.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked = false;
+ $CAMIC.status = null;
+// image download
+function imageDownload() {
+ var downloadURL = '../../loader/getSlide/';
+ var store = new Store('../../data/');
+ var id=$D.params.slideId;
+ var fileName = '';
+ store
+ .getSlide(id)
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response[0]) {
+ return response[0]['location'];
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Slide not found');
+ }
+ })
+ .then((location) => {
+ fileName = location.substring(
+ location.lastIndexOf('/') + 1,
+ location.length,
+ );
+ return fileName;
+ })
+ .then((fileName) => {
+ fetch(downloadURL + fileName, {
+ credentials: 'same-origin',
+ method: 'GET',
+ })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.status == 404) {
+ throw response;
+ } else {
+ return response.blob();
+ }
+ })
+ .then((blob) => {
+ var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
+ var a = document.createElement('a');
+ a.href = url;
+ a.download = fileName;
+ document.body.appendChild(a);
+ a.click();
+ a.remove(); // afterwards we remove the element again
+ window.URL.revokeObjectURL(blob);
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ alert('Error! Can\'t download file.');
+ });
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ * share url callback
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+function shareURL(data) {
+ const URL = StatesHelper.getCurrentStatesURL(true);
+ window.prompt('Share this link', URL);
+ * main menu changed callback, toggles Layer Manager side app
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+function mainMenuChange(data) {
+ if (data.apps) {
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.open();
+ } else {
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ }
+ if (data.layers) {
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.open();
+ } else {
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.close();
+ }
+ if (data.labels) {
+ $UI.labelsSideMenu.open();
+ } else {
+ presetLabelOff();
+ }
+function convertHumanAnnotationToPopupBody(notes) {
+ const rs = {type: 'map', data: []};
+ for (let field in notes) {
+ if (notes.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
+ const val = notes[field];
+ field = field
+ .split('_')
+ .map((word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1))
+ .join(' ');
+ rs.data.push({key: field, value: val});
+ }
+ }
+ return rs;
+ * Deletes the annotation with given data
+ * called from removeCallback
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+function annoDelete(data, parentType) {
+ if (!data.id) return;
+ const annotationData = $D.humanlayers.find(
+ (d) => d.data && d.data._id.$oid == data.oid,
+ );
+ let message;
+ if (annotationData.data.geometries) {
+ message = `Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Annotation {ID:${data.id}} With ${annotationData.data.geometries.features.length} Mark(s)?`;
+ } else {
+ message = `Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Markup {ID:${data.id}}?`;
+ }
+ $UI.annotPopup.close();
+ if (!confirm(message)) return;
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .deleteMark(data.oid, $D.params.data.slide)
+ .then((datas) => {
+ // server error
+ if (datas.error) {
+ const errorMessage = `${datas.text}: ${datas.url}`;
+ $UI.message.addError(errorMessage, 4000);
+ // close
+ return;
+ }
+ // no data found
+ if (!datas.deletedCount || datas.deletedCount < 1) {
+ $UI.message.addWarning(`Delete Annotations Failed.`, 4000);
+ return;
+ }
+ const index = $D.humanlayers.findIndex((layer) => layer.id == data.id);
+ if (index == -1) return;
+ data.index = index;
+ const layer = $D.humanlayers[data.index];
+ // update UI
+ if (Array.isArray(layer.data)) deleteCallbackOld(data, parentType);
+ else deleteCallback(data, parentType);
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ $UI.message.addError(e);
+ console.error(e);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ console.log('delete end');
+ });
+ * Callback for deleting annotation
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+function deleteCallback(data, parentType) {
+ // remove overlay
+ $D.humanlayers.splice(data.index, 1);
+ // update layer manager
+ $UI.layersViewer.removeItemById(data.id, 'human', parentType);
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.removeItemById(data.id, 'human', parentType);
+ $CAMIC.viewer.omanager.removeOverlay(data.id);
+ if ($minorCAMIC && $minorCAMIC.viewer) {
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.omanager.removeOverlay(data.id);
+ }
+ // update layers Viewer
+ // $UI.layersViewer.update();
+ // close popup panel
+ $UI.annotPopup.close();
+// for support QUIP2.0 Data model - delete callback
+function deleteCallbackOld(data, parentType) {
+ const layer = $D.humanlayers[data.index];
+ // for support QUIP2.0
+ const idx = layer.data.findIndex((d) => d._id.$oid === data.oid);
+ if (idx == -1) return;
+ layer.data.splice(idx, 1);
+ // update layer manager
+ $UI.layersViewer.removeItemById(data.id, 'human', parentType);
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.removeItemById(data.id, 'human', parentType);
+ // delete entire layer if there is no data.
+ if (layer.data.length == 0) {
+ $D.humanlayers.splice(data.index, 1);
+ $CAMIC.viewer.omanager.removeOverlay(data.id);
+ if ($minorCAMIC && $minorCAMIC.viewer) {
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.omanager.removeOverlay(data.id);
+ }
+ }
+ $CAMIC.viewer.omanager.updateView();
+ // update layers Viewer
+ // $UI.layersViewer.update();
+ // close popup panel
+ $UI.annotPopup.close();
+function sortChange(sort) {
+ $CAMIC.layersManager.sort(sort);
+function resetCallback(data) {
+ if ($CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance._path_index === 0) return;
+ if (confirm(`Do You Want To Clear Markups?`)) {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.clear();
+ }
+function convertToNormalized(points, size, viewer) {
+ const height = Math.round(viewer.imagingHelper.imgHeight);
+ const width = Math.round(viewer.imagingHelper.imgWidth);
+ // convert
+ const normalizedPoints = points.map((p) => [p[0] / width, p[1] / height]);
+ const normalizedSize = [size[0] / width, size[0] / height];
+ return {
+ points: normalizedPoints,
+ bound: getBounds(normalizedPoints),
+ size: normalizedSize,
+ };
+function convertGeometries(features, data) {
+ const {points, bound, size} = convertToNormalized(
+ features,
+ data.size,
+ $CAMIC.viewer,
+ );
+ return {
+ type: 'FeatureCollection',
+ features: [
+ {
+ type: 'Feature',
+ properties: {
+ style: {
+ color: data.color,
+ lineJoin: 'round',
+ lineCap: 'round',
+ isFill: true,
+ },
+ size: size,
+ },
+ geometry: {
+ type: 'LineString',
+ coordinates: [points],
+ },
+ bound: {
+ type: 'Polygon',
+ coordinates: [bound],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ * Callback for saving annotations
+ * called from saveAnnotation
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+function annoCallback(data) {
+ spen.close();
+ // is form ok?
+ const noteData = $UI.annotOptPanel._form_.value;
+ if ($UI.annotOptPanel._action_.disabled || noteData.name == '') {
+ // close layer silde
+ $UI.toolbar._mainTools[1].querySelector('[type=checkbox]').checked = false;
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.close();
+ // open app silde
+ $UI.toolbar._mainTools[0].querySelector('[type=checkbox]').checked = true;
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.open();
+ // open annotation list
+ // -- START QUIP550 -- //
+ // $UI.appsList.triggerContent('annotation','open');
+ // -- END QUIP550 -- //
+ return;
+ }
+ // has Path?
+ if ($CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance._path_index === 0) {
+ // toast
+ $UI.message.addWarning('info No Markup On Annotation. Try Holding And Dragging.');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add new lines to notes to prevent overflow
+ let str = noteData.notes || '';
+ var resultString = '';
+ while (typeof str==='string' && str.length > 0) {
+ resultString += str.substring(0, 36) + '\n';
+ str = str.substring(36);
+ }
+ noteData.notes = resultString;
+ // save
+ // provenance
+ Loading.open($UI.annotOptPanel.elt, 'Saving Annotation...');
+ const execId = randomId();
+ const annotJson = {
+ creator: getUserId(),
+ created_date: new Date(),
+ provenance: {
+ image: {
+ slide: $D.params.slideId,
+ },
+ analysis: {
+ source: 'human',
+ execution_id: execId,
+ name: noteData.name,
+ },
+ },
+ properties: {
+ annotations: noteData,
+ },
+ geometries: ImageFeaturesToVieweportFeatures(
+ $CAMIC.viewer,
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.getImageFeatureCollection(),
+ ),
+ };
+ // save annotation
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .addMark(annotJson)
+ .then((data) => {
+ // server error
+ if (data.error) {
+ $UI.message.addError(`${data.text}:${data.url}`);
+ Loading.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // no data added
+ if (data.count < 1) {
+ Loading.close();
+ $UI.message.addWarning(`Annotation Save Failed`);
+ return;
+ }
+ // create layer data
+ const newItem = {
+ id: execId,
+ name: noteData.name,
+ typeId: 'human',
+ typeName: 'human',
+ creator: getUserId(),
+ shape: annotJson.geometries.features[0].geometry.type,
+ data: null,
+ };
+ $D.humanlayers.push(newItem);
+ $UI.layersViewer.addHumanItem(newItem, 'human', 'other');
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.addHumanItem(
+ newItem,
+ 'human',
+ 'other',
+ $minorCAMIC && $minorCAMIC.viewer ? true : false,
+ );
+ // data for UI
+ // return;
+ loadAnnotationById(
+ $UI.layersViewer.getDataItemById(execId, 'human', 'other'),
+ 'other',
+ saveAnnotCallback,
+ );
+ if ($minorCAMIC && $minorCAMIC.viewer) {
+ loadAnnotationById(
+ $minorCAMIC,
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.getDataItemById(execId, 'human', 'other'),
+ 'other',
+ null,
+ );
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ Loading.close();
+ console.log('save failed', e);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {});
+function saveAnnotCallback() {
+ /* reset as default */
+ // clear draw data and UI
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.drawOff();
+ $CAMIC.drawContextmenu.off();
+ toggleOffDrawBtns();
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.clear();
+ // uncheck pen draw icon and checkbox
+ // $UI.toolbar._subTools[1].querySelector('[type=checkbox]').checked = false;
+ // clear form
+ $UI.annotOptPanel.clear();
+ // close app side
+ $UI.toolbar._mainTools[0].querySelector('[type=checkbox]').checked = false;
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ // -- START QUIP550 -- //
+ // $UI.appsList.triggerContent('annotation','close');
+ // -- END QUIP550 -- //
+ // open layer side
+ $UI.toolbar._mainTools[1].querySelector('[type=checkbox]').checked = true;
+ $UI.layersSideMenu.open();
+ // $UI.layersViewer.update();
+ $CAMIC.status = null;
+function algoCallback(data) {
+ console.log(data);
+ * overlayer manager callback function for show or hide
+ * @param {Object} data
+ */
+const heatmapDefaultColor = '#1034a6';
+async function callback(data) {
+ const viewerName = this.toString();
+ let camic = null;
+ switch (viewerName) {
+ case 'main':
+ camic = $CAMIC;
+ break;
+ case 'minor':
+ camic = $minorCAMIC;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // console.log(data)
+ // return;
+ data.forEach(function(d) {
+ const item = d.item;
+ if (item.typeName == 'ruler') {
+ if (!item.data) {
+ loadRulerById(camic, d, null);
+ } else {
+ if (!d.layer) {
+ const [xmin, ymin] = item.data.geometries.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][0];
+ const [xmax, ymax] = item.data.geometries.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][2];
+ // create lay and update view
+ d.layer = camic.viewer.measureInstance.addRuler({
+ id: item.id,
+ mode: item.data.properties.mode,
+ rect: {
+ x: xmin,
+ y: ymin,
+ width: xmax-xmin,
+ height: ymax-ymin,
+ },
+ innerHTML: item.data.properties.innerHTML,
+ isShow: d.isShow,
+ });
+ }
+ if (d.isShow) d.layer.element.style.display ='';
+ else d.layer.element.style.display ='none';
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (item.typeName == 'segmentation') {
+ if (d.isShow) {
+ // add
+ camic.viewer.segment.addSegmentId(item.id);
+ } else {
+ // remove
+ camic.viewer.segment.removeSegmentId(item.id);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (item.typeName == 'heatmap') {
+ if (
+ $D.heatMapData &&
+ $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.execution_id == item.id &&
+ camic.viewer.heatmap
+ ) {
+ // show or hide heatmap
+ if (d.isShow) {
+ camic.viewer.heatmap.on();
+ } else {
+ camic.viewer.heatmap.off();
+ }
+ } else if (
+ $D.heatMapData &&
+ $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.execution_id == item.id
+ ) {
+ const opt = {
+ opacity: 0.65, // inputs[2].value,
+ coverOpacity: 0.001,
+ data: $D.heatMapData.data,
+ // editedData:$D.editedDataClusters,
+ mode: 'binal',
+ size: $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.size,
+ fields: $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.fields,
+ color: heatmapDefaultColor, // inputs[3].value
+ };
+ if ($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting) {
+ opt.mode = $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.mode;
+ if ($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.field) {
+ opt.currentFieldName =
+ $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.field;
+ }
+ }
+ camic.viewer.createHeatmap(opt);
+ if ($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting &&
+ $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.mode=='binal') {
+ camic.viewer.heatmap.setColor($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.colors[0]);
+ }
+ if ($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting &&
+ $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.mode=='gradient') {
+ camic.viewer.heatmap.setColors($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.colors);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Loading.open(document.body, 'Loading Heatmap Data...');
+ // load heatmap
+ camic.store
+ .getHeatmap($D.params.slideId, item.id)
+ .then(function(data) {
+ if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length > 0) {
+ $D.heatMapData = data[0];
+ const opt = {
+ opacity: 0.65, // inputs[2].value,
+ coverOpacity: 0.001,
+ data: $D.heatMapData.data,
+ mode: 'binal',
+ // editedData:$D.editedDataClusters,
+ size: $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.size,
+ fields: $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.fields,
+ color: heatmapDefaultColor, // inputs[3].value
+ };
+ if ($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting) {
+ opt.mode = $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.mode;
+ if ($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.field) {
+ opt.currentFieldName =
+ $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.field;
+ }
+ }
+ camic.viewer.createHeatmap(opt);
+ if ($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting &&
+ $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.mode=='binal') {
+ camic.viewer.heatmap.setColor($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.colors[0]);
+ }
+ if ($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting &&
+ $D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.mode=='gradient') {
+ camic.viewer.heatmap.setColors($D.heatMapData.provenance.analysis.setting.colors);
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(function(error) {
+ // heatmap schema
+ console.error(error);
+ })
+ .finally(function() {
+ Loading.close();
+ if (!$D.heatMapData) {
+ $UI.message.addError('Loading Heatmap Data Is Error');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // rest other check box
+ const cates =
+ viewerName == 'main' ?
+ $UI.layersViewer.setting.categoricalData :
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.setting.categoricalData;
+ if (d.isShow) {
+ for (const key in cates) {
+ if (cates.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ cate = cates[key];
+ if (cate.item.name == 'heatmap') {
+ cate.items.forEach((i) => {
+ if (d !== i && i.isShow) {
+ i.elt.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked = false;
+ i.isShow = false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!item.data) {
+ // load annotation layer data
+ loadAnnotationById(camic, d, null);
+ } else {
+ if (!d.layer) d.layer = camic.viewer.omanager.addOverlay(item);
+ // remove popup if segment is hidden
+ if ($UI.annotPopup.data && !d.isShow && $UI.annotPopup.data.id===d.item.id) $UI.annotPopup.close();
+ d.layer.isShow = d.isShow;
+ camic.viewer.omanager.updateView();
+ }
+ });
+function minorCallback(data) {
+ console.log(data);
+function openMinorControlPanel() {
+ $UI.layersList.displayContent('left', true, 'head');
+ $UI.layersList.triggerContent('left', 'close');
+ $UI.layersList.displayContent('right', true);
+ $UI.layersList.triggerContent('right', 'open');
+function closeMinorControlPanel() {
+ $UI.layersList.displayContent('left', false, 'head');
+ $UI.layersList.triggerContent('left', 'open');
+ $UI.layersList.displayContent('right', false);
+ $UI.layersList.triggerContent('right', 'close');
+function loadRulerById(camic, rulerData, callback) {
+ const {item, elt} = rulerData;
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .getMarkByIds([item.id], $D.params.slideId, null, item.typeId)
+ .then((data) => {
+ // response error
+ if (data.error) {
+ const errorMessage = `${data.text}: ${data.url}`;
+ console.error(errorMessage);
+ $UI.message.addError(errorMessage, 4000);
+ // delete item form layview
+ removeElement($D.rulerlayers, item.id);
+ $UI.layersViewer.removeItemById(item.id, 'ruler');
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.removeItemById(item.id, 'ruler');
+ return;
+ }
+ // no data found
+ // if(data.length < 1){
+ if (!data[0]) {
+ console.warn(`Ruler: ${item.name}(${item.id}) doesn't exist.`);
+ $UI.message.addWarning(
+ `Ruler: ${item.name}(${item.id}) doesn't exist.`,
+ 4000,
+ );
+ // delete item form layview
+ removeElement($D.rulerlayers, item.id);
+ $UI.layersViewer.removeItemById(item.id, 'ruler');
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.removeItemById(item.id, 'ruler');
+ return;
+ }
+ item.data = data[0];
+ if (data[0].provenance&&
+ data[0].provenance.analysis&&
+ data[0].provenance.analysis.coordinate&&
+ data[0].provenance.analysis.coordinate == 'image') {
+ data[0].geometries = ImageFeaturesToVieweportFeatures(
+ camic.viewer,
+ data[0].geometries,
+ );
+ }
+ item.data.properties.innerHTML = item.data.properties.innerHTML.split('<').join('<');
+ item.data.properties.innerHTML = item.data.properties.innerHTML.split('>').join('>');
+ item.data.properties.innerHTML = item.data.properties.innerHTML.split(' ').join(' ');
+ let [xmin, ymin] = item.data.geometries.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][0];
+ let [xmax, ymax] = item.data.geometries.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][2];
+ // create lay and update view
+ rulerData.layer = camic.viewer.measureInstance.addRuler({
+ id: item.id,
+ mode: item.data.properties.mode,
+ rect: {
+ x: xmin,
+ y: ymin,
+ width: xmax-xmin,
+ height: ymax-ymin,
+ },
+ innerHTML: item.data.properties.innerHTML,
+ isShow: rulerData.isShow,
+ });
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ console.error(e);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ Loading.close();
+ });
+function loadAnnotationById(camic, layerData, parentType, callback) {
+ layerData.item.loading = true;
+ const item = layerData.item;
+ Loading.open(document.body, 'Loading Layers...');
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .getMarkByIds([item.id], $D.params.slideId, null, item.typeId)
+ .then((data) => {
+ delete item.loading;
+ // response error
+ if (data.error) {
+ const errorMessage = `${data.text}: ${data.url}`;
+ console.error(errorMessage);
+ $UI.message.addError(errorMessage, 4000);
+ // delete item form layview
+ removeElement($D.humanlayers, item.id);
+ $UI.layersViewer.removeItemById(item.id, 'human', parentType);
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.removeItemById(item.id, 'human', parentType);
+ return;
+ }
+ // no data found
+ // if(data.length < 1){
+ if (!data[0]) {
+ console.warn(`Annotation: ${item.name}(${item.id}) doesn't exist.`);
+ $UI.message.addWarning(
+ `Annotation: ${item.name}(${item.id}) doesn't exist.`,
+ 4000,
+ );
+ // delete item form layview
+ removeElement($D.humanlayers, item.id);
+ $UI.layersViewer.removeItemById(item.id, 'human', parentType);
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.removeItemById(item.id, 'human', parentType);
+ return;
+ }
+ // for support quip 2.0 data model
+ if (data[0].geometry) {
+ // twist them
+ var image = camic.viewer.world.getItemAt(0);
+ var imgWidth = image.source.dimensions.x;
+ var imgHeight = image.source.dimensions.y;
+ item.data = data.map((d) => {
+ d.geometry.coordinates[0] = d.geometry.coordinates[0].map((point) => {
+ return [
+ Math.round(point[0] * imgWidth),
+ Math.round(point[1] * imgHeight),
+ ];
+ });
+ d.properties = {};
+ d.properties.style = {
+ color: '#000080',
+ lineCap: 'round',
+ lineJoin: 'round',
+ isFill: false,
+ };
+ return {
+ _id: d._id,
+ provenance: d.provenance,
+ properties: d.properties,
+ geometry: d.geometry,
+ };
+ });
+ // if(item) data[0].isShow = item.isShow;
+ item.render = oldAnnoRender;
+ item.clickable = false;
+ item.hoverable = false;
+ } else {
+ if (data[0].provenance &&
+ data[0].provenance.analysis&&
+ (data[0].provenance.analysis.coordinate == undefined||
+ data[0].provenance.analysis.coordinate == 'normalized')) {
+ data[0].geometries = VieweportFeaturesToImageFeatures(
+ camic.viewer,
+ data[0].geometries,
+ );
+ }
+ if (data[0].provenance.analysis.isGrid) {
+ const width = $CAMIC.viewer.imagingHelper.imgWidth;
+ const height = $CAMIC.viewer.imagingHelper.imgHeight;
+ const feature = data[0].geometries.features[0];
+ const size = feature.properties.size;
+ // const points = feature.geometry.coordinates[0];
+ // const bounds = feature.bound.coordinates[0];
+ feature.properties.size = [
+ Math.round(size[0] * width),
+ Math.round(size[1] * height),
+ ];
+ // feature.geometry.coordinates[0] = points.map(p => [
+ // Math.round(p[0] * width),
+ // Math.round(p[1] * height)
+ // ]);
+ // feature.bound.coordinates[0] = bounds.map(p => [
+ // Math.round(p[0] * width),
+ // Math.round(p[1] * height)
+ // ]);
+ // item.data = data[0];
+ // item.render = annoBrushRender;
+ } else {
+ // data[0].geometries = VieweportFeaturesToImageFeatures(
+ // camic.viewer,
+ // data[0].geometries
+ // );
+ // item.data = data[0];
+ // item.render = annoRender;
+ }
+ item.data = data[0];
+ item.render = annoRender;
+ }
+ // create lay and update view
+ if (layerData.isShow) {
+ layerData.layer = camic.viewer.omanager.addOverlay(item);
+ camic.viewer.omanager.updateView();
+ }
+ if (callback) callback.call(layerData);
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ console.error(e);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ Loading.close();
+ });
+ * Deletes annotation from layer manager view
+ * @param {Object} layerData
+ */
+function removeCallback(layerData, parentType) {
+ item = layerData.item;
+ if (item.typeName == 'ruler') {
+ deleteRulerHandler(item.id);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (item.typeName !== 'human') return;
+ if (!item.data) {
+ // load layer data
+ loadAnnotationById($CAMIC, layerData, parentType, function() {
+ annoDelete({
+ id: layerData.item.id,
+ oid: layerData.item.data._id.$oid,
+ annotation: layerData.item.data.properties.annotation,
+ }, parentType);
+ });
+ } else {
+ annoDelete({
+ id: layerData.item.id,
+ oid: layerData.item.data._id.$oid,
+ annotation: layerData.item.data.properties.annotation,
+ }, parentType);
+ }
+ * Callback for locating annotation on image
+ * @param {Object} layerData
+ */
+function locationCallback(layerData) {
+ let isImageViewer = true;
+ const item = layerData.item;
+ if ((item.typeName !== 'human'&&item.typeName !== 'ruler') || item.data == null) return;
+ if (item.typeName == 'ruler') isImageViewer = false;
+ // loaction annotation 2.0
+ if (Array.isArray(item.data)) {
+ let maxx = 0;
+ let maxy = 0;
+ let minx = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ let miny = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ item.data.forEach((d)=>{
+ d.geometry.coordinates[0].forEach(([x, y])=>{
+ maxx = Math.max(maxx, x);
+ maxy = Math.max(maxy, y);
+ minx = Math.min(minx, x);
+ miny = Math.min(miny, y);
+ });
+ });
+ const bound = [
+ [minx, miny],
+ [maxx, miny],
+ [maxx, maxy],
+ [minx, maxy],
+ [minx, miny],
+ ];
+ locateAnnotation(bound, isImageViewer);
+ return;
+ }
+ // locate annotation 3.0
+ if (item.data.geometries.features[0].geometry.type == 'Point') {
+ const bound = item.data.geometries.features[0].bound.coordinates;
+ const center = $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.imageToViewportCoordinates(
+ bound[0],
+ bound[1],
+ );
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.panTo(center);
+ } else {
+ const bound = [...item.data.geometries.features[0].bound.coordinates[0]];
+ if (item.data.provenance&&item.data.provenance.analysis&&item.data.provenance.analysis.isGrid) {
+ bound[2] = [bound[2][0] +
+ item.data.geometries.features[0].properties.size[0], bound[2][1] +
+ item.data.geometries.features[0].properties.size[1]];
+ }
+ locateAnnotation(bound, isImageViewer);
+ }
+ * Locates annotation on the image
+ * called from locationCallback
+ * @param {Object} bound
+ */
+function locateAnnotation(bound, isImageViewer) {
+ // if(){
+ // }
+ const [minx, miny] = bound[0];
+ const [maxx, maxy] = bound[2];
+ const rectangle = isImageViewer?
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.imageToViewportRectangle(
+ minx,
+ miny,
+ maxx - minx,
+ maxy - miny,
+ ):new OpenSeadragon.Rect(
+ minx,
+ miny,
+ maxx - minx,
+ maxy - miny,
+ );
+ const center = rectangle.getCenter();
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.fitBounds(rectangle);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ const max = $CAMIC.viewer.cazoomctrlInstance.getMaxImageZoom($CAMIC.viewer);
+ const current = $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.viewportToImageZoom(
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.getZoom(),
+ );
+ if (current > max) {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.zoomTo(
+ $CAMIC.viewer.viewport.imageToViewportZoom(max),
+ center,
+ );
+ }
+ }, 50);
+ collapsible list
+ 1. Annotation
+ 2. Analytics
+function getCurrentItem(data) {
+ console.log(data);
+// some fake events callback for demo
+function annotationSave() {
+ $UI.message.add('Annotation Saved');
+function algoRun() {
+ $UI.message.add('Algo is running...');
+ * Saves annotation after drawing is stopped
+ */
+function saveAnnotation() {
+ annoCallback.call(null, {
+ id:
+ $UI.annotOptPanel.setting.formSchemas[$UI.annotOptPanel._select_.value]
+ .id,
+ data: $UI.annotOptPanel._form_.value,
+ });
+function saveAnalytics() {
+ console.log('saveAnalytics');
+function startDrawing(e) {
+ if (
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('preset_label') &&
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('preset_label').querySelector('input[type=checkbox]')
+ .checked
+ ) {
+ // ||
+ // $UI.toolbar.getSubTool("brush").querySelector("input[type=checkbox]")
+ // .checked
+ // )
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.stop = false;
+ } else {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.stop = !$UI.annotOptPanel._form_.isValid();
+ }
+ // $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.stop = $UI.toolbar
+ // .getSubTool("preset_label")
+ // .querySelector("input[type=checkbox]").checked
+ // ? false
+ // : !$UI.annotOptPanel._form_.isValid();
+ return;
+function stopDrawing(e) {
+ // preset label annotation
+ if (
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('preset_label') &&
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('preset_label').querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked
+ ) {
+ // save preset label
+ savePresetLabel();
+ } else {
+ // annotation
+ const li = $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('annotation');
+ const state = +li.querySelector('label').dataset.state;
+ if (
+ state === 1 &&
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance._draws_data_.length > 0
+ ) {
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.isOn = false;
+ }
+ }
+function openHeatmap() {
+ switch (ImgloaderMode) {
+ case 'iip':
+ // hosted
+ hostedHeatmap();
+ break;
+ case 'imgbox':
+ // nano borb
+ imgboxHeatmap();
+ break;
+ default:
+ // statements_def
+ break;
+ }
+function hostedHeatmap() {
+ const slide = $D.params.slideId;
+ const slideName = $D.params.data.name;
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .findHeatmapType(slide)
+ //
+ .then(function(list) {
+ if (typeof list === 'undefined') {
+ list = [];
+ }
+ // get heatmap data
+ if (!list.length) {
+ // No heatmap data
+ $UI.message.addWarning(`info ${slideName} Has No Heatmap Data.`);
+ return;
+ }
+ createHeatMapList(list);
+ })
+ //
+ .catch(function(error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ })
+ //
+ .finally(function() {
+ if ($D.templates) {
+ // load UI
+ } else {
+ // set message
+ $UI.message.addError('HeatmapList');
+ }
+ });
+function imgboxHeatmap() {
+ let slide = $D.params.id;
+ slide = decodeURIComponent(slide);
+ // create file input
+ var element = document.createElement('input');
+ element.setAttribute('type', 'file');
+ element.style.display = 'none';
+ document.body.appendChild(element);
+ element.onchange = function(event) {
+ var input = event.target;
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = function() {
+ var text = reader.result;
+ try {
+ const data = JSON.parse(text);
+ var valid = $VALIDATION.heatmap(data);
+ if (!valid) {
+ alert($VALIDATION.heatmap.errors);
+ return;
+ }
+ $CAMIC.store.clearHeatmaps();
+ data.provenance.image.slide = slide;
+ const execId = data.provenance.analysis.execution_id;
+ Loading.open(document.body, 'Loading Heatmap...');
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .addHeatmap(data)
+ .then((rs) => {
+ window.location.href = `../heatmap/heatmap.html${window.location.search}&execId=${execId}`;
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ $UI.message.addError(e);
+ console.error(e);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ Loading.close();
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ Loading.close();
+ }
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(input.files[0]);
+ };
+ element.click();
+ document.body.removeChild(element);
+function createHeatMapList(list) {
+ empty($UI.modalbox.body);
+ $UI.modalbox.setHeaderText('HeatMap List');
+ list.forEach((data) => {
+ const execId = data.provenance.analysis.execution_id;
+ const a = document.createElement('a');
+ const params = getUrlVars();
+ a.href = params.mode ?
+ `../heatmap/heatmap.html?slideId=${$D.params.slideId}&execId=${execId}&mode=pathdb` :
+ `../heatmap/heatmap.html?slideId=${$D.params.slideId}&execId=${execId}`;
+ a.textContent = execId;
+ $UI.modalbox.body.appendChild(a);
+ $UI.modalbox.body.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
+ });
+ $UI.modalbox.open();
+async function addPresetLabelsHandler(label) {
+ const rs = await $CAMIC.store.addPresetLabels(label).then((d)=>d.result);
+ if (rs.ok&&rs.nModified > 0) {
+ $UI.labelsViewer.addLabel(label);
+ $UI.message.add(`Label "${label.type}" Has been Added`);
+ } else {
+ $UI.message.addError('Creating The New Label Has Failed');
+ }
+ $UI.labelsViewer.__switch('view');
+async function editPresetLabelsHandler(oldElt, newLabel) {
+ Loading.open($UI.labelsViewer.elt, 'Saving Label ...');
+ const rs = await $CAMIC.store.updatePresetLabels(oldElt.dataset.id, newLabel).then((d)=>d.result);
+ if (rs.ok) {
+ // update
+ const rs1 = await $CAMIC.store.updateMarksLabel(newLabel.id, newLabel.type).then((d)=>d.result);
+ if (rs1.ok) {
+ // update UI
+ updateMarksLabel(newLabel.id, newLabel.type, $UI.layersViewer);
+ updateMarksLabel(newLabel.id, newLabel.type, $UI.layersViewerMinor);
+ //
+ $UI.labelsViewer.setLabels(oldElt, newLabel);
+ $UI.message.add(`Label "${newLabel.type}" Has been Updated`);
+ if (oldElt.classList.contains('selected')) drawLabel({value: 'prelabels', checked: true});
+ } else {
+ $UI.message.addError(`Updating The Marks' Label Has Failed`);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $UI.message.addError('Updating The Label Has Failed');
+ }
+ Loading.close();
+ $UI.labelsViewer.__switch('view');
+function updateMarksLabel(id, name, layersViewer) {
+ const cate = layersViewer.setting.categoricalData.human.items[id];
+ if (cate) {
+ cate.item.name = name;
+ cate.elt.querySelector('label > div').textContent = name;
+ cate.elt.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').dataset.name = name;
+ cate.items.forEach((e)=>{
+ e.item.name = name;
+ e.item.label.name = name;
+ const newName = `${name}${e.elt.dataset.id}`;
+ e.elt.dataset.title = newName;
+ e.elt.querySelector('label > div').textContent = newName;
+ if (e.item.data) {
+ e.item.data.provenance.analysis.name = name;
+ e.item.data.properties.annotations.name = name;
+ e.item.data.properties.annotations.notes = name;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+async function removePresetLabelsHandler(elt, label) {
+ const rs = await $CAMIC.store.removePresetLabels(label.id).then((d)=>d.result);
+ if (rs.ok&&rs.nModified > 0) {
+ $UI.message.add(`Label "${label.type}" Has been removed`);
+ $UI.labelsViewer.removeLabel(label.id);
+ } else {
+ $UI.message.addError(`Deleting The '${label.type}' Label Has Failed`);
+ }
+function selectedPresetLabelsHandler(label) {
+ drawLabel({value: 'prelabels', checked: true});
+function drawLabel(e) {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance) {
+ alert('Draw Doesn\'t Initialize');
+ return;
+ }
+ const labels = $UI.labelsViewer.getSelectedLabels();
+ if (e.checked) {
+ if ($CAMIC.status == 'label') {
+ presetLabelOn.call(this, labels);
+ return;
+ }
+ // turn off annotation
+ toolsOff();
+ var checkAllToolsOff = setInterval(
+ function() {
+ if ($CAMIC && $CAMIC.status == null) {
+ // all tool has turn off
+ clearInterval(checkAllToolsOff);
+ presetLabelOn.call(this, labels);
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ 100,
+ );
+ } else {
+ // off preset label
+ presetLabelOff();
+ }
+function presetLabelOn(label) {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance) return;
+ // open labels viewer
+ mainMenuChange({apps: false, layers: false, labels: true});
+ const canvasDraw = $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance;
+ if (!label) {
+ $UI.message.addWarning('No Label Exist. Please Add A Label');
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('preset_label').querySelector('label').style.color = '';
+ canvasDraw.clear();
+ canvasDraw.drawOff();
+ return;
+ }
+ spen.menu(65, 0.2);
+ // open menu
+ canvasDraw.drawMode = label.mode;
+ if (label.mode == 'grid') {
+ canvasDraw.size = [parseInt(label.size), parseInt(label.size)];
+ }
+ canvasDraw.style.color = label.color;
+ canvasDraw.drawOn();
+ $CAMIC.status = 'label';
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('preset_label').querySelector('label').style.color =
+ label.color;
+function presetLabelOff() {
+ if (!$CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance) return;
+ const canvasDraw = $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance;
+ spen.close();
+ // close spen
+ if (
+ canvasDraw._draws_data_.length &&
+ confirm(`Do You Want To Save Annotation Label Before You Leave?`)
+ ) {
+ savePresetLabel();
+ } else {
+ canvasDraw.clear();
+ canvasDraw.drawOff();
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ $UI.toolbar
+ .getSubTool('preset_label')
+ .querySelector('input[type=checkbox]').checked = false;
+ $UI.toolbar.getSubTool('preset_label').querySelector('label').style.color =
+ '';
+ $UI.labelsSideMenu.close();
+ $CAMIC.status = null;
+ }
+function savePresetLabel() {
+ if ($CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance._path_index === 0) {
+ // toast
+ $UI.message.addWarning('info'+
+ 'No Markup On Annotation. Try Holding And Dragging.', 4000);
+ return;
+ }
+ const data = $UI.labelsViewer.getSelectedLabels();
+ if (!data) {
+ $UI.message.addWarning('No Label Selected. Please select One.', 4000);
+ return;
+ }
+ const execId = randomId();
+ const labelId = data.id;
+ const labelName = data.type;
+ // const parent = data.type;
+ const noteData = {
+ id: execId,
+ labelId: labelId,
+ name: labelName,
+ notes: data.type,
+ };
+ const feature = $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.getImageFeatureCollection()
+ .features[0];
+ let annotJson;
+ if (feature.properties.size) {
+ // brush
+ const values = getGrids(
+ feature.geometry.coordinates[0],
+ feature.properties.size,
+ );
+ const set = new Set();
+ values.map((i) => i.toString()).forEach((v) => set.add(v));
+ const points = Array.from(set).map((d) => d.split(','));
+ annotJson = {
+ creator: getUserId(),
+ created_date: new Date(),
+ provenance: {
+ image: {
+ slide: $D.params.slideId,
+ },
+ analysis: {
+ source: 'human',
+ execution_id: execId, // randomId
+ name: labelName, // labelName
+ labelId: labelId,
+ type: 'label',
+ isGrid: true,
+ },
+ },
+ properties: {
+ annotations: noteData,
+ },
+ geometries: convertGeometries(points, {
+ note: data.type,
+ size: feature.properties.size,
+ color: feature.properties.style.color,
+ }),
+ };
+ } else {
+ // point / polygon / stringLine
+ annotJson = {
+ creator: getUserId(),
+ created_date: new Date(),
+ provenance: {
+ image: {
+ slide: $D.params.slideId,
+ },
+ analysis: {
+ source: 'human',
+ execution_id: execId, // randomId
+ name: labelName, // labelName
+ labelId: labelId,
+ type: 'label',
+ },
+ },
+ properties: {
+ annotations: noteData,
+ },
+ geometries: ImageFeaturesToVieweportFeatures(
+ $CAMIC.viewer,
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.getImageFeatureCollection(),
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .addMark(annotJson)
+ .then((data) => {
+ // server error
+ if (data.error) {
+ $UI.message.addError(`${data.text}:${data.url}`);
+ Loading.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // no data added
+ if (data.count < 1) {
+ Loading.close();
+ $UI.message.addWarning(`Annotation Save Failed`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const __data = data.ops[0];
+ // create layer data
+ const newItem = {
+ id: execId,
+ name: noteData.name,
+ typeId: 'human',
+ typeName: 'human',
+ creator: getUserId(),
+ shape: annotJson.geometries.features[0].geometry.type,
+ isGrid: annotJson.provenance.analysis.isGrid? true: false,
+ label: {
+ id: annotJson.provenance.analysis.labelId,
+ name: annotJson.provenance.analysis.name,
+ },
+ data: null,
+ };
+ $D.humanlayers.push(newItem);
+ $UI.layersViewer.addHumanItem(newItem, 'human', labelId);
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.addHumanItem(
+ newItem,
+ 'human',
+ labelId,
+ $minorCAMIC && $minorCAMIC.viewer ? true : false,
+ );
+ __data._id = {$oid: __data._id};
+ addAnnotation(
+ execId,
+ __data,
+ 'human',
+ labelId,
+ );
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ Loading.close();
+ console.log('save failed', e);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ $UI.message.addSmall(`Added The '${noteData.name}' Annotation.`);
+ });
+function addAnnotation(id, data, type, parent) {
+ const layerData = $UI.layersViewer.getDataItemById(id, type, parent);
+ const layerDataMinor = $UI.layersViewerMinor.getDataItemById(id, type, parent);
+ const item = layerData.item;
+ data.geometries = VieweportFeaturesToImageFeatures(
+ $CAMIC.viewer,
+ data.geometries,
+ );
+ if (data.provenance.analysis.isGrid) {
+ const width = $CAMIC.viewer.imagingHelper.imgWidth;
+ const height = $CAMIC.viewer.imagingHelper.imgHeight;
+ const feature = data.geometries.features[0];
+ const size = feature.properties.size;
+ feature.properties.size = [
+ Math.round(size[0] * width),
+ Math.round(size[1] * height),
+ ];
+ }
+ item.data = data;
+ item.render = annoRender;
+ // create lay and update view
+ if (layerData.isShow) {
+ layerData.layer = $CAMIC.viewer.omanager.addOverlay(item);
+ $CAMIC.viewer.omanager.updateView();
+ }
+ if ($minorCAMIC && $minorCAMIC.viewer && layerDataMinor.isShow) {
+ layerDataMinor.layer = $minorCAMIC.viewer.omanager.addOverlay(item);
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.omanager.updateView();
+ }
+ $CAMIC.drawContextmenu.off();
+ $CAMIC.viewer.canvasDrawInstance.clear();
+ // close app side
+ $UI.toolbar._mainTools[0].querySelector('[type=checkbox]').checked = false;
+ $UI.appsSideMenu.close();
+ // $UI.layersViewer.update();
+ // $UI.layersViewerMinor.update();
+function onDeleteRuler(ruler) {
+ const id = ruler.element.dataset.id;
+ deleteRulerHandler(id);
+function deleteRulerHandler(execId) {
+ if (!confirm(message = `Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Ruler {ID:${execId}}?`)) return;
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .deleteMarkByExecId(execId, $D.params.data.slide)
+ .then((datas) => {
+ console.log(datas);
+ // server error
+ if (datas.error) {
+ const errorMessage = `${datas.text}: ${datas.url}`;
+ $UI.message.addError(errorMessage, 4000);
+ // close
+ return;
+ }
+ // no data found
+ if (!datas.deletedCount || datas.deletedCount < 1) {
+ $UI.message.addWarning(`Delete Ruler Failed.`, 4000);
+ return;
+ }
+ // update UI
+ removeElement($D.rulerlayers, execId);
+ $UI.layersViewer.removeItemById(execId, 'ruler');
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.removeItemById(execId, 'ruler');
+ $CAMIC.viewer.measureInstance.removeRulerById(execId);
+ if ($minorCAMIC &&
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer &&
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.measureInstance) {
+ $minorCAMIC.viewer.measureInstance.removeRulerById(execId);
+ }
+ $UI.message.addSmall(`Deleted The '${execId}' Ruler.`);
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ $UI.message.addError(e);
+ console.error(e);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ // console.log('delete end');
+ });
+function onAddRuler(ruler) {
+ const {x, y, width, height} = ruler.getBounds($CAMIC.viewer.viewport);
+ const execId = 'ruler' + randomId();
+ ruler.element.dataset.id = execId;
+ let innerHTML = ruler.element.innerHTML;
+ innerHTML = innerHTML.split('<').join('<');
+ innerHTML = innerHTML.split('>').join('>');
+ innerHTML = innerHTML.split(' ').join(' ');
+ let rulerJson = {
+ creator: getUserId(),
+ created_date: new Date(),
+ provenance: {
+ image: {
+ slide: $D.params.slideId,
+ },
+ analysis: {
+ source: 'ruler',
+ execution_id: execId,
+ name: execId,
+ type: 'ruler',
+ },
+ },
+ properties: {
+ annotations: {
+ name: execId,
+ notes: 'ruler',
+ },
+ mode: ruler.element.dataset.mode,
+ innerHTML: innerHTML,
+ },
+ geometries: {
+ type: 'FeatureCollection',
+ features: [
+ {
+ type: 'Feature',
+ geometry: {
+ type: 'Polygon',
+ coordinates: [
+ [
+ [
+ x,
+ y,
+ ],
+ [
+ x + width,
+ y,
+ ],
+ [
+ x + width,
+ y + height,
+ ],
+ [
+ x,
+ y + height,
+ ],
+ [
+ x,
+ y,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ bound: {
+ type: 'Polygon',
+ coordinates: [
+ [
+ [
+ x,
+ y,
+ ],
+ [
+ x + width,
+ y,
+ ],
+ [
+ x + width,
+ y + height,
+ ],
+ [
+ x,
+ y + height,
+ ],
+ [
+ x,
+ y,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ };
+ $CAMIC.store
+ .addMark(rulerJson)
+ .then((data) => {
+ // server error
+ if (data.error) {
+ $UI.message.addError(`${data.text}:${data.url}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ // no data added
+ if (data.result && data.result.ok && data.result.n < 1) {
+ Loading.close();
+ $UI.message.addWarning(`Ruler Save Failed`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const __data = data.ops[0];
+ // create layer data
+ const newItem = {
+ id: execId,
+ name: execId,
+ typeId: 'ruler',
+ typeName: 'ruler',
+ data: data.ops[0],
+ creator: getUserId(),
+ };
+ newItem.data.properties.innerHTML = newItem.data.properties.innerHTML.split('<').join('<');
+ newItem.data.properties.innerHTML = newItem.data.properties.innerHTML.split('>').join('>');
+ newItem.data.properties.innerHTML = newItem.data.properties.innerHTML.split(' ').join(' ');
+ newItem.data._id = {$oid: newItem.data._id};
+ $D.rulerlayers.push(newItem);
+ $UI.layersViewer.addItem(newItem, 'ruler');
+ $UI.layersViewerMinor.addItem(
+ newItem,
+ 'ruler',
+ $minorCAMIC && $minorCAMIC.viewer ? true : false,
+ );
+ const rulerData = $UI.layersViewer.getDataItemById(execId, 'ruler');
+ rulerData.layer = $CAMIC.viewer.getOverlayById(ruler.element);
+ const rulerDataMinor = $UI.layersViewerMinor.getDataItemById(execId, 'ruler');
+ // create lay and update view
+ if ($minorCAMIC && $minorCAMIC.viewer && rulerDataMinor.isShow) {
+ const [xmin, ymin] = newItem.data.geometries.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][0];
+ const [xmax, ymax] = newItem.data.geometries.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][2];
+ rulerDataMinor.layer = $minorCAMIC.viewer.measureInstance.addRuler({
+ id: newItem.id,
+ mode: newItem.data.properties.mode,
+ rect: {
+ x: xmin,
+ y: ymin,
+ width: xmax-xmin,
+ height: ymax-ymin,
+ },
+ innerHTML: newItem.data.properties.innerHTML,
+ isShow: rulerDataMinor.isShow,
+ });
+ }
+ // close app side
+ // $UI.layersViewer.update();
+ // $UI.layersViewerMinor.update();
+ $UI.message.addSmall(`Added The '${execId}' Ruler.`);
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ Loading.close();
+ console.log('Ruler Save Failed');
+ });
+async function rootCallback({root, parent, parentName, items}) {
+ console.log({root, parent, items});
+ // start a message
+ openLoadStatus(`${root==parent?root:`${root} - ${parentName}`}`);
+ //
+ const viewerName = this.toString();
+ let camic = null;
+ switch (viewerName) {
+ case 'main':
+ camic = $CAMIC;
+ break;
+ case 'minor':
+ camic = $minorCAMIC;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ parent = parent=='other'?null:parent;
+ // human other
+ var data;
+ // const ids = items.filter(d => d.item.id);
+ const ids = items.reduce(function(rs, d) {
+ if (!d.item.data) rs.push(d.item.id);
+ return rs;
+ }, []);
+ // loading
+ if (ids.length) {
+ // mult rulers
+ try {
+ data = await $CAMIC.store.findLabeling({"provenance.image.slide":$D.params.slideId});
+ if (data.error) { // error
+ closeLoadStatus();
+ const errorMessage = `${data.text}: ${data.url}`;
+ console.error(errorMessage);
+ $UI.message.addError(errorMessage, 4000);
+ return;
+ }
+ // covert the ruler data
+ if (root == 'ruler') {
+ data.forEach((d) => {
+ if (d.provenance&&
+ d.provenance.analysis&&
+ d.provenance.analysis.coordinate&&
+ d.provenance.analysis.coordinate == 'image') {
+ d.geometries = ImageFeaturesToVieweportFeatures(camic.viewer, d.geometries);
+ }
+ d.properties.innerHTML = d.properties.innerHTML.split('<').join('<');
+ d.properties.innerHTML = d.properties.innerHTML.split('>').join('>');
+ d.properties.innerHTML = d.properties.innerHTML.split(' ').join(' ');
+ });
+ } else {
+ // covert the human data
+ data.forEach((d)=>{
+ // for support quip 2.0 data model
+ if (d.geometry) {
+ var image = camic.viewer.world.getItemAt(0);
+ var imgWidth = image.source.dimensions.x;
+ var imgHeight = image.source.dimensions.y;
+ // convert coordinates
+ d.geometry.coordinates[0] = d.geometry.coordinates[0].map((point) => {
+ return [
+ Math.round(point[0] * imgWidth),
+ Math.round(point[1] * imgHeight),
+ ];
+ });
+ // set default color
+ d.properties = {};
+ d.properties.style = {
+ color: '#000080',
+ lineCap: 'round',
+ lineJoin: 'round',
+ isFill: false,
+ };
+ } else {
+ // conver coordinate if is `normalized`
+ if (d.provenance &&
+ d.provenance.analysis&&
+ (d.provenance.analysis.coordinate == undefined||
+ d.provenance.analysis.coordinate == 'normalized')) {
+ d.geometries = VieweportFeaturesToImageFeatures( camic.viewer, d.geometries );
+ }
+ // if annotaion is brush then covert the size's coordinates
+ if (d.provenance.analysis.isGrid) {
+ const width = camic.viewer.imagingHelper.imgWidth;
+ const height = camic.viewer.imagingHelper.imgHeight;
+ const feature = d.geometries.features[0];
+ const size = feature.properties.size;
+ feature.properties.size = [
+ Math.round(size[0] * width),
+ Math.round(size[1] * height),
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // add to layer
+ } catch (error) {
+ closeLoadStatus();
+ // finish loaded
+ console.error('loading human annotations error', error);
+ $UI.message.addError('loading human annotations error', 4000);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (root == 'ruler') {
+ items.forEach((rulerData) => {
+ const item = rulerData.item;
+ // if no data then find and add to layer
+ if (!item.data) {
+ // TODO change to things else
+ const d = data.find( (d) => d.provenance.analysis.execution_id==item.id);
+ item.data = d;
+ let [xmin, ymin] = d.geometries.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][0];
+ let [xmax, ymax] = d.geometries.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][2];
+ // create lay and update view
+ rulerData.layer = camic.viewer.measureInstance.addRuler({
+ id: item.id,
+ mode: d.properties.mode,
+ rect: {
+ x: xmin,
+ y: ymin,
+ width: xmax-xmin,
+ height: ymax-ymin,
+ },
+ innerHTML: item.data.properties.innerHTML,
+ isShow: rulerData.isShow,
+ });
+ }
+ if (rulerData.isShow) rulerData.layer.element.style.display ='';
+ else rulerData.layer.element.style.display ='none';
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ items.forEach((HumanData) => {
+ const item = HumanData.item;
+ if (!item.data) {
+ const d = data.filter( (d) => d.provenance.analysis.execution_id==item.id);
+ item.data = d[0].geometry?d:d[0];
+ if (Array.isArray(item.data)&&item.data[0].geometry) { // 2.0
+ item.render = oldAnnoRender;
+ item.clickable = false;
+ item.hoverable = false;
+ } else {
+ item.render = annoRender;
+ }
+ // HumanData.layer = camic.viewer.omanager.addOverlay(item);
+ }
+ if (!HumanData.layer) HumanData.layer = camic.viewer.omanager.addOverlay(item);
+ HumanData.layer.isShow = HumanData.isShow;
+ });
+ camic.viewer.omanager.updateView();
+ }
+ closeLoadStatus();
+/* Enhance Tool */
+function enhance(e) {
+ document.querySelector('[title="Enhance"]').previousSibling.checked = true;
+ if (!setEnhance) {
+ // $UI.message.add('infoOn Movement, enhance would be undone', 2000);
+ $CAMIC.viewer.addHandler('zoom', unenhance);
+ $CAMIC.viewer.addHandler('pan', unenhance);
+ setEnhance = true;
+ }
+ // Canvas information
+ const canvas = $CAMIC.viewer.canvas.firstChild;
+ const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ let width = canvas.width; let height = canvas.height;
+ var img = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
+ var data = img.data;
+ if (e.status == 'Histogram Eq') {
+ context.putImageData(clahe(img, 64, 0.015), 0, 0);
+ } else if (e.status == 'Edge') {
+ context.putImageData(edgedetect_sobel(img, 80), 0, 0);
+ } else if (e.status == 'Sharpen') {
+ var filter = [[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 14, -1], [-1, -1, -1]];
+ context.putImageData(applyfilter(img, filter), 0, 0);
+ } else if (e.status == 'Custom') {
+ var input = prompt('Enter the 2D Kernel: Eg : [[1, 0], [0, 1]]'); var f=0;
+ // JSON Parse test
+ try {
+ var filter = JSON.parse(input); var sz = filter[0].length;
+ } catch (e) {
+ alert('Invalid Kernel : ' + input);
+ return;
+ }
+ // 2D array check
+ for (var r=0; r
+ caMicroscope