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libcampaign.js documentation

libcampaign.js is a JavaScript library supplied with the game, which contains reusable code for campaign scenarios. It is designed to make scenario development as high-level and declarative as possible. It also contains a few simple convenient wrappers. Public API functions of libcampaign.js are prefixed with cam. To use libcampaign.js, add the following include into your scenario code:


Also, most of the libcampaign.js features require some of the game events handled by the library. Transparent JavaScript pre-hooks are therefore injected into your global event handlers upon include. For example, if camSetArtifacts() was called to let libcampaign.js manage scenario artifacts, then eventPickup() will be first handled by the library, and only then your handler will be called, if any. All of this happens automagically and does not normally require your attention.


Tell libcampaign.js to manage a certain set of artifacts. The argument is a JavaScript map from object labels to artifact description. If the label points to a game object, artifact will be placed when this object is destroyed; if the label is a position, the artifact will be placed instantly. The label can point to a pre-existing feature artifact on the map too. Artifact description is a JavaScript object with the following fields:

  • tech The technology to grant when the artifact is recovered. Note that this can be made into an array to make artifacts give out more than one technology, if desired. On let me win cheat, all technologies stored in the artifacts managed by this function are automatically granted. Additionally, this function would call special event callbacks if they are defined in your script, which should be named as follows, where LABEL is the artifact label:
  • camArtifactPickup_LABEL Called when the player picks up the artifact.

@param {Object} artifacts @returns {void}

camAddArtifact(artiLabel, artiTech)

Adds another artifact to be managed. Will override existing ones if the names match.

@param {String} artiLabel @param {String|Array} artiTech @returns {void}


Deletes the artifact from the list of managed artifacts.

@param {String} artiLabel @returns {void}


Returns true if all artifacts managed by libcampaign.js were picked up.

@returns {boolean}


Returns the labels of all existing artifacts.

@returns {Object[]}


Tell libcampaign.js to manage a certain set of enemy bases. Management assumes auto-cleanup of leftovers on destruction, and also counting how many bases have been successfully destroyed by the player. The argument is a JavaScript map from group labels to base descriptions. Each label points to a group of vital base structures. If no group label with this name is defined, a group is created automatically based on cleanup area and labeled. Base description is a JavaScript object with the following optional fields:

  • cleanup An area label to clean up features in once base is destroyed. If base id is not a group label, this field is required in order to auto-create the group of stuff in the area which doesn't qualify as a valid leftover.
  • detectMsg A PROX_MSG message id to play when the base is detected.
  • detectSnd A sound file to play when the base is detected.
  • eliminateSnd A sound file to play when the base is eliminated. The sound is played in the center of the cleanup area, which needs to be defined.
  • player If base is detected by cleanup area, only objects matching this player filter would be added to the base group or cleaned up. Note that this most likely disables feature cleanup. Additionally, this function would call special event callbacks if they are defined in your script, which should be named as follows, where LABEL is the label of the base group:
  • camEnemyBaseDetected_LABEL Called when the player sees an object from the enemy base group for the first time.
  • camEnemyBaseEliminated_LABEL Called when the base is eliminated, right after leftovers were cleaned up.

@param {Object} [bases] @returns {void}


Plays the "enemy base detected" message and places a beacon for the enemy base defined by the label, as if the base was actually found by the player.

@param {string} baseLabel @returns {void}


Returns true if all enemy bases managed by libcampaign.js are destroyed.

@returns {boolean}


Mark area on the map by label(s), but only if debug mode is enabled. Otherwise, remember what to mark in case it is going to be.

@param {string|string[]} label @returns {void}


No longer mark area(s) with given label(s) in debug mode.

@param {string|string[]} label @returns {void}


Pretty debug prints - a wrapper around debug(). Prints a function call stack and the argument message, prefixed with DEBUG. Only use this function to indicate actual bugs in the scenario script, because game shouldn't print things when nothing is broken. If you want to keep some prints around to make debugging easier without distracting the user, use camTrace().

@param {...string} args @returns {void}


Same as camDebug(), but prints each message only once during script lifetime.

@param {...string} args @returns {void}


Same as camDebug(), but only warns in cheat mode. Prefixed with TRACE. It's safe and natural to keep camTrace() calls in your code for easier debugging.

@param {...string} args @returns {void}


Same as camTrace(), but prints each message only once during script lifetime.

@param {...string} args @returns {void}


Check if the player is in cheat mode.

@returns {boolean}


A saveload safe version of newGroup() so as not to create group ID clashes.

@returns {number}


Check if this droid is forced to never group.

@param {Object} droid @returns {boolean}

camNeverGroupDroid(what[, playerFilter])

A means to not auto group some droids.

@param {string|Object|Object[]} what @param {number} [playerFilter] @returns {void}

camAreaEvent(label, callback(droid))

Implement eventArea${label}() in a debugging-friendly way. The function marks the area until the event is triggered, and traces entering the area in the TRACE log.

@param {string} label @param {Function} callback @returns {void}


Returns true if classic balance mod is enabled.

@returns {boolean}


Returns false if something is JavaScript-undefined, true otherwise.

@param {*} something @returns {boolean}


Returns true if something is a string, false otherwise.

@param {*} something @returns {boolean}


A non-synchronous random integer in range [0, max - 1].

@param {number} max @returns {number}


Call a function by name, but only if it has not been called yet.

@param {string} functionName @returns {void}

camSafeRemoveObject(obj[, specialEffects])

Remove a game object (by value or label) if it exists, do nothing otherwise.

@param {string|Object} obj @param {boolean} [specialEffects] @returns {void}

camMakePos(label|object|x[, y])

Make a POSITION-like object, unless already done. Often useful for making functions that would accept positions in both x,y and {x: x, y: y} forms. Also accepts labels. If label of AREA is given, returns the center of the area. If an existing object or label of such is given, returns a safe JavaScript object containing its x, y and id.

@param {number|string|Object|undefined} x @param {number} [y] @returns {Object|undefined}

camDist(x1, y1, x2, y2 | pos1, x2, y2 | x1, y1, pos2 | pos1, pos2)

A wrapper for distBetweenTwoPoints().

@param {number|Object} x1 @param {number|Object} y1 @param {number} [x2] @param {number} [y2] @returns {number}

camPlayerMatchesFilter(playerId, playerFilter)

A function to handle player filters in a way similar to how JS API functions (eg. enumDroid(filter, ...)) handle them.

@param {number} playerId @param {number} playerFilter @returns {boolean}


Remove duplicate items from an array.

@param {[]} items @returns {[]}

camCountStructuresInArea(label[, playerFilter])

Mimics wzscript's numStructsButNotWallsInArea().

@param {string} label @param {number} [playerFilter] @returns {number}

camCleanTileOfObstructions(x, y | pos)

Obliterates player structures and features near the tile around certain coordinates. Can be used for spawn locations or transport reinforcement spots. May not delete very large objects like factories or skyscrapers.

@param {number|Object} x @param {number} [y] @returns {void}


Change a numeric value based on campaign difficulty.

@param {number} numericValue @returns {number}


Determine if the passed in object is a non-weapon based droid.

@param {Object} gameObject @returns {boolean}

camMakeGroup(what[, playerFilter])

Make a new group out of array of droids, single game object, or label string, with fuzzy auto-detection of argument type. Only droids would be added to the group. playerFilter can be one of a player index, ALL_PLAYERS, ALLIES or ENEMIES; defaults to ENEMIES.

@param {string|Object|Object[]} what @param {number} [playerFilter] @returns {number|void}


Break alliances between all players.

@returns {void}


Returns a random coordinate anywhere on the edge of the map that reachs a position.

@param {Object} reachPosition @returns {Object}


Returns a random coordinate anywhere on the map

@param {Object} reachPosition @returns {Object}


Figures out what campaign we are in without reliance on the source at all.

@returns {number}


Play a random NEXUS laugh.

@returns {void}

camAbsorbPlayer([who[, to]])

Completely give all of player who droids and structures to player to. Will default to CAM_HUMAN_PLAYER and CAM_NEXUS respectively.

@param {number} [who] @param {number} [to] @returns {void}

camHackIntoPlayer([player[, to]])

Steal a droid or structure from a player if the NEXUS hack state is active. Will default to CAM_HUMAN_PLAYER and CAM_NEXUS respectively.

@param {number} [player] @param {number} [to] @returns {void}


Turn on/off the NEXUS hacking state feature.

@param {boolean} flag @returns {void}


Returns the activation state of the NEXUS hacking feature.

@returns {boolean}


Tell libcampaign.js to manage a certain set of enemy factories. Management assumes producing droids, packing them into groups and executing orders once the group becomes large-enough. The argument is a JavaScript map from group labels to factory descriptions. Each label points to a factory object. Factory description is a JavaScript object with the following fields:

  • assembly A rally point position label, where the group would gather.
  • order An order to execute for every group produced in the factory. Same as the order parameter for camManageGroup().
  • data Order data. Same as the data parameter for camManageGroup().
  • groupSize Number of droids to produce before executing the order. Also, if order is CAM_ORDER_ATTACK, data.count defaults to this value.
  • maxSize Halt production when reaching that many droids in the factory group. Resume when some droids die. Unlimited if unspecified.
  • throttle If defined, produce droids only every that many milliseconds, and keep the factory idle between ticks.
  • group If defined, make the factory manage this group, otherwise create a new empty group to manage. Droids produced in the factory would automatically be added to the group, and order and data parameters would be applied to this group.
  • templates List of droid templates to produce in the factory. Each template is a JavaScript object with the following fields:
    • body Body stat name.
    • prop Propulsion stat name.
    • weap Weapon stat name. Only single-turret droids are currently supported. Note that all template components are automatically made available to the factory owner. Factories won't start production immediately; call camEnableFactory() to turn them on when necessary.

@param {Object} factories @returns {void}

camSetFactoryData(factoryLabel, factoryData)

Similar to camSetFactories(), but one factory at a time. If the factory was already managing a group of droids, it keeps managing it. If a new group is specified in the description, the old group is merged into it. NOTE: This function disables the factory. You would need to call camEnableFactory() again.

@param {string} factoryLabel @param {Object} factoryData @returns {void}


Enable a managed factory by the given label. Once the factory is enabled, it starts producing units and executing orders as given.

@param {string} factoryLabel @returns {void}

camQueueDroidProduction(playerId, template)

Queues up an extra droid template for production. It would be produced in the first factory that is capable of producing it, at the end of its production loop, first queued first served.

@param {number} playerId @param {Object} template @returns {void}


This function can automatically augment units to use Type I/II/III propulsions. If nothing or zero is passed in then the type limit will match what is in templates.json.

@param {number} [limit] @returns {void}

camUpgradeOnMapTemplates(template1, template2, playerId[, excluded])

Search for template1, save its coordinates, remove it, and then replace with it with template2. Template objects are expected to follow the component properties as used in templates.js. A fourth parameter can be specified to ignore specific object IDs. Useful if a droid is assigned to an object label. It can be either an array or a single ID number.

@param {Object} template1 @param {Object} template2 @param {number} playerId @param {number|number[]} [excluded] @returns {void}

camSendReinforcement(playerId, position, templates, kind[, data])

Give a single bunch of droids (template list) for a player at a position label. Kind can be one of:

  • CAM_REINFORCE_GROUND Reinforcements magically appear on the ground.
  • CAM_REINFORCE_TRANSPORT Reinforcements are unloaded from a transporter. NOTE: the game engine doesn't seem to support two simultaneous incoming transporters for the same player. Avoid this at all costs! The following data fields are required:
    • entry Transporter entry position.
    • exit Transporter exit position.
    • message PROX_MSG to display when transport is landing.
    • order Order to give to newly landed droids
    • data Order data. NOTE: the game engine doesn't seem to support two simultaneous incoming transporters for the same player. If a transporter is already on map, it will be correctly queued up and sent later.

@param {number} playerId @param {string|Object|undefined} position @param {Object[]} templates @param {number} kind @param {Object} [data] @returns {void}

camSetBaseReinforcements(baseLabel, interval, callbackName, kind, data)

Periodically brings reinforcements to an enemy base, until the base is eliminated. Interval is the pause, in milliseconds, between reinforcements. Callback is name of a function that returns a list of droid templates to spawn, which may be different every time. Kind and data work similarly to camSendReinforcement(). Use CAM_REINFORCE_NONE as kind to disable previously set reinforcements.

@param {string} baseLabel @param {number} interval @param {string} callbackName @param {number} kind @param {Object} data @returns {void}

camEnableRes(researchIds, playerId)

Grants research from the given list to player

@param {string[]} researchIds @param {number} playerId @returns {void}

camCompleteRequiredResearch(researchIds, playerId)

Grants research from the given list to player and also researches the required research for that item.

@param {string[]} researchIds @param {number} playerId @returns {void}

camClassicResearch(researchIds, playerId)

Grants research from the given list to player based on the "classic balance" variant.

@param {string[]} researchIds @param {number} playerId @returns {void}

camManageGroup(group, order, data)

Tell libcampaign.js to manage a certain group. The group would be permanently managed depending on the high-level orders given. For each order, data parameter is a JavaScript object that controls different aspects of behavior. The order parameter is one of:

  • CAM_ORDER_ATTACK Pursue human player, preferably around the given position. The following optional data object fields are available, none of which is required:
    • pos Position or list of positions to attack. If pos is a list, first positions in the list will be attacked first.
    • radius Circle radius around pos to scan for targets.
    • fallback Position to retreat.
    • morale An integer from 1 to 100. If that high percentage of the original group dies, fall back to the fallback position. If new droids are added to the group, it can recover and attack again.
    • count Override size of the original group. If unspecified, number of droids in the group at call time. Retreat on low morale and regroup is calculated against this value.
    • repair Health percentage to fall back to repair facility, if any.
    • regroup If set to true, the group will not move forward unless it has at least count droids in its biggest cluster. If count is set to -1, at least ⅔ of group's droids should be in the biggest cluster.
  • CAM_ORDER_DEFEND Protect the given position. If too far, retreat back there ignoring fire. The following data object fields are available:
    • pos Position to defend.
    • radius Circle radius around pos to scan for targets.
    • count Override size of the original group. If unspecified, number of droids in the group at call time. Regroup is calculated against this value.
    • repair Health percentage to fall back to repair facility, if any.
    • regroup If set to true, the group will not move forward unless it has at least count droids in its biggest cluster. If count is set to -1, at least ⅔ of group's droids should be in the biggest cluster.
  • CAM_ORDER_PATROL Move droids randomly between a given list of positions. The following data object fields are available:
    • pos An array of positions to patrol between.
    • interval Change positions every this many milliseconds.
    • count Override size of the original group. If unspecified, number of droids in the group at call time. Regroup is calculated against this value.
    • repair Health percentage to fall back to repair facility, if any.
    • regroup If set to true, the group will not move forward unless it has at least count droids in its biggest cluster. If count is set to -1, at least ⅔ of group's droids should be in the biggest cluster.
  • CAM_ORDER_COMPROMISE Same as CAM_ORDER_ATTACK, just stay near the last (or only) attack position instead of looking for the player around the whole map. Useful for offworld missions, with player's LZ as the final position. The following data object fields are available:
    • pos Position or list of positions to compromise. If pos is a list, first positions in the list will be compromised first.
    • radius Circle radius around pos to scan for targets.
    • count Override size of the original group. If unspecified, number of droids in the group at call time. Regroup is calculated against this value.
    • repair Health percentage to fall back to repair facility, if any.
    • regroup If set to true, the group will not move forward unless it has at least count droids in its biggest cluster. If count is set to -1, at least ⅔ of group's droids should be in the biggest cluster.
  • CAM_ORDER_FOLLOW Assign the group to commander. The sub-order is defined to be given to the commander. When commander dies, the group continues to execute the sub-order. The following data object fields are available:
    • droid Commander droid label.
    • order The order to give to the commander.
    • data Data of the commander's order.
    • repair Health percentage to fall back to repair facility, if any.

@param {string} group @param {number} order @param {Object} data @returns {void}


Tell libcampaign.js to stop managing a certain group.

@param {string} group @returns {void}


Print campaign order as string, useful for debugging.

@param {number} order @returns {string}


Returns the amount of milliseconds in seconds.

@param {number} seconds @returns {number}


Returns the amount of milliseconds in minutes.

@param {number} minutes @returns {number}


Returns the amount of seconds in minutes.

@param {number} minutes @returns {number}


Returns the amount of seconds in hours.

@param {number} hours @returns {number}


Determine if the object is a transporter.

@param {Object} gameObject @returns {boolean}

camSetupTransporter(placeX, placeY, exitX, exitY)

A convenient function for placing the standard campaign transport for loading in pre-away missions. The exit point for the transport is set up as well.

@param {number} placeX @param {number} placeY @param {number} exitX @param {number} exitY @returns {void}


Removes the last blip that an enemy transporter left behind, if any.

@returns {void}


Manage trucks for an AI player. This assumes recapturing oils and rebuilding destroyed trucks in factories, the latter is implemented via camQueueDroidProduction() mechanism.

@param {number} playerId @returns {void}

camQueueBuilding(playerId, stat[, position])

Assuming truck management is enabled for the player, issue an order to build a specific building near a certain position. The order would be issued once as soon as a free truck becomes available. It will not be re-issued in case the truck is destroyed before the building is finished. If position is unspecified, the building would be built near the first available truck. Otherwise, position may be a label or a POSITION-like object.

@param {number} playerId @param {string} stat @param {string|Object} [position] @returns {void}


A wrapper around loadLevel(). Remembers to give bonus power for completing the mission faster.

@param {string} nextLevel @returns {void}

camSetStandardWinLossConditions(kind, nextLevel, data)

Set victory and defeat conditions to one of the common options. On victory, load nextLevel. The extra data parameter contains extra data required to define some of the victory conditions. The following options are available:

  • CAM_VICTORY_STANDARD Defeat if all ground factories and construction droids are lost, or on mission timeout. Victory when all enemies are destroyed and all artifacts are recovered.
  • CAM_VICTORY_PRE_OFFWORLD Defeat on timeout. Victory on transporter launch, then load the sub-level.
  • CAM_VICTORY_OFFWORLD Defeat on timeout or all units lost. Victory when all artifacts are recovered and either all enemies are dead (not just bases) or all droids are at the LZ. Also automatically handles the "LZ compromised" message, which is why it needs to know reinforcement interval to restore. The following data parameter fields are available:
    • area The landing zone to return to.
    • message The "Return to LZ" message ID. Optional.
    • playLzReminder Play and show the "Return to LZ" message. Optional, enabled by default.
    • reinforcements Reinforcements interval, in seconds. For standard and offworld victory, some extra data parameters can be defined:
  • callback A function callback to check for extra win/loss conditions. Return values are interpreted as follows:
    • false means instant defeat ("objective failed"),
    • true means victory as long as other standard victory conditions are met,
    • undefined means suppress other victory checks ("clearly not won yet"). For offworld victory, some more extra data parameters can be defined:
  • retlz Force the player to return to the LZ area:
    • false mission does not require a LZ return,
    • true mission requires all units to be at LZ to win.
  • annihilate Player must destroy every thing on map to win:
    • false mission does not require everything destroyed,
    • true mission requires total map annihilation.
  • eliminateBases Instant win when all enemy units and bases are destroyed:
    • false does not require all bases to be destroyed,
    • true requires all bases destroyed.

@param {string} kind @param {string} nextLevel @param {Object} data @returns {void}


Checks for extra win conditions defined in level scripts being met, if any.

@returns {boolean|undefined}


Message(s) the mission script can set to further explain specific victory conditions. Allows a single string or an array of strings.

@param {string|Object[]} message @returns {void}


If the script wants to allow __camSetupConsoleForVictoryConditions() to clear the console.

@param {boolean} clear @returns {void}


Formats for parameter data: {video: "video string", type: MISS_MSG/CAMP_MSG, immediate: true/false} OR ["sound file", {video: "video string", type: MISS_MSG/CAMP_MSG, immediate: true/false}, ...] object property "immediate" is optional since most videos are immediate. If videos is an array, queue up all of them for immediate playing. This function will play one video sequence should one be provided. Also, should a sound file be in a string (pcvX.ogg) __camEnqueueVideos() will recognize it as a sound to play before a video. Of which is only supported when parameter data is an array.

@param {Object|Object[]} data @returns {void}

camSetVtolData(player, startPos, exitPos, templates, timer, [obj[, extras]])

Setup hit and runner VTOLs. NOTE: Will almost immediately spawn VTOLs upon calling this function. Player: What player number the VTOLs will belong to. StartPos: Starting position object where VTOLs will spawn. Can be an array. Use undefined for random map edge location. ExitPos: Exit position object where VTOLs will despawn at. Templates: An array of templates that the spawn uses. Timer: How much time in milliseconds the VTOLs will wait to spawn again. Obj: A game object that will stop the spawn when it no longer exists. May be undefined for no explicit end condition. Extras: An object with possible members: limit: Numeric limit of a VTOL design in regards to the parameter Templates. May be an array paired to Templates. alternate: A boolean to force the spawn to use one of the designs at a time in parameter Templates. altIdx: Which design index the spawn will first cycle through the list of templates from. minVTOLs: Minimum amount of VTOLs that will spawn. maxRandomVTOLs: Random amount of VTOLs that will spawn in addition to minVTOLs.

@param {number} player @param {Object|Object[]|undefined} startPos @param {Object} exitPos @param {Object[]} templates @param {number} timer @param {Object} obj @param {Object} extras @returns {void}

camSetVtolSpawnState(state, identifier)

Sets the active status of a VTOL spawn point. The identifier can either be the the index number or the label of the object that stops the spawn naturally.

@param {boolean} state @param {number|string} identifier @returns {void}


Sets the active status of all VTOL spawns to state.

@param {boolean} state @returns {void}