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AEX - Next Generation Web Framework for javascript backends, A Realisation of The Web Straight Line Theory for node.js/bun.js apis, where The Web Straight Line Theory is for All Modern Web Frameworks

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Supported javascript runtime

  1. node.js
  2. bun.js

An Object-Oriented Web Framework needs no MVC

import { Aex, http } from "@aex/core";

class Helloworld {
  public message: string;
  constructor() {
    this.message = "Hello world!";
  public async all(req: any, res: any) {

  public async compactAll(ctx: any) {

  @http("*", "*", true)
  public async httpCompactAll(ctx: any) {

const aex = new Aex();
// aex.prepare().start(8086).then();
await aex.prepare().start(8086);


A simple, easy to use, decorated, scoped, object-oriented web server, with async linear middlewares and no more callbacks in middlewares.

It can be used as a micro service server and a very large scalable enterprise web server with official or customized decorators plugged-in.

It is a web framework based on decorators for javascript backend(node.js, bun.js).

So you should enable decorators to use it.

Enable decorators

  1. JavaScript users please refer for detailed information. Or simply clone this starter to start a new aex project:
  2. TypeScript users please refer for more information.


  1. Keep in mind to separate the web logic from the business logic and develope only for the web logic.
  2. Focus exclusively on web flow.
  3. Simplify the way to create good web projects.
  4. Think of web interactions as phrased straight lines, which we call the Web Straight Line.
  5. No MVC, but focus on the architecture that is the web logic.

What is the Web Straight Line?

Web Straight Line is used to describe the phrases of the processes on the http/web request.

It can be breifly described as the following diagram:

The Web Straight Line

the Web Straight Line

Web Straight Line is a true web server theory for the web framework (as opposed to MVC thoery which is more appropriate for desktop applications) that solves only the problems caused by the web (namely the HTTP protocol) itself.

It can be trimmed as a micro service web server or a full-fledged web server by documenting enough constraints using docrators, it is logically scalable using decorators/middlewares.


  1. Install
  2. Quick Start
  3. Framework functions
  4. Decorators
  5. Usage with no decorators
  6. Middlewares
  7. Scope
  8. Helper
  9. Express Middleware Integration
  10. Get the web server
  11. Websocket support
  12. Upgrade from Expressjs

Shortcuts for decorators

  1. HTTP method decorators (@http, @get, @post, @compact)

  2. Data parsing decorators (@formdata, @query, @body)

  3. Static file serving decorators (@serve)

  4. Template decorators (@template)

  5. Session management decorators (@session)

  6. Data filtering and validation decorators ( @filter)

  7. Error definition decorators (@error)

  8. Custome middleware decorators (@inject)

  9. API development decorators (@rest @api)

  10. Event messaging decorators (@listen)

Shortcuts for helpers

  1. pagination with paginate function


if you use npm

npm install @aex/core

or if you use yarn

yarn add @aex/core

Quick Start

  1. Use @http to enable a class with web ability

    import { Aex, http } from "@aex/core";
    class HelloAex {
      private name = "Alice";
      constructor(name: string) { = name;
      @http("*", "*")
      public all(_req: any, res: any, _scope: any) {
        res.end("Hello from " + + "!");
  2. Create an aex instance

    const aex = new Aex();
  3. Push your class to aex with parameters if you

    // push your handler into aex with constructor parameters in order
    aex.push(HelloAex, "Eric");
  4. Prepare aex enviroment

  5. Start aex web server

    // or
    await aex.start(8080);

A quick starter for javascript users.

Aex is written in typescript, but it can be very well used with javascript.

You can click here to get the starter for javascript developers.

it is located at:; You can refer it every time your want to create a new aex project.

Framework functions

The aex object has many functions for middlewares and classes.

They are:

  1. use To add a middleware
  2. push To push a class
  3. prepare To prepare the server
  4. start To start the server


Add middlewares to aex, see detailed explanations in middlewares. These middlewares will be global to all http requests.


push a controller class to aex, it takes at lease a class and its constructor's parameters followed by the class.

  1. aClass: a class prototype.
  2. args: takes the rest arguments for the class constructor
aex.push(HelloAex, parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN);
// will be invoked as `new HelloAlex(parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN)`


prepare is used here to init middlewares and request handlers written within use classes after these classes pushed to the aex instance. It takes no parameter and return the aex instance. so you can invoke the start function.

Aex introduces no MVC but the Web Straight Line to relect the flows how http requests are processed.

await aex.prepare().start();
// or
  .then(() => {
    // further processing


start function is used to bootstrap the server with cerntain port. It takes three parameters:

  1. port the port taken by the web server, defaults to 3000
  2. ip the ip address where the port binds to, defaults to localhost
  3. prepare prepare middlewares or not, used when middlewares are not previously prepared


Aex is simplified by decorators, so you should be familiar with decorators to fully utilize aex.

Decorators will be enriched over time. Currently aex provides the following decorators:

  1. HTTP method decorators (@http, @get, @post)
  2. Data parsing decorators (@formdata, @query, @body)
  3. Static file serving decorators (@serve)
  4. Template decorators (@template)
  5. Session management decorators (@session)
  6. Data filtering and validation decorators ( @filter)
  7. Error definition decorators (@error)
  8. Custome middleware decorators (@inject)
  9. API development decorators (@rest @api)
  10. Event messaging decorators (@listen)

Function Parameter Mode Choices for Http Handlers

The Classic Mode

Classically, the node original library handles HTTP requests with a request and response separately. For async's sake, node also provide a callback to further processing the request. That is to say, node has the original http handler calllback function parameter mode like this.

function classicHTTPHandler(req, res, next)

We can call this mode the classic mode. This mode is a very basic parameter passing method, it can only passes the request, the response and the callback function when async is not promised.

It has at least two weakness:

  1. Not promise-based, not friendly with async/await functions.
  2. Don't have a proper place to carry generated data by middlewares when going through the Web Straight Line.

The Onoin Mode (The Wrong Mode)

On solve problem one, someone created a wrong mode: The Onoin Mode. Which turns lined lists with stacks. Its function parameter mode looks like this.

async function onoinHTTPHandler(req, res, next)

It enabled promise and incorrectly kept the callback function next.

And we can call this mode the onoin mode.

As this project point out, the web processing patthen is called the web straight line. It goes every phrase one by one orderly and sequentially, not like a stack.

This causes rewriting of every middleware ever created originally supporting the classic mode.

It is obvious a waste of effort and discouragment for developers to maintain two copy middlewares for one purpose. Fortunately this wrong mode never dominates.

By the time of this writing, this mode is still relatively small due to it's incorrectness.

The promise based mode / the aex mode

The correct way to asynchronize the classic mode is to remove the next callback. And in order to fixed weakness two, we can introduce a new parameter for data carriage. In aex, it introduces the function parameter mode like this.

async function aexHTTPHandler(req, res, scope) {

Which we can call it the promis based mode or the aex mode, first introduced by the aex web framework project.

But this mode is still some time inconvient when you don't have to use request , response.

So to compact them into one variable may be more efficiently, then we have the compatc mode.

The Compact Mode

The compact mode is an optimization for some cases when you don't use the parameters in an ordered way. For example, you are writing a middleware only needs to process the scoped data. You don't need request, response to show up at all. then you can use this mode. Its function parameter mode looks like this.

async function compactHTTPHandler(ctx) {
  // ctx.request
  // ctx.response

So you can ignore the req, res parameters with compact mode when necessary.

The compact mode and the promise-based mode/ the aex mode are the recommended modes in aex.

1. HTTP method decorators

This decorators are the most basic decorators, all decorators should follow them. They are @http , @get , @post .

@http , @get , @post, `@compact

@http is the generic http method decorator. @get , @post are the shortcuts for @http ;

The @http decorator defines your http handler with a member function.

The member methods are of IAsyncMiddleware type.

@http takes two parameter:

  1. http method name(s)
  2. url(s);
  3. use Compact mode?

You can just pass url(s) if you use http GET or POST method only or you can use @get or @post . You can use @compact to simplify @http decorator without fill compact mode.

Here is how your define your handlers.

import { http, get, post } from "@aex/core";

class User {
  // Classic http parameters passing
  @http("get", ["/profile", "/home"])
  profile(req, res, scope) {}

  // Compact Mode parameters passing
  @http(["get", "post"], "/user/login", true)
  login(ctx) {
    const { req, res, scope } = ctx;

  // Compact Mode using @compact
  @compact(["get", "post"], "/user/login")
  login(ctx) {
    const { req, res, scope } = ctx;

  @http("post", "/user/logout")
  logout() {}

  info() {}

  @http(["/user/followers", "/user/subscribes"])
  followers() {}

  @get(["/user/get", "/user/gets"])
  rawget() {}

  rawpost() {}

2. Data parsing decorators

These decorators will parse all data passed thought the HTTP protocol. They are @formdata , @query , @body .

  1. @formdata can parse mulit-part formdata such as files into scope.files and other formdata into scope.body. When parsed, you can retrieve your multi-part formdata from scope.files, scope.body.
  2. @query can parse url query into scope.query.
  3. @body can parse some simple formdata into scope.body.


Decorator @formdata is a simplified version of node package busboy for aex , only the headers options will be auto replaced by aex . So you can parse valid options when necesary. All uploaded files are in array format, and it parses body as well.

import { http, formdata } from "@aex/core";

class Formdata {
  protected name = "formdata";

  @http("post", "/file/upload")
  public async upload(_req: any, res: any, scope: any) {
    const { files, body } = scope;

    // Access your files
    const uploadedSingleFile = files["fieldname1"][0];
    const uploadedFileArray = files["fieldname2"];

    // Access your file info

    uploadedSingleFile.temp; // temporary file saved
    uploadedSingleFile.filename; // original filename
    uploadedSingleFile.encoding; // file encoding
    uploadedSingleFile.mimetype; // mimetype

    // Access none file form data
    const value = body["fieldname3"];
    res.end("File Uploaded!");


Decorator @body provides a simple way to process data with body parser. It a is a simplified version of node package body-parser.

It takes two parameters:

  1. types in ["urlencoded", "raw", "text", "json"]
  2. options the same as body-parser take.

then be parsed into scope.body , for compatibility req.body is still available.

Simply put:

@body("urlencoded", { extended: false })

Full example

import { http, body } from "@aex/core";

class User {
  @http("post", "/user/login")
  @body("urlencoded", { extended: false })
  login() {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const { body } = scope;

  @http("post", "/user/logout")
  login() {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const { body } = scope;


Decorator @query will parse query for you. After decorated with @query you will have scope.query to use. req.query is available for compatible reasion, but it is discouraged.

class Query {
  @http("get", "/profile/:id")
  public async id(req: any, res: any, _scope: any) {
    // get /profile/111?page=20;
    // 20

3. Static file serving decorators

Aex provides @serve decorator and its alias @assets for static file serving.

Due to static is taken as a reserved word for javascript, static is not supported.

@serve and @assets

They take only one parameter:

  1. url: the base url for your served files.

It is recursive, so place used with caution, don't put your senstive files under that folder.

import { serve } from "@aex/core";

class StaticFileServer {
  protected name = "formdata";

  public async upload() {
    // All your files and subdirectories are available for accessing.
    return resolve(__dirname, "./fixtures");

  public async upload() {
    // All your files and subdirectories are available for accessing.
    return resolve(__dirname, "./fixtures");

4. Template decorators

Aex provides @template decorator for you to customize your template engine.

with @template decorator, you can use multiple template engines within one class.


Decorator @template takes four parameters:

  1. init template initializing function that returns an template engine
  2. path where the templates are located
  3. ext file extension if necessary, defaults to html
  4. options options if necessary

Function init should return an template engine that has the render function. the render function then can be used by the res object passed by the middleware. If the engine has no render function or the parameters are vary from the required IInitFunction interface, you should return a new engine with a compatible render function.

When the engine is returned, it will be added to scope, so you can access it when necessary.

Hence we have two ways to render a template file:

  1. use res.render
  2. use scope.engine

The following is an example on how to use @template decorator:

Access using res.render

  1. Template name nunjucks
  2. with compatible render function
class Template {
    (path) => {
      const loader = new nunjucks.FileSystemLoader([path], {});
      const env = new nunjucks.Environment(loader, {
        autoescape: false,
      return env;
    resolve(__dirname, "./views"),
  public async name(_: any, res: any) {
    // access using res.render
    res.render("index.html", { hello: "Hello" });

access using scope.engine

  1. Template name: pug
  2. with render function rewritten
class Template {
    (path) => {
      const engine: any = {};

      // engine render function rewrite
      engine.render = function (name: string, data: any) {
        let file = name;
        if (!existsSync(name)) {
          if (!existsSync(resolve(path, name))) {
            throw new Error("File Not Found: " + resolve(path, name));
          } else {
            file = resolve(path, name);
        return pug.renderFile(file, data);
      return engine;
    resolve(__dirname, "./views"),
  public async name2(_: any, res: any, scope: any) {
    // access using scope.engine
    res.end(scope.engine.render("index.pug", { hello: "Hello3" }));

Be sure to remember when using scope.engine, you need res.end too.

Due to the flexibility aex provides, you can mix then with one class with ease.

class Template {
    (path) => {
      const loader = new nunjucks.FileSystemLoader([path], {});
      const env = new nunjucks.Environment(loader, {
        autoescape: false,
      return env;
    resolve(__dirname, "./views"),
  public async name(_: any, res: any) {
    // access using res.render
    res.render("index.html", { hello: "Hello" });

    (path) => {
      const engine: any = {};

      // engine render function rewrite
      engine.render = function (name: string, data: any) {
        let file = name;
        if (!existsSync(name)) {
          if (!existsSync(resolve(path, name))) {
            throw new Error("File Not Found: " + resolve(path, name));
          } else {
            file = resolve(path, name);
        return pug.renderFile(file, data);
      return engine;
    resolve(__dirname, "./views"),
  public async name2(_: any, res: any, scope: any) {
    // access using scope.engine
    res.end(scope.engine.render("index.pug", { hello: "Hello3" }));

5. Session management decorators

Aex provides @session decorator for default cookie based session management. Session in other format can be realized with decorator @inject .


Decorator @session takes a store as the parameter. It is an object derived from the abstract class ISessionStore. which is defined like this:

export declare abstract class ISessionStore {
  abstract set(id: string, value: any): any;
  abstract get(id: string): any;
  abstract destroy(id: string): any;

aex provides two default store: MemoryStore and RedisStore . RedisStore can be configurated by passing options through its constructor. The passed options is of the same to the function createClient of the package redis . You can check the option details here

For MemoryStore , you can simply decorate with @session() . For RedisStore , you can decorate with an RedisStore as @session(redisStore) . Be sure to keep the variable redisStore global, because sessions must share only one store.

// Must not be used @session(new RedisStore(options)).
// For sessions share only one store over every request.
// There must be only one object of the store.
const store = new RedisStore(options);
class Session {
  public async get() {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const { session } = scope;
    session.user = user;

  public async get() {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const { session } = scope;
    const user = session.user;

  public async get() {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const { session } = scope;
    const user = session.user;

Share only one store object over requests.

Use the following code if you encouter session cycle lags/deadth in some environment:

if ( {

6. Data filtering and validation decorators

Aex provides @filter to filter and validate data for you.


Decorator @filter will filter body , params and query data for you, and provide fallbacks respectively for each invalid data processing.

If the filtering rules are passed, then you will get a clean data from scope.extracted.

You can access scope.extracted.body, scope.extracted.params and scope.extracted.query if you filtered them.

But still you can access req.body, req.query, req,params after filtered.

Reference node-form-validator for detailed usage.

class User {
  private name = "Aex";
  @http("post", "/user/login")
    body: {
      username: {
        type: "string",
        required: true,
        minLength: 4,
        maxLength: 20
      password: {
        type: "string",
        required: true,
        minLength: 4,
        maxLength: 64
    fallbacks: {
      body: async(error, req, res, scope) {
        res.end("Body parser failed!");
  public async login(req: any, res: any, scope: any) {
    // req.body.username
    // req.body.password
    // scope.extracted.body.username
    // scope.extracted.body.password
    // scope.extracted is the filtered data

  @http("get", "/profile/:id")
    query: {
      page: {
        type: "numeric",
        required: true
    params: {
      id: {
        type: "numeric",
        required: true
    fallbacks: {
      params: async function (this: any, _error: any, _req: any, res: any) { = "Alice";
        res.end("Params failed!");
  public async id(req: any, res: any, _scope: any) {

7. Error definition decorators

Aex provides @error decorator for error definition


Decorator @error will generate errors for you.

Reference errorable for detailed usage.

@error take two parameters exactly what function Generator.generate takes.

Besides you can add lang attribut to @error to default the language, this feature will be automatically removed by aex when generate errors. With the lang attribute, you can new errors without specifying a language every time throw/create an error;

class User {
  @http("post", "/error")
    lang: "zh-CN",
    I: {
      Love: {
        You: {
          code: 1,
          messages: {
            "en-US": "I Love U!",
            "zh-CN": "我爱你!",
    Me: {
      alias: "I",
  public road(_req: any, res: any, scope: any) {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const { error: e } = scope;
    const { ILoveYou } = e;
    throw new ILoveYou("en-US");
    throw new ILoveYou("zh-CN");
    throw new ILoveYou(); // You can ignore language becuase you are now use the default language.
    res.end("User Error!");

8. Custome middleware decorators

Aex provides @inject decorator for middleware injection.

@inject decrator takes two parameters:

  1. injector: the main injected middleware for data further processing or policy checking
  2. fallback?: optional fallback when the injector fails and returned false
  3. useCompactMode?: true to use compact mode.
class User {
  private name = "Aex";
  @http("post", "/user/login")
  @inject(async () => {
      req.session = {
        user: {
          name: "ok"
  @inject(async function(this:User, req, res, scope) { = "Peter";
      req.session = {
        user: {
          name: "ok"
  @inject(async function compactMode(this:User, ctx) { = "Peter";
      ctx.req.session = {
        user: {
          name: "ok"
  }, , true)
  @inject(async function(this:User, req, res, scope) => { = "Peter";
      if (...) {
        return false
  }, async function fallback(this:User, req, res, scope){
    // some fallback processing
  @inject(async function compactedMiddleware(this:User, ctx) => { = "Peter";
      if (...) {
        return false
  }, async function compactedFallback(this:User, ctx){
    // some fallback processing
  }, true)
  public async login(req: any, res: any, scope: any) {
    // ok

9. Event Messaging decorators

Aex can route messages between Objects with an Aex instance. You only need to prefix an member function with @listen and pass a event name to it, then you are listening to the event from all aex inner http handling class now.

A simple example is like the following:

class Listen {
  private name: string;
  constructor(name?: string) { = name || "";
  public echo(emitter: EventEmitter, ...messages: any[]) {
    emitter.emit("echoed", messages[0]);

  public async get(_req: any, res: any, scope: Scope) {
    scope.emitter.on("echoed1", (mesasge) => {
      res.end(mesasge + " from " +;
    scope.emitter.emit("echo1", "Hello");

class Listen1 {
  public echo1(emitter: EventEmitter, ...messages: any[]) {
    emitter.emit("echoed1", "echoed1 " + messages[0]);

const emitter = new EventEmitter();
const aex = new Aex(emitter);
let port: number = 0;

aex.push(Listen, "Nude");

This example shows that

  1. The Listen class listens to an event called echo, within this handler, it sends a new event called echoed;if you listen to this event with the emitter, you will have notification for this event.
  2. The Listen class also can handle http request to url /, it then emit echo1 event which will invoke Listen1's listener after Listen1 pushed to the same Aex object.
  3. The Listen1 class listens to an event called echo1, within this handler, it emits a new event called echoed1; if you listen to this event with the emitter, you will have notification for this event.

if we only need to send messages between objects, just use emitter to send messages:

emitter.emit("echo", "Hello Aex!");

emitter is an Buildin object from node.

Aex only simplifies this usage between classes, the behavior is not changed, you can refer node's EventEmitter for further information.

Event listeners of a class should not be http handlers of the class, because they process different things.

Usage with no decorators

  1. Create an Aex instance

    const aex = new Aex();
  2. Create a Router

    const router = new Router();
  3. Setup the option for handler

    router.get("/", async () => {
      // request processing time started
      // processing time passed
      res.end("Hello Aex!");
  4. Use router as an middleware

  5. Start the server

    const port = 3000;
    const host = "localhost";
    const server = await aex.start(port, host);
    // server === aex.server

Websocket support

Simple example

  1. Create a WebSocketServer instance

    const aex = new Aex();
    const server = await aex.start();
    const ws = new WebSocketServer(server);
  2. Get handler for one websocket connection

    ws.on(WebSocketServer.ENTER, (handler) => {
      // process/here
  3. Listen on user-customized events

    ws.on(WebSocketServer.ENTER, (handler) => {
      handler.on("event-name", (data) => {
        // data.message = "Hello world!"
  4. Send message to browser / client

    ws.on(WebSocketServer.ENTER, (handler) => {
      handler.send("event-name", { key: "value" });
  5. New browser/client WebSocket object

    const wsc: WebSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/path");
    wsc.on("open", function open() {
  6. Listen on user-customized events

    ws.on("new-message", () => {
      // process/here
  7. Sending ws message in browser/client

    const wsc: WebSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/path");
    wsc.on("open", function open() {
          event: "event-name",
          data: {
            message: "Hello world!",
  8. Use websocket middlewares

    ws.use(async (req, ws, scope) => {
      // return false


Middlewares/Handlers are defined like this:

  1. Classic one
export type IAsyncMiddleware = (
  req: Request,
  res: Response,
  scope?: Scope,
) => Promise<boolean | undefined | null | void>;
  1. Compacted Mode
export interface IACompactedAsyncMiddeleWare {
  req: IRequest;
  res: IResponse;
  scope?: Scope;

export type ICompactedAsyncMiddleware = (
  context: IACompactedAsyncMiddeleWare,
) => Promise<boolean | undefined | null | void>;

They return promises, so they must be called with await or .then().

Global middlewares

Global middlewares are effective all over the http request process.

They can be added by aex.use function.

aex.use(async () => {
  // process 1
  // return false

aex.use(async () => {
  // process 2
  // return false

// ...

aex.use(async () => {
  // process N
  // return false

Return false in middlewares will cancel the whole http request processing
It normally happens after a res.end

Handler specific middlewares

Handler specific middlewares are effective only to the specific handler.

They can be optionally added to the handler option via the optional attribute middlewares .

the middlewares attribute is an array of async functions of IAsyncMiddleware .

so we can simply define handler specific middlewares as follows:

  async () => {
    res.end("Hello world!");
    async () => {
      // process 1
      // return false
    async () => {
      // process 2
      // return false
    // ...,
    async () => {
      // process N
      // return false

Websocket middlewares

Websocket middlewares are of the same to the above middlewares except that the parameters are of different.

type IWebSocketAsyncMiddleware = (
  req: Request,
  socket: WebSocket,
  scope?: Scope,
) => Promise<boolean | undefined | null | void>;

The Websocket Middlewares are defined as IWebSocketAsyncMiddleware , they pass three parameters:

  1. the http request
  2. the websocket object
  3. the scope object

THe middlewares can stop websocket from further execution by return false

Accessable members


The node system http.Server .

Accessable through aex.server .

const aex = new Aex();
const server = await aex.start();
expect(server === aex.server).toBeTruthy();


Aex provides scoped data for global and local usage.

A scope object is passed by middlewares and handlers right after req , res as the third parameter.

It is defined in IAsyncMiddleware as the following:

async () => {
  // process N
  // return false

the scope variable has 8 native attributes: orm, engine, time , outer/global , inner/local , query , params , body , error , debug

The orm attribute contains the orm objects, such as prisma orm. The engine attribute contains the html/xml template objects, such as nunjunks . The time attribute contains the started time and passed time of requests. The outer/global attribute is to store general or global data. The inner/local attribute is to store specific or local data. The query attribute is to store http query. The body attribute is to store http body. The params attribute is to store http params. The error attribute is to store scoped errors. The debug attribute is to provide handlers with the debugging ability.


Get the requesting time

// 2019-12-12T09:01:49.543Z

Get the passed time

// 2019-12-12T09:01:49.543Z

outer/global and inner/local

The outer/global and inner/local variables are objects used to store data for different purposes.

You can simply assign them a new attribute with data;

scope.inner.a = 100;
scope.local.a = 100;

scope.outer.a = 120; = 120;


debug is provided for debugging purposes.

It is a simple import of the package debug .

Its usage is of the same to the package debug , go debug for detailed info.

Here is a simple example.

async () => {
  const { debug } = scope;
  const logger = debug("aex:scope");
  logger("this is a debugging info");

all these build-in attribute are readonly

// scope.outer = {};  // Wrong operation!
// scope.inner = {};   // Wrong operation!
// = {};  // Wrong operation!
// scope.local = {};   // Wrong operation!
// scope.time = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.query = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.params = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.body = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.error = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.debug = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.time.started = {};  // Wrong operation!
// scope.time.passed = {};   // Wrong operation!


Helpers are special middlewares with parameters to ease some fixed pattern with web development.

They must work with decorator @inject.

The first aviable helper is paginate.


Helper paginate can help with your pagination data parsing and filtering. It gets the correct value for you, so you can save your code parsing and correcting the pagination data before using them.


paginate is function takes two parameter:

  1. limit is the default value of limitation for pagination, if the request is not specified. This function defaults it to 20, so you your request doesn't specific a value to limit, it will be assigned 20.

  2. type is the type data you use for pagination, it can be body, params, query. query is the default one. Before use paginate, you must parsed your data. For if you use body for pagination, normally your reuqest handlers should be deocrated with @body. Becuase params are parsed internally, using params needs no docrator. The data to be parsed must contain two parameters which should be named with : page, limit. for type query, pagination data can be : list?page=2&limit=30;


After parsing, scope will be added a attribute pagination, which is a object have three attribute: page, limit, offset. so you can simply extract them with

const {
  pagination: { page, limit, offset },
} = scope;

Here is how to use helper paginate.

class Paginator {
  @inject(paginate(10, 'query'))
  async public pageWithQuery() {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const {pagination: {page, limit, offset}} = scope;


  @inject(paginate(10, 'body'))
  async public pageWithBody() {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const {pagination: {page, limit, offset}} = scope;


  @inject(paginate(10, 'body'))
  async public pageWithParams() {
    const [, , scope] = arguments;
    const {pagination: {page, limit, offset}} = scope;


Use middlewares from expressjs

Aex provide a way for express middlewares to be translated into Aex middlewares.

You need just a simple call to toAsyncMiddleware to generate Aex's async middleware.

const oldMiddleware = (_req: any, _res: any, next: any) => {
  // ...

const pOld = toAsyncMiddleware(oldMiddleware);

You should be cautious to use express middlewares. Full testing is appreciated.


npm install
npm test

Integration with others libraries

You can very easily integrate other libraries into aex. You can use global or local middlewares to add them to aex.


const aex = new Aex();

prisma = new PrismaClient();
await prisma.$connect();

// Construct a middleware to add prisma to aex's middleware carrier, the scope variable.
const prismaAttachingMiddleware = async function (req, res, scope) {
  Object.defineProperty(scope, "prisma", {
    value: prisma,

// The Global Way

// The Local Way
class Hello() {
  public async index(req, res, scope) {
    // Access prisma from scope
    let orm = scope.prisma;

Effective Versioning

Aex follows a general versioning called Effective Versioning.

All lives matter

Aex supports human equality in law of rights only and supports human diversity in other area. Humans will never be equal in most area which is law of nature.
