This is my first Python project "Brain games". With this package user can try 5 different games:
- Even or Odd
- Calculator
- Greatest Common Divisor
- Progression
- Prime Number Check
All games share the same mechanism. When executed, a game asks name of the player and greets them. A player can beat the game by answering correctly to 3 questions in a row. If a player makes a mistake, the game finishes.
This file includes a short description of each game, package installation guide and a screen recording (made with asciinema) of every game with an example of both win and lose scenario.
Write in bash a command pip install brain-games --user
You are offered one randomly generated number and you need to answer if the number is even or not.
To start the game write brain-even
bash command.
You are offered a randomly generated expression (it can be addition, subtration or multiplication) and you need to type the result.
To start the game write brain-calc
bash command.
You are offered two randomly generated numbers and you are requested to find their greatest common divisor.
To start the game write brain-gcd
bash command.
You are offered a randomly generated sequence (can be 5 - 10 numbers long) and you need to fill a hidden number in the progressions.
To start the game write brain-progression
bash command.
You are offered a randomly generated number and you need to answer if this number is prime or not.
To start the game write brain-prime
bash command.