Releases: ReactiveBayes/ExponentialFamily.jl
Releases · ReactiveBayes/ExponentialFamily.jl
ExponentialFamily v1.3.0
Merged pull requests:
ExponentialFamily v1.2.2
Merged pull requests:
- Faster logpdf implementation for container based inputs (#147) (@Nimrais)
- add getgradlogpartition function for Bernoulli (#150) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- add getgradlogpartition function for Poisson (#151) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- add getgradlogpartition Exponential (#152) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- Add gradient of binomial (#153) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient of beta (#154) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient calculation for log partition (#157) (@bartvanerp)
- Add gradient of Wishart (#158) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient for inverse wishart (#159) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient of Weibull (#160) (@ismailsenoz)
- Gradient of vmf (#161) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient of Rayleigh (#162) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient Pareto (#163) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient normal gamma (#164) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient of negative binomial (#165) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient of matrix Dirichlet (#166) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient of log Normal (#167) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient for categorical (#170) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient inverse gamma (#171) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add gradient for Laplace (#172) (@ismailsenoz)
- Update (#174) (@bartvanerp)
Closed issues:
- The logpdf from
is slower then fromDistributions.jl
ExponentialFamily v1.2.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add (#3) (@albertpod)
- Add Erlang distribution (#14) (@albertpod)
- Update CI & toml (#15) (@albertpod)
- Exponential distribution (#16) (@wouterwln)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for StaticArrays at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#26) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix normal tests (#27) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add formatter (#28) (@albertpod)
- added ef extensions for beta and tests (#29) (@ismailsenoz)
- Categorical ef extensions (#30) (@ismailsenoz)
- incorporate fix for ForwardDiff hessian error. (#33) (@ismailsenoz)
- Contingency ef extensions (#34) (@ismailsenoz)
- Simplify the interface for natural parameters (#36) (@ismailsenoz)
- Dev Von Mises (#37) (@ismailsenoz)
- add von mises fisher distribution (#38) (@ismailsenoz)
- Multinomial distribution (#39) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- Geometric distribution (#40) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for JuliaFormatter at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#41) (@github-actions[bot])
- add check for number of trials (#43) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- Add conditioner field to natural parameters structure and tests (#44) (@ismailsenoz)
- fix: Gamma and \approx (#45) (@Nimrais)
- fix: convert into one dist type (#46) (@Nimrais)
- Fix wishart conversions (#47) (@Nimrais)
- Add Pareto distribution (#48) (@Chengfeng-Jia)
- Generic plus (#49) (@ismailsenoz)
- docs: add general lognormalizer doc string (#50) (@Nimrais)
- Continuous bernoulli (#51) (@ismailsenoz)
- Binomial distribution (#53) (@albertpod)
- add Rayleigh and tests (#56) (@ismailsenoz)
- Fix exponential, clean binomial (#58) (@albertpod)
- Weibull (#59) (@Nimrais)
- Dev generic operations (#60) (@ismailsenoz)
- LogNormal distribution added. The Natural parameters are calculated f… (#61) (@Sepideh-Adamiat)
- Dev negative binomial (#62) (@ismailsenoz)
- add Laplace distribution and tests (#64) (@ismailsenoz)
- Fix negative binomial (#65) (@albertpod)
- add chi squared distribution and tests (#66) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add Poisson distribution extension (#67) (@albertpod)
- Fix prod for Binomial Distributions (#68) (@albertpod)
- Remove sample friendly (#69) (@ismailsenoz)
- Test alignment (#71) (@albertpod)
- Dev normal wishart (#72) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add Normal-Gamma distribution (#73) (@albertpod)
- Gammafix (#74) (@ismailsenoz)
- Update tests, README (#75) (@albertpod)
- Add Fisher Information for Poisson distribution (#76) (@albertpod)
- fisherinformation Gamma (#77) (@Nimrais)
- fisherinformation Chisq (#78) (@Nimrais)
- Fisher information for normal gamma (#79) (@Nimrais)
- Add fisher information for exponential distribution (#80) (@albertpod)
- Fisher Rayleigh (#82) (@albertpod)
- Add Fisher information Weibull distribution (#83) (@albertpod)
- add fisher information and tests for pareto distribution (#84) (@ismailsenoz)
- Fisher negative binomial (#85) (@Nimrais)
- Fix normal gamma tests (#87) (@albertpod)
- Fix isproper (#88) (@Nimrais)
- add fisher information for laplace and test (#89) (@ismailsenoz)
- fix Multinomial (#91) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- fix lognormal parameterization and add fisher information (#92) (@ismailsenoz)
- Fix categorical and contingency parameterisations (#93) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- Fisher information for Von Mises (#95) (@ismailsenoz)
- Fisher binomial (#96) (@ismailsenoz)
- feat: implement Fisher information for Univariate Normal (#97) (@Nimrais)
- Add Fisher for Geometric distribution (#98) (@albertpod)
- Add Fisher information for Multinomial distribution (#99) (@albertpod)
- Fix format throughout test and src folders (#100) (@albertpod)
- Fisher information for Erlang distribution (#101) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add reconstruct function (#102) (@albertpod)
- Fisher vmf (#103) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add Fisher to Categorical (#104) (@HoangMHNguyen)
- add fisher information for continuous Bernoulli (#105) (@ismailsenoz)
- Fisher Wishart (#106) (@albertpod)
- Add Fisher information for Multivariate Normal (#107) (@Nimrais)
- Fix format and tests (#108) (@albertpod)
- feat: fisher information InverseWishart (#109) (@Nimrais)
- Revise prod (#110) (@ismailsenoz)
- Sufficient statistics, logpdf, pdf and duplications (#113) (@ismailsenoz)
- Generic prod tests (#115) (@ismailsenoz)
- feat: add mean for KnownExponentialFamilyDistribution Bernoulli (#116) (@Nimrais)
- feat: add mean, cov methods for EF, fix: conversion for normal-gamma and wishart (#117) (@ismailsenoz)
- fix: resolve ambiguity (nothing case) (#118) (@Nimrais)
- Fisher information for Dirichlet (#119) (@ismailsenoz)
- Matrix Dirichlet Fisher information (#120) (@ismailsenoz)
- Fix wishart conversion (#124) (@ismailsenoz)
- Update (#125) (@albertpod)
- Change ef structure (#127) (@ismailsenoz)
- Add documentation to the package (#128) (@albertpod)
- Fix docs (#129) (@albertpod)
- Major refactoring (#133) (@bvdmitri)
- Parallel tests + VSCode integration (#135) (@bvdmitri)
- Add Aqua to tests (#136) (@bvdmitri)
- Update with href to mit license (#139) (@bartvanerp)
- Diffrentiabilty of ExponentialFamily(ExponentialFamily.MvNormalMeanCovariance) logpdf (#140) (@Nimrais)
- InverseGamma Fisher (#141) (@Nimrais)
- Integrate BayesBase.jl (#142) (@bvdmitri)
Closed issues:
- List of exponential family distributions that should be added (#1)
- Some distributions do not have the required exponential family methods (#2)
- Bernoulli log normalizer appears to be incorrect (#31)
- The interface for natural parameters is over-complicated (#32)
- Fisher information matrix (#35)
- Missing check for the number of trial in prod(), Base.+ and Base.- (#42)
- Inconsistency in methods arrangement and input variable names (#54)
- Categorical and contingency parameterizations (#55)
- Normal-Gamma sampling is not stable (#81)
- Issue with isproper for Negative Binomial (#86)
- Incorrect product of Multinomial (#90)
- Improve prod function and add comprehensive tests (#94)
- Sufficients statistics and conversions in the pdfs (#111)
- Logpdf out-of-support Traits (#114)
- Tests needs to be revised (#121)
- Generic conversion causes stackoverflow (#122)
- Conversion 'WishartImproper' to 'Distribution' is incorrect (#123)
- Add comprehensive documentation (#126)
- Pareto (#131)
- TagBot trigger issue (#138)