This tab allows for the combination of bands loaded in a :ref:`band_set_tab`.
This tool is intended for combining classifications in order to get a raster
where each value corresponds to a combination of class values.
Raster values must be integer type.
A combination raster is produced as output and the area of each combination is
reported in a .csv
This tool supports virtual raster output
; if the output file name ends
with .vrt
then the output is created as virtual raster composed of as many
files as the number of CPU threads defined in
:ref:`system_processing`; for large rasters this can speed up the process.
Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link .
Tool symbol and name | Description |
:guilabel:`Select input band set (of classifications)` | select the input :ref:`band_set_tab` |
:guilabel:`Use value as NoData` | if checked, set the value of NoData pixels, ignored during the
calculation |
:guilabel:`Script` | add this function to the :ref:`script_tab` |
:guilabel:`RUN` | run this function |
The list of combinations and the area thereof will be displayed in the
tab Output