- Removed DocumentRepository->getDocumentsByQuery as it is no longer needed. createQuery returns you an ODM query that can find documents directly. To get documents from a PHPCR query there is DocumentManager->getDocumentsByPhpcrQuery()
- DocumentManager->getQueryBuilder now returns an ODM QueryBuilder and NOT the PHPCR QueryBuilder. The PHPCR QueryBuilder is still available via. DocumentManager->getPhpcrQueryBuilder().
- The results of ->execute() on the new ODM query are Documents by default. It is possible to obtain the PHPCR nodes by using ->getPhpcrNodeResult() or ->execute(Query::HYDRATE_PHPCR);
- CreateQuery($statement, $language) has NOT been implemented in the new query builder. It is, however, still available in the DocumentManager.
- DocumetManager->getDocumentsByQuery renamed to getDocumentsByPhpcrQuery()