Patterns are used to match values. They can also be used to destructure values into variables to access specific portions of a value.
Patterns can bind names to values. These bindings may be mutable (i.e. var
) or immutable (i.e.
). As with variable declarations, let
bindings are preferred. How this is done depends on
whether the pattern is in a binding context or not. The pattern grammar is therefor parameterized
on whether it is in a binding context or not.
: type_pattern
| none_pattern
| optional_pattern
| not_pattern
| union_pattern
| intersection_pattern
| wildcard_pattern
Patterns come in two forms: refutable and irrefutable. An irrefutable pattern never fails to match. They are used to destructure data or as base cases. Refutable patterns may not match a given value. Some kinds of patterns are inherently irrefutable, for example the simple binding pattern. While other kinds of patterns are inherently refutable, for example the optional pattern. However, many patterns could be either refutable or irrefutable depending on the subpatterns used with it. For example, the refutability of tuple patterns depends on the patterns used for the individual tuple elements. Whether a pattern is allowed to be refutable or not depends on the context it is used in. Patterns in variable declaration statements myst be irrefutable. Patterns in other contexts can be refutable.
Patterns are used in a variety of places in Azoth. Some require irrefutable patterns and each may or may not establish a binding context. The list below summarizes where patterns may be used and what kind of pattern occurs in each location.
expression arms: refutable patterns in a non-binding contextis
expressions: refutable patterns in a non-binding contextforeach
expressions: refutable patterns in a binding contextlet
statements: irrefutable patterns in a binding context- function parameters: irrefutable patterns in a binding context
Binding patterns establish bindings to names. The form they take depends on whether the pattern
occurs in a binding context. Inside of a binding context, an identifier creates a binding of the
kind determined by the binding context. That is, whether the binding context was established by a
or var
determines the binding mutability. (Note that in non-binding contexts, an identifier
would be a type pattern).
: identifier
Outside of a binding context, pattern bindings are introduced with the let
or var
keyword. These
create a binding context for the patterns they contain. Optionally, a type may be specified in which
case the pattern is refutable and matches only if the type matches. Because specifying the type is
inherently refutable, they cannot be specified inside of variable declaration statements.
: "let" pattern<binding=true> (":" type)?
| "var" pattern<binding=true> (":" type)?
let x = 1;
match x
1 => console.write_line("one"),
2 => console.write_line("two"),
3 => console.write_line("three"),
_ => console.write_line("anything"),
and code_point
literals also work.
let x = Foo();
match x
Foo => console.write_line("Foo"),
_ => console.write_line("not Foo"),
Any class type can be matched. If the type is not visible outside the package, then the match can be exhaustive because no subclasses can be added without rebuilding the package. This can also be achieved by marking the class "closed?"
: "none"
A modifier to identifier binding patterns that matches only if the value is not none
: identifier "?"
if value is let x?
// x is value
If the ?
operator can be overloaded, then it should be possible to overload this to match for
other types besides optional.
The not pattern can be used to match any value that does not match a given pattern. When bindings are established, this flips the context under which the binding is available. For example, if a binding is inside a not pattern in the condition of an if, then the bound name will be available in the else clause or after the if statement when there is no else clause.
: "not" pattern
These can be used to combine multiple patterns. Note that they match the syntax for type
expressions. This also distinguishes them from logical operators so that an and
or or
the end of a pattern expression.
: pattern "|" pattern
: pattern "&" pattern
let x = 1;
match x
1 | 2 => console.write_line("one or two"),
3 => console.write_line("three"),
_ => console.write_line("anything"),
Note that alternatives can contain the same binding name as long as the type matches in each alternative.
Ranges work exactly as they do in other places
let x = 5;
match x {
1..5 => console.write_line("one through five"), // TODO but .. isn't inclusive?
_ => console.write_line("something else"),
How can this be overloaded to match other types?
let #(x, y) = #(1, 2)
foo(console: Console, _: int, y: int) -> void
console.write_line("This code only uses the y parameter: \(y)");
Can be used to ignore sub-parts.
There should be a syntax similar to _
that serves as a catch all for match expressions, but
generates a warning if the compiler detects something will match it. This would be useful for
libraries that contain open types where you must have a _
but don't want to accidentally match
added types. But is this different than `_ => NOT_IMPLEMENTED!()"?
Should you really be required to have a default case for matches on open types? If the library is changed, you should deal with it.
Use _x
to avoid the warning that variable x
is unused. As with Rust, this has the effect of
binding the value to the variable which has lifetime effects, whereas just _
does not bind.
let num: int? = 4;
match num {
x? when x < 5 => console.write_line("less than five: \(x)"),
x => console.write_line(x),
none => void,
class Point
public let x: int;
public let y: int;
public init(.x, .y) { }
main() -> void
let p = Point(0, 7);
let Point { x, y } = p;
assert(0 == x);
assert(7 == y);
// TODO is this the correct syntax?
let Point { .x=a, .y=b } = p;
assert(0 == a);
assert(7 == b);
let [x, y, ...] = list;
How do you expand this to work on other types? A special kind of match method.
public class Foo
match []() // creates array match method?
Classes can declare how they are matched with match methods. These are like Scala unapply functions.
class Foo
match(.x, .y) => true; // match the x and y properties
match() => #(int, int)? // Form allowing more sophisticated logic
return #(x, y);
match named(.x, .y); // matches can be named
init match (.x, .y) // declare both an initializer and a match method at once
These are then matched as
let v = Foo();
match v
T(x,y) => ...,, y) => ...,
.name(x, y) => ..., // type assumed to be that of `v`
Should classes that are tuple like be supported as a shortcut for matching?
public class T(a: int, b: int) // declares fields `a` and `b`, initializer and match method all at once
Is there a way to use a regular expression to match a string?