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File metadata and controls

126 lines (94 loc) · 6.18 KB


Introduction to problem

Port scanning is a technic through which a machine can discover various informations about the status of a port (or a range of them) of a specific host or subnet.
This practice can be used for both management and malicious activities.
Executing a port scan leaves traces and follows behaviours that can be observed and identified.
This tool aims to discover scans by analyzing the pace and structure of the traffic measured by a probe.
In order to do that NetFlow data is collected and analyzed in real time.
Notice that results got by this tool are just a suggestion, not a certainty.



PortScanDetector needs to receive NetFlow data in JSON format.
To do so I used nProbe from ntop:

  • Download nProbe.

  • Run it according to your configuration but make sure to specifying the following options in order to make it work with PortScanDetector:

     #Send TCP packets containing flows in JSON format
     --tcp (application_address):(port)
     #Use a NetFlow template containing at least the following fields


     ./nprobes -i eth0 -b 2 -V 10 --tcp -T "%IPV4_SRC_ADDR %IPV4_DST_ADDR %PROTOCOL %L4_SRC_PORT %L4_DST_PORT %TCP_FLAGS %IN_PKTS"


This tool is a Python script that binds on a port and listen to NetFlow data from one probe at a time.

The code has the following major dependencies that are specified in requirements.txt:

  • HyperLogLog, a probabilistic data structure, to store efficiently and without repetition host/port couples as string. This leads to efficiency in term of memory (trading off accuracy in element counting).
  • Statsmodels to handle UDP average contacted host/port and producing a prediction through double exponential smoothing

In order to execute PortScannerDetector:

  • clone the repo
     git clone port_scan_detector && cd port_scan_detector
  • [optional] enter a virtual environment
  • check if the required packages are installed
     pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Please note that the address on which the application creates the TCP socket must be reachable by the probe.

python3 [-h] [-a address] [-p port] [-d seconds] [-e seconds] [--version] 

Optional Arguments:

Flag Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-a address,
--address address
Address on which to open the TCP socket (default
-p port,
--port port
Port on which to receive JSON-formatted flows as TCP stream (deafult 2055).
-d seconds,
--des seconds
Seconds between two double exponential smoothing prevision on UDP host/port couples (default 10).
-e seconds,
--erase seconds
Seconds bewteen two resets of UDP host/port couples (default 180).
--version Show program's version number and exit.
--verbose Run the program showing all the information regarding flows received and UDP prevision.

How it works

PortScanDetector analyzes the flows and decide whether the traffic could be due to port scanning or not.

  • First the program parses th flow sent in JSON format.
  • Then excludes traffic directed or originated from multicast addresses (this is done because a scanner won't target such addresses and they are likely source of unresponded packets)
  • After that the flow is analyzed according to its transport level protocol.

PortScanDetector uses 2 different metric for either TCP and UDP:


The flows are analyzed looking at the TCP_FLAGS field and classified based on the following criterias (nmap flags inside parentheses):

  • 0 -> NULL Scan (-sN, No bits set)
  • 1 -> FIN Scan (-sF, FIN bit set)
  • 2 -> SYN Scan (-sS, SYN bit set)
  • 41 -> Xmas Scan (-sX, FIN, PSH, and URG bits set)

If a flow matches one of those cases the user is notified through CLI.


  • False positive
    There could be situations where a host tries to connect without succeeding (resulting in 2 as TCP_FLAGS) without malicious intentions.
    This scenario can't be taken into account due to a "zero knowledge" principle where all traffic is "guilty until proven innocent" (in this case by concluding the three-way handshake).

  • False negative
    In case of scans that completes the three-way handshake (e.g. TCP Connect() Scan done with -sT option in nmap) the attack is indistinguishable from a normal communication therefore the flow is not highlighted.

    This is true only for open ports, filtered and closed ports will result in a TCP_FLAG of 2 due to the attempted connection.
    sT scan no open

  • Idle Scan
    Scans made using another host as disguise (e.g. -sI option of nmap) could reveal that the "zombie" host is the source of the attack. I couldn't do test about that due to safety features on TCP packet ID of my network devices.


The flows are analyzed looking at the number of couples host/port contacted by each source host.
If it exceeds the double exponential smoothing prevision (made with the time serie of the last 10 averages of couples among all source hosts) * 1.75 the user is notified.


  • False positive
    There could be situations where a host contacts through UDP more hosts than the prediction*1.75 with no malicious intentions.

    This behavior results in an unnecessary alert.

  • False negative
    A scanning host can contact through UDP less couples host/port than the prediction*1.75 and still not be spotted by the tool.
    This problem could have been addressed making assumptions about the traffic characteristics (number of packets, flow lifespan, bytes transmitted).

    Doing so could still have led to wrong evaluations.