Read ‘Climate Change_ Earth Surface Temperature Data.zip'. it includes a CSV file
Merge the four tables into one table
View some basic information about the data frame such info, columns, shape, and statistics such as mean, count, etc.
4 . Preprocess the table from missing, outlier, duplicate, etc.
Encode the date “dt” columns into three columns (year, month, day)
Standardize or normalize the data if necessary
Visualize the relation between avrgtemp and tempuncerinty
Group data based on city, country, state
Visualize the temps with respect to country, city, state
Group data based on longitude and latitude and visualize its relation with temps
Add a new feature that represent the rate of change between avgtemp and uncertainty based on country
Compare between the temp in the different continental
Compare the temp in each continental
Group the areas (cities) around the world that have similar temps behave
Group the areas (cities) that have the same temp behave within date seasons