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A Mima Simulator written in C with a command line interface and a web frontend based on javascript and webassembly. The MiMa (aka Minimal Machine) is a academic, simple and minimalistic microprocessor model/didactic tool to teach basic cpu architecture (Von-Neumann architecture). It is used at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

Screenshot of the web Mima.




$./MimaSim fibonacci.asm

Build for Web

You do not need to build for web by your own. If you just want to play around, go to, or use the precompiled files under web/.

You need emscripten ( to build for web/webasm.

$make web

Access index.html under web/.

Mima Shell

While running the mima interactively (mima_run()'s second parameter must be mima_true to access mima shell), one can type the following commands:

s [#].........runs # micro instructions 
s.............equals s 1
S [#].........runs # instructions 
S.............equals S 1 or ends current instruction
m addr [#]....prints # lines of memory at address
m addr........prints 10 lines of memory at address
m.............prints 10 lines of memory at IAR
i [addr]......sets the IAR to address
i.............sets the IAR to zero
r.............runs program till end or breakpoint
p.............prints mima state
L [LOG_LEVEL].sets the log level
L.............prints current and available log level
l.............prints the source file
b addr........sets or toggles breakpoint at address
b.............lists all breakpoints and their state
q.............quits mima
-ENTER-.......repeats last command

Mima Assembler Instructions

Mnemonic Opcode Pseudo code Description
ADD a 0x0 ACC ← ACC + mem[a] Add value at address a to Accumulator
AND a 0x1 ACC ← ACC & mem[a] Link value at address a to Accumulator by bitwise AND
OR a 0x2 ACC ← ACC | mem[a] Link value at address a to Accumulator by bitwise OR
XOR a 0x3 ACC ← ACC ^ mem[a] Link value at address a to Accumulator by bitwise XOR
LDV a 0x4 ACC ← mem[a] Load value at address a into Accumulator
STV a 0x5 mem[a] ← ACC Store value in Accumulator at address a
LDC v 0x6 ACC ← v Load value v into Accumulator
JMP a 0x7 IAR ← a Continue program execution at address a
JMN a 0x8 IAR ← (ACC < 0) ? a : ++IAR Continue program execution at address a if value in Accumulator is negative
EQL a 0x9 ACC ← (ACC == mem[a]) ? -1 : 0 Set Accumulator to -1 if value in Accumulator is equal to value at address a, 0 otherwise
HLT 0xf0 Halt Stop program execution
NOT 0xf1 ACC ← ~ACC Negate value in Accumulator
RAR 0xf2 ACC ← (ACC << 31) | (ACC >>> 1) Rotate value in Accumulator right by 1 bit

Mima Assembler Syntax

Mnemoic + Value/Address
  • always use mnemonics, op codes are not supported (yet)
  • values can be written hex (e.g. 0x1A4) or decimal
LDC   41
ADD   0xFF1
STV   0xFF1
0xFF1 0x1
Labels + Jumps
  • labels are case sensitive
  • it's not a good idea to jump to a self defined address, unless you know what you are doing
  • labels are not present in mimas memory
:Loop         // this is a label/jump target
LDV   0xAFFE  // some fancy calculation
JMP Loop      // will jump to label :Loop
  • breakpoints are set in source code by typing a upper case 'B' on a separate line or interactively in the mima shell
  • when in mima shell, breakpoints can be toggled on/off
  • breakpoints are not present in mimas memory!
LDV 0xF1
ADD 0xF2
STV 0xF1
Define storage
  • you can define the value at a specific memory address
  • the value can be a variable or an instruction
LDV   0xFF1
0xFF1 0x1   //puts a one at 0xFF1
Memory Mapped I/O

The mimas "general purpose" memory is defined from 0x0000 0000 - 0x0C00 0000. Addresses above 0x0C00 0000 are used for memory mapped I/O.

There are some defined addresses you can use to output information to the terminal:

  • 0x0c000001 single char input
  • 0x0c000002 integer input
  • 0x0c000003 single char output
  • 0x0c000004 integer output


LDV 0xC000001   // will ask for single char
LDV 0xC000002   // will ask for integer
LDC 42
STV 0xC000003   // will print a '*' to the terminal
LDC 0x40
STV 0xC000004   // will print a 64 to the terminal

You can register callback functions for I/O and a specific address. These callbacks should always set the TRA Bit to mima_false when finished.

void get_number(mima_t *mima, mima_register *value)
    printf("Type integer:");
    char number_string[32] = {0};
    char *endptr;
    fgets(number_string, 31, stdin);
    *value = strtol(number_string, &endptr, 0);
    mima->control_unit.TRA = mima_false;

void print_number(mima_t* mima, mima_register* value)
    printf("Fib: %d\n", *value);
    mima->control_unit.TRA = mima_false;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *fileName = argv[1];
    mima_t mima = mima_init();

    mima_compile(&mima, fileName);

    mima_register_IO_LDV_callback(&mima, 0x0c000005, get_number);
    mima_register_IO_STV_callback(&mima, 0x0c000006, print_number);

    mima_run(&mima, mima_true);


    return 0;

Every lines first "word" that could not be identified as mnemonic, address, nor label, will be ignored. Therefore you can use something like "//" or "#" for comments in separate lines (or even after valid commands).


// this will be ignored
ADD 0x01 #you can also do that
STV 0x00 // and this

TODOs/Future Work

  • better debugging tools for web and command line
    • track specific memory address(es)
    • clickable breakpoints for web (click on line number)
    • visualization of control commands (bus, memory etc.)
    • correspondency mnemonic + memory while executing a program
  • change register values on the fly
  • variable/address naming (more abstraction useful?)
  • web UI redesign
  • user guide/documentation on web interface
  • mouse over infos for components in web interface/mima graphic