- Author: Alex Chaffee http://alexch.github.com
- Contributors:
- Wolfram Arnold http://rubyfocus.biz
- Sarah Allen http://blazingcloud.net
- Sponsored by Marakana http://marakana.com
- "Ruby Intro" based on Ruby Quickstart for Refugees by Jacob Rothstein
- References:
- The Well-Grounded Rubyist by David A. Black http://amzn.com/1933988657
- Learn to Program by Chris Pine http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/ http://pragprog.com/book/ltp2/learn-to-program http://amzn.com/1934356360
- Open-Source License
- either MIT or Apache or CC-BY-NC; we're still deciding
- Presentation Engine(s):
- deck.rb by Alex Chaffee