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YouHaveTrouble edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 16 revisions


I added a command to the whitelist, but it's not displaying in tab completer!

Autocompleter will only display commands that are registered on the server. Make sure the command you added exists.

I don't want any tab completion!

You can either use permission plugin to deny commandwhitelist.commands.default or remove all items from the default list and change the default line to 'default: []'

I can't use any commands I added to custom whitelist in config!

Use permission plugin to give yourself 'commandwhitelist.commands.<name_from_config>'

I can still see and can use bungeecord commands!

To block bungeecord commands you need to put this plugin on bungeecord server and configure it for that. There is no workaround for this.

Some commands I put in whitelist still display command denied message!

If this happens, the plugin doesn't register the aliases correctly. Use bukkits commands.yml instead of built-in plugin aliases.

Players can't use bungeecord commands, but can still see them in tab completer!

To block bungee tab completions you need to run Waterfall or one of its forks (ex. FlameCord). This is caused by completely dumb way bungeecord itself handles tab completion.

Players can still tab-complete commands in legacy mode (1.8 - 1.12)

Get ProtocolLib.

I used command/reloaded bungee config to add/remove bungee command but the current players don't have their command lists refreshed

There is currently nothing I can do about that, player just needs to switch servers/relog to get new bungee command list.

Some subcommands are not affected by the blocker!

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