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200 lines (147 loc) · 5.44 KB


A SPA framework for the Mobile Web.


  • Page life-cycle supported(refer Android、iOS);
  • SEO friendly(Server side render needed);
  • Pre-load;
  • Lazy load;
  • Multi-instance;
  • Simple trigger are supported;
  • LRU Histories maintain strategy;
  • Single page reload(On demand);
  • Easy way for Query string accessing;

Why Xfly?

  • Enhancement that responsiveness for fast
  • State-driven programing(similar Native App)
  • Make your DOMs be Pretty and Clean
  • Reduce the resources request
  • Reduce costs(eg. CDN、Bandwidth...)
  • Focus your things, no matter that routing、flow and MORE...
  • Lightweight(15KB compressed, gzip enabled be better)

Getting started

1: Prepare for your playground

  • Server:
Ngingx OR Apache
  • Zepto OR jQuery lib are required

2: Define the page model


  • every DOMs of page, there are need to add the "page-ui" class at root element.
  • If you do not explicitly call render method or configure the html property, And the Xfly will sends an XHR request based on the current path to get the view.
$Page.define('', {

    title: 'You first page',

    html: '<div class="page-ui">' +
            '<h1>Hello</h1>' +
            '<a class="xfly-page__nav" data-if="hasMember" href="you/primary/page" data-else-href="you/second/page">Go to the Next page</a>' +

    onCreateView: function() {
        // Or here call render method to organization you DOM
        // this.render( { url / html: '' } ); 

    onRendering: function() {


    onRendered: function() {
        // Tip: Easy way to get the queries string
        var args = this.getArgs();
        console.log( 'The key value is ' + args[ 'key' ] );
    onResume: function () {
        console.log( + ' be resumed.' );

    onPause: function () {
        console.log( + ' be paused.' );

3: Navigation behavior

Forward(with Logic Expression):

<a class="xfly-page__nav" data-if="hasMember" href="you/primary/page" data-else-href="you/second/page">Go to the Next page</a>


go( '' );


<a class="xfly-page__back" href="">Get back</a>



4: Almost done

Be careful, the Browser Cache, GOOD LUCK FOR YOU.


See the OR the examples code dir.



Page model props

  • title String Title of the page
  • html String Used as view of the page
  • url String Used to load the view of the page via XHR request
  • trigger Object Define a trigger
 trigger: { 
     on:    'home', 
     state: 'show', 
     do:    function() {
  • multitask Boolean Indicate whether the page is multi-instance, default is false
  • args Object Pre-define the Query strings of the Page
  • onReload Function Called when the page reload action are triggered
  • ...

Lifecycle callback of Page

  • onCreate Called when the instance of Page is created
  • onCreateView Called when the view of Page will create
  • onStart Called after the view of Page is created
  • onAttach Called when the view of Page is attached to the document.body
  • onResume Called after the view of Page is attached and be visible
  • onPause Called when the User requesting the navigation forward
  • onStop Called after the page is paused
  • onDetach Called after the page is paused and the View of page will detach from the document.body
  • onStop Called after the view of page is detached
  • onDestroyView Controversial, not implemented yet
  • onDestroy Controversial, not implemented yet
  • ...

Page instance methods

  • setTitle(String) void Update the document.title
  • getArgs() Object Accessing the Query strings of the Page
  • render( { html: '' } / { url: '' } ) void Request the rendering operation
  • reload void To trigger reload the View of the Page
  • ...

Global configs

  • onBeforePageChange(currently, upcoming) Function Called before the Page switch
  • onAfterPageChange(older, currently) Function Called after the Page switched
  • onCurrentPageContentLoaded() Function Called when the view of Page is load
  • ...

Global methods

  • go(id, args) void Request the navigation forward, args is optional
go( '', { key: 'value' } );
  • back() void Request the navigation backward
  • ...


  • If your are running without server-side render, you can provide a custom 404 page for general solution, just like this 404.html.

Road map


  • Scroll restoration supported
  • Simple logic express support for nav forward link


  • Failure handle while fetch the view
  • Desktop browser supported(like IE)
  • State-full triggers supported
  • Specific page extension name supported(eg. article.html、detail.php...)
  • document.baseURI support(for Sub path)
  • Root path supported(treat as default)


  • For more features, you wishing, leave you idea

Legacy version is here(Hash based)

Click to get the


Licensed under the MIT license.