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79 lines (69 loc) · 3.75 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (69 loc) · 3.75 KB

Workflow : values_rwxrob.yaml where extraConfig is commented out thats gives different namespaces per user

  1. systemctl start, enable, open docker
  2. mk start --driver=docker -p jhub # to start minikube over a docker container
  3. k cluster-info # making sure that k8s cluster is running over the mk container
  4. helm repo update # making sure that helm is rdy
  5. k create ns jhub # create other than default namespace
  6. k get namespaces # verifying that the brand new jhub ns is there together with the default ns
  7. k label ns jhub nstype=system # labeling the jhub ns
    • Optional: k apply -f rbac.yaml # apply RBAC configuration
  • helm repo update

  1. helm upgrade --cleanup-on-fail --install jhub jupyterhub/jupyterhub --namespace jhub --values myvalues.yaml # install the helm chart
  2. helm list -A # verifying the deployment of the helm chart
  3. k get pods # should show the generated pods
  4. k get pods -n jhub # or this one
  5. k get namespaces # verifying that the default and jhub +rest namespaces are there
  6. k get services # or with: -n jhub. it should show that EXTERNAL-IP is in pending status
  7. mk tunnel -p jhub # route it
  8. k get services # should now show the actual EXTERNAL-IP
  9. # should be the one. browse it and log in with an account: (jovyan:jupyter)
  10. watch -n 1 kubectl get pods # to keep track of the pods running every 1 sec. do you see the new user holding a pod? (Must be YES if they dont keep a separate namespace)
  11. log-out and log-in with different user, e.g. (test1:test1user)
  12. do you see the new user holding a pod?

Customizing Images:

  1. Dockerfile from
  2. docker build -t apathanasiadis/customized -f Dockerfile .
  3. mk image load apathanasiadis/customized:v0 -p jhub
  4. docker push apathanasiadis/customized:v0
  5. change myvalues.yaml file and upgrage helm
  6. apparently it works because it's not pushed to private registry. For that another procedure should be followed.

restart commands:

  • k rollout restart deployment hub
  • watch k get pods
    Upgrading after changing the config (or values) file
  • helm upgrade --cleanup-on-fail
    jhub jupyterhub/jupyterhub
    --namespace jhub
    --values myvalues.yaml

clean-up commands:

  • helm uninstall jhub || true
  • k delete ns jhub || true
  • mk delete -p jhub
  • k delete pods jupyter-jovyan -n jovyan # clean up separate namespace user's pod, where first goes the name of the pod and second the name of the namespace.

kubectl commands:

  • k get configmaps hub -n jhub -o yaml # prints the file for the namespace
  • k exec -it -n jovyan jupyter-jovyan -- bash
  • cd ~/.minikube/profiles/jhub -> xo config.json # checks the minikube config file: can change the ISO file
  • KUBE_EDITOR="vim" k edit deployments.apps hub -n jhub

helm commands:

  • helm get manifest jhub

minikube commands:

  • mk addons list


~/Repos/docker-stacks: Makefile <- e.g. all the images

learning/process log:

  • only one user server at a time is allowed

  • containers have specific JupyterHub requirements

  • images must include "OCI runtime"

  • images must inlude jupyterhub-singleuser executable

  • confirmed home directory persistence across image types

  • different image across users! i.e. test1 doesnt see jovyan's files and vice versa

  • Error created by plain "Ubuntu" image -> k delete pods jupyter-test1 -n jhub # to kill the pod

    • However, the user survives, since I loged in with same username (apparently pwd doesnt matter for now) and still had my file.

20240926 - Next tasks:

  • user images must be derived from standard images

  • create base/sample Dockerfile for custom images

  • automatically mounting shared folders: postStart