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A RISC-V non pipelined RV32I cpu implementation in VHDL, using AMD Vivado Software.

Read Github Wiki for more details.



The CPU I will implement will have the following properties:

  • Support for a subset of RV32I;
  • 31 general purpose registers (32 bit), 1 program counter;
  • Harvard Architecture;
  • Instruction Memory implemented as a single port ROM BRAM;
  • Data Memory Implemented as a single port RAM BRAM;

Implemented Instructions

For now I am going to implement a small subset of the RV32I ISA. This is a comprehensive list: image

Instruction Memory

Instruction memory will consist of a ROM BRAM (Read only memory Block RAM), with a width of 32 bits (instruction size, RISC-V like) and a depth of 4096 instructions. The block memory is defined as a single port ROM, that's because we are only interested in reading the hardcoded RISC-V instructions inside of it. The BRAM will have an enable pin and a synchronous reset pin (will only work when memory is enabled). The IP will have an embedded output register where the Instruction to be decoded is saved before the instruction decode stage. The input address is 32 bit wide to ease RISC-V jump instructions. For this time the load_en for the instruction memory will be hard-wired to "1".

Register File

Register File is made of a DRAM (Distributed Memory), with two ports, defined with a width of 32 bits (RISC-V Registers size) and 32 words deep (RISC-V ISA defines 32 registers for the register file). For now the output is registered.

Data Memory

Data Memory will be implemented as a single port RAM BRAM, with 32 bit width and 4096 blocks of depth. Made of 4096 words of 32 bits. Address is 12 bits. write_en generated by control state machine.


Clock is now set at 50 MHz. Testing need to be done.

Instruction Fetch Stage


The entire instruction fetch stage is executed in one clock cycle. Here is the flow of operations:

  • If LOAD_EN is active, incoming PC from upper stages is loaded into the PC register (beware, this happens 1 clock cycle before the start of the instruction fetch)
  • Rising edge of the clock arrives
  • BRAM Instruction Memory fetches instruction reading PC if LOAD_EN_MEM is active. A synchronous RST may reset the Instruction Memory
  • In the meantime PC + 4 is computed and saved in NPC (Next Program Counter)
  • BRAM will save Instruction in internal IR (instruction register) before the arrival of the next clock pulse
Signal Name Direction Type Function
clk in std_logic Clock signal that drives the registers of PC, block RAM, NPC, and IR.
pc_in in unsigned(31 downto 0) Program counter input coming from other stages.
load_en in std_logic Load enable signal to activate or deactivate writing on the PC register (active low).
res in std_logic Synchronous reset for instruction memory (active high).
instr_out out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) Instruction fetched from instruction memory.
current_pc out unsigned(31 downto 0) Current program counter connected to the next stages.
next_pc out unsigned(31 downto 0) Next program counter value (PC + 4 bytes).
pc internal unsigned(31 downto 0) Internal signal for the current program counter.
instr internal std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) Internal signal for the instruction fetched from instruction memory.

Instruction Decode Stage


The Instruction Decode (ID) stage is responsible for interpreting the fetched instruction. It extracts the necessary control signals and operands required for the Execute stage. This stage reads the instruction, decodes it, reads the necessary register values, and generates immediate values and control signals.

Decoder Block The Decoder block is part of the Instruction Decode stage. It takes a 32-bit instruction and extracts relevant fields such as opcode, func3, func7, and register addresses. Based on the opcode and func3, it generates control signals and immediate values.

Instruction Decode Signals

Signal Name Direction Type Function
clk in std_logic Clock signal.
instr in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) Instruction coming from the Instruction Fetch stage.
write_en in std_logic Enables writing to the register file.
rd_value in unsigned(31 downto 0) Value to be written to the register file.
rd_wr_enable in std_logic Chooses between reading and writing to the register file (0 = read, 1 = write).
rs1_val out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) Value of the first source register.
rs2_val out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) Value of the second source register.
immediate out unsigned(31 downto 0) Extended 32-bit immediate value.
op_class out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Indicates the type of operation (encoded one-hot: OP, Store, Load, Branch, Jump).
alu_opcode out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ALU operation code.
cond_opcode out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) Conditional operation code.
a_sel out std_logic Controls the multiplexer A in the Execute stage (0: pc, 1: rs1_value).
b_sel out std_logic Controls the multiplexer B in the Execute stage (0: immediate, 1: rs2_value).
rs1 internal std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Address of the first source register.
rs2 internal std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Address of the second source register.
rd internal std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Address of the destination register.
imm_12 internal std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) 12-bit immediate value.
imm_32 internal unsigned(31 downto 0) Extended 32-bit immediate value.
r_input internal std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Input to the register file multiplexer for read/write selection.
op_c internal std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Internal signal for the operation class.
alu_op internal std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) Internal signal for the ALU operation code.
cond_op internal std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) Internal signal for the conditional operation code.
a internal std_logic Internal signal for the multiplexer A selection.
b internal std_logic Internal signal for the multiplexer B selection.

Decoder Signals

Signal Name Direction Type Function
instr in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) 32-bit instruction to be decoded.
op_class out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Indicates the type of operation (one-hot encoded).
alu_opcode out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ALU operation code based on func3 and func7.
cond_opcode out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) Conditional operation code based on func3.
rd out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Address of the destination register.
rs1 out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Address of the first source register.
rs2 out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Address of the second source register.
immediate out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) 12-bit immediate value extracted from the instruction.
a_sel out std_logic Control signal for multiplexer A (0: pc, 1: rs1_value).
b_sel out std_logic Control signal for multiplexer B (0: immediate, 1: rs2_value).
func3 internal std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) Function field from the instruction (bits 14-12).
func7 internal std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) Function field from the instruction (bits 31-25).
opcode internal std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) Opcode field from the instruction (bits 6-0).

Execution Stage


The Execution stage is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, as well as evaluating branch conditions. It takes operands from the previous stage, applies the necessary operations using the ALU and comparator components, and outputs the results and branch conditions.

  • Inputs:

    • clk: The clock signal.
    • rs1_val: The value of the first source register.
    • rs2_val: The value of the second source register.
    • immediate: The 32-bit immediate value.
    • cond_opcode: The conditional operation code.
    • alu_opcode: The ALU operation code.
    • pc: The program counter value.
    • a_sel: Control signal for selecting between pc and rs1_val for the ALU.
    • b_sel: Control signal for selecting between immediate and rs2_val for the ALU.
  • Outputs:

    • branch_cond: The branch condition output.
    • alu_pre_result: The intermediate ALU result.
    • alu_result: The final ALU result.

The Execution stage uses two main components: the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) and the comparator. The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations based on the alu_opcode, while the comparator evaluates branch conditions based on the cond_opcode. Multiplexers controlled by a_sel and b_sel are used to select the appropriate operands for the ALU.

Signal Table

Execution Stage

Signal Name Direction Type Function
clk in std_logic Clock signal.
rs1_val in unsigned(31 downto 0) Value of the first source register.
rs2_val in unsigned(31 downto 0) Value of the second source register.
immediate in unsigned(31 downto 0) 32-bit immediate value.
cond_opcode in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) Conditional operation code.
alu_opcode in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ALU operation code.
pc in unsigned(31 downto 0) Program counter value.
a_sel in std_logic Control signal for selecting between pc and rs1_val for the ALU.
b_sel in std_logic Control signal for selecting between immediate and rs2_val for the ALU.
branch_cond out std_logic Branch condition output.
alu_pre_result out unsigned(31 downto 0) Intermediate ALU result.
alu_result out unsigned(31 downto 0) Final ALU result.
branch_cond_unregistered internal std_logic Unregistered branch condition signal.
mux_a internal unsigned(31 downto 0) Multiplexer output selecting between pc and rs1_val.
mux_b internal unsigned(31 downto 0) Multiplexer output selecting between immediate and rs2_val.

ALU Component

Signal Name Direction Type Function
alu_opcode in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ALU operation code.
rs1_val in unsigned(31 downto 0) Value of the first source register.
rs2_val in unsigned(31 downto 0) Value of the second source register.
value_out out unsigned(31 downto 0) Result of the ALU operation.

Comparator Component

Signal Name Direction Type Function
rs1_val in unsigned(31 downto 0) Value of the first source register.
rs2_val in unsigned(31 downto 0) Value of the second source register.
cond_opcode in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) Conditional operation code.
branch_cond out std_logic Branch condition output (1 = branch, 0 = don't branch).

Memory and Write Back Stage


The Memory and Write Back stage is responsible for accessing the data memory and writing back the results to the destination registers. It handles memory read/write operations and updates the program counter based on the operation type and branch conditions.

  • Inputs:

    • clk: The clock signal.
    • branch_cond: Branch condition signal.
    • next_pc: The next program counter value.
    • alu_result: The result from the ALU.
    • alu_pre_result: The intermediate ALU result.
    • op_class: Operation class indicating the type of operation.
    • mem_we: Memory write enable signal.
    • rs2_val: The value of the second source register.
    • rsta: Asynchronous reset for the memory.
  • Outputs:

    • pc_out: The updated program counter value.
    • rd_value: The value to be written back to the destination register.

The Memory and Write Back stage uses a data memory component for reading from and writing to memory. It also includes multiplexers to determine the correct values for the program counter and the destination register based on the operation class and branch conditions.

Signal Table

Memory and Write Back Stage

Signal Name Direction Type Function
clk in std_logic Clock signal.
branch_cond in std_logic Branch condition signal.
next_pc in unsigned(31 downto 0) The next program counter value.
alu_result in unsigned(31 downto 0) The result from the ALU.
alu_pre_result in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) The intermediate ALU result.
op_class in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) Operation class indicating the type of operation.
mem_we in std_logic Memory write enable signal.
rs2_val in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) The value of the second source register.
rsta in std_logic Asynchronous reset for the memory.
pc_out out unsigned(31 downto 0) The updated program counter value.
rd_value out unsigned(31 downto 0) The value to be written back to the destination register.
wea internal std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) Write enable signal for the memory (multiplexed between mem_we and op_class).
mem_out internal std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) Value coming out of the memory.

Instruction Fetch TestBench


Instruction Decode TestBench


Execute Stage TestBench


Memory and Write-Back TestBench

State Machine



Synthesis Design Report Summary

Tool Information:

  • Tool Version: Vivado v.2023.2 (win64) Build 4029153
  • Date: Thu Aug 1 09:32:52 2024
  • Command: report_utilization
  • Design: top_level
  • Device: xc7z020clg484-1
  • Design State: Synthesized

Utilization Design Information:

1. Slice Logic

Site Type Used Available Util%
Slice LUTs 235 53200 0.44
LUT as Logic 235 53200 0.44
LUT as Memory 0 17400 0.00
Slice Registers 273 106400 0.26
Register as Flip Flop 206 106400 0.19
Register as Latch 67 106400 0.06
F7 Muxes 0 26600 0.00
F8 Muxes 0 13300 0.00

2. Memory

Site Type Used Available Util%
Block RAM Tile 0 140 0.00
RAMB36/FIFO 0 140 0.00
RAMB18 0 280 0.00

3. DSP

Site Type Used Available Util%
DSPs 0 220 0.00

7. Primitives

Ref Name Used Functional Category
FDRE 206 Flop & Latch
LDCE 67 Flop & Latch
CARRY4 23 CarryLogic
BUFG 3 Clock

8. Black Boxes

Ref Name Used
dist_mem_gen_0 1
blk_mem_gen_1 1
blk_mem_gen_0 1


Performance Evaluation

Timing Analysis

Power Consumption


To be done one day in the future

  • Chose a standard for variables in vhdl, uppercase or lowercase?
  • See in instruction decode if it is best to keep std_logic_vector for some signals, or change it to unsigned
  • See if concurrent execution can be converted to processes or vice versa
  • You could add flags to alu operations