Note: LTI functionality is not enabled by default, and must be enabled by a system administrator.
MarkUs integrates with other Learning Management Systems (LMS) via the LTI 1.3 standard. Currently, MarkUs supports the following LMS platforms:
- Canvas
Each LMS implements their own LTI integration process. Typically, only administrators can add LTI integrations.
To add MarkUs to a Canvas instance, see their page on configuring LTI keys.
MarkUs can be added via a JSON URL, as described in the 'Enter JSON URL' section of the documentation. MarkUs provides the configuration at /lti_deployments/get_canvas_config
After connecting a MarkUs course with an LMS course (see below for platform specific instructions), the associations can be viewed on the Course Settings page. On this page you can manually trigger a roster synchronization, and also choose to delete an association between the LMS and MarkUs.
NOTE: Destroying an LTI association will also destroy any LTI assignment settings on MarkUs. However, it will not destroy any data that has been sent from MarkUs to the LMS. If an association is reestablished, any assignment's LTI settings must be re-created, and will create new LMS gradebook items.
Once installed in your course, a 'Launch Markus' page will appear in your course's navigation (disabled by default), and needs to be added to the navigation:
If you believe MarkUs should be installed in your course, but it does not appear, contact your Canvas administrators.
NOTE: The additional navigation item will only be visible to instructors and administrators (not students).
Once MarkUs is configured with Canvas, an association between your Canvas course and your MarkUs course must be made. Click 'Launch MarkUs' in your Canvas course. If you are not logged in to MarkUs, you will be prompted to do so. Once you are logged in, you will be presented with a list of MarkUs courses for which you are an instructor. Select the course that matches your Canvas course and submit the form. If your course does not appear in the list, you may click 'Create New Course', which will create a new course based on the Canvas course information with you as an instructor.
Once a course association has been established, each assignment will have an option to create an associated entry in the Canvas course. This will allow grades from a MarkUs assignment to be sent to the associated LMS once grading is complete. On the assignment's LTI Settings page, simply check the box for each Canvas instance where a gradebook item should be created, and click the save button.
If an assignment has an LMS grade book entry, the assignment summary page will have a 'Sync Grades to LMS' button.
Clicking on this button will open a modal with a checkbox for each associated LMS course. Check the box for each Canvas course the grades should be synced to.
Note: Only grades in the released state will be synced.
MarkUs will automatically attempt to sync course rosters, including both students and graders, with Canvas when grades are sent to Canvas. Any members of the Canvas course that are not present in the MarkUs course roster will be created. A roster sync can also be triggered manually on the Course Settings page.