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Developer Info: Creating a Release

Tom Hombergs edited this page Dec 13, 2015 · 8 revisions

In main folder run the following commands:

  • mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=NEW_VERSION to update the version
  • mvn clean license:format to add the license headers to all source files
  • mvn javadoc:jar source:jar to create javadoc artifacts
  • mvn javadoc:aggregate -DoutputDirectory=apidocs to update the Javadoc

Check in everything.

Follow instructions at to create a keypair.

Create a settings.xml with your sonatype username and password (see article in link above).

Run mvn clean deploy -Dgpg.passphrase=YOUR_GPG_PASSPHRASE -s settings.xml -DperformRelease=true to deploy the artifacts to a staging repository on sonatype nexus.

Go to Staging Repository view on and close the repository. Once it is closed, release it.