diff --git a/seed/static/seed/js/controllers/inventory_create_controller.js b/seed/static/seed/js/controllers/inventory_create_controller.js
index c0055160ad..967a6c231c 100644
--- a/seed/static/seed/js/controllers/inventory_create_controller.js
+++ b/seed/static/seed/js/controllers/inventory_create_controller.js
@@ -3,146 +3,176 @@
* See also https://github.com/SEED-platform/seed/blob/main/LICENSE.md
angular.module('SEED.controller.inventory_create', []).controller('inventory_create_controller', [
- '$scope',
- '$window',
- '$stateParams',
- 'ah_service',
- 'inventory_service',
- 'access_level_tree',
- 'all_columns',
- 'cycles',
- 'profiles',
- // eslint-disable-next-line func-names
- function (
- $scope,
- $window,
- $stateParams,
- ah_service,
- inventory_service,
- access_level_tree,
- all_columns,
- cycles,
- profiles,
- ) {
- $scope.data = { state: { extra_data: {} } };
- $scope.inventory_type = $stateParams.inventory_type;
- $scope.inventory_types = ['Property', 'TaxLot'];
- const table_name = $scope.inventory_type === 'taxlots' ? 'TaxLotState' : 'PropertyState';
- $scope.cycles = cycles.cycles;
- $scope.profiles = profiles;
- $scope.profile = [];
- $scope.columns = all_columns;
- $scope.matching_columns = [];
- $scope.extra_columns = [];
- $scope.canonical_columns = [];
- $scope.columns.forEach((c) => {
- if (c.table_name == table_name) {
- if (c.is_matching_criteria) $scope.matching_columns.push(c);
- if (c.is_extra_data) $scope.extra_columns.push(c);
- if (!c.is_extra_data && !c.derived_column) $scope.canonical_columns.push(c);
- }
+ '$scope',
+ '$state',
+ '$stateParams',
+ 'ah_service',
+ 'inventory_service',
+ 'Notification',
+ 'simple_modal_service',
+ 'spinner_utility',
+ 'access_level_tree',
+ 'all_columns',
+ 'cycles',
+ 'profiles',
+ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names
+ function (
+ $scope,
+ $state,
+ $stateParams,
+ ah_service,
+ inventory_service,
+ Notification,
+ simple_modal_service,
+ spinner_utility,
+ access_level_tree,
+ all_columns,
+ cycles,
+ profiles
+ ) {
+ $scope.data = { state: { extra_data: {} } };
+ $scope.inventory_type = $stateParams.inventory_type;
+ $scope.inventory_types = ['Property', 'TaxLot'];
+ const table_name = $scope.inventory_type === 'taxlots' ? 'TaxLotState' : 'PropertyState';
+ $scope.cycles = cycles.cycles;
+ $scope.profiles = profiles;
+ $scope.profile = [];
+ $scope.columns = all_columns;
+ $scope.matching_columns = [];
+ $scope.extra_columns = [];
+ $scope.canonical_columns = [];
+ $scope.columns.forEach((c) => {
+ if (c.table_name === table_name) {
+ if (c.is_matching_criteria) $scope.matching_columns.push(c);
+ if (c.is_extra_data) $scope.extra_columns.push(c);
+ if (!c.is_extra_data && !c.derived_column) $scope.canonical_columns.push(c);
+ }
+ });
+ // create a copy, not a reference. from_column contents is a list of columns dicts
+ $scope.form_columns = [...$scope.matching_columns];
+ // form_values allows value persistance
+ $scope.form_values = [];
+ $scope.$watch('data', () => {
+ $scope.valid = $scope.data.cycle && $scope.data.access_level_instance && !_.isEqual($scope.data.state, { extra_data: {} });
+ }, true);
+ $scope.access_level_tree = access_level_tree.access_level_tree;
+ $scope.level_names = access_level_tree.access_level_names.map((level, i) => ({
+ index: i,
+ name: level
+ }));
+ const access_level_instances_by_depth = ah_service.calculate_access_level_instances_by_depth($scope.access_level_tree);
+ $scope.change_selected_level_index = () => {
+ const new_level_instance_depth = parseInt($scope.data.level_name_index, 10) + 1;
+ $scope.potential_level_instances = access_level_instances_by_depth[new_level_instance_depth];
+ };
+ $scope.data.level_name_index = $scope.level_names.at(-1).index;
+ $scope.change_selected_level_index();
+ $scope.data.access_level_instance = $scope.potential_level_instances.at(0).id;
+ $scope.set_columns = (type) => {
+ remove_empty_last_column();
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'canonical':
+ $scope.form_columns = Array.from(new Set([...$scope.form_columns, ...$scope.canonical_columns]));
+ break;
+ case 'extra':
+ $scope.form_columns = Array.from(new Set([...$scope.form_columns, ...$scope.extra_columns]));
+ break;
+ default:
+ $scope.form_columns = [...$scope.matching_columns];
+ $scope.form_columns = $scope.form_columns.map((c) => ({ ...c, value: null }));
+ $scope.form_values = [];
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.remove_column = (column, index) => {
+ $scope.form_columns.splice(index, 1);
+ $scope.form_values[index] = null;
+ set_column_value(column, null);
+ };
+ $scope.add_column = () => $scope.form_columns.push({ displayName: '', table_name });
+ const remove_empty_last_column = () => {
+ if (!_.isEmpty($scope.form_columns) && $scope.form_columns.at(-1).displayName === '') {
+ $scope.form_columns.pop();
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.change_profile = () => {
+ const profile_column_names = $scope.profile.columns.map((p) => p.column_name);
+ $scope.form_columns = $scope.columns.filter((c) => profile_column_names.includes(c.column_name));
+ };
+ $scope.select_column = (column, index) => {
+ column.value = $scope.form_values.at(index);
+ $scope.form_columns[index] = column;
+ };
+ $scope.change_column = (displayName, index) => {
+ const defaults = {
+ table_name,
+ is_extra_data: true,
+ is_matching_criteria: false,
+ data_type: 'string'
+ };
+ let column = $scope.columns.find((c) => c.displayName === displayName) || { displayName };
+ column = { ...defaults, ...column };
+ column.value = $scope.form_values.at(index);
+ $scope.form_columns[index] = column;
+ };
+ $scope.change_value = (column, index) => {
+ $scope.form_values[index] = column.value;
+ set_column_value(column, column.value);
+ };
+ const set_column_value = (column, value) => {
+ const column_name = column.column_name || column.displayName;
+ if (!column_name) return;
+ const target = column.is_extra_data ? $scope.data.state.extra_data : $scope.data.state;
+ target[column_name] = value;
+ };
+ $scope.save_inventory = () => {
+ const type_name = $scope.inventory_type === 'taxlots' ? 'Tax Lot' : 'Property';
+ const cycle_name = $scope.cycles.find((c) => c.id === $scope.data.cycle).name;
+ const ali_name = $scope.access_level_tree.find((ali) => ali.id === $scope.data.access_level_instance).name;
+ const modalOptions = {
+ type: 'default',
+ okButtonText: 'Confirm',
+ headerText: `Create new ${type_name}`,
+ bodyText: `Create ${ali_name} ${type_name} in Cycle ${cycle_name}?`
+ };
+ const successOptions = {
+ type: 'default',
+ okButtonText: `View ${type_name}`,
+ headerText: 'Success',
+ bodyText: `Successfully created ${type_name}`
+ };
+ simple_modal_service.showModal(modalOptions).then(() => {
+ spinner_utility.show();
+ inventory_service.create_inventory($scope.data, $scope.inventory_type).then((response) => {
+ Notification.success(`Successfully created ${type_name}`);
+ spinner_utility.hide();
+ return response.data.view_id;
+ }).then((view_id) => {
+ simple_modal_service.showModal(successOptions).then(() => {
+ window.location.href = `/app/#/${$scope.inventory_type}/${view_id}`;
+ }).catch(() => {
+ $state.reload();
+ });
+ }).catch(() => {
+ Notification.error(`Failed to create ${type_name}`);
- // create a copy, not a reference. from_column contents is a list of columns dicts
- $scope.form_columns =[...$scope.matching_columns];
- // form_values allows value persistance
- $scope.form_values = [];
- $scope.$watch('data', () => {
- console.log('watch')
- $scope.valid = $scope.data.cycle && $scope.data.access_level_instance && !_.isEqual($scope.data.state, { extra_data: {} });
- }, true)
- $scope.access_level_tree = access_level_tree.access_level_tree;
- $scope.level_names = access_level_tree.access_level_names.map((level, i) => ({
- index: i,
- name: level
- }));
- const access_level_instances_by_depth = ah_service.calculate_access_level_instances_by_depth($scope.access_level_tree);
- $scope.change_selected_level_index = () => {
- const new_level_instance_depth = parseInt($scope.data.level_name_index, 10) + 1;
- $scope.potential_level_instances = access_level_instances_by_depth[new_level_instance_depth];
- };
- $scope.data.level_name_index = $scope.level_names.at(-1).index;
- $scope.change_selected_level_index();
- $scope.data.access_level_instance = $scope.potential_level_instances.at(0).id;
- $scope.set_columns = (type) => {
- remove_empty_last_column();
- switch (type) {
- case 'canonical':
- $scope.form_columns = Array.from(new Set([...$scope.form_columns, ...$scope.canonical_columns]));
- break;
- case 'extra':
- $scope.form_columns = Array.from(new Set([...$scope.form_columns, ...$scope.extra_columns]));
- break;
- default:
- $scope.form_columns = [...$scope.matching_columns];
- $scope.form_columns = $scope.form_columns.map(c => ({...c, value: null}));
- $scope.form_values = [];
- }
- }
- $scope.remove_column = (column, index) => {
- $scope.form_columns.splice(index, 1)
- $scope.form_values[index] = null;
- set_column_value(column, null);
- };
- $scope.add_column = () => $scope.form_columns.push({ displayName: '', table_name: table_name });
- const remove_empty_last_column = () => {
- if (!_.isEmpty($scope.form_columns) && $scope.form_columns.at(-1).displayName === '') {
- $scope.form_columns.pop();
- }
- }
- $scope.change_profile = () => {
- const profile_column_names = $scope.profile.columns.map(p => p.column_name);
- $scope.form_columns = $scope.columns.filter(c => profile_column_names.includes(c.column_name))
- }
- $scope.select_column = (column, index) => {
- column.value = $scope.form_values.at(index);
- $scope.form_columns[index] = column;
- }
- $scope.change_column = (displayName, index) => {
- const defaults = {
- table_name: table_name,
- is_extra_data: true,
- is_matching_criteria: false,
- data_type: 'string',
- }
- let column = $scope.columns.find(c => c.displayName === displayName) || {displayName: displayName};
- column = {...defaults, ...column};
- column.value = $scope.form_values.at(index);
- $scope.form_columns[index] = column;
- };
- $scope.change_value = (column, index) => {
- $scope.form_values[index] = column.value;
- set_column_value(column, column.value)
- }
- const set_column_value = (column, value) => {
- const column_name = column.column_name || column.displayName;
- if (!column_name) return
- const target = column.is_extra_data ? $scope.data.state.extra_data : $scope.data.state;
- target[column_name] = value;
- }
- $scope.save_inventory = () => {
- console.log($scope.data.state)
- inventory_service.create_inventory($scope.data, $scope.inventory_type).then((data) => {
- console.log('>>>', data)
- })
- }
- }
+ });
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/seed/static/seed/js/seed.js b/seed/static/seed/js/seed.js
index 6535761b12..ab0c49e16a 100644
--- a/seed/static/seed/js/seed.js
+++ b/seed/static/seed/js/seed.js
@@ -2275,7 +2275,7 @@
const inventory_type = $stateParams.inventory_type === 'properties' ? 'Property' : 'Tax Lot';
return inventory_service.get_column_list_profiles('List View Profile', inventory_type);
- ],
+ ]
diff --git a/seed/static/seed/js/services/inventory_service.js b/seed/static/seed/js/services/inventory_service.js
index a4fadbc95f..f683f461a5 100644
--- a/seed/static/seed/js/services/inventory_service.js
+++ b/seed/static/seed/js/services/inventory_service.js
@@ -1294,13 +1294,11 @@ angular.module('SEED.service.inventory', []).factory('inventory_service', [
}).then((response) => response.data);
- inventory_service.create_inventory = (data, inventory_type) => {
- return $http.post(`/api/v3/${inventory_type}/form_create/`, data, {
- params: {
- organization_id: user_service.get_organization().id
- }
- });
- }
+ inventory_service.create_inventory = (data, inventory_type) => $http.post(`/api/v3/${inventory_type}/form_create/`, data, {
+ params: {
+ organization_id: user_service.get_organization().id
+ }
+ });
return inventory_service;
diff --git a/seed/static/seed/partials/inventory_create.html b/seed/static/seed/partials/inventory_create.html
index 9783c2b8f4..d82f180398 100644
--- a/seed/static/seed/partials/inventory_create.html
+++ b/seed/static/seed/partials/inventory_create.html
@@ -5,121 +5,126 @@