AUNA (AUdio and Nerual Activity) is a graphic tool for marking audio events and analizing the neural data simultaneously recorded. It is currently an alpha version.
- MATLAB >= 9.6 (R2019a)
- Signal Processing Toolbox
- Image Processing Toolbox
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
Add folder and subfolders to the Matlab path.
MAtNWB has to be installed to open NWB files. This can be done by running:
!git clone [](
cd matnwb
Configure the parameters in the par_auna.m file, go to the folder with the data and then run auna
in the command window.
The events and zones are saved insiede the file auna_data.mat.
AUNA loads the audio from a binary file NSX[channel_number].NC5 with values in int16. The metadata will be loaded from from a file named NSX_TimeStamps.mat with the variables sr (sampling rate in Hz) and lts (number of samples) . If a file NSx.mat is found in the path, AUNA will try to load the channel using the metadata table in that file.
If par.neuroformat = WC: The units activity will be loaded from the files: times_[channel_number].mat If par.neuroformat = NWB: The units activity will be loaded from the files: 'chan_[channel_number].nwb
By default the annotations are saved inside the file auna_data.mat. The zones structure has a field for each zone with its limits and pre/post times to create rasters. The concepts struct has a field for each concept with times in ms for each annotation.
- numerical minus('-'): maximum timescale (zoom out icon)
- space bar: pause/resume (||)
- right_arrow: next data block (>>)
- left_arrow: prev data block (<<)
- return: Add mark
- 1-9: choose the event number