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File metadata and controls

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Band set

Image input in :guilabel:`SCP` is named :guilabel:`band set`. This tab allows for the definition of one or multiple :guilabel:`band sets` to be used as input for classification and other tools.

:guilabel:`Band sets` are identified by numbers. The :guilabel:`active band set` (i.e. the one selected in :ref:`band_set_definition`) is used as input for several tools in :ref:`SCP_dock` and the :ref:`working_toolbar`. Other :guilabel:`SCP` tools allow for the selection of :guilabel:`band set` numbers.

The :guilabel:`Band set` definition is saved with the QGIS project.


Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link .

A :guilabel:`band set` is basically a list of bands defined as the following table.

Band name Center wavelength Multiplicative Factor Additive Factor Wavelength unit Path Date
name of the band (it cannot be edited) center of the wavelength of the band multiplicative rescaling factor additive rescaling factor wavelength unit relative path of the raster image acquisition date

It is possible to add to the :guilabel:`active band set` one or more bands already loaded in QGIS, or select files that are not loaded. A :guilabel:`Date` can be assigned to a :guilabel:`band set` which can be later used in other tools to select :guilabel:`band sets` by date. Also, a :guilabel:`Root directory` for band paths can be defined, which can be useful to create projects with relative paths.

The following tools are available.

Tool symbol and name Description
open_file open file explorer and add raster files (preferably single band raster) to the :guilabel:`active band set`
plus open a window to select rasters already loaded in QGIS and add them to the :guilabel:`active band set`
move_up move highlighted bands upward
move_down move highlighted bands downward
order_by_name sort automatically bands by name, giving priority to the ending numbers of name
remove remove highlighted bands from the :guilabel:`active band set`
reset clear all bands from :guilabel:`active band set`
import import a previously saved :guilabel:`active band set` from file
export export the :guilabel:`active band set` to a file

It is possible to define a multiplicative rescaling factor and additive rescaling factor for each band (for instance using the values in Landsat metadata), which are used on the fly (i.e. pixel value = original pixel value * multiplicative rescaling factor + additive rescaling factor) during the processing.

The :guilabel:`Center wavelength` of bands should be defined in order to use several functions of :guilabel:`SCP`. If the :guilabel:`Center wavelength` of bands is not defined, the band number is used and some :guilabel:`SCP` tools will be disabled.

These tools allow for quickly set attributes of the :guilabel:`active band set`.

Tool symbol and name Description
:guilabel:`Wavelength` input_list rapid definition of band center wavelength for the following satellite sensors: * Band order * ASTER * GeoEye-1 * GOES * Landsat 8 OLI * Landsat 7 ETM+ * Landsat 4-5 TM * Landsat 1, 2, and 3 MSS * MODIS * Pleiades * QuickBird * RapidEye * Sentinel-2 * Sentinel-3 * SPOT 4, 5, and 6 * WorldView-2 and WorldView-3
open_file open a csv file of wavelength values (center wavelength separated by comma or new line)
:guilabel:`Wavelength unit` input_list
select the wavelength unit among:
:guilabel:`Date` input_date set the date of acquisition

The table on the left side is the :guilabel:`Band set table`. It includes the list of all the defined :guilabel:`band sets` (the names of the first bands are displayed), which can be selected with a left click. Double click on a table item can be used to define the :guilabel:`Active band set`.

A :guilabel:`Filter` can be used to display :guilabel:`band sets` in the table matching a name.

The following tools are available for managing :guilabel:`band sets`.

Tool symbol and name Description
add_bandset add a new empty :guilabel:`band set`
remove remove highlighted :guilabel:`band sets`
order_by_date sort :guilabel:`band sets` by date
move_up move highlighted :guilabel:`band sets` upward
move_down move highlighted :guilabel:`band sets` downward
rgb_tool display the RGB color composite of selected :guilabel:`band sets` (a virtual raster is added in QGIS)

:guilabel:`Band set tools` are tools that can be executed directly on :guilabel:`Active band set`. Multiple tools can be selected by the corresponding check box. This can also be useful to automate the processing during image conversion.

Tool symbol and name Description
checkbox :guilabel:`Create virtual raster of band set` create a multiband virtual raster of :guilabel:`Active band set`
checkbox :guilabel:`Create raster of band set (stack bands)` stack bands in a single multiband raster
checkbox :guilabel:`Build band overview` build band overview of :guilabel:`Active band set`
checkbox :guilabel:`Band calc expression` execute the expression defined in :ref:`band_calc_tab`
run execute selected tools