Warning! Unreal engine is included in this docker, 500GB disk space is needed.
# 检查docker是否可用 (如果已经身处某个docker容器内,则docker不可用,请找到宿主系统,然后再运行以下命令)
sudo docker ps
# 启动docker容器
sudo docker run -itd --name $USER-swarm \
--net host \
--memory 500G \
--gpus all \
--shm-size=32G \
# 修改docker容器的ssh的端口到 4567,自行选择合适的空闲端口
sudo docker exec -it $USER-swarm sed -i 's/2266/4567/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# 运行docker容器的ssh
sudo docker exec -it $USER-swarm service ssh start
# 运行docker容器的bash
sudo docker exec -it $USER-swarm bash
Now find a computer to ssh into it: ssh hmp@your_host_ip -p 2233
# IP Addr: share with the host
# SSH Port 4567
# UserName: hmp
# Password: hmp