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1142 lines (944 loc) · 30 KB

File metadata and controls

1142 lines (944 loc) · 30 KB

How to run a w3bstream node with docker

Suppose $working_dir is the directory you want to store your data.

Install docker-compose

Download docker-compose.yaml

cd $working_dir
curl > docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose up -d

You are all set.

Customize settings

cd $working_dir
curl > .env

then modify the corresponding parameters in .env, and restart your docker containers

docker-compose restart

Run W3bstream node from code

If you are interested in diving into the code and run the node using a locally built docker, here is the steps of building the docker image from code.

Build docker image from code

make build_backend_image

Run server in docker containers

 make run_docker

Stop server running in docker containers

make stop_docker

Delete docker resources

make drop_docker

How to interact with W3bstream Node Using CLI

Login (fetch auth token)


# the default password is "iotex.W3B.admin"
echo '{"username":"admin","password":"iotex.W3B.admin"}' | http put :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/login 

output like

  "accountID": "${account_id}",
  "expireAt": "2022-09-23T07:20:08.099601+08:00",
  "issuer": "srv-applet-mgr",
  "token": "${token}"
export TOK=${token}

Login/Signup with wallet address

export MESSAGE=...   # siwe serailized message
export SIGNATURE=... # message signature
echo '{"message":"'$MESSAGE'","signature":"'$SIGNATURE'"}' | http put :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/login/eth

output like:

  "accountID": "186912900253363206",
  "accountRole": "DEVELOPER",
  "expireAt": "2023-03-16T19:07:57.624481+08:00",
  "issuer": "iotex-w3bstream",
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQYXlsb2FkIjoiMTg2OTEyOTAwMjUzMzYzMjA2IiwiaXNzIjoiaW90ZXgtdzNic3RyZWFtIiwiZXhwIjoxNjc4OTY0ODc3fQ.u7wLOBUeehHTURNY2L2d_F4u-dZ5sHnBBHZKujnpMRw"

Get Account's Operator Address

http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account/operatoraddr -A bearer -a $TOK

Create your project with default config


export PROJECTNAME=${project_name}
echo '{"name":"'$PROJECTNAME'"}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "accountID": "11276794515805192",
  "channelState": true,
  "createdAt": "2023-05-03T05:39:17.835566714Z",
  "database": {
    "schemas": [
        "schema": "public"
  "envs": {
    "env": null
  "name": "demo",
  "projectID": "11276839333473280",
  "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T05:39:17.835567047Z"

Create project with database and env vars configuration

  "schemas": [
      "schema": "public",
      "tables": [
          "name": "t_demo",
          "desc": "demo table",
          "cols": [
              "name": "f_id",
              "constrains": {
                "datatype": "INT64",
                "autoincrement": true,
                "desc": "primary id"
              "name": "f_name",
              "constrains": {
                "datatype": "TEXT",
                "length": 255,
                "desc": "name"
              "name": "f_amount",
              "constrains": {
                "datatype": "FLOAT64",
                "desc": "amount"
              "name": "f_income",
              "constrains": {
                "datatype": "DECIMAL",
                "length": 512,
                "decimal": 512,
                "default": "0",
                "desc": "income"
              "name": "f_comment",
              "constrains": {
                "datatype": "TEXT",
                "default": "''",
                "null": true,
                "desc": "comment"
          "keys": [
              "name": "primary",
              "isUnique": false,
              "columnNames": [
              "name": "t_demo_ui_name",
              "isUnique": true,
              "columnNames": [
              "name": "i_amount",
              "isUnique": false,
              "columnNames": [
export PROJECTENV='{
  "env": [
    ["envKey1", "envValue1"],
    ["envKey2", "envValue2"],
    ["envKey3", "envValue3"]
  "source": {"strategies": ["flow_poc"]},
  "operators": [
      {"opType": "FILTER", "wasmFunc": "filterAge"}, 
      {"opType": "MAP", "wasmFunc": "mapTax"}, 
      {"opType": "WINDOW", "wasmFunc": "groupByAge"},
      {"opType": "GROUP", "wasmFunc": "groupByAge"},
      {"opType": "REDUCE", "wasmFunc": "reduce"}
  "sink": {
      "sinkType": "RMDB", 
      "sinkInfo": {
          "DBInfo": {
              "endpoint": "postgres://test_user:[email protected]:5432/test?sslmode=disable" , 
              "DBType": "postgres", 
              "table": "customer", 
              "columns": ["id", "firstName", "lastName", "age", "taxNumber", "city"]
echo '{"name":"'$PROJECTNAME'","database": '$PROJECTDATABASE',"envs":'$PROJECTENV',"flow": '$PROJECTFLOW'}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project -A bearer -a $TOK

You can define your own database model.

schemas defines database schema structure

schemas[i].schema defines schema name, default using public schema

schemas[i].tables defines table structures in schema.

schemas[i].tables[i].name defines table name(required)

schemas[i].tables[i].desc defines table description

schemas[i].tables[i].cols defines table columns

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].name defines column name

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].constrains.datatype defines column datatype

column datatype

column datatype postgres datatype
"INT" integer
"INT8" integer
"INT16" integer
"INT32" integer
"INT64" bigint
"UINT" integer
"UINT8" integer
"UINT16" integer
"UINT32" integer
"UINT64" bigint
"FLOAT32" real
"FLOAT64" double precision
"TEXT" character varying
"BOOL" boolean
"TIMESTAMP" bigint
"DECIMAL" numeric
"NUMERIC" numeric

the timestamp stored in database using epoch timestamp (microsecond)

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].constrains.datatype defines column datatype

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].constrains.length defines character varying length or numeric precision

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].constrains.decimal defines numeric scale

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].constrains.default defines column default value

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].constrains.null defines if column can be null

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].constrains.autoincrement defines if column is autoincrement

when column is autoincrement, integer defined as serial and bigint defined as bigserial in postgres datatype

schemas[i].tables[i].cols[i].constrains.desc column description

schemas[i].tables[i].keys[i].name defines index name

schemas[i].tables[i].keys[i].isUnique defines if index is unique

schemas[i].tables[i].keys[i].columnNames index related column names

NOTE: if the key's name is primary or has suffix pkey, it defined as primary key of the table. the index name will be built by this pattern:

  1. non-primary index: tableName_[i|ui]_[columnName1]_[columnName2]_.... if it is a unique index use ui, otherwise use i to split table name and index defines.
  2. primary key: tableName_primary

output like:

  "accountID": "11276794515805192",
  "channelState": true,
  "createdAt": "2023-05-03T06:44:05.132275513Z",
  "database": {
    "schemas": [
        "schema": "public",
        "tables": [
            "cols": [
                "constrains": {
                  "autoincrement": true,
                  "datatype": "INT64",
                  "desc": "primary id"
                "name": "f_id"
                "constrains": {
                  "datatype": "TEXT",
                  "desc": "name",
                  "length": 255
                "name": "f_name"
                "constrains": {
                  "datatype": "FLOAT64",
                  "desc": "amount"
                "name": "f_amount"
                "constrains": {
                  "datatype": "DECIMAL",
                  "decimal": 512,
                  "default": "0",
                  "desc": "income",
                  "length": 512
                "name": "f_income"
                "constrains": {
                  "datatype": "TEXT",
                  "default": "''",
                  "desc": "comment",
                  "null": true
                "name": "f_comment"
            "desc": "demo table",
            "keys": [
                "columnNames": [
                "name": "primary"
                "columnNames": [
                "isUnique": true,
                "name": "t_demo_ui_name"
                "columnNames": [
                "name": "i_amount"
            "name": "t_demo"
  "envs": {
    "env": [
  "name": "demo2",
  "projectID": "11276843314064388",
  "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T06:44:05.132275805Z"

Create or update project configurations after project created

echo $PROJECTENV | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_config/x/$PROJECTNAME/PROJECT_ENV -A bearer -a $TOK
echo $PROJECTDATABASE | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_config/x/$PROJECTNAME/PROJECT_DATABASE -A bearer -a $TOK
echo $PROJECTFLOW | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_config/x/$PROJECTNAME/PROJECT_FLOW -A bearer -a $TOK

Review your projects and project configurations

http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project/x/$PROJECTNAME/data -A bearer -a $TOK ## fetch project by name
http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_config/x/demo/PROJECT_ENV -A bearer -a $TOK  # fetch project env configuration
http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_config/x/demo/PROJECT_DATABASE -A bearer -a $TOK  # fetch project database configuration
http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_config/x/$PROJECTNAME/PROJECT_FLOW -A bearer -a $TOK  # fetch project database configuration
http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project/datalist -A bearer -a $TOK # fetch project list you created

Create and deploy applet under project created previously

export WASMFILE=build/wasms/log.wasm
export WASMNAME=log.wasm
export APPLETNAME=log
http --form post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/applet/x/$PROJECTNAME file@$WASMFILE info='{"appletName":"'$APPLETNAME'","wasmName":"'$WASMNAME'"}' -A bearer -a $TOK 

output like

  "appletID": "11276843999120385",
  "createdAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.131370253Z",
  "instance": {
    "appletID": "11276843999120385",
    "createdAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.146653045Z",
    "instanceID": "11276843999135746",
    "state": "STARTED",
    "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.146653128Z"
  "name": "11276843999120386",
  "projectID": "11276843314064388",
  "resource": {
    "createdAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.112226878Z",
    "md5": "30b11f90b1d7453474496f5cc42f0869",
    "path": "30b11f90b1d7453474496f5cc42f0869",
    "resourceID": "11276843999092744",
    "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.112227086Z"
  "resourceID": "11276843999092744",
  "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T06:55:14.131370336Z"

you can create applet with deploy state and event routing strategy, if no strategy configuration, the default strategy with DEFAULT event type and start handler will be created

info.appletName defined the unique applet name under the project

info.wasmName the resource filename

info.wasmMd5 the wasm file md5, if it is not empty, w3bstream node will check md5 sum

info.wasmCache wasm cache config

info.wasmCache.mode cache mode, enumerated in MEMORY and REDIS, MEMORY is default

info.strategies event routing strategies

info.strategies[i].eventType routing with eventType (user defined)

info.strategies[i].handler routing wasm handler name (wasm exported)

Create instance of the applet you created before

export APPLETID=11276843999120385 ## created before
http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/deploy/applet/$APPLETID -A bearer -a $TOK
## with cache config
export WASMCACHECONFIG='{"cache":{"mode": "REDIS"}}'
echo $WASMCACHECONFIG | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/deploy/applet/$APPLETID -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "appletID": "11276843999120385",
  "createdAt": "2023-05-03T07:13:28.409513718Z",
  "instanceID": "11276845119659014",
  "state": "CREATED",
  "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T07:13:28.409514176Z"

if the instance is already created, output like

  "canBeTalk": true,
  "code": 409999008,
  "desc": "11276843999120385",
  "fields": null,
  "id": "",
  "key": "MultiInstanceDeployed",
  "msg": "Multi Instance Deployed",
  "sources": [
    "[email protected]"

Control instance

export INSTANCEID=11276845119659014 ## created before
http put :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/deploy/$INSTANCEID/$DEPLOYCMD -A bearer -a $TOK

deploy command enumerated in START and HUNGUP

START change the instance state to STARTED

HUNGUP change the instance state to STOPPED

Update applet and redeploy instance

http --form put :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/applet/$APPLETID file@$WASMFILE info='{"appletName":"'$APPLETNAME'","wasmName":"'$WASMNAME'","start":true}' -A bearer -a $TOK

Register publisher

export PUBNAME=mobile    # device name
export PUBKEY=mn20130503 # device unique identity, usually it is device's machine number or serial number
echo '{"name":"'$PUBNAME'", "key":"'$PUBKEY'"}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/publisher/x/$PROJECTNAME -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

    "createdAt": "2023-05-03T16:13:16.343103+08:00",
    "key": "mn20130503",
    "name": "mobile",
    "projectID": "11276843314064388",
    "publisherID": "155392036869560322",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQYXlsb2FkIjoiMTU1MzkyMDM2ODY5NTYwMzIyIiwiaXNzIjoiaW90ZXgtdzNic3RyZWFtIn0.OHME3ij5MaJcvekctgYvosQ8DIo-K-guQbYPbQAdyYo",
    "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T16:13:16.343103+08:00"

the token responded is used for validating publisher when publishing event.

Register publisher if not exists

export PUBNAME=mobile    # device name
export PUBKEY=mn20130503 # device unique identity, usually it is device's machine number or serial number
echo '{"name":"'$PUBNAME'", "key":"'$PUBKEY'"}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/publisher/x/{projectName}/upsert -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

    "createdAt": "2023-05-03T16:13:16.343103+08:00",
    "key": "mn20130503",
    "name": "mobile",
    "projectID": "11276843314064388",
    "publisherID": "155392036869560322",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQYXlsb2FkIjoiMTU1MzkyMDM2ODY5NTYwMzIyIiwiaXNzIjoiaW90ZXgtdzNic3RyZWFtIn0.OHME3ij5MaJcvekctgYvosQ8DIo-K-guQbYPbQAdyYo",
    "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T16:13:16.343103+08:00"

### Review registered publisher

http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/publisher/x/$PROJECTNAME -A bearer -a $TOK

output like:

  "data": [
      "createdAt": "2023-05-03T16:13:16+08:00",
      "key": "mn20130503",
      "name": "mobile",
      "projectID": "11276843314064388",
      "publisherID": "155392036869560322",
      "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQYXlsb2FkIjoiMTU1MzkyMDM2ODY5NTYwMzIyIiwiaXNzIjoiaW90ZXgtdzNic3RyZWFtIn0.OHME3ij5MaJcvekctgYvosQ8DIo-K-guQbYPbQAdyYo",
      "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T16:13:16+08:00"
  "total": 1

Create strategy for applet created before

Create a strategy of handler in applet and eventType

export EVENTTYPE=mobile_geo
export HANDLER=handle_geo_data
echo '{"appletID":"'$APPLETID'", "eventType":"'$EVENTTYPE'", "handler":"'$HANDLER'", "autoCollectMetric":$AUTOCOLLECTMETIC}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/strategy/x/$PROJECTNAME -A bearer -a $TOK

output like:

    "appletID": "155396152440654850",
    "autoCollectMetric": true,
    "createdAt": "2023-08-07T13:58:32.428387+08:00",
    "eventType": "AUTO_COLLECT_METRIC2",
    "handler": "start",
    "projectID": "155396149977461760",
    "strategyID": "155400522057232384",
    "updatedAt": "2023-08-07T13:58:32.428387+08:00"

Review strategies under current project

http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/strategy/x/$PROJECTNAME/datalist -A bearer -a $TOK

output like:

  "data": [
      "appletID": "11276843999120385",
      "createdAt": "2023-05-03T16:17:40+08:00",
      "eventType": "mobile_geo",
      "handler": "handle_geo_data",
      "projectID": "11276843314064388",
      "strategyID": "155392037140510721",
      "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T16:17:40+08:00"
      "appletID": "11276843999120385",
      "createdAt": "2023-05-03T14:55:14+08:00",
      "eventType": "DEFAULT",
      "handler": "start",
      "projectID": "11276843314064388",
      "strategyID": "11276843999125505",
      "updatedAt": "2023-05-03T14:55:14+08:00"
  "total": 2

Publish event through http

export TOPIC=${pub_topic} ## intact project name(required)
export PUBTOK=${pub_token} ## created before(required)
export EVENTTYPE=mobile_geo # default means start handler
export EVENTID=`uuidgen` ## this id is used for tracing event(recommended)
export PAYLOAD=${payload} ## set your payload
export TIMESTAMP=`date +%s` ## event pub timestamp(recommended)
http post :8889/srv-applet-mgr/v0/event/$TOPIC\?eventType=$EVENTTYPE\&eventID=$EVENTID\&timestamp=$TIMESTAMP --raw=$PAYLOAD -A bearer -a $PUBTOK

note event handler service using 8889 for default

output like

  "channel": "aid_11276794515805192_demo2",
  "eventID": "3d5d76d6-24be-4e47-9f44-cac2b4855e1a_w3b",
  "publisherID": "155392036869560322",
  "results": [
      "appletName": "log",
      "code": -1,
      "error": "instance not running",
      "handler": "handle_geo_data",
      "instanceID": "11276845119659014",
      "returnValue": null

Publish event through mqtt (use pub_client CLI)

Use namespace only

export MQTT_HOST=localhost
export MQTT_PORT=1883
export MQTT_USERNAME=username
export MQTT_PASSWORD=password
./pub_client -topic $TOPIC -token $PUBTOK -data $PAYLOAD -host $MQTT_HOST -port $MQTT_PORT -usernmae $MQTT_USERNAME -password $MQTT_PASSWORD

Use more information in topic

export MQTT_HOST=localhost
export MQTT_PORT=1883
export TOPIC="$PROJECTNAME/push/$PUB_TOK/$EVENTTYPE/ts=$(date +%s)&id=$(uuidgen)"
export PAYLOAD=$(input your payload)
export MN=$(input your device mn)
./pub_client -mn $MN -topic $TOPIC -data $PAYLOAD -wait 10

pub_client will send payload to topic you assigned, and wait 10 second from topic ack/$MN for ack

output like

>>>> message published
receive ack from ack/mn-LOCOL-DEV
<<<< message ack received
  "channel": "aid_155396149766916097_sincos",
  "publisherID": "155400623279265799",
  "publisherKey": "mn-LOCAL-DEV",
  "eventID": "4CAD8CC1-B2FC-4E00-BA31-55E2E7518D29",
  "results": [
      "appletName": "155396152440654851",
      "instanceID": "155396152440662018",
      "handler": "start",
      "returnValue": null,
      "code": 0

server log like

  "@lv": "info",
  "@prj": "srv-applet-mgr",
  "@ts": "20221017-092252.877+08:00",
  "msg": "sub handled",
  "payload": {
    "payload": "..."

the pub_client sends event message through mqtt broker using protobuf encoding. the event defined as follows

field name protobuf filed protobuf seq datatype requirement comment
Header header 1 object required
Header.EventType header.event_type header.1 string recommended event type(user defined) for event routing, according to strategies created before
Header.PubId header.pub_id header.2 string recommended publisher id, usually it is the device machine number, you register before
Header.Token header.token header.3 string required publisher token. it contains the publisher id (or DID)
Header.PubTime header.pub_time header.4 int64 recommended message timestamp when published, use unix epoch timestamp (in UTC)
Header.EventId header.event_id header.5 string recommended event id is the unique identity of this message related with the publisher
Payload payload 2 bytes - message payload

Data cleanup

Be careful. It will delete anything in the project, contains applet, publisher, strategy etc.

## delete project, all configurations in the project, contains applet, publisher,
## strategy and instances will be deleted, the database model will be kept.
http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project/x/$PROJECTNAME -A bearer -a $TOK
## delete applet, all instances, strategy and the configurations will be deleted
http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/applet/data/$APPLETID -A bearer -a $TOK
## delete instance, the instance will be released from host memory and the configurations
## will be deleted.
http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/deploy/data/$INSTANCEID -A bearer -a $TOK

Post blockchain contract event log monitor

echo '{"eventType": "DEFAULT", "chainID": 4690, "contractAddress": "${contractAddress}","blockStart": ${blockStart},"blockEnd": ${blockEnd},"topic0":"${topic0}"}' | http :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/monitor/x/$PROJECTNAME/contract_log -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "blockCurrent": 16737070,
  "blockEnd": 16740080,
  "blockStart": 16737070,
  "chainID": 4690,
  "contractAddress": "${contractAddress}",
  "contractlogID": "2162022028435556",
  "createdAt": "2022-10-19T21:21:30.220198+08:00",
  "eventType": "ANY",
  "projectName": "${projectName}",
  "topic0": "${topic0}",
  "updatedAt": "2022-10-19T21:21:30.220198+08:00"

delete it

export CONTRACTLOGID=${contractlogID}
http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/monitor/x/$PROJECTNAME/contract_log/$CONTRACTLOGID -A bearer -a $TOK

Post blockchain transaction monitor

echo '{"eventType": "DEFAULT", "chainID": 4690, "txAddress": "${txAddress}"}' | http :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/monitor/x/$PROJECTNAME/chain_tx -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "chainID": 4690,
  "chaintxID": "2724127039316068",
  "createdAt": "2022-10-21T10:35:06.498594+08:00",
  "eventType": "ANY",
  "projectName": "testproject",
  "txAddress": "${txAddress}",
  "updatedAt": "2022-10-21T10:35:06.498594+08:00"

delete it

export CHAINTXID=${chaintxID}
http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/monitor/x/$PROJECTNAME/chain_tx/$CHAINTXID -A bearer -a $TOK

Post blockchain height monitor

echo '{"eventType": "DEFAULT", "chainID": 4690, "height": ${height}}' | http :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/monitor/x/$PROJECTNAME/chain_height -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "chainHeightID": "2727219570933860",
  "chainID": 4690,
  "createdAt": "2022-10-21T10:47:23.815552+08:00",
  "eventType": "ANY",
  "height": 16910805,
  "projectName": "testproject",
  "updatedAt": "2022-10-21T10:47:23.815553+08:00"

delete it

export CHAINHEIGHTID=${chainHeightID}
http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/monitor/x/$PROJECTNAME/chain_height/$CHAINHEIGHTID -A bearer -a $TOK

Create operator

export OPERATORNAME=${operator_name}
export PRIVATEKEY=${private_key}
echo '{"name":"'$OPERATORNAME'","privateKey":"'$PRIVATEKEY'"}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/operator -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "accountID": "9221139481037349891",
  "createdAt": "2023-05-23T13:30:00.11819655Z",
  "name": "myoperator",
  "operatorID": "11278637725570052",
  "updatedAt": "2023-05-23T13:30:00.118200425Z"

list all operators

http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/operator/datalist -A bearer -a $TOK

delete it

export OPERATORID=${operatorID}
http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/operator/data/$OPERATORID -A bearer -a $TOK

Create project operator

export PROJECTID=${project_id}
http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_operator/$PROJECTID/$OPERATORID -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "createdAt": "2023-05-23T13:32:03.918223385Z",
  "operatorID": "11278637725570052",
  "projectID": "9221139481524034564",
  "updatedAt": "2023-05-23T13:32:03.918233052Z"

get project operator

http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_operator/data/$PROJECTID -A bearer -a $TOK

delete it

http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_operator/$PROJECTID -A bearer -a $TOK

List API Group Meta List

This API is used to list all API functional groups, with its name and description

http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key/operator_group_metas -A bearer -a $TOK
    "desc": "View and manage account",
    "name": "Account"
    "desc": "View and manage access token",
    "name": "Account Access Key"
    "desc": "Account register",
    "name": "Account Register"

Create Account Access Key (with privileges)

export KEY_NAME=key_name
export KEY_DESC=desc
export KEY_EXPIRATION_DAYS=30 # if expiration days is 0, this key will be not expired.

# List all group metas through command above to fetch group name
# and the perm is a string enum: "NO_ACCESS", "READONLY" and "READ_WRITE"
export KEY_PRIVILEGES='[{"name":"Account", "perm":"READ_WRITE"},{"name":"Account Access Key", "perm":"NO_ACCESS"}, {"name":"Project", "perm":"READONLY"}]'

echo '{"name":"'$KEY_NAME'", "expirationDays": $KEY_EXPIRATION_DAYS, "desc": "'$KEY_DESC'","privileges":'$KEY_PRIVILEGES'}' | http post :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "accessKey": "w3b_xxxx",
  "desc": "desc",
  "expiredAt": "2023-07-21T08:13:08.592213Z",
  "name": "key_name",
  "privileges": [
      "desc": "View and manage project blockchain operator",
      "name": "Project Operator",
      "perm": "NO_ACCESS"
      "desc": "View and manage project config",
      "name": "Project Config",
      "perm": "NO_ACCESS"
      "desc": "View and manage applet",
      "name": "Applet",
      "perm": "NO_ACCESS"

Update Account Access Key (with privileges)

export KEY_NAME=key_name
export KEY_DESC=desc
export KEY_PRIVILEGES='[{"name":"Account", "perm":"READ_WRITE"},{"name":"Account Access Key", "perm":"NO_ACCESS"}, {"name":"Project", "perm":"READONLY"}]'

echo '{"expirationDays":'$KEY_EXPIRATION_DAYS', "desc":"'$KEY_DESC'", "privileges":'$KEY_PRIVILEGES'}' | http put :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key/$KEY_NAME -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "desc": "test access",
  "expiredAt": "2023-08-19T01:01:43.847047Z",
  "identityID": "155396149766916097",
  "identityType": "ACCOUNT",
  "lastUsed": "2023-07-20T08:46:28+08:00",
  "name": "test",
  "privileges": [
      "desc": "View and manage project blockchain operator",
      "name": "Project Operator",
      "perm": "NO_ACCESS"
      "desc": "View and manage project config",
      "name": "Project Config",
      "perm": "NO_ACCESS"
      "desc": "View and manage applet",
      "name": "Applet",
      "perm": "NO_ACCESS"

Delete Access Key

export KEY_NAME=key_name
http delete :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key/$KEY_NAME -A bearer -a $TOK

List Access Key

http get :8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key/datalist -A bearer -a $TOK

output like

  "data": [
      "createdAt": "2023-07-03T05:01:25+08:00",
      "desc": "desc",
      "lastUsed": "2023-07-03T05:03:22+08:00",
      "name": "test",
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-03T05:03:22+08:00",
      "privileges": [
          "desc": "View and manage project blockchain operator",
          "name": "Project Operator",
          "perm": "NO_ACCESS"
          "desc": "View and manage project config",
          "name": "Project Config",
          "perm": "NO_ACCESS"
          "desc": "View and manage applet",
          "name": "Applet",
          "perm": "NO_ACCESS"
  "total": 1