The SQL-Database consists of 8 tables and 5 views. A short explanation to them will be given here.
The Scans-Table contains the Meta-Data for all scans. It has the following columns:
Column | Description |
ScanID | The ID is an auto-increment, that specifies a Scan |
SSLLabs | A boolean, that specifies if SSLLabs was/is used for this scan |
SSLLabsVersion | The Version number of the table used for the SSLLabs-Results |
Observatory | A boolean, that specifies if Observatory was/is used for this scan |
ObservatoryVersion | The Version number of the table used for the Observatory-Results |
SecurityHeaders | A boolean, that specifies if SecurityHeaders was/is used for this scan |
SecurityHeadersVersion | The Version number of the table used for the SecurityHeaders-Results |
Crawler | A boolean, that specifies if Crawler was/is used for this scan |
CrawlerVersion | The Version number of the table used for the Crawler-Results |
Unreachable | Number of hosts, that were not reachable |
Total | Total number of hosts |
Done | Boolean, implicating if the scan is finished |
StartTime | Timestamp (Server Time) when the Scan was started |
Config | The used API-Configurations in json-Format |
The Domains-Table contains all Domains that were scanned and is used to sort them in different lists. It has the following columns:
Column | Description |
DomainID | The ID is an auto-increment, that specifies a Domain |
DomainName | The host/domain name |
ListID | An identifier to specify to which List a Domain belongs |
isActive | A boolean, that specifies if a domain is active. Inactive domains are not scanned |
nextScan | A boolean, that specifies if a domain is going to be in the next scan |
CreationDate | A timestamp (Server Time) of the point in time the domain was added to the table |
The Unreachable-Table contains all Domains that were unreachable during a scan. It has the following columns:
Column | Description |
ScanID | ID specifying the scan |
DomainID | ID specifying the Domain |
DNSError | A boolean, that specifies if the domain was unreachable due to a DNS-Lookup error (No such host!) |
Table | Description |
Crawler-Table | Description |
Observatory-Table | Description |
SecurityHeaders-Table | Description |
SSLLabs-Table | Description |
Certificates-Table | Description |
This view combines the results from all APIs per Scan and Domain.
This view just adds the DomainName to each entry in the TestAggregation-View.
This view just shows the Grades of each Test for each entry in the CompleteResults-View.
This view just shows the entries of the CompleteResults-View for the newest Scan.
This view just shows the entries of the CompleteGrades-View for the newest Scan.