This package is still in development, is not complete and instructions may change significantly
This is the documentation page for DACE.jl, a Julia interface to the DACE library.
Getting started
DACE.jl can be installed using the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ]
to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run
pkg> add https://github.com/chrisdjscott/DACE_jll.jl.git
-pkg> add https://github.com/chrisdjscott/DACE.jl.git
Notes about the interface
- The Julia interface is built using CxxWrap.jl
- The C++ source for the interface is currently in this fork of the DACE library
- The C++ code gets built and released to the DACE_jll package, currently located here
- The Julia component of the interface is currently here
The above may change, in particular we hope to: