This example highlights a simple example using the NHL API, Scikit-Learn, and Python. Using the top 100 NHL players by points (as of Jan 6, 2023) and Scikit-Learn I created 3 regression models (Linear, Random Forest, and Gradient Boost) to predict player point totals.
The models are trained on data from the past 5 seasons (not including the current season = 2023/2024). This allows us to:
- test the models using the current season stats (as of Jan 6, 2023)
- extrapolate current season stats to 82 games and predict end of the season point totals
To visualize the data I created a graph and datatable using Plotly.
See it live and try the interactive visualizer at:
1.) Create and Activate the Virtual Environment
- Open a terminal and navigate to the points directory:
cd .\examples\points\
- Create the virtual environment
python -m venv env or python3 -m venv env
- Activate the virtual environment
cd .\env\Scripts\activate
- You should see a (env) in yout terminal
2.) Install the Packages
- Navigate back to the root directory
cd .. cd ..
- Install the pip packages from the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
3.) Run the visualizer
- Ensure you are in the points folder
python or python3
- Open your browser and navigate to:
1.) I created the Top-100-NHL-20232024-Jan-6-2023.json using the below link...
2.) Created and Ran which:
- Creates the CSV of the json file: (Top-100-NHL-20232024-Jan-6-2023.csv)
- Queries the stats from the past 5 seasons for each current top 100 player
- Creates the Top-100-NHL-5-year-Stats.csv.
3.) Created and ran, which creates a:
- Default model - default settings
- Tuned model - tuned parameters using GridSearchCV
- It finds the best combination of hyperparameters for a machine learning model.
For each model I:
- Imported the Top-100-NHL-5-year-Stats.csv
- Dropped columns that are not needed and those that cause data leakage
- One-hot encodes the positionCode
- Split the data into train and test sets
- Normalized the data based on max and min values
- Created 3 prediction models (default and tuned for each):
- 1.) Linear Regression Model & Linear Regression Model - Tuned
- 2.) Random Forest Regressor Model & Random Forest Regressor Model - Tuned
- 3.) Gradient Boosting Regressor Model & Gradient Boosting Regressor Model - Tuned
- Ran the test set, which prints and saves the metrics for each model to the console and console_tuned folder
- Saved the prediction model and normalization values for each model to a .joblib file in the respective output folder (allows it to be used in the future without retraining)
4.) Created and ran which:
- Takes in the Top-100-NHL-20232024-Jan-6-2023.csv
- One-hot encodes the positionCode
- Loops through each row (Player's stats)
- Applies the same data manipulation as the model training (normalization, encoding)
- Combines all players stats and saves player_stats.xlsx to output
- Predicts the points for each player, combines all players and saves results_current.xlsx to output and results_current_tuned.xlsx to output_tuned
- Extrapolates the necessary data to a full 82 game season
- Combines all players and saves player_stats_extrapolated.xlsx to output
- Predicts the points for each player, combines all players and saves results_extrapolated.xlsx to output and results_extrapolated_tuned.xlsx to output_tuned
5.) Created and ran which:
- Uses Plotly to create a simple graph and data table
- Uses the output and output_tuned excel files directly to load the results data.
- Steps:
- 1.) Select a player from the drop down list
- 2.) Select a model (default or tuned)
- 3.) Toggle the lines from the legend
- 4.) Click directly on the graph to view predictions for each line
- 5.) Reset The legend if necessary
- 6.) Scroll down to see the tabular data for each line on the graph
1.) API Calls
- Top 100 Players 2023/2024
- Player Stats for Past Seasons
- where the playerId, seasonId ,and seasonId-2 can be updated.