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JWT Authentication

This is a mix of Simple Token Authentication and JWT, based on Devise.


Add the gem to your Gemfile:

# Gemfile

gem 'jwt_authentication', github: 'Rezonans/jwt_authentication'



Make the models token authenticatable


First define which model or models will be token authenticatable (typ. User):

# app/models/user.rb

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  # Note: you can include any module you want. If available,
  # token authentication will be performed before any other
  # Devise authentication method.
  # Include default devise modules. Others available are:
  # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable
  devise :invitable, :database_authenticatable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable,

  # ...

Method acts_as_jwt_authenticatable extends Model with several methods: :jwt_token, :generate_authentication_token! and some others. Obviously, :jwt_token returns token for current record and :generate_authentication_token! updates record with new authentication_token.

If the model or models that you have chosen does not contain :authentication_token column, then add the new column onto it (with index):

rails g jwt_authentication MODEL

This will add 'acts_as_jwt_authenticatable' to specified MODEL. Also, this will generate migration for adding 'authentication_token' to MODEL. To skip generating migration add '-m' parameter: rails g jwt_authentication User -m. Migration looks like:

  def change
    add_column :users, :authentication_token, :string
    add_index  :users, :authentication_token

Allow controllers to handle jwt authentication

Define controllers, which will handle jwt authentication (typ. HomeController) for which jwt authenticatable models:

# app/controllers/home_controller.rb

class HomeController < ActionController::Base # or ActionController::API
  # ...

  # Note: you can specify several parameters for handling authentication for this controller:  
  #   :models (which "acts as jwt authenticatable") for authenticating, hash, that specifies models
  #            and those authentication parameters :header_name, :param_name, :sign_in
  # example:
  #  acts_as_jwt_authentication_handler models: {terminal: {header_name: 'terminal_auth_token',
  #                                                         param_name: 'X-Auth-Terminal-Token',
  #                                                         sign_in: :simplified}
  # ...

Method acts_as_jwt_authentication_handler extends controller with methods: :jwt_authenticate_user, :jwt_authenticate_user! and with another ones. Instead of user there will be specified model names, pair of methods for each model.

See detailed parameters and methods description in Authentication

Atfer controller was extended with jwt_authentication helpers, you may authenticate entity in actions or in before filter:

class TerminalsController < ActionController
  acts_as_jwt_authentication_handler models: {terminal: {sign_in: :simlified}}
  before_filter :jwt_authenticate_terminal!

  def show



Define devise routes for creating devise mapping.

# config/routes.rb

devise_for :users, module: :jwt_authentication

Devise routing is necessary, because it creates devise mappings.


Some aspects of the behavior of Jwt Authentication can be customized with an initializer. Below is an example with reasonable defaults:

# config/initializers/jwt_authentication.rb

JwtAuthentication.configure do |config|
  # # Configure models, that will be default for `acts_as_jwt_authentication_handler` calling.
  # # Note: specified model should have `authentication_token` attribute (Model should "act as jwt authenticatable")
  # # header_name - name of header to search auth_token within request
  # # param_name - name of parameters to search auth_token within request
  # # sign_in - method to be executed if authentication success, possible values: :devise, :simplified
  # #           if :devise selected, devises method sign_in() will be called at success authentication,
  # #           if :simplified selected, instance variable with name of resource will be set (@user or @terminal)
  # config.models = {user: {header_name: 'X-User-Token',
  #                         param_name: 'user_token',
  #                         sign_in: :devise}}
  # # Configure mark of jwt timeout verification
  # config.jwt_timeout_verify = true
  # # Configure jwt timeout leeway (value in seconds)
  # config.jwt_timeout_leeway = 60
  # # Configure jwt timeout for simple login (without "remember me")
  # # Devise SessionsController generates jwt according to this parameter
  # # * This parameter may be overridden in each model:
  # #    acts_as_jwt_authenticatable jwt_timeout: 10.minutes
  # config.jwt_timeout = 20.minutes
  # # Configure jwt timeout for session login (with "remember me")
  # # Devise SessionsController generates jwt according to this parameter
  # # * This parameter may be overridden in each model:
  # #    acts_as_jwt_authenticatable jwt_timeout_remember_me: 1.week
  # config.jwt_timeout_remember_me = 1.month
  # # Configure list of model keys to be stored in jwt payload.
  # # Also, record will be searched by this fields at authentication.
  # # * This parameter may be overridden in each model:
  # #    acts_as_jwt_authenticatable key_fields: [:email, :id]
  # config.key_fields = [:email]



As there was mentioned in Using, method acts_as_jwt_authentication_handler adds to controller two methods: :jwt_authenticate_user and :jwt_authenticate_user!. Method with bang raises error, if authentication falls, method without bang do nothing if authentication falls. Authentication process is pretty simple:

  • Analize request - try to find token either in params or header. If token is not found, authentication falls.
  • Read payload from jwt
  • Search for entity by field, that payload contains. If entity is not found, authentication falls.
  • Decode jwt with entities authentication_token (private key, that is stored as entities field). If jwt_timeout_verify specified, timeout verification will take place also.
  • If token successfully verified - sign_in handler will be called, otherwise authentication falls.

sign_in_handler. You may specify, what to do at success authentication in sign_in parameter in model:

# config/initializers/jwt_authentication.rb
config.models = {user: {sign_in: :devise}}

There are 2 variants:

  • :devise (default) - :sign_in (devise controller method) will be called
  • :simplified - create instance variable with resource name (@user, @terminal, etc).


JwtAuthentication inherits devise controllers: Registrations, Confirmations, Sessions, Passwords. So, you can extend this functionality with inheritance or override of some of them. Note, that you need to specify routes to this inherited controllers, like here:

# config/routes.rb
devise_for :users, module: :jwt_authentication

Note: request format will be set to :json by before filter :set_request_format!, that is plugged to each inherited devise controller. It is necessary for process action if warder.authenticate! falls. It will render view for sessions creating by default, but in our case we need json response :unauthorized