In this virtual era, everything is on our fingertips be it an online class, e-library and of course games. Games are a part of everyone's lives. Many games freshens us up & others skills us up. Well, here we introduced a game FUSION which is a blend of CASINO and NUMBER GUESSING game. You can play this at your ease by following the rules descripted below and also in the game. You can either run this program on an online compiler by clicking on the link given below or copy the codeand try it on your own device.
- First, you need to enter your balance and then your bidding amount
- Then you have to guess a number between 1 to 100
- You will get a total of 10 chances to guess the correct number
- If you guess the correct number, you win 20 times the bid amount
- For each wrong guess, you lose (bid amount / 10)$ per wrong guess of the amount you bet
- Once you get finished with all of your chances, you will lose twice the bid amount from your total balance
To quit the game anytime, press ctrl+c
Compile this game in online plateform
#include <iostream>
// below two libraries are to generate random number
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
// function prototype
void getRules();
int getAmountData();
int gameLogic();
// global variables
string userName;
int totalAmount = 0;
int betAmount = 0;
// main function
int main(void) {
// take player's name
cout << "\nPlease enter your name : ";
cin >> userName;
// following do-while loop will run until the balance is zero
do {
// the following if condition runs iff total amount is zero provided it runs once in the entire game
if (totalAmount == 0) {
else {
string playAgain;
cout << "\nDO you want to play again ? (y/n) : ";
cin >> playAgain;
// if balance is 0, the loop terminates i.e., game ends
if (totalAmount > 0) {
if (playAgain == "y" || playAgain == "Y") {
// display current balance
cout << "Now, Your total balance is : " << totalAmount << "$" << endl;
gameLogic(); // re-starts the game
// if no, terminate the do-while loop
else if (playAgain == "n" || playAgain == "N" || totalAmount == 0) {
cout << "Thank you for playing this game !\n" << endl;
// if player enters inappropriate response
else {
cout << "Please enter proper characters." << endl;
cout << "\nDO you want to play again ? (y/n) : ";
cin >> playAgain;
else {
cout << "\n Ooppss! Your balance is vanished, you cannot play with zero balance." << endl;
cout << "Thank you for playing this game !\n" << endl;
} while (totalAmount != 0);
return 0;
// function to take & display player's balance
int getAmountData() {
cout << "\nEnter your balance : $";
cin >> totalAmount;
cout << "Your total balance is: " << totalAmount << "$" << endl;
return 0;
// function describing the game logic
int gameLogic() {
// to declare the bid amount
int betAmountScope = totalAmount - 10;
// to declare the loss per wrong guess
int decreasingAmount;
// the following do-while loop checks two conditions:
// 1. bid amount is less than or equal to balance
// 2. bid amount is multiple of 10
do {
// loop to check condition 1
do {
if (totalAmount < betAmountScope) {
cout << "\nYour betting amount should be less than your balance, please bid again: $";
cin >> betAmountScope;
} while (totalAmount <= betAmountScope);
// loop to check condition 2
do {
if (betAmountScope % 10 != 0) {
cout << "Please enter correct bid amount by required (multiplication by 10)...!" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease enter your bid amount (In *10) : $";
cin >> betAmountScope;
} while (betAmountScope % 10 != 0);
} while (totalAmount < betAmountScope || betAmountScope % 10 != 0);
cout << "you bet " << betAmountScope << "$" << endl;
// decrease the bidding amount from total balance for the first time if player loses
totalAmount -= betAmountScope;
cout << "\nNow, Your total balance is : " << totalAmount << "$" << endl;
cout << "you have total 10 maximum chances to guess correct number...!" << endl;
// betamount stores the bid amount i.e., 20-18-16-14-12
// betamountscope stores the bidding amount
betAmount = betAmountScope;
// money decreasing logic:
// if user bids 10$ then 1$ cuts per wrong guess
// if user bids 20$ then 2$ cuts per wrong guess
// if user bids 30$ then 3$ cuts per wrong guess
// and so on...
decreasingAmount = (betAmountScope / 10);
cout << "Decrease " << decreasingAmount << "$ per wrong guess...!" << endl;
// generate a random number
// limit of random number between : 1 => 100
int randomNumber = (rand() % 100) + 1;
// cout << "Random No is : " << randomNumber << endl;
// local scope variable for player to guess number
int userChoice;
cout << "\nHey " << userName << "! Guess a number between 1 to 100 : ";
cin >> userChoice;
// this do-while loop terminates once player wins by guessing correct number
do {
// hint for the player to guess the number
if (randomNumber < userChoice) {
// hint if guessed number is 10 numbers behind/forword
if (userChoice - randomNumber < 10) {
cout << "good! you are too close please try to guess the correct number...!" << endl;
// if wrong guess, decrease n$ from betting amount
betAmount -= decreasingAmount;
cout << "Now your bet amount is : $" << betAmount << endl;
cout << "Please guess lower number...!" << endl;
cout << "\nguess again : ";
cin >> userChoice;
// hint for the player to guess the number
else if (randomNumber > userChoice) {
if (randomNumber - userChoice < 10) {
cout << "good! you are too close please try to guess the correct number...!" << endl;
betAmount -= decreasingAmount;
cout << "Now your bet amount is : $" << betAmount << endl;
cout << "Please guess higher number..!" << endl;
cout << "\nguess again : ";
cin >> userChoice;
// if bid amount vanished, loop breaks and player loses the game
if (betAmount <= 1) {
cout << "Oops! You lost the game...! Your betting amount finished (your chances finished...!)" << endl;
// decrease betamount from balance (2nd time... because by rule bid amount*2 cut from total balance)
totalAmount -= betAmountScope;
if (totalAmount < 0) {
cout << "Now, Your total balance is : 0$" << endl;
else {
cout << "Now, Your total balance is : " << totalAmount << "$" << endl;
} while (userChoice != randomNumber);
// if correctly guessed, player wins
if (userChoice == randomNumber) {
cout << "Congratulations " << userName << ", You won the game...!" << endl;
// by rule, user gets 20 times of the bid amount...
totalAmount += betAmount * 20;
cout << "Now, Your total balance is : " << totalAmount << "$" << endl;
return 0;
// function to display rules of the game
void getRules() {
// command to clear terminal...
// it works only for few online terminals/compiler
cout << "\n\t= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\n";
cout << "\n\t * CASINO NUMBER GUESSING RULES! * \n";
cout << "\n\t-----------------------------------------------\n";
cout << endl;
cout << "\t1. First, you need to enter your balance and then your bidding amount\n";
cout << "\t2. Then you have to guess a number between 1 to 100\n";
cout << "\t3.You will have a total of 10 chances to guess the correct number\n";
cout << "\t4. If you guess the correct number, you win 20 times the bid amount\n";
cout << "\t5. For each wrong guess, you lose (bid amount / 10)$ per wrong guess of the amount you bet\n";
cout << "\t6. Once you get finished with all your chances, you will lose twice the bid amount from your total balance\n";
cout << "\t==> To quit the game, press ctrl+c\n";
cout << "\n\t= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\n";
cout << endl;
Contributions are always welcomed...!