This is meant to be an equivalent to the popular program SAM Achievement Manager for Windows. It's in a very early stage of development, and all contributions are welcome.
As of right now, all features are not implemented yet, but it can lock and unlock achievements.
Expect a lot of bugs and lacking features too.
Contributions are welcome!
Thanks :)
While SamRewritten offers a nice GUI, you linux geeks love to use command line options. It would be exciting to expand the command line options, but I do not have much more time to invest in this project, and a rewriting would not hurt. Anyway you can do:
- -a <appid>
./bin/ -a 10
will idle Counter Strike
Just run ./ Makefiles? Never heard of it. Packaging? What's that?
Packages needed vary on distros, but make sure to install at least Steam, yajl, GTK 3, and GLib.
On Ubuntu (and variants): sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libyajl-dev
On Arch: sudo pacman -S gtk3 glibc gnutls yajl
To run it, launch ./bin/
Once again, all contributions are VERY welcome, even though this code is already aging and very badly written.