These files are the simulation based on Matlab/Simulink for the paper: ATTACK-RESILIENT OBSERVER PRUNING FOR PATH-TRACKING CONTROL OFWHEELED MOBILE ROBOT.
If you use the whole codes or part of them, please cite the papers:
author={Zheng, Yu and Anubi, Olugbenga Moses},
title= "{Attack-Resilent Observer Pruning for Path-tracking Control of
Wheeled Mobile Robot}",
series = {Dynamic Systems and Control Conference},
title={Resilient Observer Design for Cyber-Physical Systems with Data-Driven Measurement Pruning},
author={Zheng, Yu and Anubi, Olugbenga Moses},
booktitle={Security and Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems: Detection, Estimation and Control},
Any question about the paper, please contact Yu Zheng ([email protected]), Dr.Anubi ([email protected]).
(Refer to: Localization_oracle.m)
We use the Bernoulli uncertainty model to simulate the result of any machine learning localization algorithm's results.
(Refer to: robustneess_support)
Note: the way to use the upper two set of codes
Refer to Pruning_observer_inexact.slx/Attack_localization_and_Removing/Attack_localization block.
getAttackIndices.m: obatin the support of the optimal attacked locations
gen_attack_channel.m: generate the successful FDIA based on the selected locations
Notice: the way to use these two set of codes, please follow the mathmatical process in the paper, and refer to the function in Pruning_observer_inexact.slx/FDIA.
Pruning_observer_inexact.slx/dynamic model
Pruning_observer_inexact.slx/Forward kinematic model
Pruning_observer_inexact.slx/path_tracking controller
Please run Run_this_file_for_DDWMR_model firstly to set all parameters;
Pruning_observer_inexact.slx: the simulation for pruning observer based on inexact oracle
UKF_under_FDIA.slx: the simulation for only UKF
only_oracle_and_UKF.slx: the simulation for UKF based on oracle
DDWMR.slx: the path-tracking simulation without attacks