diff --git a/Tracks/edgemeal_Play lanes in time selection.lua b/Tracks/edgemeal_Play lanes in time selection.lua deleted file mode 100644 index e14185864..000000000 --- a/Tracks/edgemeal_Play lanes in time selection.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,217 +0,0 @@ --- @description Play lanes in time selection --- @author Edgemeal --- @version 1.02 --- @changelog --- * Add option to disable track buffering and anticipative FX. --- * Remember user option settings for current session. --- * Use 'ImGui_GetBuiltinPath' to detect if ReaImGui installed. --- * Update REAPER versioning message to v7.03. --- @link Forum Thread https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=295370 --- @screenshot Example https://stash.reaper.fm/49429/Play%20Lanes%20v1.00.gif --- @donation Donate via PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Edgemeal --- @about --- Play fixed track lanes in time selection, Auto advances to next lane... --- --- Requires: REAPER v7.03 and ReaImGui v0.9.3.1 --- * Fixed Lane Track must have two or more lanes. --- * Comp lane names must start with "C" (REAPER default: C1, C2, C3, etc...). --- * In 'comp lane' mode, if user deletes all comps, play stops/script exits. --- * In 'skip comp' mode, if user deletes all non-comps, play stops/script exits. - -local rea_ver = tonumber(reaper.GetAppVersion():match('[%d.]+')) -if rea_ver < 7.03 then reaper.MB("This script requires REAPER v7.03+", "ERROR", 0) return end - -if not reaper.ImGui_GetBuiltinPath then - reaper.MB('Please install ReaImGui extension from ReaPack.', 'ERROR', 0) - if reaper.APIExists("ReaPack_BrowsePackages") then reaper.ReaPack_BrowsePackages("ReaImGui") end - return -end - -package.path = reaper.ImGui_GetBuiltinPath() .. '/?.lua' -local ImGui = require 'imgui' '' -local r = reaper -local repeatOn = r.GetToggleCommandState(1068) == 1 -- save users repeat mode setting -local title = 'Play lanes in time selection' -local ctx = ImGui.CreateContext(title, ImGui.ConfigFlags_NoSavedSettings) -local start_butn_colr = 0x00FF0080 -- green -local track, prev_track, PERFFLAGS, ui_vis, ui_open, x, y -local no_buf, play_all, skip_comps, only_comps = true,true,false,false -local pp, prev_pp, lane_cnt, comp_ndx, lane = 0,0,0,0,-1 -local comps = {} - -function bn(num) return num and "1" or "0" end -- boolean to string -function nb(str) if str == "1" then return true else return false end end -- string to boolean - -function SaveValues(a,b,c,d) - local t = {bn(a),bn(b),bn(c),bn(d)} - reaper.SetExtState("Edgemeal", "play_lanes", table.concat(t,","), false) -end - -function LoadValues() - local values = reaper.GetExtState("Edgemeal", "play_lanes") - local i, a, b, c, d = 1 - for v in values:gmatch("[^,]+") do - if i == 1 then a = nb(v) elseif i == 2 then b = nb(v) elseif i == 3 then c = nb(v) elseif i == 4 then d = nb(v) end - i=i+1 - end - return a, b, c, d -end - -function SetAction(action, state) - if r.GetToggleCommandState(action) == 1 ~= state then - r.Main_OnCommand(action, 0) - end -end - -function GetComps() - local t = {} - for i = 0, lane_cnt-1 do - local retval, str = r.GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_LANENAME:" .. i, "", false) - if retval and str:sub(1,1) == "C" then t[#t+1] = i end - end - return t -end - -function NextNonComp(curlane) - for i = curlane, lane_cnt-1 do - local retval, str = r.GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_LANENAME:" .. i, "", false) - if retval and str:sub(1,1) ~= "C" then return i end - end - return -1 -end - -function PlayLanes() - track = r.GetSelectedTrack(0,0) - if track == nil then return end - if no_buf and prev_track ~= track then return end - if (r.GetPlayState() & 1 == 1) then - pp = r.GetPlayPosition2() - if pp < prev_pp then - lane_cnt = r.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_NUMFIXEDLANES") - if lane_cnt < 2 then return end - lane=lane+1 if lane > lane_cnt-1 then lane = 0 end - if only_comps then comps = GetComps() if #comps == 0 then return end end - if only_comps and #comps > 0 then - comp_ndx=comp_ndx+1 if comp_ndx > #comps then comp_ndx = 1 end - lane = comps[comp_ndx] - elseif skip_comps and #comps > 0 then - local n = NextNonComp(lane) - if n == -1 and (lane_cnt-#comps < 1) then return end - while n == -1 do lane=lane+1 if lane > lane_cnt-1 then lane = 0 end - n = NextNonComp(lane) - end - lane = n - end - r.SetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "C_LANEPLAYS:" .. lane, 1) - end - r.defer(PlayLanes) - prev_pp = pp - end -end - -function Int_Lane() - for i = 0, lane_cnt-1 do - local n = r.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "C_LANEPLAYS:" .. i, 1) - if n~=0 then return i-1 end - end - return -1 -end - -function Int_Comp(curlane) - local val = 0 - for i = 1, #comps do - if comps[i] >= curlane then - val=i-1 if val < 0 then val = 0 end - break - end - end - return val -end - -function ImGui_Loop() - ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(ctx, x, y, ImGui.Cond_FirstUseEver, 0.5, 0.5) -- center window @ mouse pos. - ui_vis, ui_open = ImGui.Begin(ctx, title, true, ImGui.WindowFlags_TopMost | ImGui.WindowFlags_NoResize | ImGui.WindowFlags_NoMove | ImGui.WindowFlags_NoCollapse ) - if ui_vis then - ImGui.SameLine(ctx, 48) - if ImGui.RadioButton(ctx,"Play all lanes", play_all) then - play_all = true - skip_comps = false - only_comps = false - end - ImGui.NewLine(ctx) ImGui.SameLine(ctx, 48) - if ImGui.RadioButton(ctx,"Skip comp lanes", skip_comps) then - skip_comps = true - play_all = false - only_comps = false - end - ImGui.NewLine(ctx) ImGui.SameLine(ctx, 48) - if ImGui.RadioButton(ctx,"Play only comps", only_comps) then - only_comps = true - play_all = false - skip_comps = false - end - ImGui.NewLine(ctx) ImGui.NewLine(ctx) ImGui.SameLine(ctx, 36) - _, no_buf = ImGui.Checkbox(ctx, "No track buffing \n or anticipative FX", no_buf) - -- start button - ImGui.NewLine(ctx) - ImGui.PushStyleColor(ctx, ImGui.Col_Button, start_butn_colr) - start_butn_colr = 0x404040FF -- gray - - track = r.GetSelectedTrack(0,0) - if track then - lane_cnt = r.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_NUMFIXEDLANES") - comps = GetComps() - end - - local s_time, e_time = r.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(false, false, 0, 0, false) - if s_time == e_time then - ImGui.Button(ctx, "No Time Selection", 220, 24) - elseif track == nil then - ImGui.Button(ctx, "No track selected", 220, 24) - elseif track and r.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, 'I_FREEMODE') ~= 2 then - ImGui.Button(ctx, "Not a fixed lane track", 220, 24) - elseif track and lane_cnt < 2 then - ImGui.Button(ctx, "Only one lane", 220, 24) - elseif track and only_comps and #comps == 0 then - ImGui.Button(ctx, "No comp lanes", 220, 24) - else - start_butn_colr = 0x00FF0080 -- green - if ImGui.Button(ctx, "Start", 220, 24) then - if no_buf then - PERFFLAGS = r.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_PERFFLAGS") -- save users media buffer setting - prev_track = track - r.SetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_PERFFLAGS", 1|2) -- &1=no media buffering, &2=no anticipative FX - end - lane = Int_Lane() -- selected lane - comp_ndx = Int_Comp(lane+1)-- selected/next comp - ui_open = false -- close UI - r.Main_OnCommand(1016, 0) -- Transport: Stop - r.Main_OnCommand(40630, 0) -- Go to start of time selection - SetAction(1068,true) -- Enable Repeat - r.Main_OnCommand(40044, 0) -- Transport: Play (/stop) - _, prev_pp = r.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(false, false, 0, 0, false) - r.defer(PlayLanes) - end - end - ImGui.PopStyleColor(ctx, 1) - ImGui.End(ctx) -- ui done -- - end - if ui_open then r.defer(ImGui_Loop) end -end - --- exit -function Exit() - r.Main_OnCommand(1016, 0) -- Transport: Stop - SetAction(1068,repeatOn) -- restore user repeat mode setting - reaper.set_action_options(8) -- disables toolbar highlight - if no_buf ~= nil then SaveValues(no_buf, play_all, skip_comps, only_comps) end -- save app settings (this session only) - if prev_track and PERFFLAGS then r.SetMediaTrackInfo_Value(prev_track, "I_PERFFLAGS", PERFFLAGS) end -- restore users buffering setting -end - -r.atexit(Exit) -r.set_action_options(1|4) -if reaper.HasExtState("Edgemeal", "play_lanes") then no_buf, play_all, skip_comps, only_comps = LoadValues() end -- load usres previous settings (this session only) --- get mouse pos (app will be centered @ mouse) -x, y = r.GetMousePosition() - -r.defer(ImGui_Loop)