As an old CakePHP user, I started with the __()
function. I liked the approach for small projects and created this small package for my own projects.
You use the __()
somewhere in your code. As long, you don't create translations, the argument (string) will be returned. If you create a translation, the translation will be
composer require basteyy/php-i18n
The languages files are in ini format. For supporting all variants of strings, the key is hashed using the xxh3 algorithm (which is the fastest algorithm for php now).
; Content of /var/www/lang/de_DE.ini
; Original: Add
2519a9e8bc4544e5 = "Hinzufügen"
; Original: Remove
d93080c2fe513df2 = "Entfernen"
; Original: Remove %s Items
4937f99272d45d21 = "%s Dinge entfernen"
// Content of /var/www/index.php
use basteyy\I18n\I18n;
I18n::addTranslationFolder(__DIR__ . '/lang/');
I18n::addTranslationFolder(__DIR__ . '/another_folder/');
echo __('Add');
// Result: Hinzufügen
echo __("Remove");
// Result: Entfernen
echo __('Remove %s Item\'s ', 3212);
// Result: 3212 Dinge entfernen
echo __('A new string');
// Result: A new string
echo __('A new string with placeholder %s', 'inside');
// Result: A new string with placeholder inside
You can use the bash script to generate the translation file. Please be aware, that this is a simple solution. It's easy to break it down with using =
To translate an website, you can use the shell command
php vendor/basteyy/php-i18n/src/bin/I18nBaker source_folder target_file options --no-comments
In case you have your files, which shpuld be translated, stored under /var/www/src/templates/
and you want to store the translation file at /var/www/src/translations/dk_DK.ini
, you need to perform this:
php vendor/basteyy/php-i18n/src/bin/I18nBaker /var/www/src/templates/ /var/www/src/translations/dk_DK.ini
You can append the following options:
will output a translation file, without any comments.
php vendor/basteyy/php-i18n/src/bin/I18nBaker /var/www/src/templates/ /var/www/src/translations/dk_DK.ini --no-comments
- Write tests
- Add more options to the shell command
- Create a solid shell app (maybe with symfony/console)