- Fixed issue with missing log creators creating stutters and bloated logs.
- Fix for broken type issue in some game versions.
- Adjusted BaseSizeAdjustment to better handle multiple adjustments.
- Added BuffEnchantAnyWeaponTTT
- Update to weapon training handling
- Updates to Mithril handling
- Updates to DLC handling
- RuleCalculateArmorAC introduced
- Added MasterSimplePropertyGetter
- Added BonusStatDamageMultiplerReplacement
- Added SecondaryWeaponOverride
- Expanded Feat tools.
- Support fo 2.3.0
- Fixed issue with OutflankProvokeAttackTTT generating oppertunity attacks for the wrong character.
- Upgrades to Greater Spell Specilization to better handle abilities with variants.
- Upgrades to Specific Spell Conversion to handle decorations.
- Support for Arcane Metamastery.
- Fix for some non functional transpilers.
- Fix for outflank triggers.
- Fix for broken settings when the Czech language pack is installed.
- 2.1.4 support
- Support for Maximized Critical.
- Support for rework of Mythic Improved Critical.
- Support for fake class levels.
- Improvements to FeatTools
- New WeaponSizeChangeTTT component.
- FeatTools now supports Rage Powers.
- New IDispelMagicHandler added to handle entire dispel checkes instead of just dispelMagicRules.
- New PolymorphDamagePropertyTransfer that handled alignment properties correctly.
- DestructiveDispelComponent has been updated with new event.
- Mod compatability fix.
- Fixed issue with PrerequisiteSpellKnown not working correctly in all cases.
- Fixed issue with Trickster domains not
- Support for age effects
- Support for spell curse
- Support for Split Hex toggle
- Breaking change to bloodline tools to support bloodrager correctly
- Added ContextConditionItemSource to check if an ability is cast from an item.
- Added WeaponGroupAttackBonusTTT to provide working versions of owlcat components.
- Added WeaponGroupDamageBonusTTT to provide working versions of owlcat components.
- Added SplitHex components.
- Added BewitchingReflex components.
- AddAbilityUseTargetTriggerTTT adds support for triggers on immune spells.
- Fixed context stripping from BurningMagic.
- More SaveGameFix options.
- Adjusted feat tools to better handle metamagic.
- Support for Oracle Burning Magic.
- Support for Winter Witch features.
- Added fallthrough case for PrerequisiteDeityAlignment in case someone breaks deity alignment checks.
- Added support for ChainChallenge.
- Added AddAdditionalLimbConditional which supports extra natural attacks with checked facts.
- Added Wild shape tools to make adding wild shaped features easier.
- Added support for glossery tag creation.
- Added support for metamagic glossery tags.
- Fixed a bug where hidden activatable abiltiies were incorrectly handled.
- FeatTools.ConfigureAsTeamworkFeat added to setup all tactician and shared teamwork mechanics.
- Updated for 2.1.0
- Moved AddOutgoingWeaponDamageBonus to post crit damage system
- Added support for more ActivatableAbilityGroups with AdditionalActivatableAbilityGroups
- Support for twin spell metamagic
- Fixed issue with aberrant bloodline and permanant polymorph durations
- Support for descriptor immunities
- Fix for MechanicActionBarSlotActivableAbility
- Fix for 2.0.4j
- Contains fix for broken IAfterRulebookEventTriggerHandler, and IBeforeRulebookEventTriggerHandler events
- Removed old GetComponent method as it has been replaced by owlcat tooling.
- ContextArcaneSpellFailureIncrease now handles shields more correctly.
- New Components
- AddAdditionalWeaponDamageOnHit
- Triggers additional damage on conditions similiar to AddInitiatorAttackWithWeaponTrigger but packaged into a weapon damage bundle.
- AddAdditionalWeaponDamageOnHit
- BloodlineTools now properly handles Nine Tailed Hier
- CompositeProperties now support multiplication
- New Components
- ContextActionApplyBuffRanks
- Adds buffs like ContextActionApplyBuff but with the ability to apply multiple ranks of a buff.
- ContextActionApplyBuffRanks
- New Utilities
- VenderTools
- Adds methods for adding scrolls and potions to vender lists dynamicly.
- VenderTools
- Release for 2.0.0
- Increased compatability with other mods that add ModifierDescriptors
- Updated logic for AddOutgoingWeaponDamageBonus
- Fixed issue with ApendToArray's null handling
- Release for 1.4.0
- IInitiatorDemoralizeHandler added.
- IStatBonusCalculatedHandler handles more component types.
This is a breaking patch, you will may need to recompile.
- Added support for effect disjoint.
- Added support for scroll creation.
- Support for modded selections to show up correctly in feat tools.
- Added additional null guards
- Fixed issue with Trickster Mobility 3 blocking allied spells in some cases.
- New localization extensions for BlueprintAbiltiies.
- Fixed issue with spell kenning unit part not handling multiple lists being added by the same feature correctly.
- New Components
- SavingThrowBonusAgainstFavoredEnemy
- Adds a saving throw bonus to all saves based on owners favored enemy rank.
- SavingThrowBonusAgainstFavoredEnemy
- Deprecated Methods
- Helpers.CreateBuff has been deprecated. Use Helpers.CreateBlueprint
- New Prerequisites
- PrerequisiteInPlayerParty
- Checks if unit is the player or a companion.
- PrerequisiteInPlayerParty
- MagicalVestmentComponent
- Should now calculate values correctly using the correct enhancement cap.
- MagicalVestmentComponent
New Actions
- ContextActionCleaveAttack
- Supports adjacency checking from the current target with a mythic override.
- AbilityCustomCleaveTTT
- Supports adjacency checking from the current target with a mythic override.
- ContextActionCleaveAttack
New Components
- ChangeUnitBaseSize
- Support for base size changes that stack with existing size changes.
- AddMythicSpellbook
- Supports adding standalone mythic spellbooks with a CL defined by a context value.
- IncreaseActivatableAbilitySpeed
- Supports altering command speed of activatable abiltiies.
- ContextConditionCasterHasResource
- Supports checking a resource on the caster.
- AddIncomingDamageBonus
- Supports adding a damage bonus to incoming attacks with a specific modifier.
- AddFlatCriticalRangeIncrease
- Supports critical range increases that are not multiplied by improved critical.
- AddIncomingDamageBonus
- Supports incoming typed damage bonuses applied as a debuff.
- ContextConditionCasterHasResource
- Condition that checks that a unit has the specified resource in the specified amount.
- IncreaseCriticalRange
- Supports critical range increases which are not tied to a specific weapon.
- EnduringSpellsTTT
- Supports configuring thresholds for both Enduring and Greater Enduring.
- TricksterLoreNatureRestLootTriggerTTT
- Rest trigger for Trickster World 3 mechanics in the Trickster Rework.
- TricksterParryTTT
- Reimplementation of trickster parry to catch all typs of attacks.
- ChangeUnitBaseSize
New Mechanics Features
- BypassSneakAttackImmunity
- Fully implemented for use. Allows the bypassing of sneak attack and precision damage immunity.
- BypassSneakAttackImmunity
New Events
- IActivatableAbilityGetCommandTypeHandler
- Allows the altering of activatable ability command types at run time arbitrarily.
- ICriticalRangeCalculatedHandler
- Allows the altering of critical ranges without interacting with improved critical.
- IActivatableAbilityGetCommandTypeHandler
- Fixed issue with the black blade part having in inaccessible static reference. This now exists as a hard coded ID to maintain save compatibility with older saves.
- Non final experimental release without stability guarantees