Opt.py is an installation manager for the /opt directory. The /opt directory is reserved for all the software and add-on packages that are not part of the default installation.
If a program does not provide an installation file for the package manager used (e.g. APT), the program can be installed in /opt. However, this installation can be tedious:
- Files must be unpacked
- $PATH variable must be extended
- Desktop entry must be created
- When uninstalling the program, all these changes should be undone.
To simplify this, Opt.py provides a simple command line interface modeled after APT.
Supported file formats are: .zip, .tar.bz2, .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .tar.xz
- Install Python3 as follows in Ubuntu/Debian Linux:
sudo apt install python3
- Download Opt.py and set execute permissions:
curl -LJO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byte-cook/opt/main/opt.py
curl -LJO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byte-cook/opt/main/fileutil.py
chmod +x opt.py
- Install Opt.py in the /opt directory:
sudo ./opt.py install opt opt.py fileutil.py
The $PATH variable is automatically extended!
- (Optional) Install shell auto completion:
curl -LJO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byte-cook/opt/main/opt-sh-prompt.sh
sudo opt.py autocomplete opt opt-sh-prompt.sh
Use this command:
./opt.py remove opt
General structure of the commands:
opt.py <command> <app-name> ...
List installed applications:
opt.py list
Install application:
opt.py install application-12-3 application-12.3.tar.gz
Install another version of the same application:
opt.py install application-19-81 application-19.81.tar.gz
Create alias ("application" refers to "application-12-3"):
opt.py alias application application-12-3
Extend $PATH variable:
opt.py path application /opt/application/application.sh
Add desktop entry:
opt.py desktop application application.desktop application.png
Change alias (application refers to application-19-81):
opt.py alias application application-19-81
Delete old version and all related files:
opt.py remove application-12-3
Delete all versions of this application:
opt.py remove application-19-81
opt.py remove application
Run all tests:
Run single test:
test_opt.py TestOpt.test_remove_unmanaged_forced
Clean up test directory:
test_opt.py TestOpt.test_clean