diff --git a/bot/functions/gen_qr.py b/bot/functions/gen_qr.py
index cd49e83..2f8541f 100644
--- a/bot/functions/gen_qr.py
+++ b/bot/functions/gen_qr.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ async def func_gen_qr(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
data = " ".join(context.args) or (re_msg.text or re_msg.caption if re_msg else None)
if not data:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /qr 'url/data/text'
to generate a QR code image.\nor reply the 'url/data/text' with /qr
command.\nE.g. /qr https://google.com
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /qr url/data/text
to generate a QR code image.\nor reply the 'url/data/text' with /qr
command.\nE.g. /qr https://google.com
sent_msg = await Message.reply_msg(update, f"Generating...")
diff --git a/bot/functions/broadcast.py b/bot/functions/owner_func/broadcast.py
similarity index 100%
rename from bot/functions/broadcast.py
rename to bot/functions/owner_func/broadcast.py
diff --git a/bot/functions/bsettings.py b/bot/functions/owner_func/bsettings.py
similarity index 100%
rename from bot/functions/bsettings.py
rename to bot/functions/owner_func/bsettings.py
diff --git a/bot/functions/database.py b/bot/functions/owner_func/database.py
similarity index 100%
rename from bot/functions/database.py
rename to bot/functions/owner_func/database.py
diff --git a/bot/functions/log.py b/bot/functions/owner_func/log.py
similarity index 100%
rename from bot/functions/log.py
rename to bot/functions/owner_func/log.py
diff --git a/bot/functions/restart.py b/bot/functions/owner_func/restart.py
similarity index 100%
rename from bot/functions/restart.py
rename to bot/functions/owner_func/restart.py
diff --git a/bot/functions/owner_func/send.py b/bot/functions/owner_func/send.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7340050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/functions/owner_func/send.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import asyncio
+from telegram import Update
+from telegram.ext import ContextTypes
+from telegram.error import Forbidden
+from bot.helper.telegram_helper import Message
+from bot.functions.power_users import _power_users
+async def func_send(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
+ user = update.effective_user
+ chat = update.effective_chat
+ e_msg = update.effective_message
+ re_msg = update.message.reply_to_message
+ text = " ".join(context.args) # contains something if forward is true and contains victim_id >> /send f chat_id
+ power_users = await _power_users()
+ if user.id not in power_users:
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Access denied!")
+ return
+ if chat.type != "private":
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, f"Boss you are in public chat!")
+ await asyncio.sleep(3)
+ await Message.del_msgs(chat.id, [e_msg.id, e_msg.id + 1])
+ return
+ if not text or not re_msg:
+ msg = (
+ "Use /send chat_id
by replying a message!\n"
+ "/send f chat_id
to forward the replied message to chat_id!\n"
+ "Returns reaction on message\n"
+ "Sent - '👍'\n"
+ "Forbidden - '👎'\n"
+ "Something went wrong - '⚠️'"
+ )
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, msg)
+ return
+ forward_confirm, victim_id = None, text
+ splited_text = text.split()
+ if len(splited_text) == 2:
+ forward_confirm, victim_id = splited_text
+ if forward_confirm:
+ sent_msg = await Message.forward_msg(victim_id, chat.id, re_msg.id)
+ else:
+ text = re_msg.text_html
+ photo = re_msg.photo
+ audio = re_msg.audio
+ video = re_msg.video
+ document = re_msg.document
+ caption = re_msg.caption_html
+ # in future update
+ # voice = e_msg.voice
+ # video_note = e_msg.video_note
+ if text:
+ sent_msg = await Message.send_msg(victim_id, text)
+ elif photo:
+ sent_msg = await Message.send_img(victim_id, photo[-1].file_id, caption)
+ elif audio:
+ sent_msg = await Message.send_audio(victim_id, audio.file_id, audio.file_name, caption)
+ elif video:
+ sent_msg = await Message.send_vid(victim_id, video.file_id, caption=caption)
+ elif document:
+ sent_msg = await Message.send_doc(victim_id, document.file_id, document.file_name, caption)
+ if not sent_msg:
+ reaction = "⚠️"
+ elif sent_msg == Forbidden:
+ reaction = "👎"
+ else:
+ reaction = "👍"
+ await Message.react_msg(chat.id, e_msg.id, reaction)
diff --git a/bot/functions/shell.py b/bot/functions/owner_func/shell.py
similarity index 94%
rename from bot/functions/shell.py
rename to bot/functions/owner_func/shell.py
index 417ee71..325ffd8 100644
--- a/bot/functions/shell.py
+++ b/bot/functions/owner_func/shell.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ async def func_shell(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
if not command:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /shell 'dir/ls'
[linux/Windows Depend on your hosting server]")
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /shell dir/ls
[linux/Windows Depend on your hosting server]")
sent_msg = await Message.reply_msg(update, "⌊ please wait... ⌉")
@@ -59,5 +59,5 @@ async def func_shell(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
await Message.edit_msg(update, e, sent_msg)
- await Message.send_doc(chat.id, shell, "shell.txt", f"Command: {command}\nExecute time: {(time_executed - time_executing):.2f}s", e_msg.id)
await Message.del_msg(chat.id, sent_msg)
+ await Message.send_doc(chat.id, shell, "shell.txt", f"Command: {command}\nExecute time: {(time_executed - time_executing):.2f}s", e_msg.id)
diff --git a/bot/functions/sys.py b/bot/functions/owner_func/sys.py
similarity index 100%
rename from bot/functions/sys.py
rename to bot/functions/owner_func/sys.py
diff --git a/bot/functions/paste.py b/bot/functions/paste.py
index f1867c6..f3a6200 100644
--- a/bot/functions/paste.py
+++ b/bot/functions/paste.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ async def func_paste(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
text = (re_msg.text_html or re_msg.caption_html) if re_msg else " ".join(context.args)
if not text:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /paste 'text'
or reply the message/text with /paste
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /paste text
or reply the message/text with /paste
sent_msg = await Message.reply_msg(update, f"Creating...")
diff --git a/bot/functions/ping.py b/bot/functions/ping.py
index bdafae1..ec076ff 100644
--- a/bot/functions/ping.py
+++ b/bot/functions/ping.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ async def func_ping(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
url = " ".join(context.args)
if not url:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /ping 'url'
\nE.g. /ping https://google.com
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /ping url
\nE.g. /ping https://google.com
if url[0:4] != "http":
diff --git a/bot/functions/psndl.py b/bot/functions/psndl.py
index 9ed823f..0d26338 100644
--- a/bot/functions/psndl.py
+++ b/bot/functions/psndl.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ async def func_psndl(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
keyword = " ".join(context.args)
if not keyword:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /psndl 'game name'
\nE.g. /psndl grand theft auto
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /psndl game name
\nE.g. /psndl grand theft auto
if len(keyword) < 5:
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ async def func_rap(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
rap_data = " ".join(context.args)
if not rap_data:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /rap 'rap_data'
\nE.g. /rap D78710F4C0979FAD9CDB40C612C94F60
\nNote: You will get the rap data after searching content/game using /psndl command.")
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /rap rap_data
\nE.g. /rap D78710F4C0979FAD9CDB40C612C94F60
\nNote: You will get the rap data after searching content/game using /psndl command.")
sent_msg = await Message.reply_msg(update, "Creating...")
diff --git a/bot/functions/send.py b/bot/functions/send.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f30460..0000000
--- a/bot/functions/send.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import asyncio
-from telegram import Update
-from telegram.ext import ContextTypes
-from telegram.error import Forbidden
-from bot.helper.telegram_helper import Message
-from bot.functions.power_users import _power_users
-async def func_send(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
- user = update.effective_user
- chat = update.effective_chat
- e_msg = update.effective_message
- re_msg = update.message.reply_to_message
- text = " ".join(context.args)
- power_users = await _power_users()
- if user.id not in power_users:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Access denied!")
- return
- if chat.type != "private":
- await Message.reply_msg(update, f"Boss you are in public chat!")
- await asyncio.sleep(3)
- await Message.del_msgs(chat.id, [e_msg.id, e_msg.id + 1])
- return
- if not text or not re_msg:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /send 'chat_id'
by replying a message!\n/send f 'chat_id'
to forward the replied message to chat_id!")
- return
- forward_confirm, chat_id = None, text
- splited_text = text.split()
- if len(splited_text) == 2:
- forward_confirm, chat_id = splited_text
- msg = re_msg.text_html or re_msg.caption_html if re_msg else None
- if forward_confirm:
- sent_msg = await Message.forward_msg(chat_id, chat.id, re_msg.id)
- else:
- if re_msg.text_html:
- sent_msg = await Message.send_msg(chat_id, msg)
- elif re_msg.caption_html:
- sent_msg = await Message.send_img(chat_id, re_msg.photo[-1].file_id, msg)
- if not sent_msg:
- msg, reaction = "An error occurred!", "🤔"
- elif sent_msg == Forbidden:
- msg, reaction = "Forbidden!", "👎"
- else:
- msg, reaction = "Message Sent!", "👍"
- await Message.react_msg(chat.id, re_msg.id, reaction)
- await Message.reply_msg(update, msg)
diff --git a/bot/functions/shortener.py b/bot/functions/shortener.py
index aad471f..9052352 100644
--- a/bot/functions/shortener.py
+++ b/bot/functions/shortener.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ async def func_shortener(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
msg = (re_msg.text or re_msg.caption) if re_msg else " ".join(context.args)
if not msg:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /short 'url'
\nor reply the url with /short
command.\nE.g. /short https://google.com
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /short url
\nor reply the url with /short
command.\nE.g. /short https://google.com
shorted_url = await shortener_url(msg)
diff --git a/bot/functions/translator.py b/bot/functions/translator.py
index 951ddea..edd6fb8 100644
--- a/bot/functions/translator.py
+++ b/bot/functions/translator.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ async def func_translator(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
"Language code's": "https://telegra.ph/Language-Code-12-24"
btn = await Button.ubutton(btn_data)
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /tr 'text'
or /tr lang_code 'text'
or reply the text with /tr
or /tr lang_code
\n\nEnable auto translator mode for this chat from /settings", btn=btn)
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /tr text
or /tr lang_code text
or reply the text with /tr
or /tr lang_code
\n\nEnable auto translator mode for this chat from /settings", btn=btn)
to_translate = None
diff --git a/bot/functions/weather.py b/bot/functions/weather.py
index 2895665..6df1551 100644
--- a/bot/functions/weather.py
+++ b/bot/functions/weather.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ async def func_weather(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
location = " ".join(context.args)
if not location:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /weather 'location name'
\nE.g. /weather london
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /weather location_name
\nE.g. /weather london
info = await weather_info(location)
diff --git a/bot/functions/whisper.py b/bot/functions/whisper.py
index bc2009f..4d824cf 100644
--- a/bot/functions/whisper.py
+++ b/bot/functions/whisper.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ async def func_whisper(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
if not msg:
- await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /whisper @mention_user 'message'
\nor reply user by /whisper 'message'
\nE.g. /whisper @bishalqx980 This is a secret message 😜
+ await Message.reply_msg(update, "Use /whisper @mention_user message
\nor reply user by /whisper message
\nE.g. /whisper @bishalqx980 This is a secret message 😜
await Message.del_msg(chat.id, e_msg)
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index a4bb39d..e9b667a 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@
from bot.functions.settings import func_settings
from bot.functions.id import func_id
from bot.functions.help import func_help
-from bot.functions.broadcast import func_broadcast
-from bot.functions.send import func_send
-from bot.functions.database import func_database
-from bot.functions.bsettings import func_bsettings
-from bot.functions.shell import func_shell
-from bot.functions.log import func_log
-from bot.functions.restart import func_restart
-from bot.functions.sys import func_sys
+from bot.functions.owner_func.broadcast import func_broadcast
+from bot.functions.owner_func.send import func_send
+from bot.functions.owner_func.database import func_database
+from bot.functions.owner_func.bsettings import func_bsettings
+from bot.functions.owner_func.shell import func_shell
+from bot.functions.owner_func.log import func_log
+from bot.functions.owner_func.restart import func_restart
+from bot.functions.owner_func.sys import func_sys
from bot.functions.filter_service_msg import func_filter_services
from bot.functions.filter_all import func_filter_all
from bot.functions.del_command import func_del_command