diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_cs_CZ.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_cs_CZ.properties index 48f75c02b3..250da21845 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_cs_CZ.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_cs_CZ.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Sight CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Light CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = States CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bars -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Order\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Everybody Else -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Token Type TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_da_DK.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_da_DK.properties index aa4fc02dc9..7871932979 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_da_DK.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_da_DK.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Syn CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Lys CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = Tilstande CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bjælker -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = To Billeder CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Enkelt Billede @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Rækkefølge\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Alle andre -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Tekstur TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Polettype TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_de_DE.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_de_DE.properties index 6d82cc2cb9..6dab1216a9 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_de_DE.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_de_DE.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Sicht CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Licht CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = Zustände CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Balken -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Vordefinitionen importieren +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Vordefinierte Eigenschaften und Einstellungen für das ausgewählte System importieren CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Kampagneneigenschaften in Datei exportieren +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System für das Eigenschaften importiert werden +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Vordefinitionen importieren campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Name des neuen Spielmarkentyps campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = Neuer Spielmarkentyp-Name campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = Neuer Spielmarkentyp-Name {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = SL campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Besitzer campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Vorgabe +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = Der eigentliche Name der Eigenschaft, von der Anwendung verwendet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Kurzform des Eigenschaftsnamens. In Werte- und Charakterbögen verwendet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Darstellungsform des Eigenschaftsnamens. Bei Werte- und Charakterbögen verwendet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Die Eigenschaft auf dem Wertebogen anzeigen. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Sichtbarkeit auf die SL-Ansicht des Wertebogen beschränken. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Sichtbarkeit auf die Besitzeransicht des Wertebogen beschränken. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = Der Standardwert, der Eigenschaft zugewiesen. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Zwei Bilder CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Einzelbild @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Darüberfahren der Maus\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Reihenfolge\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in der Zustandsliste, ändern um in der Liste nach oben oder unten zu verschieben. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Alle anderen -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Besitzer +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Besitzer TextureChooserPanel.title = Textur TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = Liste unten die Tokeneigenschaften für diesen Typ auf, eine Eigenschaft pro Zeile\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Spielmarkentyp TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Werteblatt +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = Der Standardwertebogen für diesen Tokentyp +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = Die Standard-Anzeigeposition für den Wertebogen TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Werteblatt-Eigenschaften TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Als Standard festlegen +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Zum Standardtyp für alle neuen Token machen +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Neuen Tokentyp anlegen +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Neue Eigenschaft zu Liste hinzufügen +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Ausgewählte Eigenschaft aus Liste entfernen +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Listenposition der Eigenschaft ändern +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Den Tokentyp und zugehörige Eigenschaften löschen TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Standard-Spielmarkentyp diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_en_au.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_en_au.properties index 835d6d171e..4c1479fc14 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_en_au.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_en_au.properties @@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.tolerance = Visibility Tolerance EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.preview = Hide Token Image Preview EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.preview.tooltip= Do not generate a preview of the VB/MB in this window. EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.sensitivity = Colour Sensitivity -EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.sensitivity.tooltip = Adjust the sensitivity to the colour match that will be used to generate VB, values 0-255 with 0 being an exact colour match. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.sensitivity.tooltip = Adjust the sensitivity to the colour match that will be used to generate VBL, values 0-255 with 0 being an exact colour match. EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.invert = Inverse Topology Colour Selection -EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.invert.tooltip = Generate VB/MB where the colour does not match on the token when checked. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.invert.tooltip = Generate VBL/MBL where the colour does not match on the token when checked. EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.level = Level EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.method = Method EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.optimize = Topology Optimization @@ -323,8 +323,8 @@ EditTokenDialog.drop.vbl.optimize.tooltip= Advanced Use\: Choose the algor EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.over = Is Visible over FoW EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.over.tooltip = Always show this token over FoW when in sight of another token. Useful for doors, statues, columns, roofs, etc. EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.color = Colour Selection -EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.toggle = Pick a colour from the image to match against when generating token VB/MB. -EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.well = Manually pick a colour to match against when generating token VB/MB. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.toggle = Pick a colour from the image to match against when generating token VBL/MBL. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.well = Manually pick a colour to match against when generating token VBL/MBL. EditTokenDialog.border.title.vbl.preview = Topology Preview EditTokenDialog.status.vbl.instructions = Mouse Wheel to zoom; double-LClick to reset position and zoom EditTokenDialog.label.hero.summary = Summary\: @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Sight CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Light CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = States CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bars -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -963,7 +975,7 @@ word.unused = Unused CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.sight = Format\:
Name \: options

Each sight type can have zero or more options, use spaces between each option. Having zero options implies using defaults for all values (e.g. Normal vision).


shape may be circle, square, hex, grid, cone or beam
Distance is the range at which this vision type ends. Can be a decimal value, e.g. distance\=10.5
An optional keyword that adds the token's footprint (size) to the distance so vision starts at token's edge vs the token's center.
Used with the cone shape. The angle of the cone in degrees, it determines the field of view the token has. Can be an integer value, e.g. arc\=120
Used with the beam shape. How wide the beam will be in map units. Can be a decimal, e.g. width\=1.4
Used with the cone and beam shape. For cones, how many degrees off center the shape begins; for beams, how many degrees off center to the center-line of the beam. Can be an integer value, e.g. offset\=120
Magnifier, multiplies each light source radius by this value. Can be a decimal value, e.g. x2.5

Range of personal light. The token will have a light source centered on them that only they can see with a radius of this value. You can define multiple personal lights per sight type.

Can have an optional \#rrggbb hex colour component appended to it as per typical CSS rules.

Can also have an optional +x lumens value. Lumens defaults to 100, meaning it will see through any darkness with a lumens value from -1 to -99. See discussion of lumens on the Light tab for more info.

Ex\: r60\#bb0000+120

-CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.light = Format\:
Group name
name\: type shape OPTIONS scale range\#rrggbb+x

Define groups of light types with a line of text to indicate the group name followed by one or more name definitions. End a group with a blank line. All text is case-insensitive. Lines starting with a "-" are considered comments and are ignored. The group name becomes an entry on the token's popup menu under the Light Sources element, and individual light source definitions become sub-entries. Group names and their sub-entries are alphabetically sorted.

A user-visible name for light definition.
An optional type for the light. Currently only aura is valid. (See below for a description of auras.)

An optional shape for the light emanation. Can be circle (default), square, cone, beam, or grid†.

Additional fields exist for beams and cones; both have an offset\=y field,cones also have arc\=y and beams have a width\=y field.

Shapes apply from the point they are included in the definition until the end of the definition or until another shape is specified. This means multiple light shapes can be created under a single name and turned on or off as a unit.

For systems like Pathfinder if you want to see exactly which grid cells areaffected by a Light/Aura.

Used with the cone shape. The angle of the cone in degrees, it determines the field of view covered by the light. Can be an integer value, e.g. arc\=120
Used with the beam shape. How wide the beam will be in map units. Can be a decimal, e.g. width\=1.4
Used with the cone and beam shape. For cones, how many degrees off center the shape begins; for beams, how many degrees off center to the center-line of the beam. Can be an integer value, e.g. offset\=120

GM and OWNER apply only to auras (see below).

IGNORES-VBL allows the light or aura to render through VBL.

An optional keyword that adds the token's footprint (size) to the distance so vision starts at token's edge vs the token's center.

A distance in map units as measured from the centerpoint of the grid cell.

Can have additional definitions;


Sample Lights - 5' grid 
Candle - 5 \: 7.5 12.5\#000000
Lamp - 15 \: 17.5 32.5\#000000
Torch - 20 \: 22.5 42.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye (leaks light) - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000 circle 2.5\#000000
Daylight Spell - 60 \: 62.5+50 122.5\#000000+50
Nightvision goggles - 40 \: cone arc\=30 42.5\#00e000+30

Magical Darkness
Deeper Darkness - 60\: circle 62.5-130
Darkness - 20 (CL2)\: circle 22.5-20
Darkness - 20 (CL4)\: circle 22.5-40


To create an aura, put the keyword aura at the beginning of the definition. Auras radiate a colored area and interact with the vision blocking layer (i.e. are blocked by VBL), but do not actually cast any visible light and do not expose any fog-of-war. GM-only auras are only visible by clients logged into the server as GM. They remain visible even when the map is in Show As Player mode. Owner-only auras areonly visible to the player(s) who owns the token. They are always visibleto the GM. See examples, below.

In the following example, the GM-only auras are red, the owner-only auras are green, and the player auras are blue. You can of course define your own colors.

Sample Auras\: 5' grid
Aura red 5 \: aura square GM 2.5\#ff0000
Aura red 10 \: aura GM 7.5\#ff0000
Aura Owner Also 5 \: aura square owner 2.5\#00ff00
Aura Owner Also 10 \: aura owner 7.5\#00ff00
Aura Player Also 5 \: aura square 2.5\#0000ff
Aura Player Also 10 \: aura 7.5\#0000ff

The first line creates a square GM-only aura in red that is 5-feet across. The second creates a round GM-only aura in red with a 15-foot diameter. Lines three and four do the same thing, but with a green aura that is only visible to players who own the token with the aura attached to it. Lines five and six are visible to all players and are in blue.

New Interesting Auras\: 5' grid
Side Fields - 12.5\: aura cone arc\=90 12.5\#6666ff offset\=90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=-90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=180 12.5\#bb00aa
Donut Hole - 40\: aura circle 20 40\#ffff00
Donut Cone - 20\: aura cone arc\=30 10 20\#ffff00
Range Circles 30/60/90\: aura circle 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Range Arcs 30/60/90\: aura cone arc\=135 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Beam - 150\: aura beam width\=0.4 150\#ffff00
Side fields
4 cones with an arc of 90 degrees and range of 12.5.Each one offset to cover a different region.
Dounut Hole
This one hides a secret. If you have a range withno colour it becomes the range the light source begins. In this case the lightbegins at 20 and ends at 40.
Donut Cone
The same trick done with a cone.
Range Circles
A series of circles starting every 30 ft and ending 0.4 ft later.
Range Arcs
Another repeat, this one using cones.
A beam 150 ft long with a width of 0.4 map units
+CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.light = Format\:
Group name
name\: type shape OPTIONS scale range\#rrggbb+x

Define groups of light types with a line of text to indicate the group name followed by one or more name definitions. End a group with a blank line. All text is case-insensitive. Lines starting with a "-" are considered comments and are ignored. The group name becomes an entry on the token's popup menu under the Light Sources element, and individual light source definitions become sub-entries. Group names and their sub-entries are alphabetically sorted.

A user-visible name for light definition.
An optional type for the light. Currently only aura is valid. (See below for a description of auras.)

An optional shape for the light emanation. Can be circle (default), square, cone, beam, or grid†.

Additional fields exist for beams and cones; both have an offset\=y field,cones also have arc\=y and beams have a width\=y field.

Shapes apply from the point they are included in the definition until the end of the definition or until another shape is specified. This means multiple light shapes can be created under a single name and turned on or off as a unit.

For systems like Pathfinder if you want to see exactly which grid cells areaffected by a Light/Aura.

Used with the cone shape. The angle of the cone in degrees, it determines the field of view covered by the light. Can be an integer value, e.g. arc\=120
Used with the beam shape. How wide the beam will be in map units. Can be a decimal, e.g. width\=1.4
Used with the cone and beam shape. For cones, how many degrees off center the shape begins; for beams, how many degrees off center to the center-line of the beam. Can be an integer value, e.g. offset\=120

GM and OWNER apply only to auras (see below).

IGNORES-VBL allows the light or aura to render through VBL.

An optional keyword that adds the token's footprint (size) to the distance so vision starts at token's edge vs the token's center.

A distance in map units as measured from the centerpoint of the grid cell.

Can have additional definitions;

  • A \#rrggbb hex colour component appended to determine colour.
  • A +x lumens value, with x equaling an integer (-x can instead be used to provide a negative lumens value). If not provided, the value will default to 100. If set to a negative number, the light will instead act as darkness and subtract it's area from the FoW. Lights are processed in order of their absolute value of lumens. eg. Darkness with lumens\=-20 will cover over any light with lumens <\= 20 and any light with lumens >\= 21 will expose through any darkness with a lumens value of -1 to -20.

    *Note\: Personal Lights defined in Sight have a default lumens value of 100. So a typical sight defined for Darkvision will see through any lights with a lumens value of -1 through -99. To overcome Darkvision, use lumens values <\= -100.


Sample Lights - 5' grid 
Candle - 5 \: 7.5 12.5\#000000
Lamp - 15 \: 17.5 32.5\#000000
Torch - 20 \: 22.5 42.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye (leaks light) - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000 circle 2.5\#000000
Daylight Spell - 60 \: 62.5+50 122.5\#000000+50
Nightvision goggles - 40 \: cone arc\=30 42.5\#00e000+30

Magical Darkness
Deeper Darkness - 60\: circle 62.5-130
Darkness - 20 (CL2)\: circle 22.5-20
Darkness - 20 (CL4)\: circle 22.5-40


To create an aura, put the keyword aura at the beginning of the definition. Auras radiate a coloured area and interact with the vision blocking layer (i.e. are blocked by VBL), but do not actually cast any visible light and do not expose any fog-of-war. GM-only auras are only visible by clients logged into the server as GM. They remain visible even when the map is in Show As Player mode. Owner-only auras areonly visible to the player(s) who owns the token. They are always visibleto the GM. See examples, below.

In the following example, the GM-only auras are red, the owner-only auras are green, and the player auras are blue. You can of course define your own colours.

Sample Auras\: 5' grid
Aura red 5 \: aura square GM 2.5\#ff0000
Aura red 10 \: aura GM 7.5\#ff0000
Aura Owner Also 5 \: aura square owner 2.5\#00ff00
Aura Owner Also 10 \: aura owner 7.5\#00ff00
Aura Player Also 5 \: aura square 2.5\#0000ff
Aura Player Also 10 \: aura 7.5\#0000ff

The first line creates a square GM-only aura in red that is 5-feet across. The second creates a round GM-only aura in red with a 15-foot diameter. Lines three and four do the same thing, but with a green aura that is only visible to players who own the token with the aura attached to it. Lines five and six are visible to all players and are in blue.

New Interesting Auras\: 5' grid
Side Fields - 12.5\: aura cone arc\=90 12.5\#6666ff offset\=90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=-90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=180 12.5\#bb00aa
Donut Hole - 40\: aura circle 20 40\#ffff00
Donut Cone - 20\: aura cone arc\=30 10 20\#ffff00
Range Circles 30/60/90\: aura circle 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Range Arcs 30/60/90\: aura cone arc\=135 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Beam - 150\: aura beam width\=0.4 150\#ffff00
Side fields
4 cones with an arc of 90 degrees and range of 12.5.Each one offset to cover a different region.
Dounut Hole
This one hides a secret. If you have a range withno colour it becomes the range the light source begins. In this case the lightbegins at 20 and ends at 40.
Donut Cone
The same trick done with a cone.
Range Circles
A series of circles starting every 30 ft and ending 0.4 ft later.
Range Arcs
Another repeat, this one using cones.
A beam 150 ft long with a width of 0.4 map units
CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.title = Campaign Properties CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.group = Group CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.image = Image @@ -972,7 +984,7 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.show = Show To\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.corner = Corner CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.preview = Preview CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.side = Side -CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.bar = Bar Colour +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.bar = Bar Colour\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.background = Background CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.thick = Thickness CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.opacity = Opacity @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Order CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Everybody Else -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Token Type -TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat-Sheet -TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat-Sheet Properties +TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type @@ -2567,7 +2587,7 @@ tool.rectexpose.tooltip = Expose/Hide a rectangle on the Fog of War. tool.recttopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: erase rectangle; Ctrl\: snap-to-grid tool.recttopology.tooltip = Draw rectangular VB. tool.recttopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw hollow rectangular VB. -tool.isorectangletopology.tooltip = Draw isometric rectangle VB. +tool.isorectangletopology.tooltip = Draw a isometric rectangle VBL. tool.isorectangletopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw hollow isometric rectangle VB. tool.isorectangletopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: erase isometric rectangle; Ctrl\: snap-to-grid tool.stamp.tooltip = Stamp tool @@ -2576,10 +2596,10 @@ tool.walltemplate.tooltip = Draw a wall template. tools.ai_selector.tooltip = Tokens will navigate around MB, VB (if selected), and account for tokens with terrain modifiers. tools.ignore_vbl_on_move.tooltip = Tokens will navigate around VB if selected, otherwise they will freely move into VB. tools.topology_mode_selection.cover_vbl.tooltip = Draw Cover Vision Blocking (Cover VB). -tools.topology_mode_selection.vbl.tooltip = Draw Wall Vision Blocking (Wall VB). -tools.topology_mode_selection.hill_vbl.tooltip = Draw Hill Vision Blocking (Hill VB). -tools.topology_mode_selection.pit_vbl.tooltip = Draw Pit Vision Blocking (Pit VB). -tools.topology_mode_selection.mbl.tooltip = Draw Movement Blocking (MB). +tools.topology_mode_selection.vbl.tooltip = Draw Wall VBL. +tools.topology_mode_selection.hill_vbl.tooltip = Draw Hill VBL. +tools.topology_mode_selection.pit_vbl.tooltip = Draw Pit VBL. +tools.topology_mode_selection.mbl.tooltip = Draw MBL. tools.drawing.tooltip = Drawing Tools tools.fog.tooltip = Fog of War Tools tools.interaction.tooltip = Interaction Tools @@ -2592,7 +2612,7 @@ tools.token.fow.all.tooltip = Show FoW for All Tokens you explicitly own or are tools.token.fow.gm.tooltip = Show FoW for Tokens you explicitly own.
IF you are a GM, you will also see any tokens that have no ownership set. tools.token.fow.npc.tooltip = Show FoW for NPC Tokens you explicitly own or are owned by all. tools.token.fow.pc.tooltip = Show FoW for PC Tokens you explicitly own or are owned by all. -tools.topo.tooltip = Topology Tools (Vision and Movement Blocking) +tools.topo.tooltip = Vision Blocking Layer (VBL) Tools tools.zoneselector.tooltip = Select Map tools.initiative.tooltip = Initiative Tools @@ -2756,10 +2776,10 @@ Label.icontheme=Icon theme Preferences.label.icontheme.tooltip=The theme aplication icons use. Label.theme.macroeditor=Macro editor theme TEXT_TYPE=Text type -EditTokenDialog.button.movevbltoggle.tooltip=Include Wall Vision Blocking (Wall VB) during move or copy -EditTokenDialog.button.movembltoggle.tooltip=Include Movement Blocking (MB) during move or copy -EditTokenDialog.button.movehbltoggle.tooltip=Include Hill Vision Blocking (Hill VB) during move or copy -EditTokenDialog.button.movepbltoggle.tooltip=Include Pit Vision Blocking (Pit VB) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movevbltoggle.tooltip=Include Wall Blocking Layer (VBL) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movembltoggle.tooltip=Include Move Blocking Layer (MBL) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movehbltoggle.tooltip=Include Hill Blocking Layer (HillVBL) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movepbltoggle.tooltip=Include Pit Blocking Layer (PitVBL) during move or copy EditTokenDialog.button.movecbltoggle.tooltip=Include Cover Vision Blocking (Cover VB) during move or copy EditTokenDialog.button.movefrommap.tooltip=Move or Copy selected blocking from Map EditTokenDialog.button.movetomap.tooltip=Move or Copy selected blocking to Map diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_en_gb.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_en_gb.properties index 7d498e804f..741e0a6ac4 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_en_gb.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_en_gb.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Sight CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Light CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = States CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bars -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Order CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Everybody Else -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Token Type -TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat-Sheet -TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat-Sheet Properties +TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type @@ -2346,7 +2366,7 @@ panel.Tables = Tables panel.Tables.description = Dockable window for managing the tables in the current campaign. dialog.NewToken.title = New Token -dialog.NewToken.type = Type\: +dialog.NewToken.type = Type dialog.NewToken.visible = Visible\: dialog.NewToken.show = Show this dialog dialog.NewToken.tokenPropertyType = Token Property @@ -2497,10 +2517,10 @@ token.popup.menu.edit.notallowed.tooltip = The GM is currently locki # requires two single quotes in the message string.) token.popup.menu.halo = Halo token.popup.menu.vision.overlay = Vision Overlay -token.properties.button.transferVblFromMap.copy.text = Copy VBL From Map -token.properties.button.transferVblFromMap.move.text = Move VBL From Map -token.properties.button.transferVblToMap.copy.text = Copy VBL To Map -token.properties.button.transferVblToMap.move.text = Move VBL To Map +token.properties.button.transferVblFromMap.copy.text = Copy VB From Map +token.properties.button.transferVblFromMap.move.text = Move VB From Map +token.properties.button.transferVblToMap.copy.text = Copy VB To Map +token.properties.button.transferVblToMap.move.text = Move VB To Map tokenspeech.description = Say the given speech on the currently selected tokens. @@ -2519,14 +2539,14 @@ tool.bursttemplate.tooltip = Draw a burst template. tool.cone.instructions = LClick\: set initial point, second LClick sets radius and direction; Ctrl\: move origin point tool.cone.tooltip = Draw a cone template. tool.crosstopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point; Shift LClick\: erase cross; Ctrl snaps to grid -tool.crosstopology.tooltip = Draw a cross VBL +tool.crosstopology.tooltip = Draw a VB cross tool.deletedrawing.instructions=LClick\: Select drawings Double-Click\: Delete selected drawings. tool.deletedrawing.tooltip=Delete drawing tool tool.isorectangle.tooltip = Draw an isometric rectangle. tool.isorectangleexpose.tooltip = Expose/Hide an isometric rectangle on the Fog of War. tool.facing.instructions = Unused tool.facing.tooltip = Set the token facing. -tool.filltopology.tooltip = Fill in closed areas of VBL. +tool.filltopology.tooltip = Fill in closed VB areas tool.freehand.instructions = LDrag\: draw freehand line, Shift+LDrag\: erase freehand line, Alt (hold)\: Snap to cell center tool.freehand.tooltip = Draw freehand lines. tool.freehandexpose.instructions = LClick\: lay initial/final point to expose, RClick (while drawing)\: set intermediate point, Shift+LClick (initial)\: hide area @@ -2547,16 +2567,16 @@ tool.oval.tooltip = Draw an oval. tool.ovalexpose.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point to expose, Shift+LClick\: hide area; Alt\: origin is centerpoint tool.ovalexpose.tooltip = Expose/Hide an oval on the Fog of War. tool.ovaltopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: start erase oval -tool.ovaltopology.tooltip = Draw an oval VBL. -tool.ovaltopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw a hollow oval VBL. +tool.ovaltopology.tooltip = Draw a VB oval +tool.ovaltopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw a hollow VB oval tool.pointer.instructions = LClick\: select, LDrag\: move selected, RClick\: menu, RDrag\: move map, MWheel\: zoom, MClick and Spacebar\: Toggle waypoint, Shift+MouseOver\: no statsheet tool.pointer.tooltip = Pointer tool tool.poly.instructions = LClick\: lay initial/final point, RClick (while drawing)\: set intermediate point, RDrag\: move map, Shift+LClick (initial)\: Erase poly area tool.poly.tooltip = Draw closed polygon. tool.polyexpose.instructions = LClick\: lay initial/final point to expose, RClick (while drawing)\: set intermediate point, RDrag\: move map, Shift+LClick (initial)\: hide area tool.polyexpose.tooltip = Expose/Hide a polygon on the Fog of War. -tool.polylinetopo.tooltip = Draw poly line VBL. -tool.polytopo.tooltip = Draw closed polygon VBL. +tool.polylinetopo.tooltip = Draw a VB poly-line +tool.polytopo.tooltip = Draw closed polygon VB. tool.radiusCellTemplate.tooltip = Draw a radius template centered on a grid cell. tool.radiustemplate.instructions = LClick\: set initial point, second LClick sets radius; Ctrl\: move origin point tool.radiustemplate.tooltip = Draw a radius template. @@ -2565,16 +2585,16 @@ tool.rect.tooltip = Draw a rectangle. tool.rectexpose.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point to expose; Shift+LClick\: hide rectangle; Alt\: origin is centerpoint tool.rectexpose.tooltip = Expose/Hide a rectangle on the Fog of War. tool.recttopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: erase rectangle; Ctrl\: snap-to-grid -tool.recttopology.tooltip = Draw a rectangular VBL. -tool.recttopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw a hollow rectangular VBL. +tool.recttopology.tooltip = Draw rectangular VB +tool.recttopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw hollow rectangular VB tool.isorectangletopology.tooltip = Draw a isometric rectangle VBL. -tool.isorectangletopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw a hollow isometric rectangle VBL. +tool.isorectangletopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw hollow isometric rectangle VB tool.isorectangletopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: erase isometric rectangle; Ctrl\: snap-to-grid tool.stamp.tooltip = Stamp tool tool.walltemplate.instructions = LClick\: set starting cell, move mouse in direction of wall, second LClick to finish wall; Ctrl\: move origin point tool.walltemplate.tooltip = Draw a wall template. -tools.ai_selector.tooltip = Tokens will navigate around MBL, VBL (if selected), and account for tokens with terrain modifiers. -tools.ignore_vbl_on_move.tooltip = Tokens will navigate around VBL if selected, otherwise they will freely move into VBL. +tools.ai_selector.tooltip = Tokens will navigate around MB, VB (if selected), and account for tokens with terrain modifiers. +tools.ignore_vbl_on_move.tooltip = Tokens will navigate around VB if selected, otherwise they will freely move into VB, tools.topology_mode_selection.cover_vbl.tooltip = Draw Cover Vision Blocking (Cover VB). tools.topology_mode_selection.vbl.tooltip = Draw Wall VBL. tools.topology_mode_selection.hill_vbl.tooltip = Draw Hill VB. diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_es_ES.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_es_ES.properties index 332a48d1ef..06a67c13c2 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_es_ES.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_es_ES.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Sight CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Light CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = States CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bars -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Order\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Everybody Else -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Token Type TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_fr_FR.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_fr_FR.properties index 6c00ff19ec..3e0b2fd7cc 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_fr_FR.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_fr_FR.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Vue CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Lumière CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = États CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Barres -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Survol souris\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Ordre\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position dans la liste des états, changer pour aller vers le haut ou le bas de la liste. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Tout les autres -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Type de pion TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_it_IT.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_it_IT.properties index 4a5b3a2678..6728161dd5 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_it_IT.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_it_IT.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Vista CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Luce CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = Stati CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Barre -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Due Immagini CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Immagine Singola @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Ordine\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Posizione nella lista degli stati, cambiare per spostare su o giù per l'elenco. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Tutti gli altri -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Tipo Token TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_ja_JP.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_ja_JP.properties index e5fe0f3ea7..233b3c845d 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_ja_JP.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_ja_JP.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = 視覚 CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = 照明 CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = 状態 CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = バー -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = 定義済み設定を取り込む campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = 新しいトークン種別の名称を入力する campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = 新しいトークン種別 campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = 新しいトークン種別 {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = 所有 campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = 初期値 +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = 画像2種 CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = 単画像 @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = マウスかざし: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = 順序: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = 状態一覧での表示位置。一覧の上下位置を変更可能。 CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = その他全員 -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = 所有者 +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = テクスチャ― TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = このトークン種別の特性一覧。1行に付き1つの特性: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = トークン種別 TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = データシート +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = データシートの設定 TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = 標準として設定 +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = 標準特性値種別 diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_nl_NL.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_nl_NL.properties index 6220d26bb7..bdfd8dfddd 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_nl_NL.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_nl_NL.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Zicht CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Licht CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = Statussen CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Balken -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Twee afbeeldingen CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Enkele afbeelding @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Volgorde\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Positie in de lijst met statussen, wijzig door omhoog of omlaag in de lijst te verplaatsen. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Alle anderen -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Token type TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_pl_PL.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_pl_PL.properties index 9c7b0e4253..485faaccdd 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_pl_PL.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_pl_PL.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Wzrok CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Światło CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = Stany CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Paski -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Wprowadź nazwę nowego typu tokenu campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = Nowy typ tokenu campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = Nowy typ tokenu {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = MG campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Właściciel campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Domyślny +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Dwa obrazy CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Pojedynczy obraz @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Pod kursorem\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Pozycja\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Pozycja na liście stanów, zmień aby przesunąć się w górę lub w dół. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Pozostali -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Tekstura TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Rodzaj żetonu TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Arkusz statystyk +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Ustaw jako domyślne +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Domyślny typ właściwości diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_pt_br.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_pt_br.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..647f7cc962 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_pt_br.properties @@ -0,0 +1,2802 @@ + +#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://essiembre.github.io/eclipse-rbe/) +# This software copyright by various authors including the RPTools.net +# development team, and licensed under the LGPL Version 3 or, at your +# option, any later version. +# +# Portions of this software were originally covered under the Apache +# Software License, Version 1.1 or Version 2.0. +# +# See the file LICENSE elsewhere in this distribution for license details. +#_____________________________________________________________________ +# +# This is the English translation file for MapTool 1.3. If you are +# translating MapTool to another language and leave out a translation +# for any key that appears here (the "key" is the text before the "=") +# then the values in this file will be used. +# +# Please submit all translations using the UTF-8 encoding! If you MUST +# use a different encoding, please document it INSIDE your translation +# file. I use an automated technique to detect the encoding and convert +# the file to the Unicode format that Java needs. (For those who are +# interested, it involves the "native2ascii" program which is part of +# the Java Software Development Kit.) +# +# Some of the keys used in this file are not consistent. :( For example, +# the NewMap menu option has the key "action.newMap" but the QuickMap +# menu option is "menu.QuickMap". IMO this should be fixed, but MapTool +# 1.4 will likely have a completely different (i.e. consistent) set of +# keys, so we're not going to bother for 1.3. +# +# In all cases in this file, any accelerator keystroke will automatically +# have the 'menuShortcut' key added to it. For Windows this is the Ctrl +# key, on the Mac it's the Command (Cmd) key. Other platforms may have yet +# other keys. +# +# IMPORTANT: Do not add the platform-dependent menu modifier key to this +# file! If you add "ctrl", for example, the modifier will be ignored +# on Windows but will require Mac users to use Cmd-Ctrl-C for a copy +# operation. This is an ugly situation and we should find some way to +# define a menuShortcutKey (such as "menu") and then be able to use +# that in our definition strings. I expect that MapTool 1.4 will have +# a user interface for changing these keystrokes so perhaps it's all +# moot anyway. +# +# Note that the accelerator keys are not case-sensitive. So if you +# specify "F" as the accelerator, that means lowercase "F". If you +# want an uppercase "F", add the word "shift": "shift F" or "shift f". +# There are a lot of examples of this throughout the file. +# +# Check the javadoc for the 'MessageFormat' class for more details on +# the formatting of text in this file, as you'll see below (basically +# anything with braces): +# http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html +# Localization contributed by David Herman ("aku" on forums.rptools.net) +ActivityMonitorPanel.colorDefinition = Verde\:Enviando, Vermelho\:Recebendo + +AppHomeDiskSpaceStatusBar.toolTip = Espaço atualmente livre no diretório "home" do usuário. + +AssetCacheStatusBar.toolTip = Tamanho atual do cache do diretório Recursos, clique duas vezes para limpar este cache. + +AssetViewerDialog.leftDragMove = Clique com o botão esquerdo e arraste para mover +AssetViewerDialog.rightDragResize = Clique com o botão direito e arraste para redimensionar + +AutoSaveManager.failed = Falha ao salvar automaticamente\: +AutoSaveManager.failed_badState = Falha ao salvar automaticamente\:\nEstado da aplicação ruim?\! Por favor, reporte isto\! +AutoSaveManager.status.autoSaveComplete = Salvamento automático completo. Tempo decorrido (ms)\: {0,number} +AutoSaveManager.status.autoSaving = Salvando campanha automaticamente... +AutoSaveManager.status.lockFailed = Salvamento automático pulado. Operação de segundo plano em progresso. + +CampaignProperties.error.initLightSources = Cannot initialize light sources. +CampaignProperties.error.noGenericLight = Não é possível obter fonte de luz "Genérico\: 5"?\! + +ChatAutoSave.status.chatAutosave = Salvando automaticamente o log do chat... + +Color.aqua = aqua +Color.black = preto +Color.blue = azul +Color.cyan = ciano +Color.darkgray = cinza escuro +Color.fuchsia = fuchsia +Color.gray = cinza +Color.gray25 = cinza 25% +Color.gray50 = cinza 50% +Color.gray75 = cinza 75% +Color.green = verde +Color.lightgray = cinza claro +Color.lime = verde-limão +Color.magenta = magenta +Color.maroon = castanho-avermelhado +Color.navy = azul marinho +Color.orange = laranja +Color.pink = rosa +Color.purple = roxo +Color.red = vermelho +Color.silver = prateado +Color.teal = verde azulado +Color.white = branco +Color.yellow = amarelo +Color.none = Nenhum +Color.custom = Personalizado +Color.default = Padrão + +Button.ok = OK +Button.cancel = Cancelar +Button.refresh = Atualizar +Button.rescan = Reescanear +Button.revert = Reverter +Button.close = Fechar +Button.import = Importar +Button.export = Exportar +Button.delete = Excluir +Button.add = Adicionar +Button.new = Novo +Button.browse = Navegar +Button.update = Atualizar +Button.apply = APLICAR +Button.accept = Aceitar +Button.up = Mover para Cima +Button.down = Mover para baixo +Button.background = Plano de fundo +Button.map = Mapa +Button.fog = Neblina +Button.clear = Limpar +Button.clearall = Limpar tudo +Button.yes = Sim +Button.no = Não +Button.install = Instalar +Button.runmacro = EXECUTAR MACRO +Button.hide = Ocultar + +Label.lights = Vision\: +Label.name = Nome\: +Label.gmname = Nome pro Mestre\: +Label.speechName = Speech Bubble Name\: +Label.optional = Opcional +Label.options = Opções +Label.maps = Mapas +Label.objects = Objetos +Label.token = Token +Label.tokens = Tokens +Label.backgrounds = Planos de fundo +Label.macroeditor = Editor de Macro +Label.styletheme = Tema de estilo +Label.currentTheme = Tema Atual +Label.filterTheme = Filtro do tema +Label.useThemeForChat = Use Theme Colors for Chat Window +Label.facing = Direção +Label.accessibility = Acessibilidade +Label.sounds = Sons +Label.auth = Autenticação +Label.version = Versão do MapTool\: +Label.startup = Inicialização +Label.themes = Temas +Label.application = Aplicação +Label.preferences = Preferências +Label.save = Salvar +Label.minute = minuto +Label.performance = Desempenho +Label.client = Cliente +Label.macropanels = Painéis Macro +Label.upnp = UPnP +Label.macropermissions = Permissões de Macro +Label.path = Caminho\: +Label.url = URL +Label.url2 = URL\: +Label.library = Biblioteca RPTools +Label.progress = Progresso +Label.about = Sobre +Label.dimensions = Dimensões\: +Label.layer = Camada\: +Label.grid = Grade +Label.tile = Telha +Label.ready = Pronto +Label.saved = Salvo +Label.filesystem = Sistema de arquivos... +Label.filesystem2 = Sistema de arquivos +Label.roll = Rolar\: +Label.table.image = Imagem da tabela +Label.blankdefault = (Deixar em branco por padrão) +Label.range = Distância +Label.image = Imagem +Label.value = Valor +Label.image.choose = Escolher Imagem +Label.table.import = Importar tabela +Label.table.export = Exportar tabela +Label.preview = Pré-visualização +Label.foreground = Primeiro plano\: +Label.showbackground = Mostrar Fundo\: +Label.layers = Camadas\: +Label.view.current = Visualização atual +Label.host = Servidor\: +Label.location = Localização\: +Label.advanced = Avançado +Label.view = Visualizar\: +Label.board = Tabuleiro +Label.visibility = Visibilidade +Label.pathfilename = Caminho/Arquivo\: +Label.allowURIAccess = Allow URI Access + +CampaignPropertyDialog.error.parenthesis = Faltando parênteses direito ")" na seguinte propriedade\: {0} + +ColorPicker.tooltip.gridSnap = Alinhar à grade +ColorPicker.tooltip.lineType = Tipo de linha +ColorPicker.tooltip.eraser = Borracha +ColorPicker.tooltip.penWidth = Largura da caneta +ColorPicker.tooltip.opacity = Opacidade + +ConnectToServerDialog.msg.headingServer = Nome do Servidor +ConnectToServerDialog.msg.headingVersion = Versão +ConnectToServerDialog.msg.title = Conectar a servidor +# This next string will use the results of looking up 'menu.file' for {0} and the lookup of 'action.showConnectionInfo' for {1}. +ConnectToServerDialog.warning.doNotUseExternalAddress = É improvável que usar seu próprio endereço IP externo funcione.

Use seu endereço local ou localhost.

Para ver os valores atuais, use a opção {1} do menu {0}.

Tentar conexão mesmo assim? +ConnectToServerDialog.username = Usuário\: +ConnectToServerDialog.password = Senha +ConnectToServerDialog.usePublicKey = Connect using public key +ConnectToServerDialog.role = Função\: +ConnectToServerDialog.server.name = Nome do Servidor\: +ConnectToServerDialog.server.local = Servidores Locais\: +ConnectToServerDialog.server.address = Endereço\: +ConnectToServerDialog.server.port = Porta\: +ConnectToServerDialog.tab.lan = LAN +ConnectToServerDialog.tab.direct = Conexão direta + +ConnectionInfoDialog.title = Informações do servidor +ConnectionInfoDialog.address.local = Endereço Local\: +ConnectionInfoDialog.address.external = Endereço Externo\: +ConnectionInfoDialog.port = Porta\: +ConnectionInfoDialog.discovering = Descobrindo... + +ConnectionStatusPanel.notConnected = Não conectado +ConnectionStatusPanel.runningServer = Rodando um Servidor +ConnectionStatusPanel.playersLoadedZone = {0} out of {1} players have loaded their zone +ConnectionStatusPanel.serverConnected = Conectado ao Servidor + +CoordinateStatusBar.mapCoordinates = Coordenadas do Mapa + +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.group = Agrupar desenhos +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.ungroup = Desagrupar desenhos +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.merge = Mesclar desenhos +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.getProperties = Obter propriedades +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.setProperties = Atribuir Propriedades +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.setName = Renomear +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.getId = Obter ID do desenho +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.pathVbl = Caminho para VBL +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.shapeVbl = Forma para VBL +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.vbl.add = Adicionar à VBL +DrawPanelPopupMenu.menu.vbl.remove = Remover do VBL +DrawPanelPopupMenu.dialog.name.title = Renomear +DrawPanelPopupMenu.dialog.name.msg = Digite um nome\: + +EditLookupTablePanel.error.badRange = Tabela "{0}" contém faixa inválido "{1}" na linha {2,number}. +EditLookupTablePanel.error.invalidSize = Tabela "{0}" deve ter pelo menos uma linha. +EditLookupTablePanel.error.noName = Tabela tem que ter um nome. +EditLookupTablePanel.error.sameName = Nome da tabela "{0}" duplica tabela existente. +EditLookupTablePanel.tooltip.allowLookup = Selecionar esta caixa permite que os jogadores executem uma busca nesta tabela (ou seja, dar duplo clique na tabela, usar /table, ou funções macro). +EditLookupTablePanel.tooltip.visible = Selecionar esta caixa permite aos jogadores ver esta tabela em seu painel Tabelas. +EditLookupTablePanel.create.tooltip = Criar uma nova tabela de pesquisa. +EditLookupTablePanel.edit.tooltip = Editar tabela selecionada. +EditLookupTablePanel.delete.tooltip = Excluir Tabela. +EditLookupTablePanel.duplicate.tooltip = Duplicar tabela selecionada. +EditLookupTablePanel.showplayer = Mostrar tabela aos jogadores +EditLookupTablePanel.lookup = Permitir pesquisa por jogadores + +EditTokenDialog.label.label = Etiqueta\: +EditTokenDialog.tab.notes = Anotações +EditTokenDialog.label.gmnotes = Anotações do GM +EditTokenDialog.menu.notes.sendChat = Enviar para o chat +EditTokenDialog.menu.notes.sendEmit = Enviar como descrição ao chat +EditTokenDialog.label.shape = Forma\: +EditTokenDialog.label.snaptogrid = Alinhar à grade\: +EditTokenDialog.label.size = Tamanho\: +EditTokenDialog.label.visible = Visível para jogadores\: +EditTokenDialog.label.properties = Propriedades\: +EditTokenDialog.label.visible.owner = Visível apenas para proprietários\: +EditTokenDialog.label.sight.has = Tem Visão\: +EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.mod = Modificador de Terreno\: +EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.mod.tooltip= Ajusta o custo de movimentação que outros tokens terão ao passar por este token. O multiplicador padrão de 1 é igual a nenhuma alteração (1 * 1 \= 1). +EditTokenDialog.label.image = Tabela de imagem\: +EditTokenDialog.label.uniqueLightSources = Unique Light Sources\: +EditTokenDialog.label.opacity = Opacidade do token\: +EditTokenDialog.label.opacity.tooltip = Alterar a opacidade do token. +EditTokenDialog.label.opacity.100 = 100% +EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.ignore = Ignorar Terreno\: +EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.ignore.tooltip= Selecione qualquer tipo de modificador de terreno que este token deve ignorar. +EditTokenDialog.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +EditTokenDialog.label.defaultStatSheet = Default Stat Sheet +EditTokenDialog.combo.terrain.mod = Defina se o custo da célula deve ser adicionado ou multiplicado. Use números negativos para subtrair e valores decimais para dividir custos. +EditTokenDialog.border.title.layout = Layout +EditTokenDialog.border.title.portrait = Retrato +EditTokenDialog.border.title.handout = Handout +EditTokenDialog.border.title.charsheet = Charsheet +EditTokenDialog.status.layout.instructions = Use a rodinha do mouse para dar zoom; Clique duas vezes com o botão esquerdo do mouse para redefinir a posição e o zoom +EditTokenDialog.label.allplayers = Todos os jogadores +EditTokenDialog.tab.properties = Propriedades +EditTokenDialog.tab.vbl = Topology +EditTokenDialog.tab.state = Condição +EditTokenDialog.tab.speech = Discursos +EditTokenDialog.tab.ownership = Titularidade +EditTokenDialog.tab.config = Configuração +EditTokenDialog.tab.hero = Hero Lab +EditTokenDialog.tab.libToken = Lib\:Token properties +EditTokenDialog.button.vbl = Generate Token Topology +EditTokenDialog.button.vbl.tooltip = This will create VBL/MBL based on non-transparent pixels. +EditTokenDialog.button.vbl.clear = Clear Token Topology +EditTokenDialog.button.vbl.clear.tooltip = Clear VBL/MBL from token. +EditTokenDialog.button.vbl.tomap = Move Topology To Map +EditTokenDialog.button.vbl.frommap = Move Topology From Map +EditTokenDialog.button.vbl.preview = VBL Preview +EditTokenDialog.option.vbl.erase = Erase Source Topology on Move +EditTokenDialog.option.vbl.erase.tooltip = Move the VBL/MBL vs Copy it. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.visiblity = Visibilidade do token +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.tolerance = Tolerância de Visibilidade +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.preview = Ocultar pré-visualização da imagem do token +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.preview.tooltip= Do not generate a preview of the VBL/MBL in this window. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.sensitivity = Sensibilidade de Cor +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.sensitivity.tooltip = Adjust the sensitivity to the color match that will be used to generate VBL, values 0-255 with 0 being an exact color match. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.invert = Inverse Topology Color Selection +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.invert.tooltip = Generate VBL/MBL where the color does not match on the token when checked. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.level = Nível +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.method = Método +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.optimize = Topology Optimization +EditTokenDialog.drop.vbl.optimize.tooltip= Uso avançado\: Escolha o algoritmo usado para dizimar as curvas no polígono gerado.

O padrão geralmente é o melhor, mas polígonos únicos podem se beneficiar de um dos outros algoritmos selecionados. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.over = É Visível sobre o FoW +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.over.tooltip = Sempre mostrar esse token na fog-of-war quando estiver na visão de outro token. Útil para portas, estátuas, colunas, telhados, etc. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.color = Seleção de Cor +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.toggle = Pick a color from the image to match against when generating token VBL/MBL. +EditTokenDialog.label.vbl.well = Manually pick a color to match against when generating token VBL/MBL. +EditTokenDialog.border.title.vbl.preview = Topology Preview +EditTokenDialog.status.vbl.instructions = Use a rodinha do mouse para dar zoom; Clique duas vezes com o botão esquerdo do mouse para redefinir a posição e o zoom +EditTokenDialog.label.hero.summary = Resumo\: +EditTokenDialog.label.hero.portfolio = Portfólio\: +EditTokenDialog.label.hero.last = Última Alteração\: +EditTokenDialog.button.hero.setAsTokenPortrait = Set as Token Portrait +EditTokenDialog.button.hero.setAsTokenImage = Set as Token Image +EditTokenDialog.button.hero.setAsTokenHandout = Set as Token Handout +EditTokenDialog.label.hero.isAlly = Aliado? +EditTokenDialog.label.hero.statBlockSearch = Expression\: +EditTokenDialog.button.hero.statBlockSearch.tooltip = Search the statblock using the expression provided. +EditTokenDialog.label.hero.statBlockSearch.tooltip = Enter raw text, a regular expression or an xPath expression to search the statblock for. +EditTokenDialog.action.hero.statBlockSearch.label = Find +EditTokenDialog.tab.hero.images = Imagens +EditTokenDialog.tab.hero.text = TEXT +EditTokenDialog.tab.hero.xml = XML +EditTokenDialog.tab.hero.html = HTML +EditTokenDialog.spinner.tolerance.tooltip= Define tolerância para otimização, um valor de 0 desabilita a otimização e valores >0 reduz o número de pontos poligonais para um melhor desempenho. +EditTokenDialog.vbl.explanation.tooltip = Controla quanto de espaço ao redor de um token devem ser visto antes dele ser exibido em um Nevoeiro de Guerra, o intervalo é de 1-9 regiões.

A imagem é cortada em uma grade com até 3 x 3 para um total de 9 regiões. A tolerância controla quantas dessas "regiões" devem ser "vistas" por outro token antes que sua imagem seja revelada.

Para um telhado muito grande, por causa da distância da visão, você pode querer usar um valor de 1.
Onde para um token menor como uma estátua, você pode não querer mostrar a imagem até que mais dela seja visível e use um valor de 3 ou 4. +EditTokenDialog.confirm.clearSpeech = Você tem certeza que deseja apagar toda a fala para este token? +EditTokenDialog.confirm.vbl.autoGenerate = Are you sure you want to reset all VBL/MBL \n and automatically generate VBL/MBL for this token? +EditTokenDialog.confirm.vbl.clearVBL = Are you sure you want to clear all VBL/MBL for this token? +# These "generic" entries are currently not used; they're supposed to be +# overridden with specific entries in the code. So if they show up, +# it's a software bug. ;-) +EditTokenDialog.msg.generic.colKey = Chave (Bug\!) +EditTokenDialog.msg.generic.colValue = Valor (Bug\!) +EditTokenDialog.msg.speech.colID = ID +EditTokenDialog.msg.speech.colSpeechText = Texto de fala +EditTokenDialog.msg.title = Editar Token +EditTokenDialog.msg.wrap = Quebra automática +EditTokenDialog.vbl.label.originalPointCount = Contagem de Pontos Original +EditTokenDialog.vbl.label.optimizedPointCount = Optimized Point Count +EditTokenDialog.vbl.label.working = Trabalhando... +EditTokenDialog.checkbox.state.hide = Ocultar +EditTokenDialog.button.hero.refresh.tooltip.on = Atualizar dados do Hero Lab
Alterações detectadas\! +EditTokenDialog.button.hero.refresh.tooltip.off = Atualizar dados do Hero Lab
Nenhuma alteração detectada... +EditTokenDialog.libTokenURI.error.notLibToken = {0} is not a valid name for a lib\:Token. +EditTokenDialog.libTokenURI.error.reserved = lib\:Tokens can not be named {0} if you want to enable URI access. + +MapPropertiesDialog.label.playerMapAlias = Nome de Exibição\: +MapPropertiesDialog.label.playerMapAlias.tooltip = This is how players will see the map identified. Must be unique within campaign. +MapPropertiesDialog.label.Name.tooltip = Esse é o nome o qual o mapa é referenciado em macros e é somente visível para o GM. +MapPropertiesDialog.label.cell.type = Tipo de Célula\: +MapPropertiesDialog.label.cell.dist = Distância por célula\: +MapPropertiesDialog.label.cell.pixels = Pixeis por Célula\: +MapPropertiesDialog.label.cell.ai = Arredondamento de célula IA\: +MapPropertiesDialog.label.vision.dist = Distância de Visão\: +MapPropertiesDialog.label.lights.tooltip = Pode ser desligado, dia ou noite. Pode ser alterado depois o que mapa for criado. +MapPropertiesDialog.image.nogrid = Sem grade +MapPropertiesDialog.label.cell.ai.tooltip = Isto controla como a IA arredondará a distância por célula após a aplicação dos modificadores de terreno. O padrão é não arredondar, o que pode deixar o custo da célula como uma fração e/ou não em múltiplos de unidades de célula. +MapPropertiesDialog.label.image = Selecionar Imagem do Mapa +MapPropertiesDialog.label.background = Escolher fundo +MapPropertiesDialog.label.fog = Escolher Névoa +MapPropertiesDialog.label.lightingStyle = Lighting style\: +MapPropertiesDialog.label.lightingStyle.tooltip = Controls how lights will be rendered. The default is "Overtop", which renders lights as a translucent overlay on top of the map (useful for black & white maps and similar). "Environmental" renders lights as though they illuminate the map itself (useful for full-color artwork maps). + +AddResourcesDialog.label.localdirectory = Diretório local +AddResourcesDialog.label.example = (ex.\: c\:\\dados\\cmpgn_imagens) +AddResourcesDialog.label.none = Nenhum + +AdjustBoardDialog.title = Ajustar posição do quadro +AdjustBoardDialog.snapto = Ajustar a\: +AdjustBoardDialog.none.tooltip = Sem ajuste. +AdjustBoardDialog.grid.tooltip = Ajustar à grade de tokens. +AdjustBoardDialog.tile.tooltip = Ajustar à textura do plano de fundo. + +GridControlPanel.sizeInPixels = Grid Size\: +GridControlPanel.sizeInPixels.second = 2nd Size\: +GridControlPanel.offset.x = Deslocar X\: +GridControlPanel.offset.y = Deslocar Y\: +GridControlPanel.color = Cor\: + +GridlessGrid.error.notLoaded = Could not load gridless grid footprints. + + + +# Handshake messages +Handshake.msg.duplicateName = Alguém já está usando esse nome de jogador. Por favor, escolha outro nome e tente novamente. +Handshake.msg.wrongPassword = Você digitou a senha errada. Por favor, tente novamente. +Handshake.msg.unknownPlayer = Jogador {0} é desconhecido. +Handshake.msg.wrongVersion = The versions used do not match. You are trying to connect a client to a server running a different version.
Please update your client to the correct version. +Handshake.msg.failedLogin = Failed login attempt from {0}, errors decoding handshake follow. +Handshake.msg.failedLoginDecode = Failed decoding handshake with password. +Handshake.msg.encodeInitFail = Failed to initialize encoding for handshake. +Handshake.msg.badChallengeResponse = Bad Handshake challenge response by client for player {0}. +Handshake.msg.errorValidating = Erro na validação handshake. +Handshake.msg.unableToConnectPublicKey = Não foi possível conectar usando a chave pública. +Handshake.msg.invalidHandshake = Unable to connect due to Invalid Handshake. +Handshake.msg.playerBlocked = Jogado está bloqueado {0}. +Handshake.msg.incorrectPassword = Incorrect Password during handshake. +Handshake.msg.incorrectPublicKey = Incorrect public key used during handshake. +Handshake.msg.deniedEasyConnect = Easy connect request denied. +Handshake.msg.gmDeniedRequest = O GM negou a sua solicitação de conexão. +Handshake.msg.playerAlreadyConnected = Esse nome de jogador já está conectado. +Handshake.msg.failedToGetPublicKey = Failed to get the player's public key +Handshake.msg.unexpectedError = Unexpected error encountered during handshake. + +Update.title = Atualização Disponível +Update.msg1 = Uma nova versão do MapTool está disponível\! +Update.msg2 = Você gostaria de baixar {0}? +Update.button = Ignorar esta Versão +Update.chkbox = Nunca mais verifique se há atualizações\! + +ExportCampaign.desc = Export campaign to a previous version + +ExportScreenshot.view.current.tooltip = O que você vê é o que você recebe. +ExportScreenshot.view.asselected = Nas Selecionadas +ExportScreenshot.view.asselected.tooltip = Escolha quais camadas incluir na captura de tela. +ExportScreenshot.view.entiremap = Mapa Inteiro +ExportScreenshot.view.entiremap.tooltip = Entire map, respects visibility and fog. +ExportScreenshot.view.fog.tooltip = Entire Map\: Same as enabling fog on the Map menu. Entire Map As Layers\: If checked, a separate file will be exported with the current fog mask. +ExportScreenshot.view.gm.tooltip = Tudo que o GM vê. +ExportScreenshot.view.player.tooltip = Somente o que um Jogador pode ver. +ExportScreenshot.view.layer.tooltip = Incluir esta camada. +ExportScreenshot.view.board.tooltip = The tiling background and/or the image used in "New Map". +ExportScreenshot.view.layer.vbl.tooltip = Salva a camada de bloqueio de visão (VBL) como uma imagem monocromática. +ExportScreenshot.ftp.path.note = NOTA\: O caminho já deve existir +ExportScreenshot.ftp.host.example = (ex\: myhost.com) +ExportScreenshot.ftp.username.example = (ex\: pbpuser) +ExportScreenshot.ftp.path.example = (ex\: caminho/para/minhas/imagens/mapa.png) +ExportScreenshot.method.label = Método de renderização\: +ExportScreenshot.method.buffered = Buffered Image +ExportScreenshot.method.buffered.tooltip = Renders the image into a single bitmap then saves that to the chosen location. Can use a lot of memory, and may fail if the image is too large. +ExportScreenshot.method.iw = Image Writer +ExportScreenshot.method.iw.tooltip = Renders the image incrementally as it is needed by the file output formatting code. Uses less memory. Extremely large files can take a long time. The UI will not update during the file output, so the program may be unresponsive for several minutes while the file is saved. +ExportScreenshot.method.bg = Background Thread +ExportScreenshot.method.bg.tooltip = NOT IMPLEMENTED\! Uses the Image Writer technique in a background thread so that the UI can be updated with the progress. + + +ImageCacheStatusBar.toolTip = Tamanho atual do diretório de cache de miniaturas de imagens, clique duas vezes para limpar este cache. + +# {0} is the table name to be deleted. +LookupTablePanel.confirm.delete = Excluir tabela "{0}"? +LookupTablePanel.confirm.export = Exportar tabela "{0}"? +LookupTablePanel.confirm.import = Importar tabela "{0}"? +LookupTablePanel.confirm.overwrite = Sobrescrever tabela "{0}? +LookupTablePanel.error.loadFailed = Não foi possível carregar a tabela. +LookupTablePanel.error.saveFailed = Não foi possível salvar a tabela "{0}". +LookupTablePanel.info.saved = Tabela salva como "{0}". +LookupTablePanel.msg.titleEdit = Editar Tabela +LookupTablePanel.msg.titleNew = Nova Tabela + +# Unfortunately, the Details button has not been localized yet. :( +MapToolEventQueue.details = Clique no botão de Detalhes... para ver mais informações.
Por favor, copie/cole o conteúdo para um fórum quando relatar erros. +MapToolEventQueue.stackOverflow = A stack overflow has occurred.\n\nThis is commonly because a macro being used has exceeded the stack space specified when MapTool was executed.\n\nPlease specify a larger stack size for MapTool and run again. +MapToolEventQueue.stackOverflow.title = Erro\: Stack Overflow +MapToolEventQueue.unexpectedError = Ocorreu um erro inesperado. +MapToolEventQueue.warning.title = Alerta + +MemoryStatusBar.tooltip = Memória utilizada\:{0}M, Memória total\: {1}M, Memoria Máxima\:{2}M + +PaintChooser.title = Choose Paint + +PersistenceUtil.error.campaignPropertiesLegacy = Este arquivo de propriedades de campanha não é um arquivo de formato legível por esta versão do MapTool. +PersistenceUtil.error.campaignPropertiesVersion = Este arquivo de propriedades da campanha não é legível por esta versão do MapTool. +PersistenceUtil.error.campaignPropertiesRead = Erro ao ler dados de propriedades da campanha do arquivo. +PersistenceUtil.warn.campaignProperties.importWrongFileType = Arquivo não é um arquivo de propriedades campanha do MapTool. Arquivo é {0}. + +PersistenceUtil.error.campaignRead = Erro ao ler arquivo da campanha. +PersistenceUtil.error.campaignVersion = Este arquivo de campanha não está legível por esta versão do MapTool.
Nós tentaremos carregar usando o formato de legado... +# The keys ending with "Read" are for reporting IOExceptions. +# The ones ending with "Version" are for reporting ConversionExceptions (from XStream). +PersistenceUtil.error.macroRead = Erro ao ler dados de botão macro do arquivo. +PersistenceUtil.error.macroVersion = Este arquivo de botão macro não está legível nesta versão do MapTool. +PersistenceUtil.error.macrosetVersion = Este arquivo de conjuntos de macro não é legível por esta versão do MapTool. +PersistenceUtil.error.mapRead = Erro ao ler dados de mapa do arquivo. +PersistenceUtil.error.mapVersion = Este arquivo de mapa não é legível por esta versão do MapTool. +PersistenceUtil.error.tableRead = Erro ao ler dados da tabela do arquivo. +PersistenceUtil.error.tableVersion = Este arquivo de tabela não é legível nesta versão do MapTool. +PersistenceUtil.warn.campaignNotLoaded = Não é possível determinar o formato do arquivo de campanha; não carregado. +PersistenceUtil.warn.campaignWrongFileType = Arquivo não é um arquivo de campanha do MapTool. O arquivo é {0}. +PersistenceUtil.warn.importWrongFileType = Arquivo não é um arquivo de mapa do MapTool. O arquivo é {0}. +PersistenceUtil.warn.macroWrongFileType = Arquivo não é um arquivo de macros do MapTool. O arquivo é {0}. +PersistenceUtil.warn.macroSet = um Conjunto de Macros +PersistenceUtil.warn.macrosetWrongFileType = Arquivo não é um arquivo de conjunto de macros do MapTool. Arquivo é {0}. + +Preferences.tab.developer = Developer +Preferences.tab.developer.warning = These options are not meant for normal use. If you aren't developing or debugging MapTool, don't enable them\! +Preferences.developer.info.developerOptionsInUse = The following developer options are enabled\: +Preferences.developer.autoSaveMeasuredInSeconds.label = Measure auto-save time in seconds +Preferences.developer.autoSaveMeasuredInSeconds.tooltip = When enabled, increases the frequency of auto-saves by reinterpreting the number as measuring seconds instead of minutes. +Preferences.developer.showPartitionDrawableBoundaries.label = Show spatial partitions when rendering drawings +Preferences.developer.showPartitionDrawableBoundaries.tooltip = When enabled, draws a boundary around each spatial partition that is used in drawing rendering. +Preferences.developer.showAiDebugging.label = Enable AI debugging +Preferences.developer.showAiDebugging.tooltip = When enabled, adds labels containing the f, g, and h costs calculated by A* during pathfinding, as well as the moves blocked by VBL. +Preferences.developer.ignoreGridShapeCache.label = Ignore grid shape cache +Preferences.developer.ignoreGridShapeCache.tooltip = When enabled, the grid's shape is recalculated every time it is needed. +Preferences.developer.info.developerOptionsInUsePost = If this is not intended, go to {0} > {1} > {2} tab and disable the options there. +Preferences.tab.interactions = Interações +Preferences.label.maps.fow = Novos mapas terão Fog of War +Preferences.label.maps.fow.tooltip = Fog of War pode ser ativado ou desativado em mapas individuais. +Preferences.label.maps.visible = Novos mapas visíveis à jogadores +Preferences.label.maps.visible.tooltip = Os mapas individuais podem ou não ser visíveis para os jogadores. +Preferences.label.maps.grid = Tipo de Grade para Novos Mapas +Preferences.label.maps.grid.tooltip = The grid cell shape for new maps. +Preferences.combo.maps.grid.square = Quadrado +Preferences.combo.maps.grid.hexHori = Hexagonal Horizontal +Preferences.combo.maps.grid.hexVert = Hexagonal Vertical +Preferences.combo.maps.grid.isometric = Isométrico +Preferences.label.maps.gridSize.new = New Map Grid Size +Preferences.label.maps.gridSize.tooltip = Number of map pixels that represents one grid cell. +Preferences.label.maps.units = Unidades Por Célula para Novos Mapas +Preferences.label.maps.units.tooltip = O tamanho de uma célula da grade em unidades de sistema de jogo. +Preferences.label.maps.vision = Distância da Visão para Novos Mapas +Preferences.label.maps.vision.tooltip = A distância em que o MapTool deve parar de calcular linhas de visão. +Preferences.label.maps.light = New Map Vision +Preferences.label.maps.light.tooltip = The type of vision selected in a new map. +Preferences.label.maps.metric = Métrica de movimento +Preferences.label.maps.metric.tooltip = Determina como o MapTool lida com o movimento do tipo de grade selecionado. +Preferences.label.maps.sortType = Método de Organização +Preferences.label.maps.sortType.tooltip = Determina se os mapas são classificados por Nome ou Nome de Exibição +Preferences.label.objects.snap = Iniciar com Alinhar à Grade Ativado +Preferences.label.objects.snap.tooltip = Se as imagens arrastadas à camada de Objetos tem ajustar à grade ativado por padrão. +Preferences.label.objects.free = Start Freesize +Preferences.label.objects.free.tooltip = If enabled, new objects will be shown at their native resolution with a resizing handle attached. +Preferences.label.background.snap.tooltip = Se as imagens arrastadas à camada de Fundo tem ajustar à grade ativado por padrão. +Preferences.label.background.free.tooltip = If enabled, new background images will be shown at their native resolution with a resizing handle attached. +Preferences.label.tokens.snap.tooltip = Se os tokens tem ajustar à grade ativado por padrão. +Preferences.label.tokens.free.tooltip = Se novos tokens serão exibidos em sua resolução nativa. +Preferences.label.tokens.visible = Novos tokens visíveis para jogadores +Preferences.label.tokens.visible.tooltip = Whether tokens dropped by the GM are immediately visible to players. (Note that token owners can always see their tokens.) +Preferences.label.tokens.delete = Avisar quando tokens forem excluídos +Preferences.label.tokens.delete.tooltip = Não há "desfazer" para a exclusão de token. Você provavelmente quer que isso esteja habilitado. +Preferences.label.tokens.duplicate = Duplicar Numeração do Token +Preferences.label.tokens.duplicate.tooltip = Quando um token é colado ou arrastado até um mapa, como os nomes duplicados devem ser resolvidos. +Preferences.combo.tokens.duplicate.increment = Incremento +Preferences.combo.tokens.duplicate.random = Aleatório +Preferences.label.tokens.numbering = Show Numbering on +Preferences.combo.tokens.numbering.name = Nome +Preferences.combo.tokens.numbering.gm = Nome do GM +Preferences.combo.tokens.numbering.both = Ambos +Preferences.label.tokens.naming = Nome do Novo Token +Preferences.label.tokens.naming.tooltip = Determina como novos tokens são inicialmente nomeados. +Preferences.combo.tokens.naming.filename = Usar o Nome do Arquivo +# {0} is the localized version of "Creature" (See: Token.name.creature) +Preferences.combo.tokens.naming.creature = Usar "{0}" +Preferences.label.tokens.dialog = Mostrar Diálogo ao adicionar Novo Token +Preferences.label.tokens.dialog.tooltip = Determina se a caixa de diálogo de Novo Token aparece quando um token é arrastado até o mapa. +Preferences.label.tokens.statsheet = Tamanho do retrato da folha de status +Preferences.label.tokens.statsheet.tooltip = Defina o tamanho da imagem que aparece ao lado da folha de status quando ocorrer o mouseover. Coloque pra 0 pra desativar os retratos. +Preferences.label.tokens.portrait.mouse = Mostrar Retrato quando o mouse estiver por cima +Preferences.label.tokens.portrait.mouse.tooltip = Se deve mostrar o retrato quando o mouse estiver por cima de um Token. +Preferences.label.tokens.statsheet.mouse = Exibir a folha de status ao mouseover +Preferences.label.tokens.statsheet.mouse.tooltip = Se deve mostrar a folha de status quando o mouse estiver por cima de um Token. +Preferences.label.tokens.statsheet.shift = Stat sheet requires Shift key +Preferences.label.tokens.statsheet.shift.tooltip = The stat sheet will only show when the mouse hovers over a Token if the Shift key is also held down. Otherwise, Shift key will hide stat sheet on mouse hovers. +Preferences.label.tokens.arrow = Force Token Facing Arrow +Preferences.label.tokens.arrow.tooltip = Forces the display of the token facing arrow for Top Down tokens and tokens with image tables. +Preferences.label.tokens.drag.snap = Alinhar Token enquanto o arrasta +Preferences.label.tokens.drag.snap.tooltip = Token image snaps to movement path while dragging. +Preferences.label.tokens.drag.hide = Esconder Ponteiro do Mouse ao arrastar +Preferences.label.tokens.drag.hide.tooltip = Ao arrastar os tokens, o ponteiro do mouse será ocultado. +Preferences.label.chat.avatar = Mostrar Avatar por linha +Preferences.label.chat.avatar.tooltip = Faz que o ícone do token imitado apareça no início de cada mensagem do chat. +Preferences.label.chat.smilies = Inserir Emojis +Preferences.label.chat.smilies.tooltip = Algumas strings do texto são tratadas como emojis e substituídas por imagens. Um painel popup de emojis aparece à direita da caixa de entrada de chat. +Preferences.label.chat.rolls = Use ToolTips for Inline Rolls +Preferences.label.chat.rolls.tooltip = Die rolls are normally expanded and included in the chat window output. This options changes them into tooltips, although the result is still shown normally. +Preferences.checkbox.chat.rolls.tooltip = Ativado\: [ ] age como [t\: ]
Desativado\: [ ] age como [h\: ] +Preferences.label.chat.type.duration = Typing Notification Duration Seconds +Preferences.label.chat.type.duration.tooltip = Tempo até que as notificações de digitação desapareçam, em segundos. +Preferences.label.chat.type.color = Typing Notification Color +Preferences.label.chat.type.color.tooltip = Color of the text for typing notifications. +Preferences.label.chat.type.background = Typing Notification Background +Preferences.label.chat.type.background.tooltip = If enabled, shows a background frame underneath the typing notification. +Preferences.label.chat.trusted.background = Trusted Prefix Background +Preferences.label.chat.trusted.background.tooltip = Text generated by trusted macros is forced to a particular background color. +Preferences.label.chat.trusted.foreground = Trusted Prefix Foreground +Preferences.label.chat.trusted.foreground.tooltip = Text generated by trusted macros is forced to a particular foreground color. +Preferences.label.macroeditor.tooltip = Tema do editor de macros. +Preferences.label.facing.edge = Nas Arestas +Preferences.label.facing.edge.tooltip = Faz com que a direção do token seja rotacionado para encaixar nas arestas da célula. +Preferences.label.facing.vertices = Em Vértices +Preferences.label.facing.vertices.tooltip = Faz com que a direção do token seja rotacionado para encaixar nas vértices da célula. +Preferences.label.access.delay = ToolTip Initial Delay +Preferences.label.access.delay.tooltip = The initial delay (in milliseconds) before a tooltip is displayed. +Preferences.label.access.delay.dismiss = ToolTip Dismiss Delay +Preferences.label.access.delay.dismiss.tooltip = The amount of time (in milliseconds) the tooltip will remain before being removed. +Preferences.label.access.size = Tamanho da Fonte do Chat +Preferences.label.access.size.tooltip = Point size for all chat window text (both input and output). +Preferences.label.sound.system = Reproduzir sons do sistema +Preferences.label.sound.system.tooltip = Desative isto para impedir todos os sons dentro do MapTool. Necessário para algumas implementações de Java, já que muitos sons enfileirados podem travar o JVM. +Preferences.label.sound.stream = Play clips and streams +Preferences.label.sound.stream.tooltip = Turn this off to prevent audio clips and streams from playing. +Preferences.label.sound.focus = Somente quando a janela não estiver focada +Preferences.label.sound.focus.tooltip = Somente desligue os sons quando a janela não estiver focada. +Preferences.label.sound.syrinscape = Ativar integração do Syrinscape +Preferences.label.sound.syrinscape.tooltip = Allow MapTool to launch Syrinscape via 3rd party integration URI. This will take affect on next launch of MapTool. +Preferences.label.auth.publicKey = Chave Pública do Cliente +Preferences.label.auth.publicKey.tooltip = Chave é usada para autenticar com os servidores utilizando método de autenticação chave pública/privada. +Preferences.label.auth.copyKey = Copiar Chave Pública +Preferences.label.auth.regenKey = Regerar Chave +Preferences.label.language.tooltip = Selecione o Idioma para a Interface de Usuário. +Preferences.label.language.override = Substituição de Linguagem +Preferences.label.options = Opções Adicionais +Preferences.label.options.directory = Diretório de Dados +Preferences.label.options.directory.tooltip = Sobrescrever diretório de dados padrão. O padrão é .maptool no diretório de usuários. +Preferences.label.advanced = Opções Avançadas +Preferences.label.advanced.assert = Enable assertions +Preferences.label.advanced.direct3d = Desativar Direct3d Pipeline +Preferences.label.advanced.opengl = Ativar Pipeline OpenGL +Preferences.label.advanced.javafx = Intialize AWT before JavaFX +Preferences.label.jvm = Configurações de memória da JVM +Preferences.label.jvm.heap = Tamanho máximo da heap (-Xmx) +Preferences.label.jvm.heap.tooltip = -Xmx size in bytes Sets the maximum size to which the Java heap can grow. +Preferences.label.jvm.min = Initial & minimum heap size (-Xms) +Preferences.label.jvm.min.tooltip = Oracle recommends setting the minimum heap size (-Xms) equal to the maximum heap size (-Xmx) to minimize garbage collections. +Preferences.label.jvm.stack = Thread stack size (-Xss) +Preferences.label.jvm.stack.tooltip = Thread stacks are memory areas allocated for each Java thread for their internal use. This is where the thread stores its local execution state. +Preferences.label.autosave = Auto salvar campanha a cada +Preferences.label.autosave.tooltip = Campanhas salvas automaticamente estão em ${appHome}/autosave. Salvar automaticamente uma campanha é uma operação intensiva de memória. Certifique-se de ter isso em conta. Defina como 0 para desativar. +Preferences.label.save.reminder = Lembrete de salvamento ao fechar +Preferences.label.save.reminder.tooltip = Se uma confirmação aparece antes do MapTool fechar. +Preferences.label.autosave.chat = Time between chat log autosaves +Preferences.label.autosave.chat.tooltip = The chat log will be autosaved at this interval (in minutes) using the filename pattern below. Set to 0 to disable. +Preferences.label.autosave.chat.filename = Nome do arquivo de log automático de chat +Preferences.label.autosave.chat.filename.tooltip = Especifique um nome de arquivo. Sem um nome de diretório é relativo a ${appHome}/autosave. +Preferences.label.directory.sync = Diretório de Sincronização de Arquivos +Preferences.label.directory.sync.tooltip = Specify the path to your cloud sync directy, eg Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, etc. This will be used to determine the relative path external files such as Hero Lab portfolios. +Preferences.label.directory.sync.set = Click the eclipses to the right to set the directory. +Preferences.label.map = Visuais do Mapa +Preferences.label.halo.width = Largura da linha da Auréola +Preferences.label.halo.width.tooltip = A largura da cor única da auréola em torno dos tokens individuais. +Preferences.label.halo.color = Usar cor da auréola para visão +Preferences.label.halo.color.tooltip = Se ativado, a área visível para um token terá a mesma cor que a auréola. +Preferences.label.halo.opacity = Opacidade da Auréola +Preferences.label.halo.opacity.tooltip = Mede no quão opaca a sobreposição da visão da auréola é desenhada (0-255). +Preferences.label.aura.opacity = Opacidade da Aura +Preferences.label.aura.opacity.tooltip = Mede no quão opaco a sobreposição da aura é desenhada (0-255). +Preferences.label.lumens.opacity = Lumens overlay opacity +Preferences.label.lumens.opacity.tooltip = Measures how opaque the lumens overlay is drawn (0-255). +Preferences.label.lumens.borderThickness = Lumens overlay border thickness +Preferences.label.lumens.borderThickness.tooltip = How thick to draw the border between lumens regions. Set to 0 for no border. +Preferences.label.lumens.startEnabled = Show lumens overlay by default +Preferences.label.lumens.startEnabled.tooltip = Toggle on to show the lumens overlay whenever MapTool is started. +Preferences.label.lights.startEnabled = Show environmental lights by default +Preferences.label.lights.startEnabled.tooltip = Toggle on to show the environmental lights whenever MapTool is started. +Preferences.label.light.opacity = Opacidade da luz +Preferences.label.light.opacity.tooltip = Measures how opaque the light overlay is drawn (0-255). Has no effect on maps with environmental lighting. +Preferences.label.fog.opacity = Opacidade da Névoa +Preferences.label.fog.opacity.tooltip = Measures how opaque the "soft fog" overlay is drawn (0-255). +Preferences.label.fog.mapvisibilitywarning = Ocultar o aviso 'Mapa não visível para os jogadores' +Preferences.label.fog.mapvisibilitywarning.tooltip= Oculta a mensagem de em que o mapa não está visível para os jogadores. +Preferences.label.fog.autoexpose = Auto-expose fog on token movement (personal server) +Preferences.label.fog.autoexpose.tooltip = If enabled, the fog of war is automatically exposed as a token moves on maps with a grid. When running a server, this setting is ignored in favor of the settings in the 'Start Server' dialog. +Preferences.label.performance.fillselection = Fill selection box +Preferences.label.performance.fillselection.tooltip = If enabled, a shaded area is used when dragging the mouse to select multiple tokens. +Preferences.label.performance.cap = Limite da Taxa de Quadros +Preferences.label.performance.cap.tooltip = Limite da taxa de quadros para o renderizador de mapas em FPS. +Preferences.label.performance.render = Image Scaling Quality +Preferences.label.performance.render.tooltip = Quality of scaled images. +Preferences.combo.render.low = Low (Fastest) +Preferences.combo.render.pixel = Pixel Art +Preferences.combo.render.medium = Medium +Preferences.combo.render.high = High (Slowest) +Preferences.label.initiative.defaults = Padrões da Campanha +Preferences.label.initiative.hidenpc = Ocultar NPCs dos jogadores em novos mapas +Preferences.label.initiative.hidenpc.tooltip = If enabled, NPCs will not appear in the players views of the Initiative panel. +Preferences.label.initiative.owner = Dar Permissão aos Proprietários em novas campanhas +Preferences.label.initiative.owner.tooltip = Permissão de Proprietário permite que jogadores executem certas ações em seus tokens no painel de Iniciativa. +Preferences.label.initiative.lock = Bloquear Movimento do Jogador em novas campanhas +Preferences.label.initiative.lock.tooltip = Quando ativado, os jogadores só poderão mover seu token quando este token tiver iniciativa. +Preferences.label.initiative.msg = Show Initiative Gain Message +Preferences.label.initiative.msg.tooltip = When enabled, a message is sent to chat when a token gains initiative. +Preferences.label.client.fitview = Fit GM view +Preferences.label.client.fitview.tooltip = When forcing players to the GM's view, should the player's map be zoomed such that their screen shows at least the same content as the GM's screen? +Preferences.label.client.default.username = Nome Padrão do Usuário +Preferences.label.client.default.username.tooltip = The default username that appears in the MapTool toolbar. +Preferences.label.installDir = Installation Directory +Preferences.client.webEndPoint.port = Internal Web Server End Point Port +Preferences.client.webEndPoint.port.tooltip = Web Server End Point Port (Internal MapTool Only) +Preferences.client.default.username.value = Usuário Anônimo +Preferences.label.macros.edit = Padrão\: Permitir que os jogadores editem macros +Preferences.label.macros.edit.tooltip = Player-editable macros cannot call trusted functions. When developing a framework, this should be disabled. +Preferences.label.upnp.timeout = Discovery Timeout +Preferences.label.upnp.timeout.tooltip = Período de tempo limite em milissegundos para esperar ao procurar por gateways UPnP. +Preferences.label.macros.permissions = Habilitar Acesso a Macros Externas +Preferences.label.macros.permissions.tooltip = Habilite macros para chamar funções que podem acessar sua unidade de disco e serviços http. As seguintes funções serão habilitadas\: getRequest, postRequest, exportData, getEnvironmentVariable. +Preferences.label.chat.macrolinks = Suppress ToolTips for MacroLinks +Preferences.label.chat.macrolinks.tooltip = MacroLinks show normally tooltips that state informations about the link target. This is a anti cheating device. This options let you disable this tooltips for aesthetic reasons. +Preference.checkbox.chat.macrolinks.tooltip = Enabled\: do not show tooltips for macroLink
Disabled (default)\: show tooltips for macroLinks +PreferencesDialog.themeChangeWarning = Changing the theme requires a restart of MapTool to take effect. +PreferencesDialog.themeChangeWarningTitle = Theme Change. +Preferences.combo.themes.filter.all = All +Preferences.combo.themes.filter.dark = Dark +Preferences.combo.themes.filter.light = Light + +ServerDialog.error.port = Você deve digitar uma porta numérica. +ServerDialog.error.port.outOfRange = O intervalo de portas deve estar entre 1 e 65535. +ServerDialog.error.portNumberException = Porta do registro RPTools não é numérico?\! Erro no servidor web? +ServerDialog.error.server = Você deve digitar um nome de servidor ou endereço IP. +ServerDialog.error.serverNotFound = Servidor "{0}" não encontrado. +ServerDialog.error.username = É necessário fornecer um nome de usuário. +ServerDialog.error.noConnectPassword = Você deve digitar uma senha para conectar no servidor. +ServerDialog.error.passwordMissing = Ambas as senhas do Jogador e do GM devem ser preenchidas. +ServerDialog.error.playerPasswordMissing = A senha do jogador deve ser preenchida. +ServerDialog.error.gmPasswordMissing = A senha do GM deve ser preenchida. +ServerDialog.error.passwordMustDiffer = A senha do jogador e do GM não podem ser a mesma. +ServerDialog.error.serverAlreadyExists = A server with the same name already exists. + +# The connection test has been disabled so these are not currently used. +ServerDialog.msg.test1 = Configurando para Teste de Conexão... +ServerDialog.msg.test2 = Executando teste de conexão. Sucesso geralmente é rápido; falha frequentemente leva mais tempo... +ServerDialog.msg.test3 = Sucesso\! Eu me conectei com sucesso ao seu computador da Internet. +# Yes, I know these are similar. But I wanted *some* difference so the +# programmer can easily locate specific areas of the code. +ServerDialog.msg.test4 = Não foi possível ver seu computador pela Internet.

Pode ser um problema de redirecionamento de porta. Visite o fórum RPTools (Ferramentas -> MapTool -> HOWTO) para encontrar as Perguntas Frequentes sobre Rede ("Networking FAQ"). +ServerDialog.msg.test5 = Não foi possível ver seu computador pela Internet.

Pode ser um problema de redirecionamento de porta. Visite o fórum RPTools (Ferramentas -> MapTool -> HOWTO) para encontrar as Perguntas Frequentes sobre Rede ("Networking FAQ"). +ServerDialog.msg.test6 = Erro de comunicação durante o teste... +ServerDialog.msg.test7 = Exceção desconhecida ou inesperada durante o teste. +ServerDialog.msg.title = Iniciar Servidor +ServerDialog.label.usePasswordFile = Usar Arquivos de Senhas do MapTool. +ServerDialog.tooltip.usePasswordFile = O Arquivos de Senhas do MapTool serve pra guardar as senhas do jogadores e GM. +ServerDialog.label.useEasyConnect = Usar Fácil Conexão do MapTool. +ServerDialog.tooltip.useEasyConnect = A Fácil Conexão do MapTool serve para simplificar a autenticação de chave pública. +ServerDialog.label.usepnp = Usar UPnP +ServerDialog.option.hidemapselectui = Hide the map select UI from players +ServerDialog.option.hidemapselectui.tooltip = Hides the top right map select UI so that a custom one may be used or players are unable to change maps. +ServerDialog.option.disablePlayerLibrary = Hide Players' Library +ServerDialog.option.disablePlayerLibrary.tooltip = Prevents players from importing tokens from their libraries. +ServerDialog.tooltip.useupnp = Attempt to map ports automatically. Most people should try this option first, and forward ports manually only if UPnP does not work. If you have set up port forwarding, leave this option unchecked. +ServerDialog.label.alias = RPTools.net Alias\: +ServerDialog.tooltip.alias = Allows players to find this server by name. If not provided,
players will need your external address to use Direct Connect.
must be specified if using WebRTC. +ServerDialog.label.gmpassword = Senha do GM\: +ServerDialog.label.password = Senha do Jogador\: +ServerDialog.label.metric = Métrica de movimento +ServerDialog.label.metric.tooltip = Determina como o MapTool lida com o movimento do tipo de grade selecionado. +ServerDialog.option.ownership = Strict token ownership +ServerDialog.option.ownership.tooltip = Somente o proprietário de um token específico pode executar qualquer ação sobre ele. +ServerDialog.option.reveal.gm = GM reveals vision On Movement for Unowned Tokens +ServerDialog.option.reveal.gm.tooltip = Se um token não tem titularidade, o FoW não será revelado no movimento, a menos que seja selecionado. +ServerDialog.option.reveal.player = Os jogadores podem revelar a visão +ServerDialog.option.reveal.move = Auto Revelação em Movimento +ServerDialog.option.reveal.move.tooltip = Permite que os tokens automaticamente revelem o FoW no final do movimento. +ServerDialog.option.vision.individual = Usar Visões Individuais +ServerDialog.option.vision.individual.tooltip = Jogadores não partilham visão. +ServerDialog.option.fow.individual = Usar FOW Individual +ServerDialog.option.fow.individual.tooltip = Cada token tem o seu próprio FOW. +ServerDialog.option.impersonate = Permitir que os jogadores imitam qualquer token +ServerDialog.option.impersonate.tooltip = Gives players the ability to impersonate any character as if they had GM status. +ServerDialog.option.macros = Players Receive Campaign Macros +ServerDialog.option.macros.tooltip = As macros do painel de campanha estarão disponíveis para os jogadores usarem (mas não editarem). +ServerDialog.option.rolls = Use ToolTips for [] Rolls +ServerDialog.option.rolls.tooltip = Tool Tips will be used for [ ] rolls where no format options are specified. +ServerDialog.button.networkinghelp = Networking Help +ServerDialog.generatePassword = Gerar Senha + + +CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.token = Propriedades do Token +CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.repo = Repositórios +CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Visão +CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Luz +CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = Condições +CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Barras +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties from a file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type +campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type +campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} +campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenPropertyDefaultName = New Prop {0} +campaignPropertiesDialog.tokenTypeNameChangeWarning = Changing the token type name will update all tokens with this type which could take a while. +campaignPropertiesDialog.tokenTypeNameChangeTitle = Token Type Name Change +campaignPropertiesDialog.tokenTypeNameDeleteTitle = Delete Token Type {0} +campaignPropertiesDialog.tokenTypeNameDeleteMessage =Change existing Tokens to\: +campaignPropertiesDialog.tokenTypeNameRename = Renaming Token Types... +campaignProperties.macroEditDialog.default.title = Default value for Property +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name = Name +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName = Short Name +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName = Display Name +campaignPropertiesTable.column.onStatSheet = Stat Sheet +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM +campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner +campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default + +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + +# Bar propertyType +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Duas Imagens +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Imagem Única +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.multipleImages = Múltiplas imagens +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.solid = Solido +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoTone = Dois Tons +# Bar side +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.side.top = Superior +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.bottom = Inferior +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.left = Esquerda +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.right = Direita +# State propertyType +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.image = Imagem +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.cornerImage = Imagem Canto +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.gridImage = Imagem Grade +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.dot = Ponto +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.gridDot = Pontos Grade +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.circle = Círculo +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.shaded = Sombreado +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.x = X +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.cross = Cruz +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.diamond = Diamante +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.gridDiamond = Grade de Diamante +# "Yield" here refers to the shape of the traffic sign (an inverted triangle) +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.yield = Preferência +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.gridYield = Preferência da Grade +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.triangle = Triângulo +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.gridTriangle = Triângulo da Grade +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.states.type.gridSquare = Quadrado da Grade +# Positions +position.corner.topLeft = Top Left +position.corner.topRight = Top Right +position.corner.bottomLeft = Bottom Left +position.corner.bottomRight = Bottom Right +position.side.left = Left +position.side.right = Right +position.side.top = Top +position.side.bottom = Bottom + +# Start : CampaignPropertiesDialog light and sight. +light.example.groupName = Light group name +light.example.auras.groupName = Sample Auras\: 5' grid +light.example.name.aura.allPlayers = Aura All Players 10 +light.example.name.aura.donutCone = Donut Cone +light.example.name.aura.donutHole = Donut Hole +light.example.name.aura.gmRed = Aura GM Red 10 +light.example.name.aura.gmRedSquare = Aura GM Red Square +light.example.name.aura.lineOfSight = Line of Sight +light.example.name.aura.owner = Aura Owner 10 +light.example.name.aura.rangeArcs = Range Arcs +light.example.name.aura.rangeCircles = Range Circles +light.example.name.aura.sideFields = Side Fields +light.example.name.forwardArcAura = Forward Arc +light.example.name.lantern = Lantern +sight.example.name.blind = Blind +sight.example.name.coneVision = Conic Vision +sight.example.name.darkVision = Dark Vision +sight.example.name.elfVision = Elf Vision +sight.example.comment = This line is a comment +light.example.text.aura.allPlayers = A blue aura visible to all players. +light.example.text.aura.donutCone = The same trick done with a cone. +light.example.text.aura.donutHole = This one hides a secret. If you have a range with no colour it becomes the range the light source begins. In this case the light begins at 20 and ends at 40. +light.example.text.aura.gmRed = A circular GM-only aura in red with a 15-foot diameter. +light.example.text.aura.gmRedSquare = A 5-foot square red aura only visible to the GM. +light.example.text.aura.lineOfSight = A beam 150 ft long with a width of 0.4 map units. +light.example.text.aura.owner = A circular green aura that is only visible to the token's owners. +light.example.text.aura.rangeArcs = A series of cones starting every 30 ft and ending 0.4 ft later. +light.example.text.aura.rangeCircles= A series of circles starting every 30 ft and ending 0.4 ft later. +light.example.text.aura.sideFields = 4 cones with an arc of 90 degrees and range of 12.5, each one offset to cover a different region. + +option.type.key.equals.value = Key\=Value +option.type.keyword = Keyword +option.type.prefixed.value = Prefixed Value +option.type.special = Special + +phrase.multipleEntriesAllowed = Multiple entries are allowed. + +shape.type.name.beam = beam +shape.type.name.circle = circle +shape.type.name.cone = cone +shape.type.name.grid = grid +shape.type.name.hexagon = hexagon +shape.type.name.square = square + +sight.default.distance = Map vision distance + +sightLight.columnHeading.option = Option +sightLight.columnHeading.optionComponent = Component +sightLight.columnHeading.optionDefaultValue = Default +sightLight.columnHeading.optionDescription = Description +sightLight.columnHeading.optionType = Type + +sightLight.optionLabel.arc = Arc +sightLight.optionLabel.aura = Aura +sightLight.optionLabel.color = Color +sightLight.optionLabel.component = Component +sightLight.optionLabel.distance = Distance +sightLight.optionLabel.lumens = Lumens +sightLight.optionLabel.magnifier = Magnifier +sightLight.optionLabel.offset = Offset +sightLight.optionLabel.personalSight = Personal Sight +sightLight.optionLabel.range = Range +sightLight.optionLabel.restriction = Restriction +sightLight.optionLabel.scale = Scale +sightLight.optionLabel.shape = Shape +sightLight.optionLabel.width = Width + +sightLight.optionDescription.arc = Used with the cone shape, the angle of the cone in degrees. +sightLight.optionDescription.aura = Create the light as an aura instead. +sightLight.optionDescription.distance = How far the vision type extends. +sightLight.optionDescription.lightComponents = A string defining light range characteristics. +sightLight.optionDescription.magnifier = Multiplies each light source radius by this value to create a second dimmer region. +sightLight.optionDescription.name = The user-visible name to use for the entry. +sightLight.optionDescription.offset1 = Used with the beam and cone shapes. +sightLight.optionDescription.offset2 = With the beam shape, the angle between the token facing and the beam centre-line; with the cone, the angle between the token facing and the start of the cone's arc. how wide to make the beam. +sightLight.optionDescription.personalSight = A string defining an illuminated range only visible to the token. +sightLight.optionDescription.personalSight.component.color = A {0} hex color component used to tint the area. +sightLight.optionDescription.personalSight.component.lumens = A positive or negative integer. +sightLight.optionDescription.personalSight.component.range = How far the personal sight extends. +sightLight.optionDescription.range = How far the light extends. +sightLight.optionDescription.restriction = Only used with auras. Accepts {0} or {1}. +sightLight.optionDescription.scale = Measure the distance from the token's edge instead of its center. +sightLight.optionDescription.shape = Shape may be {0}(beam), {1}(circle), {2}(cone), {3}(grid), {4}(hexagon), or {5}(square). +sightLight.optionDescription.width = Used with the beam shape, how wide to make the beam. + +sightLight.footnote.lumens.line.2 = A lumens value larger than the equivalent darkness is needed to expose an area, i.e. a dark region of lumens -20 remains dark against a lumens of +20. A lumens of +21 or higher will expose the region. +sightLight.footnote.lumens.line.1 = Negative values act as darkness and are removed from the exposed visible area. +sightLight.footnote.multiple.lights = Each definition can contain multiple definitions chained together. +sightLight.footnote.multiple.rangeColourLumens = Each shape/entry can have its range, color, and lumens specified. +sightLight.footnote.multiple.shapes.1 = Sight and light definitions can be made combining different shapes. +sightLight.footnote.multiple.shapes.2 = Each shape will be used until either\: a) another shape replaces it, or b) the end of the line is reached. + +sightLight.structure.listItem.comments = Lines beginning with "-" are comments and not processed. +sightLight.structure.listItem.defaults = When no value is provided the default value is used. +sightLight.structure.listItem.groupedNames = The following entry names are used in the sub-menu under the group name. +sightLight.structure.listItem.groupName = The first entry of a group is used as the name for the group; it becomes an entry on the token popup menu under the {0} element. +sightLight.structure.listItem.groups = End a group with a blank line. +sightLight.structure.listItem.letterCase = Letter case is preserved for names and ignored for options. +sightLight.structure.listItem.lines = One definition per line, use spaces to separate components. +sightLight.structure.listItem.measurement = Distances represent map units, i.e. on a 5' grid, 5' covers one grid cell.. +sightLight.structure.listItem.multiple = Each definition can contain multiple lights. +sightLight.structure.listItem.sorting = Group names and their sub-entries are alphabetically sorted in the menu. + +sightLight.subheading.definitionSyntax = Definition Syntax +sightLight.subheading.structure = Structure + +sightLight.syntax.label.groupName = Group Name +sightLight.syntax.label.name = Name +sightLight.syntax.label.options = Options + +sightLight.wikiLinkReferral = Comprehensive explanations online at {0}. + +word.example = Example +word.examples = Examples +word.integer = Integer +word.optional = Optional +word.string = String +word.syntax = Syntax +word.unused = Unused +# End : CampaignPropertiesDialog light and sight. + +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.sight = Format\:

Name \: options

Each sight type can have zero or more options, use spaces between each option. Having zero options implies using defaults for all values (e.g. Normal vision).


shape may be circle, square, hex, grid, cone or beam
Distance is the range at which this vision type ends. Can be a decimal value, e.g. distance\=10.5
An optional keyword that adds the token's footprint (size) to the distance so vision starts at token's edge vs the token's center.
Used with the cone shape. The angle of the cone in degrees, it determines the field of view the token has. Can be an integer value, e.g. arc\=120
Used with the beam shape. How wide the beam will be in map units. Can be a decimal, e.g. width\=1.4
Used with the cone and beam shape. For cones, how many degrees off center the shape begins; for beams, how many degrees off center to the center-line of the beam. Can be an integer value, e.g. offset\=120
Magnifier, multiplies each light source radius by this value. Can be a decimal value, e.g. x2.5

Range of personal light. The token will have a light source centered on them that only they can see with a radius of this value. You can define multiple personal lights per sight type.

Can have an optional \#rrggbb hex color component appended to it as per typical CSS rules.

Can also have an optional +x lumens value. Lumens defaults to 100, meaning it will see through any darkness with a lumens value from -1 to -99. See discussion of lumens on the Light tab for more info.

Ex\: r60\#bb0000+120

+ +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.light = Format\:
Group name
name\: type shape OPTIONS scale range\#rrggbb+x

Define groups of light types with a line of text to indicate the group name followed by one or more name definitions. End a group with a blank line. All text is case-insensitive. Lines starting with a "-" are considered comments and are ignored. The group name becomes an entry on the token's popup menu under the Light Sources element, and individual light source definitions become sub-entries. Group names and their sub-entries are alphabetically sorted.

A user-visible name for light definition.
An optional type for the light. Currently only aura is valid. (See below for a description of auras.)

An optional shape for the light emanation. Can be circle (default), square, cone, beam, or grid†.

Additional fields exist for beams and cones; both have an offset\=y field,cones also have arc\=y and beams have a width\=y field.

Shapes apply from the point they are included in the definition until the end of the definition or until another shape is specified. This means multiple light shapes can be created under a single name and turned on or off as a unit.

For systems like Pathfinder if you want to see exactly which grid cells areaffected by a Light/Aura.

Used with the cone shape. The angle of the cone in degrees, it determines the field of view covered by the light. Can be an integer value, e.g. arc\=120
Used with the beam shape. How wide the beam will be in map units. Can be a decimal, e.g. width\=1.4
Used with the cone and beam shape. For cones, how many degrees off center the shape begins; for beams, how many degrees off center to the center-line of the beam. Can be an integer value, e.g. offset\=120

GM and OWNER apply only to auras (see below).

IGNORES-VBL allows the light or aura to render through VBL.

An optional keyword that adds the token's footprint (size) to the distance so vision starts at token's edge vs the token's center.

A distance in map units as measured from the centerpoint of the grid cell.

Can have additional definitions;

  • A \#rrggbb hex color component appended to determine color.
  • A +x lumens value, with x equaling an integer (-x can instead be used to provide a negative lumens value). If not provided, the value will default to 100. If set to a negative number, the light will instead act as darkness and subtract it's area from the FoW. Lights are processed in order of their absolute value of lumens. eg. Darkness with lumens\=-20 will cover over any light with lumens <\= 20 and any light with lumens >\= 21 will expose through any darkness with a lumens value of -1 to -20.

    *Note\: Personal Lights defined in Sight have a default lumens value of 100. So a typical sight defined for Darkvision will see through any lights with a lumens value of -1 through -99. To overcome Darkvision, use lumens values <\= -100.


Sample Lights - 5' grid 
Candle - 5 \: 7.5 12.5\#000000
Lamp - 15 \: 17.5 32.5\#000000
Torch - 20 \: 22.5 42.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye (leaks light) - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000 circle 2.5\#000000
Daylight Spell - 60 \: 62.5+50 122.5\#000000+50
Nightvision goggles - 40 \: cone arc\=30 42.5\#00e000+30

Magical Darkness
Deeper Darkness - 60\: circle 62.5-130
Darkness - 20 (CL2)\: circle 22.5-20
Darkness - 20 (CL4)\: circle 22.5-40


To create an aura, put the keyword aura at the beginning of the definition. Auras radiate a colored area and interact with the vision blocking layer (i.e. are blocked by VBL), but do not actually cast any visible light and do not expose any fog-of-war. GM-only auras are only visible by clients logged into the server as GM. They remain visible even when the map is in Show As Player mode. Owner-only auras areonly visible to the player(s) who owns the token. They are always visibleto the GM. See examples, below.

In the following example, the GM-only auras are red, the owner-only auras are green, and the player auras are blue. You can of course define your own colors.

Sample Auras\: 5' grid
Aura red 5 \: aura square GM 2.5\#ff0000
Aura red 10 \: aura GM 7.5\#ff0000
Aura Owner Also 5 \: aura square owner 2.5\#00ff00
Aura Owner Also 10 \: aura owner 7.5\#00ff00
Aura Player Also 5 \: aura square 2.5\#0000ff
Aura Player Also 10 \: aura 7.5\#0000ff

The first line creates a square GM-only aura in red that is 5-feet across. The second creates a round GM-only aura in red with a 15-foot diameter. Lines three and four do the same thing, but with a green aura that is only visible to players who own the token with the aura attached to it. Lines five and six are visible to all players and are in blue.

New Interesting Auras\: 5' grid
Side Fields - 12.5\: aura cone arc\=90 12.5\#6666ff offset\=90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=-90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=180 12.5\#bb00aa
Donut Hole - 40\: aura circle 20 40\#ffff00
Donut Cone - 20\: aura cone arc\=30 10 20\#ffff00
Range Circles 30/60/90\: aura circle 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Range Arcs 30/60/90\: aura cone arc\=135 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Beam - 150\: aura beam width\=0.4 150\#ffff00
Side fields
4 cones with an arc of 90 degrees and range of 12.5.Each one offset to cover a different region.
Dounut Hole
This one hides a secret. If you have a range withno colour it becomes the range the light source begins. In this case the lightbegins at 20 and ends at 40.
Donut Cone
The same trick done with a cone.
Range Circles
A series of circles starting every 30 ft and ending 0.4 ft later.
Range Arcs
Another repeat, this one using cones.
A beam 150 ft long with a width of 0.4 map units
+CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.title = Propriedades da Campanha +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.group = Grupo\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.image = Imagem\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.images = Imagens\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.show = Mostrar Para\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.corner = Canto\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.preview = Pré-visualização\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.side = Lado\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.bar = Cor da Barra\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.background = Fundo\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.thick = Espessura\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.opacity = Opacidade\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.inc = Incrementos\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Ordem\: +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Todos os outros +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner + +TextureChooserPanel.title = Textura + +TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: +TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Tipo de Token +TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat-Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat-Sheet Properties +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties +TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type + + +# Token terrain modifier operations +Token.TerrainModifierOperation.NONE = Nenhum +Token.TerrainModifierOperation.MULTIPLY = Multiply +Token.TerrainModifierOperation.ADD = Adicionar +Token.TerrainModifierOperation.BLOCK = Block +Token.TerrainModifierOperation.FREE = Free + +# Token shapes +Token.TokenShape.TOP_DOWN = Top Down +Token.TokenShape.CIRCLE = Círculo +Token.TokenShape.SQUARE = Quadrado +Token.TokenShape.FIGURE = Figura + +Token.Type.PC = PC +Token.Type.NPC = NPC + +# Token sizes, from smallest to largest +TokenFootprint.name.fine = Fino +TokenFootprint.name.diminutive = Diminutivo +TokenFootprint.name.tiny = Miúdo +TokenFootprint.name.small = Pequeno +TokenFootprint.name.medium = Médio +TokenFootprint.name.large = Grande +TokenFootprint.name.huge = Enorme +# Humongous is only used on hex grids, comes after huge +TokenFootprint.name.humongous = Humongous +# The following are only used on square grids, come after huge +TokenFootprint.name.gargantuan = Imenso +TokenFootprint.name.colossal = Colossal + +# Token VBL Optimization methods +TokenVBL.JTS_SimplifyMethodType.DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_SIMPLIFIER = Douglas Peucker +TokenVBL.JTS_SimplifyMethodType.TOPOLOGY_PRESERVING_SIMPLIFIER = Topology Preserving +TokenVBL.JTS_SimplifyMethodType.VW_SIMPLIFIER = VW Simplifier +TokenVBL.JTS_SimplifyMethodType.NONE = No Optimization + +TransferProgressDialog.title = Assets in Transit +TransferProgressDialog.desc = These are images that are currently being retrieved from the server or a repository. + +SquareGrid.error.pathhighlightingNotLoaded = Não foi possível carregar a imagem de destacar o caminho. +SquareGrid.error.squareGridNotLoaded = Não foi possível carregar as pegadas da grade quadrada. + +Token.dropped.byPlayer = Tokens colocados no mapa "{0}" pelo jogador {1} +# This is the name given to new tokens if the New Token Naming preference +# is set to "Use "Creature"" +Token.name.creature = Criatura +Token.error.unableToPaste = Falha ao colar token(s) com nome(s) duplicado(s)\: {0} +Token.error.unableToRename = Não é possível renomear o token para "{0}", pois já existe outro token com esse nome no mapa.
Apenas o Mestre pode criar múltiplos tokens com o mesmo nome\! + +ToolbarPanel.manualFogActivated = Modificar manualmente o fog-of-war sem um servidor rodando afeta apenas a área exposta global (isto é, o mapa inteiro), mesmo
se um ou mais tokens forem selecionados. Se você quer que suas alterações se apliquem aos tokens individuais, inicie um servidor do MapTool com
Fog Individual ativado (você pode deixar o campo Alias vazio para fazer um servidor anônimo, se você desejar).

Este aviso não voltará a aparecer para esta campanha. + +TransferableHelper.error.ioException = Erro I/O durante a operação de arrastar/soltar. +TransferableHelper.error.unrecognizedAsset = Não foi possível recuperar recurso de arrastar/soltar. +TransferableHelper.error.unsupportedFlavorException = Tipo de dados não suportado durante operação de arrastar/soltar. +TransferableHelper.error.urlFlavor = Impossível ler URL_FLAVOR. +TransferableHelper.warning.badObject = Não foi possível obter dados de um objeto soltado.
Prováveis causas são um objeto vazio devido a um erro de rede (como configurações de proxy ou autenticação faltando)
ou possivelmente foi removido um objeto incompatível (como um tipo de arquivo inválido). +TransferableHelper.warning.tokensAddedAndExcluded = Adicionados {0,number} tokens. Havia {1,number} tokens que não puderam ser adicionados
porque eles não tinham nomes ou imagens. + +VisionDialog.error.EmptyDistance = Caixa de texto de Distância está vazia, insira uma distância. +VisionDialog.error.numericDistanceOnly = A distância deve ser numérica. +# These are for a first cut at a true vision UI but the code is +# currently not accessible by the user. +VisionDialog.msg.title = Visão + +# Movement metrics +WalkerMetric.NO_DIAGONALS = Sem Diagonais +# "Manhattan" refers to Manhattan Distance (See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry) +WalkerMetric.MANHATTAN = Manhattan +WalkerMetric.ONE_TWO_ONE = 1-2-1 +WalkerMetric.ONE_ONE_ONE = 1-1-1 + +# AI cell rounding options +Zone.AStarRoundingOptions.NONE = None +Zone.AStarRoundingOptions.CELL_UNIT = Cell Unit +Zone.AStarRoundingOptions.INTEGER = Inteiro + +# This message appears when a campaign is loaded and MapTool is scanning +# the maps and optimizing their memory footprint by collapsing +# drawables, if possible. +Zone.status.optimizing = Otimizando o mapa\: "{0}" + +ZoomStatusBar.tooltip = Nível de zoom + +action.addDefaultTables = Adicionar Tabelas Padrão... +action.addDefaultTables.description = Adiciona várias tabelas de imagens de dados e cartas à campanha. +action.addIconSelector = Adicionar Recurso à &Biblioteca... +action.addIconSelector.description = Abre uma caixa de diálogo para adicionar conteúdo local e remoto à sua Biblioteca de Recursos. +action.addOnLibraries = Bibliotecas de Add On... +action.adjustBoard = Ajustar quadro de mapa... +action.adjustBoard.description = Abra a caixa de diálogo para ajustar a posição da imagem do mapa incorporado. +action.adjustGrid = &Ajustar Grade... +action.adjustGrid.accel = shift A +action.adjustGrid.description = Abra o diálogo para ajustar as configurações da grade. +action.autohideNewIcons = Ocultar automaticamente novos tokens +action.autohideNewIcons.description = Novos tokens começam invisíveis para os jogadores. +action.autohideNewMaps = Ocultar automaticamente novos mapas +action.autohideNewMaps.description = Novos mapas começam invisíveis para os jogadores. +# Other actions which are not necessarily on the top menu but may +# appear on a context (i.e. right-click) menu or be connected to +# an editable field on a dialog. NOTE: MapTool 1.3 does not properly +# localize dialog labels yet! Only one or two dialogs have the +# necessary code for localization. +action.bootConnectedPlayer = Chutar... +action.campaignProperties = Propriedades da Campanha... +action.campaignProperties.description = Abre diálogo para configurar as Propriedades da Campanha. +action.cancelCommand = Não usado (action.cancelCommand) +action.clearDrawing = Limpar Todos os Desenhos +action.clearDrawing.accel = shift D +action.clearDrawing.description = Limpar irá limpar todos os desenhos da camada ativa e limpar todo o histórico de desfazer de desenhos. +action.clientConnect = Conectar a servidor... +action.clientConnect.description = Conectar como um cliente a um servidor. +action.clientDisconnect = Desconectar do Servidor... +action.clientDisconnect.description = Desconectar ou desligar o servidor. +action.collectPerformanceData = Coletar dados de desempenho +action.collectPerformanceData.description = Abre um painel flutuante que informa várias estatísticas de desempenho. +action.commandPanel = Painel de comando +# These next two are used internally but never appear on a menu item. +# In order to prevent I18N from warning that they don't exist these +# lines have been added. +action.commitCommand = Não usado (action.commitCommand) +action.newlineCommand = Not used (action.newlineCommand) +action.copyTokens = Copiar +action.copyTokens.accel = C +action.copyTokens.description = Copiar tokens selecionados para uma área de transferência interna. +action.copyZone = Copiar... +action.copyZone.description = Fazer uma cópia do mapa atual. +action.cutTokens = Cortar +action.cutTokens.accel = X +action.cutTokens.description = Cortar tokens selecionados para uma área de transferência interna. +action.debug.duplicateLastIcon = Duplicar Último Ícone (debug) +action.editMap = Editar Mapa... +action.editMap.description = Abra uma caixa de diálogo para editar as configurações do mapa atual. +# Is this accelerator a bad choice on OSX? The Mac uses Cmd-W to mean +# "close focused window"... Even if we answer "yes", should we change this? +# I hate to start putting os-specific settings into the properties file. :( +# Unless we add the "os.name" field as a prefix to all properties +# as a way to override what's here. For example, adding a property named +# mac os x.action.enabledFogOfWar.accel=f +# to indicate a platform-specific change to the accelerator...? +# With MapTool 1.4 expected to allow users to define their own accelerators +# this probably doesn't matter much. +action.enableFogOfWar = Fog-of-&War +action.enableFogOfWar.accel = W +action.enableFogOfWar.description = Habilita o fog-of-war para o mapa atual. +action.enforceNotification = Forçar Notificações de Digitação +action.enforceNotification.description = Forçar Notificações de Digitação. +action.enforceView = &Centralizar Jogadores na Visualização Atual +action.enforceView.accel = F +action.enforceView.description = Causes all clients to zoom to your current view. +action.enforceZone = &Forçar os Jogadores ao Mapa Atual +action.enforceZone.accel = E +action.enforceZone.description = Faz com que todos os clientes mudem para o mapa que você está. +action.error.noMapBoard = Não há nenhuma imagem de mapa. Use "Editar mapa..." para adicionar uma. +# Not used on the Mac, as the application menu will have 'Quit' added to +# it instead and Meta-Q set as the accelerator. Kind of ugly that it is +# hard-coded in the application, but that's OSX for you. ;-) +action.exit = Sai&r +action.exit.description = Sair do MapTool. +action.exportCampaignAs = Campaign As... +action.exportCampaignAs.description = Export current campaign to a version compatible with older MapTool releases. +action.exportScreenShot = Captura de tela +action.exportScreenShot.title = Exportar Screenshot +action.exportScreenShot.accel = shift S +action.exportScreenShot.description = Exporta a imagem do mapa atual. (Abre primeiro como "Capturar a Tela como...") +action.exportScreenShotAs = Capturar a tela como... +action.exportScreenShotAs.description = Abre uma caixa de diálogo para exportar uma imagem do mapa atual. +action.fullscreen = Modo Tela Cheia +action.fullscreen.accel = alt ENTER +action.fullscreen.description = Mudar para o modo de tela cheia escondendo todo o resto exceto a visualização do mapa. +action.toggleFullScreenTools = Ativar ferramentas no modo de tela cheia. +action.toggleFullScreenTools.accel = alt T +action.gatherDebugInfo = Coletar informações de depuração... +action.gatherDebugInfoWait = Coletando informações, por favor aguarde... +action.gatherDebugInfo.description = Coleta informações sobre o seu sistema para auxiliar na resolução de problemas ou relatar erros. +action.gridLineWight = Grid &Line Weight +# These are url menu actions. Each item consists of three keys. The first key is +# action.url.## which contains the displayed string. The second key is +# action.url.##.description which contains the url to load when the action is +# executed. The last key is action.url.##.icon which contains the image embedded +# inside the MapTool JAR file which appears on the menu item. +action.helpurl.01 = Documentação +action.helpurl.01.description = https\://www.rptools.net/toolbox/maptool/ +action.helpurl.02 = Tutoriais +action.helpurl.02.description = https\://www.rptools.net/tutorials/ +action.helpurl.03 = Fóruns +action.helpurl.03.description = http\://forums.rptools.net/ +action.helpurl.04 = Configuração de Redes (tópico do fórum) +action.helpurl.04.description = http\://forums.rptools.net/viewtopic.php?f\=22&t\=3370 +action.helpurl.05 = Scripting de Macro +action.helpurl.05.description=https\://wiki.rptools.info/index.php/Main_Page +action.helpurl.06 = Estruturas +action.helpurl.06.description = https\://wiki.rptools.info/index.php/Frameworks +action.hideMap = &Visível para Jogadores +action.hideMap.accel = H +action.hideMap.description = Alterna a visibilidade do mapa para os jogadores. +action.linkPlayerView = Centralizar Jogadores na Visão Atual (Contínuo) +action.linkPlayerView.accel = shift F +action.linkPlayerView.description = Faz com que todos os clientes acompanhem continuamente a sua visão. +action.loadCampaign = &Abrir Campanha... +action.playerDatabase = Banco de Dados do Jogador +action.loadCampaign.accel = O +action.loadCampaign.description = Carregar uma campanha salva anteriormente. +action.loadMap = &Importar Mapa... +action.loadMap.description = Carregar um mapa salvo anteriormente. +action.loadMap.warning1 = Este é um recurso experimental. Salve a sua campanha antes de usar este recurso (você é um Mestre logado remotamente). +action.loadMap.warning2 = Ajuda abre o navegador para discussão no tópico do fórum e cancela esta importação. +action.loadMap.warning3 = Sim reconhece os problemas e em seguida importa o mapa. +action.loadMap.warning4 = Não fecha este painel e cancela a importação. +action.import.dungeondraft = Importar VTT Universal... +action.import.dungeondraft.dialog.title = Importar Arquivo VTT Universal +action.loadSaveDialog = DEBUG CARREGAR/SALVAR +action.loadSaveDialog.accel = F5 +action.macro.addNewToSelected = Adicionar Novo ao Selecionado +action.macro.clearGroup = Limpar Grupo... +action.macro.clearPanel = Limpar Painel... +action.macro.delete = Excluir... +action.macro.deleteFromCommon = Excluir do Comum... +action.macro.duplicate = Duplicar +action.macro.duplicateOnSelected = Duplicar Macro em Selecionado +action.macro.edit = Editar... +action.macro.export = Exportar... +action.macro.exportCommon = Exportar Macro Comum... +action.macro.exportCommonSet = Exportar Conjunto de Macros Comum... +action.macro.exportSet = Exportar Conjunto de Macros... +action.macro.exportGroup = Exportar Grupo de Macros... +action.macro.import = Importar... +action.macro.importSet = Importar Conjunto de Macros... +action.macro.importSetToSelected = Importar Conjunto de Macros para Selecionado... +action.macro.importToSelected = Importar Macro para Selecionado... +action.macro.new = Adicionar Nova Macro +action.macro.renameGroup = Renomear Grupo de Macros... +action.macro.reset = Redefinir +action.macro.runForEachSelected = Executar para Cada Selecionado +action.macroEditor.gotoLine = &Ir para a Linha... +action.macroEditor.gotoLine.accel = L +action.macroEditor.searchFind = &Localizar... +action.macroEditor.searchFind.accel = F +action.macroEditor.searchReplace = &Repor... +action.macroEditor.searchReplace.accel = H +action.macroEditor.showFindSearchBar = Mostrar Barra de Busca +action.macroEditor.showFindSearchBar.accel = shift F +action.macroEditor.showReplaceSearchBar = Show Replace Search Bar +action.macroEditor.showReplaceSearchBar.accel = shift H +# File Menu +action.newCampaign = &Nova Campanha +action.newCampaign.description = Descarta a campanha atual e cria uma campanha com o mapa Campo. +# Map Menu +action.newMap = Novo mapa... +action.newMap.accel = N +action.newMap.description = Abre uma caixa de diálogo para adicionar um novo mapa para a campanha atual. +action.newToken = Novo Token... +action.newUnboundedMap = New Tiled Map... +action.newUnboundedMap.accel = shift n +action.openLogConsole = Abrir Console de Log +action.openLogConsole.title = Console de Log +action.openLogConsole.description = Abre o Console de Log para exibir o resultado de log. +action.pasteTokens = Colar +action.pasteTokens.accel = V +action.pasteTokens.description = Colar área de transferência interna ao local atual do mouse. +action.preferences = Preferências... +action.preferences.description = Abre diálogo de Preferências. +action.redoDrawing = Refazer Desenho +action.redoDrawing.accel = R +action.redoDrawing.description = Refaça o desenho mais recente no histórico de desfazer. +action.refresh = Atualizar +action.refresh.accel = F5 +action.removeAssetRoot = Remover... +action.removeZone = Excluir... +action.removeZone.description = Excluir o mapa atual da campanha. +action.renameMap = Renomear... +action.renameMap.description = Renomear o mapa atual. +action.rescanNode = Reescanear... +action.restoreDefaultImages = Restaurar Imagens &Padrão... +action.restoreDefaultImages.description = Restaura os tokens, texturas, dados e outras imagens para a Biblioteca de Recursos. +action.restoreFogOfWar = Restaurar Fog-of-War +action.restoreFogOfWar.accel = shift R +action.restoreFogOfWar.description = Restaura o fog of war para o mapa atual (apague todo FoW revelado). +action.revealFogAtWaypoints.description = Revelar Fog-of-War apenas nos pontos de início e fim, bem como definir pontos de trajeto. +action.revealFogAtWaypoints = FoW\: Expor apenas nos pontos de trajeto +action.revealFogAtWaypoints.accel = shift W +action.runMacro = &Executar Macro +action.runMacro.accel = typed / +action.runMacro.description = Torna ativa a janela de chat e inicia a linha com uma barra(/). +action.saveCampaign = &Salvar Campanha +action.saveCampaign.accel = S +action.saveCampaign.description = Salve todos os recursos (mapas, tokens, tabelas, etc) em um único arquivo. +action.saveCampaignAs = Salvar Campanha &Como... +action.saveCampaignAs.accel = A +action.saveCampaignAs.description = Salve todos os recursos (mapas, tokens, tabelas, etc) em um único arquivo. +action.saveMapAs = &Exportar Mapa... +action.saveMapAs.description = Salve um mapa em um arquivo externo. +action.saveMessageHistory = Salvar &Histórico de Log do Chat... +action.saveMessageHistory.description = Salve o conteúdo do seu log de chat, incluindo sussurros. +action.nextToken = Select next token +# Tool +action.sendChat = C&hat +action.sendChat.accel = ENTER +action.chat.color.tooltip = Definir a cor do seu texto de escrita +action.chat.scrolllock.tooltip = Scroll lock +action.chat.showhide.tooltip = Mostrar/ocultar notificação de digitação +#action.addIconSelector.accel=ctrl shift i +action.serverStart = Iniciar Servidor... +action.serverStart.description = Inicie um servidor para que outros clientes do MapTool possam se conectar a você. +action.setZoneGridColor = Definir Cor de Grade... +# Help +action.showAboutDialog = &Sobre... +action.showAboutDialog.description = Mostrar informações sobre MapTool. +action.showConnectionInfo = &Informações de Conexão... +action.showConnectionInfo.description = Abre a janela exibindo o endereço IP local e externo da sua conexão, bem como a Porta sendo usada. +action.showCoordinates = Mostrar &Coordenadas +action.showCoordinates.description = Exibir coordenadas em linha/coluna. Apenas para grades quadradas. +action.showGrid = Mostrar &Grade +action.showGrid.accel = G +action.showGrid.description = Alterna a exibição da grade entre ligada e desligada. +action.showLightRadius = Mostrar &Luzes do Token +action.showLightRadius.accel = L +action.showLightRadius.description = Faz com que camadas de luz sejam habilitadas para todos os tokens que têm um fonte de luz. +action.showLightSources = Mostrar Fontes de Luz +action.showLightSources.accel = K +action.showLightSources.description = Displays a light bulb icon on all tokens with a Light Source. GM Only +# Currently unused but the code is in place which searches for this key, so... +action.showMapSelector = &MiniMapa +action.showMapSelector.accel = M +action.showMovementMeasures = Mostrar &Distâncias do Movimento +action.showMovementMeasures.accel = D +action.showTextLabels = Exibir Rótulos de Texto +action.showMovementMeasures.description = Mostrar a distância percorrida por um token enquanto o arrasta. +action.showNames = Mostrar os Nomes dos &Tokens +action.showNames.accel = T +action.showNames.description = Exibe os nomes abaixo dos tokens.
NPC Visível\: Branco com Azul
PC Visível\: Preto com Cinzenta
Não visível\: Branco com Cinza Escura. +action.showPlayerView = Mostrar como Jogador +action.showPlayerView.accel = shift P +action.showPlayerView.description = Causes your view to (mostly) show what a player would see. +action.toggleDoubleWide = &Straight Line Width Doubled +action.toggleDoubleWide.description = When selected the line template will draw straight lines at double width. +action.showLumensOverlay = Show Lumens Overlay +action.showLumensOverlay.description = Render the lumens levels on top of the map. +action.showLights = Show Lights +action.showLights.description = Draw lights onto the map as part of the environment. + +action.toggleDrawMeasurements = Exibir &Distâncias do Desenho +action.toggleDrawMeasurements.description = When selected the drawing tools will display distances during drawing. +action.toggleMovementLock = &Bloquear Movimento do Jogador +action.toggleMovementLock.accel = shift L +action.toggleMovementLock.description = Bloqueia o movimento para tokens de propriedade do jogador. +action.toggleTokenEditorLock = Bloquear Editor de Token do Jogador +action.toggleTokenEditorLock.description = Bloqueia o acesso ao Editor de Tokens. +action.toggleNewZonesHaveFOW = New Maps have Fog of War +action.toggleTokensStartSnapToGrid = Iniciar com Alinhar à Grade Ativado para Tokens +# Edit Menu +action.undoDrawing = Desfazer Desenho +action.undoDrawing.accel = Z +action.undoDrawing.description = Removes the last drawing placing it in the undo history. +action.useAlphaFog = Toggle Translucent Fog +action.zoom100 = Zoom 1\:1 +action.zoom100.accel = typed + +# View +action.zoomIn = &Ampliar +action.zoomIn.accel = typed \= +action.zoomLock = Travar Zoom +action.zoomOut = &Reduzir +action.zoomOut.accel = typed - + +addtokenstate.added = A condição do token "{0}" foi adicionado +# Slash command info +addtokenstate.description = Adicionar uma nova condição do token que pode ser definido em tokens. +addtokenstate.exists = Uma condição do token com o nome "{0}" já existe. +addtokenstate.invalidColor = An invalid color "{0}" was passed as a parameter. Valid values are hex or integer numbers or the name of a common color (black, blue, cyan, darkgray, gray, green, lightgray, magenta, orange, pink, red, white, yellow). +addtokenstate.invalidCorner = An invalid corner name "{0}" was passed as a parameter. Valid values are nw, ne, sw, se. +addtokenstate.invalidNumber = Um número inválido "{0}" foi passado como um parâmetro. +addtokenstate.noOverlyType = There is no overlay type with the name "{0}". Valid types are "dot, circle, shade, X, cross, diamond, yield or triangle". +addtokenstate.param = A token state name and overlay name are required. + +admin.exportCampaignRepo = Arquivo do Repositório da Campanha... +admin.exportCampaignRepo.description = Exportar um arquivo de repositório de campanha. +admin.updateCampaignRepo = Atualizar Repositório de Campanha... + +alias.added = Alias "{0}" added. +alias.commandHeader = Command +alias.descriptionHeader = Description +alias.description = Create an alias. +alias.header = Alias +alias.removed = Alias "{0}" removido. +alias.notFound = Alias "{0}" not found. +alias.campaign.title = Campaign Aliases +alias.client.title = Client Aliases +alias.addon.title = Aliases defined by {0} ({1}) Add-On . + + +changecolor.description = Change your chat text color via macros. Color must be in hexadecimal format. Example\: /cc \#ff0099 + +clear.description = Clear the message panel. + +clearaliases.description = Clear all aliases. +clearaliases.prompt = Clear all aliases? + +color.olive = olive + +component.areaGroup.macro.commonMacros = Macros Comuns +component.areaGroup.macro.noMacros = No Macros +component.dialogTitle.macro.macroID = ID da Macro +component.label.macro.allowPlayerEdits = Permitir que Jogadores Editem Macros +component.label.macro.applyToSelected = Aplicar aos Tokens Selecionados +component.label.macro.autoExecute = Executar Automaticamente +component.label.macro.buttonColor = Cor do Botão +component.label.macro.command = Comando +component.label.macro.compareApplyToSelected = Usar Aplicar aos Tokens Selecionados +component.label.macro.compareUseAutoExecute = Usar Executar Automaticamente +component.label.macro.compareUseCommand = Usar Comando +component.label.macro.compareUseGroup = Usar Grupo +component.label.macro.compareUseIncludeLabel = Usar Incluir Rótulo +component.label.macro.compareUseSortPrefix = Use Sort Prefix +component.label.macro.displayHotKey = Display Hot Key? +component.label.macro.fontColor = Cor da Fonte +component.label.macro.fontSize = Tamanho da Fonte +component.label.macro.group = Grupo +component.label.macro.hotKey = Tecla de atalho +component.label.macro.includeLabel = Incluir Rótulo +component.label.macro.label = Rótulo +component.label.macro.macroCommonality = Macro Commonality +component.label.macro.maxWidth = Largura Máxima +component.label.macro.minWidth = Largura Mínima +component.label.macro.sortPrefix = Sort Prefix +component.label.macro.toolTip = Tooltip +component.tab.macro.details = Detalhes +component.tab.macro.editor = Editor +component.tab.macro.options = Opções +component.tooltip.macro.allowPlayerEdits = Selecione isto para permitir que jogadores editem esta macro. +component.tooltip.macro.applyToSelected = Check here to run this macro against the currently selected tokens. Uncheck to run this macro outside of the context of any selected tokens. If this macro references one or more token properties, it should be checked. +component.tooltip.macro.autoExecute = Check to run the macro as soon as its button is pressed. Uncheck to impersonate (if applicable) and prepare the macro command in the command box. +#TODO: Write tooltip for this. +component.tooltip.macro.buttonColor = Selecione a cor da face do botão desta macro. +component.tooltip.macro.compareUseApplyToSelected = Check here to consider this macro's Use Apply to Selected Tokens state when determining its commonality with other macros. +component.tooltip.macro.compareUseAutoExecute = Check here to consider this macro's Auto Execute state when determining its commonality with other macros. +component.tooltip.macro.compareUseCommand = Check here to consider this macro's Command when determining its commonality with other macros. +component.tooltip.macro.compareUseGroup = Check here to consider this macro's Group when determining its commonality with other macros. +component.tooltip.macro.compareUseIncludeLabel = Check here to consider this macro's Include Label state when determining its commonality with other macros. +component.tooltip.macro.compareUseSortPrefix = Check here to consider this macro's Sort Prefix when determining its commonality with other macros. +component.tooltip.macro.displayHotKey = Exibir ou Ocultar a Tecla de Atalho no botão da macro. +component.tooltip.macro.fontColor = Selecione a cor na qual o rótulo para o botão desta macro aparecerá nos painéis de botões de macros. +component.tooltip.macro.fontSize = Selected the size of the font in which the label for this macro's button will appear in the macro button panels. +component.tooltip.macro.group = Este é o grupo no painel de botões de macros, no qual esta macro irá aparecer. Se o grupo não existir, será criado. +component.tooltip.macro.hotKey = Isto define uma tecla de atalho para esta macro. Estas teclas de atalho são comuns em todos os painéis de macros. +component.tooltip.macro.includeLabel = Marque aqui para incluir o rótulo da macro, com a saída da macro no chat. Desmarque apenas a saída da macro aparecer no chat. +# These really should use the ".description" style that is used by the menu +# selections, above. We'll convert these to new names later on and when +# we do, we'll convert all translation files at the same time. +component.tooltip.macro.label = This is the name that will appear on the macro button. +component.tooltip.macro.maxWidth = Especifique a largura máxima que este botão de macro deve preencher em um painel de botões de macros. Se o rótulo para o botão da macro exceder esta largura, o rótulo será cortada. Deixar este campo em branco permitirá que o botão se encaixe automaticamente no comprimento do rótulo. +component.tooltip.macro.minWidth = Specify the minimum width this macro button should fill in a macro button panel. If the label for the macro button exceeds this width, the button will grow to accommodate it. Leaving this filed blank will allow the button to shrink to auto-fit smaller labels. +component.tooltip.macro.sortPrefix = Isto determina a ordem dentro deste grupo em que esta macro irá aparecer. +component.tooltip.macro.tooltip = Enter a tool tip for the macro button to display here. +component.msg.macro.textfound = Texto encontrado; ocorrências marcadas\: {0} +component.msg.macro.occurrences = Ocorrências marcadas\: {0} +component.msg.macro.notfound = Texto não encontrado + +# The IP address in these next two messages comes from the results of the ConnectionInfoDialog contacting the RPTools Registry and asking for it. +# It's obviously possible that this will fail. In those cases the string returned will be "Unknown". The first line is for the confirmation dialog and the +# other two appear as output in the chat window. +confirm.info.heartbeat.registryFailure = Connection refresh to the MapTool registry failed.

The registry server will purge records periodically, making it difficult for future clients to connect.
If this persists, you will need to provide clients with your contact information directly (IP address "{0}" and port {1}). +confirm.macro.allowPlayerEdits = Tem certeza que deseja permitir que os jogadores editem qualquer macro comum com esta?

Selecione "Sim" para continuar com essa mudança. Selecione "Não" para reverter. +confirm.macro.checkComparisons = Do you want to check comparison criteria for each common macro before adding it to the export list?

If you select "No", MapTool will not prompt you if any of a particular macro's commonality criteria are deselected. A macro with deselected macro criteria may be exported with missing information. For example, if a macro with "Command" comparison deselected is added to the export list, that macro will be exported without a command. +confirm.macro.clearGroup = You are about to clear the {0} macro group. Are you sure you want to continue? +confirm.macro.clearPanel = You are about to clear the {0} macro panel. Are you sure you want to continue? +confirm.macro.commonSelectionLocation = within the common selection macros +# The only parameter for *most* translation strings is the +# player's name (as it appears in the Connection panel). Some +# strings, particularly the ones dealing with macro messages, have +# multiple parameters. It's usually pretty obvious what propertyType of +# value is being used as a parameter, but some messages have a comment +# directly above them to clarify, if appropriate. +# +# Valid patterns used to express parameters are: +# {num} replace the parameter with a string +# {num,propertyType,size} +# propertyType can be 'time' or 'date' (for java.util.Date objects), +# 'number' to indicate a numeric propertyType, +# and size can be +# 'short', 'int', or 'long' for numeric arguments of the same propertyType. +# +# Check the javadoc for the 'MessageFormat' class for more details on the +# formatting of values in this file (the time and date ones are particularly +# tricky, but thankfully aren't used much in MapTool). The URL is in the +# comments at the top of this file. +# General confirmation-propertyType messages +confirm.macro.delete = You are about to delete the {0} macro.

Do you wish to continue? +confirm.macro.disallowPlayerEdits = Tem certeza que deseja impedir que os jogadores editem qualquer macro comum com esta?

Selecione "Sim" para continuar com essa mudança. Selecione "Não" para reverter. +confirm.macro.exportInto = You are about to export the {0} macro.

Do you wish to continue? +confirm.macro.exportOverwrite = You are about to overwrite an existing macro file.

Do you wish to continue? +confirm.macro.exportSetInto = Você está prestes a exportar a macro atual.

Deseja continuar? +confirm.macro.exportSetOverwrite = You are about to overwrite an existing macro set file.

Do you wish to continue? +confirm.macro.failComparison = Macro {0} has the following comparison criteria deselected\:


Do you wish to add this macro to the export list?

Selecting "Yes" will result in the macro being exported without the information listed. +confirm.macro.import = The import macro {0} appears to match a macro that already exists {1}. Do you wish to import the macro again?

Select "Yes" to import the macro anyway. Select "No" to cancel import of the macro.

If you believe the macros are not the same, select "No" and verify the commonality criteria of the existing macro on the "Options" tab of its edit dialog. +# {0} is the name of the frame that contains the macro: Global, Campaign, etc. +confirm.macro.panelLocation = within the {0} panel +confirm.macro.reset = Você está prestes a redefinir todos os campos da macro {0}.

Deseja continuar? +# {0} is the token's Name field +confirm.macro.tokenLocation = on {0} + +defaultTool.barMenu = Barra +defaultTool.ownerMenu = Proprietário +defaultTool.stateAction.AFK = Away From Keyboard +defaultTool.stateAction.AFK.accel = typed Pause +defaultTool.stateAction.StableHP = Stabilized +defaultTool.stateAction.clear = Limpar Condição +# My campaign has the following states. Putting their descriptions +# here is decidedly obscure. :) There should be fields on the Campaign +# Properties' States tab for this instead. Although it's questionable +# whether user-defined states need to be translated anyway! +# AFK Dead Fly Other4 Song +# Bless Deafened Haste Paralyzed StableHP +# Blind Disabled Hidden Poisoned Staggered +# Bloody25 Dying Incapacitated Prayer Stunned +# Bloody50 EnergyDrained Levitate PrayerFOE Turned +# Bloody75 Enraged Marked Prone Unconscious +# Bloody100 Entangled Other Shield Update +# Confused Fatigued Other2 Sickened +# Dazed Fear Other3 Slowed +defaultTool.stateAction.light = Luz... +defaultTool.stateMenu = &Condição +defaultTool.visionMenu = Visão + +dialog.addresource.downloading = Baixando Lista ... +dialog.addresource.errorDownloading = Erro ao baixar lista. +dialog.addresource.warn.badpath = Caminho inválido +dialog.addresource.warn.couldnotload = Erro ao baixar a biblioteca +dialog.addresource.warn.directoryrequired = Precisa ser um diretório +dialog.addresource.warn.filenotfound = Não foi possível encontrar o recurso "{0}" +dialog.addresource.warn.invalidurl = URL inválido\: {0} +dialog.addresource.warn.musthavename = Must supply a name for the library +dialog.addresource.warn.mustselectone = Must select at least one library to download +dialog.addresource.error.malformedurl = Artpack URL {0} is malformed. Please check your installation. +dialog.addresource.warn.badresourceid = Bad resource identifier\: {0}. Report error to MapTool team. +dialog.campaignExport.notes.version. = Exporting to this version will strip out any drawables and any campaign settings for Lumens.
Tokens with VBL will loose this functionality as well as any Always Visible values.
Merged Drawings will still be present but their label in Draw Explorer will not show as normal.

Note\: Macros will remain unchanged, so any reference to newer functionality not available in this version will cause normal errors when ran. +dialog.campaignExport.notes.version. = Exporting to this version will strip out any campaign settings for Lumens.
Tokens with VBL will loose this functionality as well as any Always Visible values.
Merged Drawings will still be present but their label in Draw Explorer will not show as normal.

Note\: Macros will remain unchanged, so any reference to newer functionality not available in this version will cause normal errors when ran. +dialog.campaignExport.notes.version.1.4.1..1.5.0 = Exporting to this version will make sure the former format of the content.xml inside the campaign file is kept and the unitsPerCell value for zones/maps is an integer (vs. double in the newer versions). +dialog.campaignExport.notes.version.1.5.1 = Exporting to this version will make sure the former format of the content.xml inside the campaign file is kept. +dialog.campaignexport.error.invalidversion = Unable to export, an invalid version number was detected. +dialog.colorChooser.title = Escolha a Cor +dialog.copyZone.msg = Nome do novo mapa\: +# {0} is the current map name +dialog.copyZone.initial = Cópia do {0} +dialog.resizeStamp.title = Automatically Resize Stamp +dialog.resizeStamp.checkbox.horizontal.anchor = Ajustar Âncora Horizontal? +dialog.resizeStamp.checkbox.vertical.anchor = Ajustar Âncora Vertical? +dialog.resizeStamp.label.height = Altura\: +dialog.resizeStamp.label.height.selected = Número de Células Verticais Selecionadas\: +dialog.resizeStamp.label.px = px +dialog.resizeStamp.label.stampDimensions = Stamp Dimensions +dialog.resizeStamp.label.width = Largura\: +dialog.resizeStamp.label.width.selected = Número de Células Horizontais Selecionadas\: +dialog.resizeStamp.toolTip = Adjust the Anchor point so when snapping to grid, the grid aligns. Useful when the left edge of the stamp has a partial cell. +dialog.screenshot.error.failedExportingImage = Erro ao exportar a imagem. +dialog.screenshot.error.failedImageGeneration = Falha ao gerar imagem. +dialog.screenshot.error.invalidDialogSettings = Configurações de diálogo inválidas... Por favor, reporte erros\! +dialog.screenshot.error.mustSelectView = É necessário selecionar a visão. +dialog.screenshot.error.negativeFogExtents = Error computing fog extents... Please send campaign for debugging. +dialog.screenshot.error.noArea = Captura de tela não tem área. +dialog.screenshot.layer.button.uiImplementationError = Enums in class do not match Abeille form variables. Please report bug. +dialog.screenshot.msg.GeneratingScreenshot = Gerando captura de tela. +dialog.screenshot.msg.screenshotSaved = Captura de tela salva +dialog.screenshot.msg.screenshotSaving = Salvando a captura de tela +dialog.screenshot.msg.screenshotStreaming = Screenshot streaming +dialog.screenshot.radio.button.uiImplementationError = Enums in class do not match Abeille form variables. Please report bug. +dialog.stampTool.error.badSelection = Please create a larger selection area. +dialog.stampTool.error.noSelection = Please select an area that starts and stops over the token. +dialog.mapProperties.title = Propriedades do Mapa +dialog.importedMapProperties.title = Propriedades do Mapa Importadas + +dungeondraft.import.unknownFormat = Unrecognized format value in Universal VTT file\: {0}. +dungeondraft.import.missingFormatField = No format specifier found. Invalid file format. +dungeondraft.import.ioError = IO Error importing map. +dungeondraft.import.missingResolution = Resolution field missing in import file. +dungeondraft.import.missingPixelsPerGrid = Campo pixels por grade faltando no arquivo importado. +dungeondraft.import.image = Campo imagem faltando no arquivo importado. +dungeondraft.import.lightsIgnored = Some lights where ignored as X,Y co-ordinates where missing. + + +emit.description = Broadcast text to all connected players without indicating who sent it (GM only command). + +emote.description = Broadcast an emote to all connected players. + +emoteplural.description = Broadcast plural emote to all connected players. + +experiments.description = Start experimental features. +# Experimental features +experiments.listTitle = Características Experimentais (use a seu próprio risco). + +# Filename extension descriptions +# (These should be more consistent. Maybe in 1.4. Sigh.) +file.ext.cmpgn = Campanha MapTool +file.ext.mtmacro = Macro MapTool +file.ext.mtmacset = Conjunto de Macros MapTool +file.ext.mtprops = Propriedades da Campanha MapTool +file.ext.mttable = Tabela MapTool +file.ext.rpmap = Mapa MapTool +file.ext.rptok = Token MapTool +file.ext.dungeondraft = Universal VTT Map (.dd2vtt, .df2vtt, .uvtt) +file.ext.addOnLib = Maptool Add-On Library + +goto.description = Goto location or token. /goto X,Y or /goto tokenname. + +help.description = Exibe lista de comandos disponíveis. +help.header.aliases = Aliases +# Next three are for the titles generated in the table of commands in /help +help.header.command = Slash Command +help.header.description = Descrição + +impersonate.description = Fale como se você fosse alguma outra pessoa/coisa. +impersonate.mustOwn = Apenas os donos de/a {0} podem imitar ou executar macros nele/a. + +initPanel.addAll = Adicionar Todos +initPanel.addPCs = Adicionar PCs +initPanel.center = Centralizar no Mapa +initPanel.clearInitState = Limpar Iniciativa +initPanel.displayMessage = {0} recebeu a iniciativa. +initPanel.enterState = Insira a iniciativa para {0}\: +initPanel.enterStateMany = Digite a iniciativa para os tokens selecionados\: +initPanel.initStateSecondLine = Iniciativa na segunda Linha +initPanel.makeCurrent = Tornar Atual +initPanel.moveDown = Mover para Baixo +initPanel.moveUp = Mover para cima +initPanel.next = Próximo +initPanel.next.description = Move a iniciativa para o próximo token. +initPanel.prev = Anterior +initPanel.prev.description = Move a iniciativa para o token anterior. +initPanel.remove = Remover Token +initPanel.removeAll = Remover Tudo +# Initiative Panel +initPanel.round = Rodada\: +initPanel.round.description = Redefine o contador de Rodada e limpa a iniciativa atual. +initPanel.setInitState = Definir Iniciativa... +initPanel.showInitStates = Mostrar Iniciativa +initPanel.showTokenStates = Mostrar as Condições do Token +initPanel.showTokens = Mostrar Tokens +initPanel.sort = Ordenar +initPanel.sort.description = Ordenar a lista por valores de iniciativa. Usa ordem descendente por padrão, com qualquer valor não-numérico vindo após qualquer número e qualquer valor em branco vindo por último. +initPanel.toggleHideNPCs = Ocultar NPCs +initPanel.toggleHideNPCs.description = Quando ativado, os jogadores não verão nenhum token de NPC nesta lista. +initPanel.toggleHold = Alinhar a Direita +initPanel.toggleHold.description = Toggle Hold for selected token. +initPanel.toggleMovementLock = Bloquear Movimento +initPanel.toggleMovementLock.description = When enabled, only the token with initiative can be moved (unless by GMs). +initPanel.toggleOwnerPermissions = Permissões de Proprietário +initPanel.toggleOwnerPermissions.description = Allow players with token ownership to add/remove their tokens, and use the Next button when it is their turn. +initPanel.toggleReverseSort = Usar Ordem de Classificação Reversa +initPanel.toggleReverseSort.description = Use a Ordem Invertida (Ascendente) ao Ordenar a partir deste menu. +initPanel.togglePanelButtonsDisabled = Desabilitar Botões do Painel +initPanel.togglePanelButtonsDisabled.description = Desativar os botões Próximo/Anterior no Painel de Iniciativa. Útil para evitar erros ao gerenciar iniciativas através de outras macros. +initPanel.buttonsAreDisabled = Os botões do painel foram desativados pelo GM. + +# Initiative menu on the token popup. +initiative.menu = Iniciativa +initiative.menu.add = Adicionar +initiative.menu.addToInitiative = Adicionar à Iniciativa +initiative.menu.clearState = Limpar Iniciativa +initiative.menu.enterState = Defina a iniciativa para os tokens selecionados\: +initiative.menu.hold = Hold +initiative.menu.remove = Remover +initiative.menu.resume = Resumir +initiative.menu.setState = Definir Iniciativa... + + +layer.token = Token +layer.gm = Oculto +layer.object = Objeto +layer.background = Fundo + +lightDialog.cancel = &Cancelar +lightDialog.off = O&ff +lightDialog.ok = &OK + +lineParser.atTokenNotFound = Macro not found\: "{0}@token". +lineParser.badOptionFound = Bad option found\! Options String \= "{0}", Roll String \= "{1}". +# {0} is the roll options string. +lineParser.badRollOpt = Bad Roll option "{0}". +lineParser.countNonNeg = Count option requires a non negative number, got {0}. +# {0} = token name or gm name. +# Notice there are no double quotes around {0}. +lineParser.dialogTitle = Input Value for {0}. +lineParser.dialogTitleNoToken = Input Value. +lineParser.dialogValueFor = Value For "{0}" +lineParser.duplicateLibTokens = Duplicate "{0}" tokens found. +lineParser.emptyTokenName = Cannot assign a blank or empty string to the variable token.name +lineParser.errorBodyRoll = Error in body of roll. +# {0} = the error, {1} = the expression +lineParser.errorExecutingExpression = {0} error executing expression {1}. +# {0} = the option (e.g. FOR, COUNT), {1} = error message. +# Notice that {1} doesn't have quotes around it. +lineParser.errorProcessingOpt = Error processing "{0}" option\: {1}. +lineParser.errorStmtBody = Statement Body +lineParser.errorStmtBodyFirst200 = Statement Body (first 200 characters) +lineParser.errorStmtOpts = Statement options (if any) +lineParser.forNoZeroStep = Step size for FOR loop cannot be zero. +lineParser.forVarMissing = FOR\: variável faltando. +lineParser.foreachVarMissing = FOREACH\: variável faltando. +lineParser.ifError = Error in roll for IF option. +lineParser.invalidCondition = Condição inválida em {0}({1}) opção de rolagem. +lineParser.invalidExpr = Expressão inválida\: {0}. +lineParser.invalidIfCond = Invalid IF condition\: {0}, evaluates to\: {1}. +lineParser.invalidMacroLoc = Must specify a location for the macro "{0}" to be run from. +lineParser.invalidWhile = Invalid condition in WHILE({0}) roll option. +lineParser.libUnableToExec = Não foi possível executar a macro do "{0}"\: não é visível parar o jogador. +lineParser.cantAssignToConstant = Constant "{0}" is not a valid assignment target. +# MapToolLineParser errors +# Note that many of the errors detected by the line parser will include +# single and/or double quotes. That means we don't want to add any here +# unless we are absolutely sure that they should always be printed and +# will be useful to the user. Don't change these without testing... +lineParser.maxRecursion = Maximum recurse limit reached. +lineParser.nonDefLoopSep = Para especificar um separador de loop fora do padrão, você deve usar o formato "FOR(var,começo,fim,passo,separador)" +lineParser.notALibToken = Macros from other tokens are only available if the token name starts with "Lib\:". +lineParser.notValidNumber = "{0}" não é um número válido. +lineParser.notValidVariableName = "{0}" não é um nome de variavel válido. +# Map Tool Variable Resolver +lineParser.onlyGMCanGet = Apenas GM pode receber "{0}". +lineParser.onlyGMCanSet = Apenas GM pode definir "{0}". +lineParser.optBadParam = Roll option "{0}"\: bad option parameters {1}. +lineParser.optRequiresParam = Roll option "{0}" requires a list of no more than {1} parameters in parentheses. +lineParser.optReservedName = Roll option "{0}"\: "{1}" is a reserved name. +lineParser.optWrongParam = Roll option "{0}" must have between {1} and {2} parameters; found {3}\: parameter list \= "{4}" +lineParser.rollOptionComma = Roll option list can't end with a comma. +lineParser.switchError = Error in roll for SWITCH option. +lineParser.switchNoMatch = SWITCH option found no match for "{0}". +lineParser.tooManyLoops = Muitas iterações de loop (possível loop infinito?) +lineParser.unknownCampaignMacro = Macro da campanha desconhecida "{0}". +lineParser.unknownGlobalMacro = Macro global desconhecida "{0}". +lineParser.unknownLibToken = Unknown library token "{0}". +lineParser.unknownMacro = Macro desconhecida "{0}". +lineParser.unknownOptionName = Unknown option name "{0}". +lineParser.unresolvedValue = Valor não resolvido "{0}". + +# Notice that the error messages don't have double quotes around them... +# +# {0} is the file name +loadaliases.cantFindFile = Could not find alias file\: "{0}" +# {0} is the error message +loadaliases.couldNotLoad = Could not load alias file\: {0} +loadaliases.description = Load a file that contains aliases, one per line, with a \: between the name and the value (just as if you were typing it in). +loadaliases.dialogTitle = Load Aliases +loadaliases.ignoring = Ignoring alias "{0}" +loadaliases.loading = Loading aliases\: + +# {0} is the file name +loadtokenstates.cantFindFile = Could not find token states file\: "{0}" +# {0} is the error message +loadtokenstates.couldNotLoad = Could not load token states file\: {0} +loadtokenstates.description = Load all of the token states from a file. +loadtokenstates.dialogTitle = Carregar as Condições do Token +# {0} is the number of states loaded +# Note that this numeric value is declared as such. This is to provide +# for localization support, i.e. in English adding a comma in the thousands +# position and a period for the decimal separator (it's a whole number though, +# so there will never be a decimal point). +loadtokenstates.loaded = There were {0,number} token states loaded. + +lookuptable.couldNotPerform = Could not do table lookup\: "{0}" +lookuptable.description = Run a table lookup. Usage\: /tbl [value to lookup, can be a dice roll] +lookuptable.specifyTable = Must specify a table + +macro.function.LookupTableFunctions.invalidSize = Invalid image size in function "{0}". +macro.function.LookupTableFunctions.noImage = No Image available in function "{0}" for table "{1}". +# LookupTableFunctions +macro.function.LookupTableFunctions.unknownTable = Unknown table name "{1}" in function "{0}". +macro.function.MacroFunctions.missingCommand = "{0}"\: Comando ausente. +macro.function.MacroFunctions.missingLabel = "{0}"\: Missing label. +macro.function.MacroFunctions.noPerm = "{0}"\: You do not have permissions to edit macro button at index {1} on token {2}. +macro.function.MacroFunctions.noPermOther = "{0}"\: You do not have permissions to edit macro button {1} at index {2} on token {3}. +macro.function.MacroFunctions.noPermMove = "{0}"\: You do not have permissions to move macro button {1} at index {2}. +macro.function.MacroFunctions.noPermCommand = "{0}"\: You do not have permissions to change the command of macro button at index {1} on token {2}. +macro.function.MacroFunctions.noPermEditable = "{0}"\: You do not have permissions to change the player editable status of macro button at index {1} on token {2}. +macro.function.MacroFunctions.outOfRange = "{0}"\: Macro at index {1} does not exist for token {2}. +macro.function.TokenInit.notOnList = The token is not in the initiative list. +# TokenInitFunctions +macro.function.TokenInit.notOnListSet = The token is not in the initiative list so no value can be set. +# abort Function +# Note that I'm leaving off the double quotes on this one. I think it +# will look better that way. +macro.function.abortFunction.messge = {0} function called. +# addAllToInitiativeFunction +macro.function.addAllToInitiativeFunction.mustBeGM = Apenas o GM tem permissão para executar a função "{0}". +# MacroArgsFunctions +macro.function.args.incorrectParam = Function "{0}" must be called with exactly 1 numeric parameter. +macro.function.args.outOfRange = Argument index {1} out of range (max of {2}) in function "{0}". +# assert Function +# {0} is the error message specified when calling assert() for message. +# Note that I'm leaving off the double quotes on this one, too. I think it +# will look better that way. +macro.function.assert.message = Macro-defined error\: {0} +macro.function.assert.mustBeString = Second argument to "{0}"\: "{1}" must be of type String. +macro.function.defineFunction.functionDefined = "{0}" function defined. +# DefineMacroFunctions +macro.function.defineFunction.notEnoughParam = Not enough parameters for "defineFunction". +# FindTokenFunctions +macro.function.findTokenFunctions.offsetArray = Offset array for Area must contain JSON object with (x,y) coordinates in function "{0}". +macro.function.findTokenFunctions.unknownEnum = Program error\: unknown enum "{1}" in switch block in function "{0}". +macro.function.general.accessDenied = Access is denied for the "{0}" function. Enable access via Preferences option. +macro.function.general.argumentKeyTypeA = Argument key "{1}" to function "{0}" must be a JSON Array. +macro.function.general.argumentKeyTypeD = Argument key "{1}" to function "{0}" must be an number. +macro.function.general.argumentKeyTypeG = Argument key "{1}" to function "{0}" must be a GUID. +macro.function.general.argumentKeyTypeI = Argument key "{1}" to function "{0}" must be an integer. +macro.function.general.argumentTypeA = Argument number {1} to function "{0}" must be a JSON Array. +macro.function.general.argumentTypeI = Argument number {1} "{2}" to function "{0}" must be an integer. +macro.function.general.argumentTypeInvalid = Argument number {1} invalid argument type for function "{0}". +macro.function.general.argumentTypeJ = Argument number {1} to function "{0}" must be a JSON Array or Object. +macro.function.general.argumentTypeN = Argument number {1} "{2}" to function "{0}" must be a number. +macro.function.general.argumentTypeO = Argument number {1} to function "{0}" must be a JSON Object. +macro.function.general.argumentTypeS = Argument number {1} to function "{0}" must be a string. +# {0} = function name, {1} = argument number, {2} = content of argument {1} +macro.function.general.argumentTypeT = Argument number {1} to function "{0}" must be a Token id or name. +macro.function.general.noImpersonated = Erro ao executar "{0}"\: Não há imitação do token. +# Externalized strings for Macro Functions errors +# +# Unless otherwise specified {0} is the name of the function that was called +# +# General messages used in several functions. +# You'll see {1} and {2} used as numbers, below. Technically they +# should actually be {1,number} and {2,number}. However, there's no +# reason to localize these values as they will always be whole numbers +# so the decimal separator is not needed, and they will always be small +# enough that no thousands separator will be needed either. So leaving +# off the ",number" means they'll be treated as strings and simply +# output as-is. Which is fine. :) +macro.function.general.reservedJS = {0} é uma função reservada no prefixo js. +macro.function.general.noPermJS = You do not have permission to use the "{0}" namespace. +macro.function.general.noPerm = You do not have permission to call the "{0}" function. +macro.function.general.noPermOther = You do not have permission to access another token in the "{0}" function. +macro.function.general.notEnoughParam = Function "{0}" requires at least {1} parameters; {2} were provided. +macro.function.general.onlyGM = Apenas o GM pode chamar a função "{0}". +macro.function.general.tooManyParam = Function "{0}" requires no more than {1} parameters; {2} were provided. +macro.function.general.unknownFunction = Nome da função desconhecida "{0}". +macro.function.general.unknownToken = Error executing "{0}"\: the token name or id "{1}" is unknown. +macro.function.general.unknownPropertyType = Error executing "{0}"\: the property type "{1}" is unknown. +macro.function.general.unknownProperty = Error executing "{0}"\: the property "{1}" is unknown for type "{2}". +macro.function.general.unknownTokenOnMap = Error executing "{0}"\: the token name or id "{1}" is unknown on map "{2}". +macro.function.general.wrongNumParam = Function "{0}" requires exactly {1} parameters; {2} were provided. +macro.function.general.listCannotBeEmpty = {0}\: string list at argument {1} cannot be empty +# Token Distance functions +# I.e. ONE_TWO_ONE or ONE_ONE_ONE +macro.function.getDistance.invalidMetric = Invalid metric type "{0}". +#getInfo function {0} is the value that was passed in +macro.function.getInfo.invalidArg = Invalid value "{0}" for getInfo(). +# InitiativeRoundFunctions +macro.function.getInitiativeRound.mustBeGM = Somente o GM pode definir a rodada. +# ExecFunction +macro.function.execFunction.incorrectName = Error executing "{0}"\: the function name "{1}" is unknown. +# Token Halo functions {0} is the color +macro.function.haloFunctions.invalidColor = Cor da Auréola inválida "{0}". +macro.function.herolab.null = HeroLab data does not exist for this token. +macro.function.herolab.xpath.invalid = Provided XPath expression "{0}" was invalid or did not point to a text or attribute node. +# Initiative functions general errors +macro.function.initiative.gmOnly = Apenas o GM pode realizar "{0}". +macro.function.initiative.gmOrOwner = Apenas o GM ou proprietário pode realizar "{0}". +macro.function.initiative.noImpersonated = Error executing initiative function\: there is no impersonated token. +macro.function.initiative.oneParam = Must call "{0}" with one parameter. +macro.function.initiative.unknownToken = O ID do token "{0}" é desconhecido no mapa "{1}". +macro.function.input.illegalArgumentType = Illegal argument type "{0}", expecting "{1}". +macro.function.parse.enum.illegalArgumentType = Error executing "{0}"\: Illegal argument type "{1}", expecting one of "{2}". +# {0} = the option key, {1} = the option value, {2} = the option propertyType, {3} = the option specifier +macro.function.input.invalidOptionType = The option "{0}\={1}" is invalid for input type "{2}" in specifier "{3}". +#input function +macro.function.input.invalidSpecifier = Empty variable name in the specifier string "{0}". +macro.function.input.invalidTAB = To use inputType of TAB in input(), the first entry must have the TAB type. +macro.function.input.invalidType = Invalid input type "{0}" in the specifier string "{1}". +macro.function.json.append.onlyArray = You can only append to the end of JSON Arrays. +macro.function.json.arrayMustContainObjects = Fields specified for json.sort but not all items in array are JSON objects; found "{0}". +macro.function.json.arrayCannotBeEmpty = {0}\: JSON Array at argument {1} cannot be empty +macro.function.json.getInvalidEndIndex = Invalid end index "{1}" for array (size of {2}) in function "{0}". +macro.function.json.getInvalidStartIndex = Invalid start index "{1}" for array (size of {2}) in function "{0}". +macro.function.json.matchingArrayOrRoll = The 3rd argument must be a string containing a roll or a JSON array the same size as the 2nd argument. +macro.function.json.notAllContainKey = Not all objects contain field "{0}" in json.sort. +macro.function.json.arrayArgMustBeNumber = Argument number {2} to {1} must be a number for JSON Arrays. +macro.function.json.indentMustBeNumeric = Indentation value passed to {0} must be numeric +# General JSON macro function errors +macro.function.json.onlyArray = Got {0} but "{1}" only accepts JSON Arrays. +macro.function.json.onlyJSON = Got {0} but "{1}" only accepts JSON Arrays or Objects. +macro.function.json.onlyObject = Got {0} but "{1}" only accepts JSON Objects. +macro.function.json.setNoMatchingValue = No matching value for key in "{0}". +macro.function.json.unknownType = Unknown JSON type "{0}" in function "{1}". +macro.function.json.path = Erro com a função "{0}"\: {1} +macro.function.macroLink.arguments = Argumentos +# Informational messages for Macro functions. +macro.function.macroLink.autoExecToolTip = Auto Execute Macro Link +# {0} is the error message +macro.function.macroLink.errorRunning = Error Running Macro Link\: "{0}" +macro.function.macroLink.executeOn = Execute On +macro.function.macroLink.impersonated = Tokens Imitados +# MacroLinkFunctions +macro.function.macroLink.missingName = Missing macro name in function "{0}". +macro.function.macroLink.selected = Tokens selecionados +macro.function.macroLink.unknown = Desconhecido +macro.function.map.none = {0}\: function requires a current map, but none is present. +# {0} is the function name +macro.function.map.notFound = {0}\: indicated map in first parameter not found. +macro.function.map.invalidAsset = {0}\: "{1}" is not a valid asset ID or URL +# {0} is the function name +macro.function.moveTokenMap.alreadyThere = Can not use "{0}" to move tokens to a map that they are already on\! +# {0} is the token name/id, {1} is the map it's moved to. +macro.function.moveTokenMap.movedToken = Token "{0}" Movido do mapa "{2}" para o mapa "{1}". +# moveTokenToMap/moveTokenFromMap, {0} is the function name, {1} is the +# map name or token id +macro.function.moveTokenMap.unknownMap = Não foi possível encontrar o mapa "{1}" na função "{0}". +macro.function.moveTokenMap.unknownToken = Não foi possível encontrar o token "{1}" na função "{0}". +# number function +macro.function.number.invalid = Formato de número inválido "{1}" em "{0}". +# RESTful Function Errors +macro.function.rest.error.response = Não foi possível processar a função "{0}", HTTP Status\: {1} +macro.function.rest.error.unknown = Não foi possível processar a função "{0}", A Exceção foi chamada\: {1} +macro.function.rest.syrinscape.error = Unable to launch Syrinscape. Check that Syrinscape is installed and a proper URI was passed. +# [token():...] roll option +macro.function.roll.noPerm = You do not have enough permissions to run the [token(...)\: ...] roll command. +macro.function.stateImage.notImage = State "{1}" is not an image state in function "{0}". +# StateImageFunction {1} is the state name +macro.function.stateImage.unknownState = Estado desconhecido "{1}" na função "{0}". +macro.function.barImage.notImage = Bar "{1}" is not an (multi-)image bar in function "{0}". +# BarImageFunction {1} is the state name +macro.function.barImage.unknownBar = Barra desconhecida "{1}" na função "{0}". +macro.function.strLst.incorrectParam = "{0}" requires between {1} and {2} parameters. +# String List +macro.function.strLst.incorrectParamExact = "{0}" requires exactly {1} parameters. +# {0} = function name, {1} = argument number, {2} = expected propertyType, +# {3} = value user passed, {4} = propertyType of the value user passed. +macro.function.strLst.incorrectParamType = Argument number {1} to function "{0}" must be type "{2}", but was passed "{3}" of type "{4}". +macro.function.strPropFromVar.wrongArgs = strPropFromVars second parameter "{0}" is invalid. +macro.function.sound.illegalargument = Error executing "{0}", parameter "{1}" is invalid\: {2} +macro.function.sound.mediaexception = Error executing "{0}" with media "{1}" +macro.function.syrinscape.inactive = This client has not enabled Syrinscape integration in preference. +# TokenLightFunctions +macro.function.tokenLight.unknownLightType = Tipo de luz desconhecida "{1}" na função "{0}". +# name setting functions +macro.function.tokenName.emptyTokenNameForbidden = Error executing "{0}"\: the token name cannot be empty. +# TokenPropertyFunctions +macro.function.tokenProperty.invalidSize = Invalid token size "{1}" in function "{0}". +macro.function.tokenProperty.unknownLayer = Unknown layer "{1}" in function "{0}". +macro.function.tokenProperty.unknownLibToken = Unknown Lib\: token "{1}" in function "{0}". +macro.function.tokenProperty.unknownPropType = Unknown property type "{1}" in function "{0}". +# CopyTokenFunctions +macro.function.tokenCopy.oxymoronicParameters = In "{0}"\: Parameters "delta" and "relativeto" can't be used at the same time. ("delta" parameter is deprecated as of 1.9.0). Visit https\://wiki.rptools.info/index.php/copyToken +macro.function.tokenCopy.noCurrentToken = No current token found. Try using switchToken() or impersonate one. See https\://wiki.rptools.info/index.php/Current_Token +macro.function.tokenCopy.unrecognizedRelativeValue = In "{0}"\: "relativeto" value within 4th parameter (json properties) not recognized. Visit https\://wiki.rptools.info/index.php/copyToken +macro.function.tokenCopy.invalidPropertyType = The property type {0} does not exist in the campaign properties. +# TokenStateFunctions +macro.function.tokenStateFunctions.unknownState = Condição desconhecida "{0}". +# TokenBarFunction +macro.function.tokenBarFunction.unknownBar = Error with function "{0}"\: unknown bar "{1}". +# String Property +# {0} = value the user passed. +macro.function.varsFromstrProp.wrongArgs = varsFromStrProp called with 3 arguments, but second argument "{0}" was not one of NONE, SUFFIXED, or UNSUFFIXED. +macro.function.tokenCopyDelete.noName = No name specified for token. +macro.function.tokenCopyDelete.noImage = No image specified for token. + +macro.function.markdown.unknownType = Unknown Markdown type {0}. + +macro.function.html5.invalidURI = Invalid URI {0}. +macro.function.html5.unknownType = Unknown HTML5 Container specified. +macro.function.jsevalURI.invalidURI = Can not access JavaScript from URI {0}. + +macro.setAllowsURIAccess.notLibToken = {0} is not a valid lib\:token name, URI access can only be set on lib\:tokens. +macro.setAllowsURIAccess.reservedPrefix = Can not set URI access on lib\:tokens starting with {0} +macro.setAllowsURIAccess.reserved = Can not set URI access on lib\:token named {0} +# Macro Link +macroLink.error.running = Error running macro link. +macroLink.error.tooltip.bad.href = Invalid or missing HREF + +macromanager.alias.indexNotFound = (erro\: "{0}" não foi encontrado) +# {0} is the command, {1} is the exception +macromanager.couldNotExecute = Could not execute the command\: "{0}", exception \= {1} +# {0} is the command +macromanager.tooManyResolves = Too many resolves running "{0}"; perhaps an infinite loop? +macromanager.ambiguous = Command {0} is ambiguous, please specify the namespace as well, matching options are\: + +menu.QuickMap = Mapa Rápido +menu.edit = &Editar +menu.export = Exportar +menu.file = &Arquivo +menu.help = A&juda +menu.map = &Mapa +menu.overlay = &Sobreposição +menu.recent = Ca&mpanhas Recentes +menu.tools = &Ferramenta +menu.view = &Visualizar +#action.enableVision=Use Vision +#action.enableVision.description=Use the Vision Blocking Layer on this map +menu.vision = Visão +menu.window = Ja&nela +menu.zoom = &Zoom + + +dragdrop.unsupportedType = MapTool does not support adding this file type to the campaign. + + +msg.button.close = Fechar +msg.commandPanel.hasEnteredText = {0} inseriu o texto. +# Command Panel; {0} is the player name +msg.commandPanel.liveTyping = {0} está digitando... +msg.commandPanel.cheater.self = Trapaceiro. Você foi reportado. +# {0} is the player name, {1} is their input +msg.commandPanel.cheater.gm = {0} foi pego trapaceando\: {1} +msg.commandPanel.div = Unexpected </div> tag without matching <div>. +msg.confirm.aboutToBeginFTP = About to begin FTP process of {0,number} file(s)... +msg.confirm.bootPlayer = Você tem certeza que quer inicializar o {0}? +msg.confirm.campaignExported = Campaign exported. +msg.confirm.clearAllDrawings = This will clear all drawings on layer {0} and completely empty the undo queue for ALL layers.
This cannot be undone. Are you sure? +msg.confirm.deleteDraw = Você tem certeza que deseja excluir os desenhos selecionados? +msg.confirm.deleteDraw.removed = Isto não pedirá mais permissão para excluir desenhos. Se você quiser reativar esta opção, vá ao menu Preferências. +msg.confirm.deleteToken = Você tem certeza que deseja excluir os tokens selecionados? +msg.confirm.deleteToken.removed = This will no longer ask for permission when deleting tokens. If you want to turn this back on look in Preferences. +msg.confirm.disconnecting = Você será desconectado. Tem certeza que deseja sair? +msg.confirm.fileExists = Substituir o arquivo existente? +msg.confirm.hostingDisconnect = Você está hospedando um servidor. Desconectar irá desconectar todos os clientes conectados.
Tem certeza? +msg.confirm.jvm.options = Some Java JVM startup options for MapTool may have changed.
You will need to restart MapTool before these will take affect.

Invalid settings could prevent MapTool from starting, are you sure you wish to save these settings? +msg.confirm.legacySave = You are saving in an old format -- you may lose some information by doing this. Continue? +msg.confirm.loseChanges = Changes to your campaign will be lost. Continue? +msg.confirm.newCampaign = Descartar a campanha atual? +msg.confirm.webServerStartTitle = Iniciar Aplicativo Web Experimental? +msg.confirm.webServerStart =
If you did not start the server press cancel

The experimental Server App is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming version.

If you currently make use of this feature please visit discord channel to let us know how you are using it so we can include this in our plans for its replacement

(link will appear in chat after server has started)

+ +msg.confirm.newerVersion = Você está a carregar uma campanha criada pela versão MapTool {1}.
Pode haver erros de carregamento porque você está a executar a versão {0}.

Você tem certeza? +msg.confirm.overwriteExistingCampaign = Esse arquivo já existe. Deseja substituí-lo? +# Notice in this message how {0} is used twice? The first one is a +# Date object interpreted as a time, and the second one is a Date object +# interpreted as a date. +msg.confirm.recoverAutosave = Existe um arquivo de recuperação automática criada no horario {0,time} do dia {0,date}.
Gostaria de recuperá-lo? +msg.confirm.removeFacings = Você tem certeza que deseja excluir a Direção dos tokens selecionados? +msg.confirm.removeZone = Removing a map cannot be undone.
Are you sure? +msg.confirm.renameMap = Renomear "{0}"? +msg.confirm.restoreFoW = O mapa contém áreas exposta da névoa.
Deseja redefinir todas as névoas? +msg.confirm.saveCampaign = Would you like to save your campaign before you exit? +msg.error.alreadyRegistered = That ID is already in use -- server not registered. +msg.error.alreadyRunningServer = Você já está executando o servidor. +msg.error.stillRunningServer = You are still running a server. +msg.error.browser.cannotStart = Browser could not be started.
{0} +msg.error.browser.notFound = System browser could not be identified.
Please specify your system browser in the {0} environment variable. +msg.error.cantAdjustGridInfMaps = Não é possível ajustar grade nos mapas infinitos. +msg.error.cantApplyMacroToSelected = Commonality of this macro is not based on the command field. The macro cannot be applied to the entire selection set. +msg.error.cantBootGM = You can't boot another GM. +msg.error.cantBootSelf = You can't boot yourself. Disconnect the server via the File menu. +msg.error.credits = Não foi possível carregar créditos ou versão. +msg.error.creatingBackupManager = Error creating BackupManager. +msg.error.dialog.js.id = Error executing "{0}"\: the Javascript identifier "{1}" is invalid. +msg.error.dialog.js.name = Error executing "{0}"\: the {1} named {2} does not exist or cannot run Javascript. +msg.error.dialog.js.type = Error executing "{0}"\: the html type "{1}" is invalid. +msg.error.errorResolvingCacheDir = Error resolving cache dir for id {0}, error \= {1} +msg.error.frame.reservedName = {0} is a reserved name and can not be used by macros. +# token naming errors +msg.error.emptyTokenName = O nome do token não pode estar vazio. +msg.error.evaluatingExpr = Error evaluating expression\: {0} +msg.error.failedAddingDefaultImages = Não foi possível restaurar as imagens padrão. +msg.error.failedAddingDefaultTables = Could not restore default tables. +msg.error.failedCannotRegisterServer = Não foi possível registrar o seu servidor. +msg.error.failedConnect = Não foi possível conectar ao servidor. +msg.error.fetchingRegistryInformation = Error fetching server information from registry. +msg.error.initializeCrypto = Failed to initialize Cryptology library. +msg.error.initializePlayerDatabase = Failed to initialize Player Database. +msg.error.failedExportingCampaignRepo = Could not export campaign repository file. +msg.error.failedExportingImage = Não foi possível exportar a imagem. +msg.error.failedLoadCampaign = Não foi possível carregar a campanha. +msg.error.failedLoadCampaign_Timeout = Could not load campaign; timeout waiting for autosave to complete. +msg.error.failedLoadMap = Não foi possível carregar o mapa. +msg.error.failedLoadCampaignLock = Could not load campaign while background task is active. Try again later. +msg.error.failedSaveCampaignLock = Could not save campaign while background task is active. Try again later. +msg.error.failedSaveCampaign = Não foi possível salvar a campanha. +msg.error.failedSaveCampaignOOM = Out of memory while saving campaign\!

Try creating a new/empty map and perform the save with that map active. +msg.error.failedSaveCampaignPreview = Could not save the campaign preview image. +msg.error.failedSaveMap = Não foi possível salvar o mapa. +msg.error.failedSavingNewVersion = Não foi possível salvar na nova versão. +msg.error.fileAlreadyExists = Arquivo {0} já existe. +msg.error.directoryNotWriteable = Diretório {0} não é editável. +# When the user attempts to save the chat log and we fail, it's an Error. +# When we try to autosave the chat log and fail, it's a Warning. +# It's all about the semantics, baby. ;-) +msg.error.failedSavingMessageHistory = Não foi possível salvar o histórico das mensagens. +msg.error.failedScreenCapture = Could not get screen capture. +msg.error.failedStartPersonalServer = Não foi possível reiniciar o servidor pessoal. +msg.error.failedToBoot = Boot attempt failed\: player not found. +msg.error.failedUpdatingCampaignRepo = Could not update campaign repository; I/O error. +msg.error.inaccessibleRepo = Repositório não está disponível\: "{0}". +msg.error.host.inaccessibleRepo = The following repositories are not available\: \n{0}\nTo change or remove an invalid repo, go to Campaign Properties and edit the Repositories list. +msg.error.fileNotFound = Arquivo não encontrado. +msg.error.fogexpose = Must be a GM to change the fog of war. +msg.error.gmRequired = Apenas os GMs podem fazer isso. +msg.error.invalidLocalhost = "localhost" não é um endereço válido?\! Verifique o seu arquivo no /etc/hosts. +msg.error.renderingStatSheet = Error while trying to render stat sheet. +msg.error.encryptionSetup = Não foi possível inicializar a biblioteca de criptografia. +# JVM Related +msg.error.jvm.options = "{0}" is an invalid memory setting.

Be sure to enter a valid Java JVM value that includes a memory size that ends in K, M, or G.
e.g. 4M, 6G, 2048M, 1024K, etc.

Warning\: An improper setting could prevent MapTool from starting. +msg.error.lafSetup = Exception during look and feel setup. +msg.error.cantLoadThemeTitle = Não foi possível carregar o tema +msg.error.cantLoadTheme = Não é possível carregar o tema {0}, usando o tema padrão. +msg.error.cantSaveTheme = Unable to save theme details. +msg.error.layoutInitial = Não foi possível carregar o layout inicial. +msg.error.layoutParse = Erro ao analisar o arquivo de layout. +msg.error.loadingIconImage = Não foi possível carregar a imagem do ícone. +msg.error.loadingQuickMaps = Erro ao carregar mapas rápidos. +msg.error.copyingStartupConfig = Erro ao copiar o arquivo de configuração de inicialização. +msg.error.copyingStartupConfig.unixLike = Não pode copiar o arquivo de configuração, ver Preferências -> Inicialização para mais detalhes. +msg.error.macro.buttonGroupDnDFail = Problema ao arrastar e soltar +msg.error.macro.buttonPropsAreNull = As propriedades do botão estão nulas. +msg.error.macro.buttonNullToken = Macro {0} cannot be saved; token {1} no longer valid. +msg.error.macro.exportFail = Macro não pode ser exportado\:

{0} +msg.error.macro.exportSetFail = Macro set could not be exported\:

{0} +msg.error.macro.importFail = Macro não pode ser importado\:

{0} +msg.error.macro.importSetFail = Macro set could not be imported\:

{0} +msg.error.mtprops.light.width = Light\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable width "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.light.arc = Light\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable arc "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.light.definition = Error(s) in Light definitions. Correct error(s) or select Cancel on the Campaign Properties dialog. +msg.error.mtprops.light.distance = Light\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable distance "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.light.gmOrOwner = Light\:line {0,number}\:GM and OWNER can only be specified for auras. +msg.error.mtprops.light.ioexception = Error reading Light definition from string -- shouldn't happen\! +msg.error.mtprops.light.lumens = Light\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable lumens "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.light.zerolumens = Light\:line {0,number}\: lumens must not be zero +msg.error.mtprops.properties.duplicate = Property name in "{0}" duplicates the one in "{1}". +msg.error.mtprops.properties.duplicateComment = The line "{0}" appears to be a comment, but duplicates "{1}" and must be unique to prevent this warning. +msg.error.mtprops.properties.ending = Você será colocado de volta no modo de edição. +msg.error.mtprops.properties.title = Os seguintes erros ocorreram\: +msg.error.mtprops.sight.width = Sight\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable width "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.sight.arc = Sight\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable arc "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.sight.definition = Error(s) in Sight definitions. Correct error(s) or select Cancel on the Campaign Properties dialog. +msg.error.mtprops.sight.distance = Sight\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable distance "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.sight.ioexception = Error reading Sight definition from string -- shouldn't happen\! +msg.error.mtprops.sight.zerolumens = Sight\:line {0,number}\: lumens must not be zero + +# For parsing anything in the Campaign Properties dialog. Each tab +# should have its own subcategory underneath "msg.error.mtprops" +# Notice how {0} has the ",number" suffix to denote that a numeric +# value is being used by the program; that tells the program how to +# display the result (i.e. this value should be a localized number). +msg.error.mtprops.sight.multiplier = Sight\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable multiplier "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.sight.offset = Sight\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable offset "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.sight.range = Sight\:line {0,number}\:unrecognizable range "{1}" +msg.error.mtprops.sight.lumensWithoutLight = Sight\:line {0,number}\:Cannot use field lumens without range for personal light +msg.error.mtprops.sight.unknownField = Sight\:line {0,number}\:unknown field name "{1}" +msg.error.mustDisconnectFirst = Você está conectado a um servidor. Por favor, desconecte-se. +msg.error.mustSelectAssetGroupFirst = Select an asset group first. +msg.error.mustSelectPlayerFirst = Selecione um jogador primeiro. +msg.error.mustSelectRootGroup = Must select a root group. +msg.error.noTokensSelected = Nenhum Token Selecionado. +msg.error.playerNotConnected = Jogador "{0}" não está conectado. +msg.error.server.disconnected = O servidor desconectou. +msg.error.server.cantrestart = Não foi possível reiniciar o servidor pessoal. +msg.error.server.upnp.noigd = UPnP Error - No Internet Gateway Devices found.

This means that your router either does not have UPnP enabled, or is incompatible with the version of UPnP used by MapTool.
Your server will still start, but you will need to manually configure port forwarding to allow connections from the outside Internet.

For more details and assistance, please see the Networking Setup guide from the Help menu. +msg.error.tableAccessProhibited = The GM has disallowed player use of table. +msg.error.tableDoesNotExist = Tabela não existe. +msg.error.tableUnknown = Tabela desconhecida. +msg.error.toolCannotInstantiate = Could not instantiate tool class\: {0} +msg.error.toolConstructorFailed = Failed in constructor of tool\: {0} +msg.error.toolNeedPublicConstructor = Constructor must be public for tool\: {0} +msg.error.toolNeedValidConstructor = Class must have a public constructor with a Toolbox argument for tool\: {0} +msg.error.trace = Rastro do erro\: {0} +msg.error.udf.tooltip.loading = Error retrieving description for "{0}"\: {1} +msg.error.udf.tooltip.missingTarget = Error retrieving description for "{0}"\: target not found. +msg.error.unableToCreateClientIdFile = Can't create the client id file. +msg.error.unableToCreateDataDir = Can't create the data directory "{0}". Try manually specifying the data directory by setting the environment variable "MAPTOOL_DATADIR". Search our forums for that name if you need help. +msg.error.unableToReadClientIdFile = Can't read the client id file. +msg.error.unknownHost = Host desconhecido. +msg.error.unknownJavaVersion = Não consegue determinar a versão do Java?\! Continuará mesmo assim... +msg.error.unusableDataDir = Can't use the data directory "{0}" because it contains potentially dangerous characters. Try manually specifying the data directory by setting the environment variable "MAPTOOL_DATADIR". Search our forums for that name if you need help. +msg.error.unusableDir = O Diretório "{0}" contém caracteres potencialmente perigosos e não serão usados. +msg.error.versionFile = Can't find version file\: {0} +msg.error.unableToGetThemeList = Error fetching theme list. +msg.error.wrongJavaVersion = Você está executando o MapTool usando a versão muito antiga do Java para ser 100% compatível com algumas bibliotecas usadas de terceiros.
Se você continuar a usar o MapTool, poderá experienciar erros inesperados com essa incompatibilidade. Você deseja continuar? + +msg.error.cantStartWebEndPoint = Unable to start the webserver end point, please change the port + +# Errors when dealing with the passwords file +# for missingPasswordsField the "passwords" text should not be translated as its the field name in the file +msg.error.playerNotInDatabase = The specified player {0} does not exist in the database. +msg.error.passFile.missingPasswordsField = Missing "passwords" field in the +msg.error.passFile.errorInJson = Error reading passsword file, invalid JSON. +msg.error.passFile.errorReadingFile = Error reading password file. +msg.error.passFile.errorCopyingBackup = Error while backing up current password file. +msg.error.passFile.errorWritingFile = Error while writing password file. +msg.error.passFile.cantDisablePlayer = Player Database does not support disabling players. +msg.error.passFile.cantSetPlayTimes = Player Database does not support setting play times. +msg.error.passFile.playerExists = {0} já existe. +msg.error.passFile.publicKeyNotFound = Chave pública não encontrada. +msg.error.passFile.publicKeyWriteFailed = Failed to write public key file {0}. +msg.error.playerDB.errorAdding = Error while trying to add {0} to the player database. +msg.error.playerDB.cantAddPlayer = Can't add player {0} to a database which doesn't support adding players. +msg.error.playerDB.cantAddPlayerPublicKey = Can't add player {0} to a database with public key as its unsupported. +msg.error.playerDB.errorAddingPlayer = Error adding player {0}. +msg.error.playerDB.cantUpdatePlayer = Can't update player {0} for a database that does't support updating. +msg.error.playerDB.errorUpdatingPlayer = Error updating player {0}. +msg.error.playerDB.cantRemovePlayer = Can't remove player {0} to a database which doesn't support removing players. +msg.error.playerDB.noSuchPlayer = Player {0} does not exist in active player database. +msg.error.parsing.handlebars = Error parsing handlebars template {0}. +msg.error.library.builtin.path = Can't read built-in library path. +msg.error.library.builtin.load = Can't load built-in library {0}. + + +msg.info.action.disableFoW = FoW desabilitado. +msg.info.action.disableRevealFogAtWaypoints = FoW will now expose at all cell points along the path. +msg.info.action.enableFoW = FoW habilitado. +msg.info.action.enableRevealFogAtWaypoints = FoW will now only expose at designated waypoints. +msg.info.action.FoWDisabled = FoW está desabilitado. +msg.info.campaignLoading = Carregando Campanha +msg.info.campaignSaved = Campanha Salva. +msg.info.campaignSaving = Salvando Campanha +msg.info.connecting = Conectando +msg.info.disconnected = Você desconectou. +msg.info.heartbeat.registryFailure = Connection refresh to the MapTool registry failed (total of {2} failures so far). The registry server will purge records periodically, making it difficult for future clients to connect. If this persists, you will need to provide clients with the server information directly (IP address "{0}" and port {1}). +msg.info.heartbeat.registrySuccess = Connection refresh to the MapTool registry succeeded (after {0} past failures). As long as success is maintained, you will not see this message again. +msg.info.macro.exportCancel = Exportação da Macro cancelada. +msg.info.macro.exportSuccess = Macro exportado com sucesso. +msg.info.mapLoading = Carregando Mapa +msg.info.mapSaved = Mapa Salvo. +msg.info.noCampaignPreview = Pré-visualização da campanha não disponível. +msg.info.playerBooted = {0} foi desconectado. +msg.info.playerConnected = {0} se conectou. +msg.info.playerDisconnected = {0} foi desconectado. +msg.info.restoreLayout = Restaurar layout +msg.info.restoreLayout.description = Restaura a interface do MapTool para o layout padrão. +msg.info.screenshotSaved = Captura de tela salvado. +msg.info.screenshotSaving = Salvando captura de tela... +msg.info.server.forumNFAQ_URL = http\://forums.rptools.net/viewtopic.php?f\=22&t\=3370 +msg.info.server.networkingHelp = A hospedagem de um servidor MapTool envolve a configuração apropriada de rede.
Você quer visitar o post do fórum que descreve esse processo? +msg.info.showTransferWindow = Mostrar janela de transferência +msg.info.showTransferWindow.description = Abra uma janela mostrando as transferências de recursos pendentes. +msg.info.startServer = Servidor inicializado; Por favor, aguarde a atualização do mapa. +msg.info.startWebEndWebPoint = Starting web end point on port {0}. +msg.info.stopWebEndWebPoint = Stopping web end point. +# Some of these don't have the "..." appended to them because the +# code adds that, if appropriate, based on the situation. +msg.info.versionFile = VERSÃO DO ARQUIVO NÃO ENCONTRADO +msg.info.assetsDisabled = The GM has disabled insertion of player assets. + + +msg.title.exportMacro = Exportar Macro +msg.title.exportMacroSet = Exportar Conjunto Macro +msg.title.exportProperties = Exportar propriedades +msg.title.importMacro = Importar Macro +msg.title.importMacroSet = Importar Conjunto Macro +msg.title.importProperties = Importar Propriedades +msg.title.loadAssetTree = Carregar Árvore de Recursos +msg.title.loadCampaign = Carregar Campanha +msg.autosave.wait = Esperando até {0} segundos para que o salvamento automático termine... +# I'm trying to add some consistency to the property names. So... +# "msg.title.*" are strings used as the titles of dialogs and frames +# created by the application. +msg.title.loadMap = Carregar mapa +msg.title.messageDialog.cancel = &Cancelar +msg.title.messageDialog.continue = Continuar +msg.title.messageDialog.dontAskAgain = Sim, e &não perguntar novamente +msg.title.messageDialog.no = &Não +msg.title.messageDialog.ok = &Ok +# Just adding in some choices for s +msg.title.messageDialog.yes = &Sim +msg.title.messageDialogConfirm = Confirmação +msg.title.messageDialogError = Erro +msg.title.messageDialogFeedback = Comentários +msg.title.messageDialogInfo = Informação +msg.title.messageDialogWarning = Advertência +msg.title.saveCampaign = Salvar Campanha +msg.title.saveMessageHistory = Salvar histórico de mensagens +msg.warn.failedAutoSavingMessageHistory = Não foi possível salvar automaticamente o histórico de mensagens. +msg.warning.macro.playerChangesNotAllowed = O GM não autorizou jogadores a mudar este macro. +msg.warning.macro.willNotExport = O macro "{0}" não será exportado. Ele foi sinalizado pelo GM como não editável por jogadores ou você não tem privilégios administrativos sobre a fonte. +msg.warning.prerelease.only = Warning {0} is for pre-release testing only and may not be available in the actual release. +msg.warning.loadCampaignFromInstallDir = Saving to the installation directory is not supported. After loading you will need to save to a different location. +msg.warning.saveCampaignToInstallDir = Saving to the installation directory is not supported, please choose a different location to save to. +msg.warning.exportRepoToInstallDir = Exporting Repository to the installation directory is not supported, please choose a different location to save to. +msg.warning.saveTokenToInstallDir = Saving Tokens to the installation directory is not supported, please choose a different location to save to. +msg.warning.saveMapToInstallDir = Saving Maps to the installation directory is not supported, please choose a different location to save to. +msg.warning.saveTableToInstallDir = Saving Tables to the installation directory is not supported, please choose a different location to save to. +msg.warning.savePropToInstallDir = Saving Campaign Properties to the installation directory is not supported, please choose a different location to save to. +msg.warning.saveMacrosToInstallDir = Saving Macros to the installation directory is not supported, please choose a different location to save to. + +msg.error.serverOnly = Function {0} can only be used on the server. + +msg.asset.error.invalidAsset = Um recurso invalido foi selecionado. Se você receber esta mensagem, por favor reporte-o nos fóruns do MapTool ou no servidor do Discord. + +ooc.description = Chat (fora de personagem) + +panel.Asset.ImageModel.checkbox.extractRenderedPages = Páginas Renderizadas +panel.Asset.ImageModel.checkbox.tooltip.extractRenderedPages = Extrair cada página do PDF para uma única imagem. +panel.Asset.ImageModel.checkbox.searchSubDir1 = Pesquisar subdiretórios? +panel.Asset.ImageModel.checkbox.searchSubDir2 = resultados +panel.Asset.ImageModel.slider.toolTip = Deslize para ajustar o tamanho da pré-visualização de miniatura... +panel.Asset.Mouseover.dimensions = Dimensões\: {0} x {1} +panel.Asset.Mouseover.type = Tipo\: {0} +panel.Asset.Mouseover.size = Tamanho\: {0} + +panel.Campaign = Campanha +panel.Campaign.description = Janela ancorável para macros da campanha. +panel.Gm = GM +panel.Gm.description = Janela ancorável para macros visíveis pelo GM +panel.Chat = Chat +panel.Chat.description = Janela de chat ancorável. +panel.Connections = Conexões +connections.tab.connected = Connected +connections.tab.pending = Pending +connections.playerIsInZone = {0} is in zone {1}. +connections.playerIsLoadingZone = {0} is loading zone {1}. +pendingConnection.label.playerName = Name +pendingConnection.label.pin = PIN +pendingConnection.column.title = Players attempting to connect +pendingConnection.sendPublicKey.title = Sending Public Key to Server +pendingConnection.sendPublicKey = Sending public key to server, let the GM know your PIN is {0} so they can approve your connection. +panel.Connections.description = Janela ancorável exibindo clientes conectados. +panel.DrawExplorer = Desenhar Explorador +panel.DrawExplorer.description = Janela ancorável para gerenciar desenhos. +panel.DrawExplorer.LineSegment.Line = points({0}) pen width({1}) +panel.DrawExplorer.ShapeDrawable.Area = largura({0}) altura({1}) +panel.DrawExplorer.ShapeDrawable.Float = largura({0}) altura({1}) +panel.DrawExplorer.ShapeDrawable.Polygon = largura({0}) altura({1}) +panel.DrawExplorer.ShapeDrawable.Rectangle = largura({0}) altura({1}) +panel.DrawExplorer.Template.BlastTemplate = Explosão ({0}) +panel.DrawExplorer.Template.BurstTemplate = Explosão ({0}) +panel.DrawExplorer.Template.ConeTemplate = Cone ({0}) +panel.DrawExplorer.Template.LineTemplate = Linha ({0}) +panel.DrawExplorer.Template.LineCellTemplate = Linha ({0}) +panel.DrawExplorer.Template.RadiusTemplate = Raio ({0}) +panel.DrawExplorer.Template.RadiusCellTemplate = Raio ({0}) +panel.DrawExplorer.Template.WallTemplate = Parede ({0}) +# "Group" is a noun +panel.DrawExplorer.group = Group +panel.DrawExplorer.opacity = opacidade({0}%) +# Prefix added when a drawing was done with the eraser +panel.DrawExplorer.eraser = CUT\: {0} +# DrawExplorer panel +panel.DrawExplorer.Unknown.Shape = Unknown Shape +panel.Global = Global +panel.Global.description = Janela ancorável mostrando macros armazenados no computador local. +panel.Impersonate = Imitar +panel.Impersonate.description = Dockable window showing the macros stored on the currently impersonated token. +panel.Impersonate.button.impersonateSelected = Imitado Selecionado +panel.Impersonate.identity = Falando como\: {0} +panel.Initiative = Iniciativa +panel.Initiative.description = Janela ancorável para gerir a iniciativa de combate. +panel.Library = Biblioteca +panel.Library.description = Janela ancorável para acessar os recursos na sua Biblioteca de Recursos. +panel.MapExplorer = Explorador de Mapas +panel.MapExplorer.description = Janela ancorável mostrando os tokens e outros recursos no mapa atual. +panel.MapExplorer.View.BACKGROUND = Fundo +panel.MapExplorer.View.CLIPBOARD = Área de Transferência +panel.MapExplorer.View.GM = Oculto +panel.MapExplorer.View.GROUPS = Grupos +panel.MapExplorer.View.LIGHT_SOURCES = Fontes de Luz +panel.MapExplorer.View.OBJECT = Objects +panel.MapExplorer.View.PLAYERS = Jogadores +panel.MapExplorer.View.NPCS = NPCs +panel.NewGroupName = Nome do Novo Grupo +panel.Selected = Selecionado +panel.Selected.description = Janela ancorável mostrando as macros no(s) token(s) atualmente selecionado(s). +panel.Selected.tooltip.deslectAll = Desmarcar todos os tokens +panel.Selected.tooltip.next = Selecionar o próximo token +panel.Selected.tooltip.previous = Selecionar o token anterior +panel.Selected.tooltip.revertToPrevious = Reverter para a seleção anterior +panel.Selected.tooltip.selectAll = Selecione todos os tokens no mapa +panel.Tables = Tabelas +panel.Tables.description = Dockable window for managing the tables in the current campaign. + +dialog.NewToken.title = Novo Token +dialog.NewToken.type = Tipo\: +dialog.NewToken.visible = Visível\: +dialog.NewToken.show = Mostrar esta caixa de diálogo +dialog.NewToken.tokenPropertyType = Token Property +dialog.NewToken.statSheet = Stat Sheet +dialog.NewToken.statSheetLocation = Stat Sheet Location + +prefs.language.override.tooltip = Selecione um idioma para a interface do MapTool. + +prefs.jvm.advanced.enableAssertions.tooltip = Enables Java language assertions in the MapTool code. +prefs.jvm.advanced.direct3d.tooltip = Disable the use of Direct3D pipeline for problem video cards/drivers. +prefs.jvm.advanced.opengl.tooltip = Enable the OpenGL pipeline. +prefs.jvm.advanced.initAWTbeforeJFX.tooltip = Initialize AWT before JavaFx. This is for issues specific to the MacOS. + +prefs.jvm.xmx.tooltip = Set the maximum memory (heap size) that MapTool is allowed to use. Input a number followed by either a single letter M or G.
Examples\: 4G is 4 Gigabytes, 4096M is 4096 Megabytes and is the same as 4G. +prefs.jvm.xms.tooltip = Set the initial and minimum memory setting for MapTool. Must be less than or equal to max heap size.
Input a number followed by either a single letter M or G. +prefs.jvm.xss.tooltip = Set the stack size for MapTool program threads. Values between 4M and 12M are recommended.
Values too large will cause problems. + +roll.description = Roll and broadcast the result to all connected players. +roll.general.unknown = Rolagem desconhecida\: "{0}". Use \#d\#+\#. +# {0} is the players name, {1} is the roll +roll.string = {0} rolou\: {1} + +rollgm.description = Role e transmita o resultado para todos os GMs. +# {0} is the players name, {1} is the roll +rollgm.gm.string = {0} rolou pra você\: {1} +# {0} is the roll +rollgm.self.string = Você rolou para os GMs\: {0} + +rollme.description = Role e mostre o resultado apenas para mim. +# {0} is the roll +rollme.string = Você rolou para si mesmo\: {0} + +rollsecret.description = Role e transmita o resultado apenas para os GMs e esconder o resultado mesmo de si mesmo. +# {0} is the sender {1} is the roll +rollsecret.gm.string = {0} rolou secretamente para você\: {1} +# When the GM does "/rollsecret". {0} is the roll. Easier to use "/self"? +rollsecret.gmself.string = Você rolou em segredo\: {0} +rollsecret.self.string = Você rola secretamente para os GMs. + +# {0} is the error message +savealiases.couldNotSave = Could not save alias file\: {0} +savealiases.created = MapTool Aliases - created +savealiases.description = Save all current aliases to a file. See "/loadaliases" to load them back in. +savealiases.dialogTitle = Save Aliases +savealiases.saved = Aliases Saved. + +# {0} is the error message +savetokenstates.couldNotSave = Could not save token states file\: {0} +savetokenstates.description = Save the current set of token states to a file. +savetokenstates.dialogTitle = Salvar as Condições do Token +# {0} is the number of token states saved. +savetokenstates.saved = There were {0,number} token states saved. + +say.description = Broadcast a message to all connected players. + +self.description = Envie uma mensagem apenas pra si mesmo. + +settokenproperty.description = Set the property of a token. +settokenproperty.param = You must specify a token name and an expression, or select token(s) and supply an expression. +settokenproperty.unknownTokens = Unable to determine which tokens to set the property of. + +settokenstate.description = Set a state value on a token. +# {0} is the token name, {1} is the state name +settokenstate.marked = Token "{0}" now has {1} set. +settokenstate.param = A token state name and token name, or a selected token and state name are required. +settokenstate.unknownState = Unknown state name "{0}". +settokenstate.unknownTokens = Unable to determine which tokens to set the state of. +settokenstate.unmarked = Token "{0}" now has {1} reset. + +# Texture Noise +texturenoise.description = Change the noise applied to textures (only works on background tile textures at the moment). +texturenoise.currentValsOn = Current Values, alpha \= {0}, seed \= {1}. +texturenoise.currentValsOff = Noise is currently off. +texturenoise.usage = To change use /texturenoise alpha [seed] or /texturenoise on | off. + +# Version slash command +slashversion.description = Exibir a Versão do MapTool na janela do bate-papo. +slashversion.message = Versão do MapTool {0}. + +# About slash command +slashabout.description = Exibir o diálogo sobre. + +# Slash Command errors +slash.mustBeGM = Você deve se tornar GM pra usar "/{0}". + +tmacro.description = Run the given macro on the currently selected tokens. + +togm.description = Send to GMs exclusively. +# {0} is the name of the sender, what to say is appended internally to +# close off HTML tags. +togm.saysToGM = {0} diz para os GMs\: +# {0} is what to say +togm.self = Você disse para os GMs\: {0} + +token.popup.menu.always.visible = Visível sobre FoW +token.popup.menu.autoresize = Redimensionar automaticamente... +token.popup.menu.expose = Expor +token.popup.menu.expose.currentonly = Only currently visible +token.popup.menu.expose.currentonly.accel = shift O +token.popup.menu.expose.lastpath = Last path +token.popup.menu.expose.lastpath.accel = P +token.popup.menu.expose.visible = Área visível +token.popup.menu.expose.visible.accel = I +token.popup.menu.fow = FOW Views +token.popup.menu.fow.clearselected = Clear Selected's Exposed Area +token.popup.menu.fow.expose = Expor +token.popup.menu.fow.global = Add From Global Exposed Area +token.popup.menu.fow.party = Add From Group's Exposed Area +token.popup.menu.fow.tokens = Token's FOW Views +token.popup.menu.fow.tokens.view = {0} Área Exposta +token.popup.menu.showHandout = Mostrar Folheto +token.popup.menu.facing.set = Definir Direção +token.popup.menu.facing.clear = Limpar Direção +token.popup.menu.lights.clear = Limpar Somente Luzes +token.popup.menu.lights.clearAll = Limpar Tudo +token.popup.menu.auras.clear = Limpar apenas Auras +token.popup.menu.auras.clearGM = Limpar apenas Auras do GM +token.popup.menu.auras.clearOwner = Limpar apenas Auras do Proprietário +token.popup.menu.snap = Alinhar à grade +token.popup.menu.visible = Visível para jogadores +token.popup.menu.impersonate = Imitar +token.popup.menu.move = Mover +token.popup.menu.move.path = Mostrar caminho +token.popup.menu.move.revertlast = Desfazer último movimento +token.popup.menu.export.libTokenAddon = Export Library Token as Addon... +token.popup.menu.edit = Editar ... +token.popup.menu.delete = Excluir +token.popup.menu.flip = Inverter +token.popup.menu.flip.horizontal = Horizontal +token.popup.menu.flip.vertical = Vertical +token.popup.menu.flip.isometric = Plano Isométrico +token.popup.menu.change = Alterar para +token.popup.menu.arrange = Organizar +token.popup.menu.zorder.front = Trazer para Frente +token.popup.menu.zorder.back = Enviar para Trás +token.popup.menu.save = Salvar ... +token.popup.menu.size = Tamanho +token.popup.menu.size.free = Free Size +token.popup.menu.size.native = Tamanho Nativo +token.popup.menu.size.reset = Redifinir +token.popup.menu.edit.toomany.tooltip = Apenas um token pode ser editado por vez. +token.popup.menu.edit.notallowed.tooltip = The GM is currently locking access to the Token Editor. + +# Token Content Menu +# +# Note the use of the two single quotes. See the URL at the top of the +# file for an explanation. (Essentially, a single quote in the output +# requires two single quotes in the message string.) +token.popup.menu.halo = Auréola +token.popup.menu.vision.overlay = Vision Overlay +token.properties.button.transferVblFromMap.copy.text = Copiar VBL do Mapa +token.properties.button.transferVblFromMap.move.text = Mover VBL do mapa +token.properties.button.transferVblToMap.copy.text = Copiar VBL para Mapa +token.properties.button.transferVblToMap.move.text = Mover VBL para Mapa + +tokenspeech.description = Dizer a fala informada nos tokens atualmente selecionados. + +tool.LineCellTemplate.tooltip = Draw a line template centered on a grid cell. +# We use LClick to mean "left-click" and RClick to mean "right-click". +# We use MClick to mean "middle mouse button click". +# We use LDrag to mean "left-click-and-drag" and ditto for RDrag. +# We use MWheel to mean "mouse wheel". +# We add "Shift" or "Ctrl" in front to mean that keystroke. +tool.blasttemplate.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define a célula inicial, segundo clique define o raio e a direção; Ctrl\: move ponto de origem +tool.blasttemplate.tooltip = Draw a blast template. +#tool.boardtool.instructions=Reposition Background Image +tool.boardtool.tooltip = Reposicionar imagem de fundo do mapa +tool.bursttemplate.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define célula central, segundo clique define raio; Ctrl\: move ponto de origem +tool.bursttemplate.tooltip = Draw a burst template. +tool.cone.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define ponto inicial, segundo clique define raio e direção; Ctrl\: move ponto de origem +tool.cone.tooltip = Desenha um modelo de cone. +tool.crosstopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point; Shift LClick\: erase cross; Ctrl snaps to grid +tool.crosstopology.tooltip = Draw a cross VBL +tool.deletedrawing.instructions=LClick\: Select drawings Double-Click\: Delete selected drawings. +tool.deletedrawing.tooltip=Excluir o desenho +tool.isorectangle.tooltip = Draw an isometric rectangle. +tool.isorectangleexpose.tooltip = Expose/Hide an isometric rectangle on the Fog of War. +tool.facing.instructions = Não Utilizado +tool.facing.tooltip = Defina a direção da face do token. +tool.filltopology.tooltip = Fill in closed areas of VBL. +tool.freehand.instructions = LDrag\: draw freehand line, Shift+LDrag\: erase freehand line, Alt (hold)\: Snap to cell center +tool.freehand.tooltip = Desenha linhas à mão-livre. +tool.freehandexpose.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define o ponto incial/final a expor, Clique Direito (enquanto arrasta)\: define ponto intermediário, Shift + Clique esquerdo (inicial)\: oculta área +tool.freehandexpose.tooltip = Expor/Esconder na mão livre no Fog of War. +tool.gridtool.instructions = Arrows\: move grid offset, Shift+Arrows\: change grid size, LDrag\: Move grid, MWheel\: scale grid +tool.gridtool.tooltip = Mostrar/Ocultar a grade do mapa. +tool.label.dialogtitle = Editar Etiqueta +tool.label.instructions = LClick\: create a new label, RDrag\: move map, MWheel\: zoom +tool.label.tooltip = Adicionar etiqueta de texto no mapa. +tool.line.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define ponto inicial/final, Clique direito (enquanto desenhando)\: define ponto intermediário, Shift + Clique esquerdo (inicial)\: apaga linha, Alt (segurar)\: Alinha ao centro da célula +tool.line.tooltip = Desenhe linhas retas. +tool.linetemplate.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define ponto inicial, segundo clique determina o caminho, terceiro clique define o comprimento; Ctrl\: move o último ponto definido +tool.linetemplate.tooltip = Desenhe um modelo de linha. +tool.measure.instructions = LDrag\: measure cell distance, RDrag\: move map, MWheel\: zoom, MClick and Spacebar\: Toggle waypoint +tool.measure.tooltip = Medir distância ao longo do caminho. +tool.oval.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: start erase oval; Alt\: origin is centerpoint +tool.oval.tooltip = Desenhe um oval. +tool.ovalexpose.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define o ponto inicial/final a expor, Shift + Clique esquerdo\: oculta área; Alt\: origem é o ponto central +tool.ovalexpose.tooltip = Expor/Esconder um oval no Fog of War. +tool.ovaltopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: start erase oval +tool.ovaltopology.tooltip = Desenhe um VBL oval. +tool.ovaltopologyhollow.tooltip = Desenhe um VBL oval oco. +tool.pointer.instructions = LClick\: select, LDrag\: move selected, RClick\: menu, RDrag\: move map, MWheel\: zoom, MClick and Spacebar\: Toggle waypoint, Shift+MouseOver\: no statsheet +tool.pointer.tooltip = Ferramenta do ponteiro +tool.poly.instructions = LClick\: lay initial/final point, RClick (while drawing)\: set intermediate point, RDrag\: move map, Shift+LClick (initial)\: Erase poly area +tool.poly.tooltip = Desenhe um polígono fechado. +tool.polyexpose.instructions = LClick\: lay initial/final point to expose, RClick (while drawing)\: set intermediate point, RDrag\: move map, Shift+LClick (initial)\: hide area +tool.polyexpose.tooltip = Expor/Esconder um polígono no Fog of War. +tool.polylinetopo.tooltip = Desenhar uma linha VBL. +tool.polytopo.tooltip = Desenhar um polígono VBL fechado. +tool.radiusCellTemplate.tooltip = Draw a radius template centered on a grid cell. +tool.radiustemplate.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define ponto inicial, segundo clique define o raio; Ctrl\: move o ponto de origem +tool.radiustemplate.tooltip = Draw a radius template. +tool.rect.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: erase rectangle; Ctrl\: snap-to-grid, Alt\: origin is centerpoint +tool.rect.tooltip = Desenhe um retângulo. +tool.rectexpose.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define ponto inicial/final a expor; Shift + Clique esquerdo\: oculta retângulo; Alt\: origem é o ponto central +tool.rectexpose.tooltip = Expor/Esconder um retângulo no Fog of War. +tool.recttopology.instructions = Clique esquerdo do mouse\: define ponto inicial/final, Shift + Clique esquerdo\: apaga retângulo; Ctrl\: alinha à grade +tool.recttopology.tooltip = Desenhe um VBL retangular. +tool.recttopologyhollow.tooltip = Desenhe um VBL retangular oco. +tool.isorectangletopology.tooltip = Draw an isometric rectangle VBL. +tool.isorectangletopologyhollow.tooltip = Draw a hollow isometric rectangle VBL. +tool.isorectangletopology.instructions = LClick\: set initial/final point, Shift+LClick\: erase isometric rectangle; Ctrl\: snap-to-grid +tool.stamp.tooltip = Stamp tool +tool.walltemplate.instructions = LClick\: set starting cell, move mouse in direction of wall, second LClick to finish wall; Ctrl\: move origin point +tool.walltemplate.tooltip = Desenhe um modelo de parede. +tools.ai_selector.tooltip = Tokens will navigate around MBL, VBL (if selected), and account for tokens with terrain modifiers. +tools.ignore_vbl_on_move.tooltip = Tokens will navigate around VBL if selected, otherwise they will freely move into VBL. +tools.topology_mode_selection.cover_vbl.tooltip = Draw Cover Vision Blocking (Cover VB). +tools.topology_mode_selection.vbl.tooltip = Draw Wall Vision Blocking Layer (Wall VBL). +tools.topology_mode_selection.hill_vbl.tooltip = Draw Hill Vision Blocking Layer (Hill VBL). +tools.topology_mode_selection.pit_vbl.tooltip = Draw Pit Vision Blocking Layer (Pit VBL). +tools.topology_mode_selection.mbl.tooltip = Draw Movement Blocking Layer (MBL). +tools.drawing.tooltip = Ferramentas de desenho +tools.fog.tooltip = Ferramentas do Nevoeiro de Guerra +tools.interaction.tooltip = Ferramentas de Interação +tools.mute.tooltip = Silenciar sons do sistema e transmissões de áudio +tools.unmute.tooltip = Reativar sons do sistema e transmissões de áudio +tools.hidetoolbar.tooltip = Ocultar barra de ferramentas +tools.unhidetoolbar.tooltip = Mostrar barra de ferramentas +tools.template.tooltip = Ferramentas de Modelo +tools.token.fow.all.tooltip = Mostrar FoW para Todos os Tokens que você possui controle ou que são de propriedade de todos. +tools.token.fow.gm.tooltip = Mostrar FoW para os Tokens que você de fato possui.
Se você é o GM, logo também verá quaisquer tokens que não possuem titularidade. +tools.token.fow.npc.tooltip = Mostrar FoW para Tokens NPCs que você possui controle ou que são de propriedade de todos. +tools.token.fow.pc.tooltip = Mostrar FoW para Tokens PCs que você possui controle ou que são de propriedade de todos. +tools.topo.tooltip = Topology Tools (Vision and Movement Blocking Layer) +tools.zoneselector.tooltip = Selecionar Mapa +tools.initiative.tooltip = Initiative Tools + +undefinedmacro.unknownCommand = Comando desconhecido\: "{0}". Tente /ajuda para uma lista de comandos. + + + +startup.config.unableToWrite = Não foi possível gravar o arquivo de configuração. +Preferences.startup.label.info = Informações de Preferências na Inicialização +startup.preferences.info = {0} <\!-- Copy Information will be inserted here if needed. -->JVM Memory Settings

  • Maximum Heap Size\: The maximum amount of memory MapTool can use
    • This should include G for gig, e.g. 8G
  • Minimum Heap Size\: The minimum amount of memory MapTool will use
    • This should include G for gig, e.g. 4G
  • Thread Stack Size\: The amount of memory MapTool will for its stack, increase this if you get stack errors when running macros.
    • This should include M for Meg, e.g. 8M
    • warning setting this higher than 16M may cause issues
Language Override
  • Language\: The language to use for MapTool

Additional Options
  • Data Directory\: The directory where MapTool data will be stored
Advanced Options
  • Disable Direct3d pipeline\: Try disabling this if you are experiencing graphical glitches on Windows Systems
  • Disable OpenGL pipeline\: Try disabling this if you are experiencing graphical glitches on non Windows Systems
  • Initialize AWT before JavaFx\: Only check this if you are experiencing problems with windows and dialogs not appearing
+ +startup.preferences.info.manualCopy =

Activating Startup Preferences

MapTool is unable to copy the configuration file to the startup directory.
In order for them to take effect you will need to edit the {0} and restart MapTool after saving your changes.
+ + +userTerm.GM = GM +userTerm.Player = Jogador +# Note the capitalization on the second one. Some languages might use +# different capitalization so both are included here... +# +# Note that these are not used universally, but as code is modified they +# will be added. These should not be used by the programmer when user +# input is involved, for example in a dropdown box or similar. That's +# because the program is likely hard-coded to look at the text instead +# of localizing it. As we move forward, we'll write code so that it +# displays one thing but uses a separate value internally. That allows +# you to display whatever you want to the user and still have hard-coded +# values in the program (because it makes the program significantly +# easier to write and faster at runtime). +userTerm.player = jogador + +visionType.DAY = Dia +visionType.NIGHT = Noite +visionType.OFF = Desligado + +lightingStyle.ENVIRONMENTAL = Environmental +lightingStyle.OVERTOP = Overtop + +mapSortType.GMNAME = Nome verdadeiro +mapSortType.DISPLAYNAME = Nome de Exibição + + +whisper.command = Sussurrar +whisper.description = Enviar mensagem a um jogador específico. +whisper.enterText = insira o texto aqui +whisper.noName = Fornecer um nome de jogador. +# {0} is the name, {1} is the message +whisper.string = {0} sussurrar\: {1} +whisper.toSelf = Falando consigo mesmo novamente? +whisper.you.string = Você sussurra à {0}\: {1} + +whisperreply.description = Responder ao último jogador que sussurrou para você. +whisperreply.noTarget = Você não tem ninguém para responder. + +zone.player_view = Visão do Jogador +zone.map_not_visible = Mapa não visível para os jogadores + + + +# Player Database Dialog +playerDB.dialog.player = Player +playerDB.dialog.role = Role +playerDB.dialog.add = Adicionar +playerDB.dialog.authType = Tipo de Autenticação +playerDB.dialog.blocked = Blocked +playerDB.dialog.connected = Connected +playerDB.dialog.title = Player Password Database +playerDB.dialog.title.edit = Edit Player +playerDB.dialog.title.new = New Player +playerDB.dialog.password = Password +playerDB.dialog.passwordGenerate = Generate New Password +playerDB.dialog.publicKey = Public Key +playerDB.dialog.edit = Editar... +playerDB.dialog.delete = Excluir +playerDB.dialog.deleteConfirm = Você tem certeza que deseja excluir {0}? +playerDB.dialog.error.missingName = Missing Player Name +playerDB.dialog.error.passwordMissing = Missing Password +playerDB.dialog.error.passwordTooShort = Password is too short +playerDB.dialog.error.invalidPublicKey = Chave Pública Inválida +playerDB.dialog.error.emptyBlockReason = Blocked reason can not be empty +playerDB.dialog.error.playerExists = Player already exists +playerDB.dialog.error.savingChanges = Error saving database changes + + +# Text to display instead of the password +playerDB.dialog.encodedPassword = -- Senha Codificada -- + +WebRTC.toggleUseWebRTC = Use WebRTC (experimental) +WebRTC.toggleUseWebRTC.tooltip = Use WebRTC as connection method, this may help
with connection issues where portforwarding doesn't work
both client and server must have the same setting.
This functionality is still experimental.
Requires an RPTools net Alias to be set + +dialog.button.ok = Ok +dialog.button.cancel = Cancelar + + + +# Add-On Library support +library.error.invalidDefinition = Invalid library definition. +library.error.emptyName = Name can not be empty for add-on library. +library.error.emptyVersion = Version can't be empty for add-on library {0}. +library.dialog.import.title = Import Add-On Library. +library.import.ioError = IO Error importing Drop In Library. +library.import.error = Error importing Drop In Library {0}. +library.import.error.notGM = Only GM can import a Drop in Library. +library.imported = Library {0} imported. +library.error.libtoken.no.access = Allow URI Access is not allowed for {0}. +library.error.addOn.no.access = Allow URI Access is not allowed for {0} add-on library. +library.error.libtoken.missing = Lib\:Token can no longer be found. +library.error.addOnLibraryExists = Add-On Library with namespace {0} already exists. Do you want to replace it? +library.error.addOn.notText = Can't convert asset of type {0} to text. +library.error.addOn.noConfigFile = library.json file not found in {0}. +library.property.value.notSpecified = Not Specified +# {0} is the name of the event, {1} is the name of the library, {2} is the exception message +library.error.errorParsingVotableEvent = Continuing after error parsing vote from event {0} @ {1}, error {2}. +# {0} is the name of the event, {1} is the name of the library, {2} is the exception message +library.error.errorRunningEvent = Continuing after error running event {0} @ {1}, error {2}. +library.error.notFound = Library with namespace {0} does not exist. +library.error.noEventHandler = Library with namespace {1} does not contains an event handler for {0}. +library.error.retrievingEventHandler = Error retrieving event handlers for event {0}. +library.error.addOn.sheet = Error adding stat sheet {1}, namespace {0} +library.export.information = This will extract the Lib\:Token to the specified directory as the format required for an add-on library.
Most functionality will work without modifications but you will probably still need to make some modifications. +library.export.done = Exported {0} to {1} as add-on library. It's likely you will need to make modifications to the add on library to make it work. +library.export.error.overwrite = O Diretório {0} não está vazia, selecione um diretório diferente. +library.export.errorReadingDirectory = Não foi possível ler o diretório {0}. +library.export.errorWriting = Error writing file {0} for add-on library. +library.dialog.button.add = Add +library.dialog.button.close = Close +library.dialog.button.details = Details +library.dialog.title = Add-On libraries +library.dialog.library.label = Libraries +library.dialog.development.label = Development +library.dialog.addon.name = Add-On Name +library.dialog.addon.version = Versão +library.dialog.addon.namespace = Namespace +library.dialog.addon.shortDescription = Short Description +library.dialog.addon.description = Description +library.dialog.addon.readMeFile = View Read Me File +library.dialog.addon.authors = Autores +library.dialog.addon.license = License +library.dialog.addon.licenseFile = View License File +library.dialog.addon.giturl = Git URL +library.dialog.addon.website = Website +library.dialog.table.remove = Remove Library +library.dialog.table.removeData = Remove Library and Data +library.dialog.delete.confirm = Are you sure you want to remove add-on library {0}? +library.dialog.deleteData.confirm = Are you sure you want to remove add-on library {0} and all its data? +library.dialog.copy.title = The copied CSS is for testing purposes only.
Within your add-on use
lib\://net.rptools.maptool/css/mt-stat-sheet.css or
lib\://net.rptools.maptool/css/mt-theme.css +library.dialog.copyMTThemeCSS = Copy CSS Theme to clipbaord +library.dialog.copyMTStatSheetTheme = Copy Stat Sheet Theme to clipbaord + +# Game Data +data.error.cantConvertTo = Can't convert {0} to {1}. +data.error.alreadyExists = Data Property {0} already exists. +data.error.undefined = Data Property {0} is undefined. +data.error.namespaceDoesNotExist = Data Namespace {0} does not exist for type {1}. +data.error.namespaceAlreadyExists= Data Namespace {0} already exists for type {1}. +data.error.sendingUpdate = Error sending game data update. +data.error.receivingUpdate = Error receiving game data update. +data.error.importGameData = Error importing game data. +data.error.clearingNamespace = Error clearing data namespace {0} from type {1}. +data.error.removingData = Error data data from {0} namespace {1} from type {2}. +Label.icontheme=Icon theme +Preferences.label.icontheme.tooltip=The theme aplication icons use. +Label.theme.macroeditor=Macro editor theme +TEXT_TYPE=Text type +EditTokenDialog.button.movevbltoggle.tooltip=Include Wall Vision Blocking Layer (Wall VBL) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movembltoggle.tooltip=Include Movement Blocking Layer (MBL) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movehbltoggle.tooltip=Include Hill Vision Blocking Layer (Hill VBL) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movepbltoggle.tooltip=Include Pit Vision Blocking Layer (Pit VBL) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movecbltoggle.tooltip=Include Cover Vision Blocking Layer (Cover VBL) during move or copy +EditTokenDialog.button.movefrommap.tooltip=Move or Copy selected blocking layer from Map +EditTokenDialog.button.movetomap.tooltip=Move or Copy selected blocking layer to Map +Label.label=Label\: + +# StatSheet +token.statSheet.legacyStatSheetDescription = Legacy (pre 1.14) Stat Sheet +token.statSheet.useDefault = Default Stat Sheet for Property Type + +# Advanced Dice Rolls +advanced.roll.parserError = Dice Roll String Error line {0} column {1} "{2}". +advanced.roll.unknownDiceType = Unknown Dice Roll Type {0}. +advanced.roll.unknownVariable = Unknown Variable {0}. +advanced.roll.variableNotNumber = Variable {0} is not a number. +advanced.roll.unknownProperty = Unknown Property {0}. +advanced.roll.propertyNotNumber = Property {0} is not a number. +advanced.roll.noTokenInContext = No token in context. +advanced.roll.inputNotNumber = Input {0} is not a number. +Preferences.label.tokens.stack.hide=Hide Token stack indicator +Preferences.label.tokens.stack.hide.tooltip=Token Layer stack inidicator will be hidden \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_ru_RU.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_ru_RU.properties index 813954f106..e71cdd225c 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_ru_RU.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_ru_RU.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Sight CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Light CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = States CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bars -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Order\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Everybody Else -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Token Type TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_si_LK.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_si_LK.properties index 1bfafe2ade..ce49a00420 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_si_LK.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_si_LK.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Sight CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Light CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = States CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bars -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Order CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Everybody Else -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Token Type TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat-Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_sv_SE.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_sv_SE.properties index 0f0c6436a5..416a877c4a 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_sv_SE.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_sv_SE.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Synförmåga CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Ljus CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = States CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bars -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Ordning\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Övriga -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Textur TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Typ av token TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_uk_UA.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_uk_UA.properties index 25db44b012..a7b2d099fe 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_uk_UA.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_uk_UA.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = Sight CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = Light CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = States CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = Bars -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = Two Images CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = Single Image @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = Mouseover\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = Order\: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = Everybody Else -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = Texture TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = Token Type TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_zh_CN.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_zh_CN.properties index 736d1b6f82..4753c05115 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_zh_CN.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_zh_CN.properties @@ -780,8 +780,12 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.sight = 视线 CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.light = 光源 CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.states = 状态 CampaignPropertiesDialog.tab.bars = 资源条 -CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined = Import Predefined +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.importPredefined.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import.tooltip = Import predefined properties and settings for the selected system +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.export.tooltip = Export campaign properties to file +CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.importPredefined.tooltip = System to import properties for +CampaignPropertiesDialog.button.import = Import predefined campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeName = Enter the name for the new token type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeTitle = New Token Type campaignPropertiesDialog.newTokenTypeDefaultName = New Token Type {0} @@ -800,6 +804,14 @@ campaignPropertiesTable.column.gmStatSheet = GM campaignPropertiesTable.column.ownerStatSheet = Owner campaignPropertiesTable.column.defaultValue = Default +campaignPropertiesTable.column.name.description = The actual name of the property, used by the application. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.shortName.description = Short version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.displayName.description = Display version of the property name. Used in stat-sheets and character sheets. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.statSheet.description = Show the property on the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.gm.description = Restrict visibility to the GM view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.owner.description = Restrict visibility to the owner's view of the stat-sheet. +campaignPropertiesTable.column.default.description = The default value assigned to the property. + # Bar propertyType CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.twoImages = 两个图像 CampaignPropertiesDialog.combo.bars.type.singleImage = 单张图像 @@ -981,15 +993,23 @@ CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.mouse = 鼠标划过: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order = 序号: CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.order.tooltip = Position in the list of states, change to move up or down the list. CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.else = 所有人 -CampaginPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner +CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.owner = Owner TextureChooserPanel.title = 纹理 TokenPropertiesPanel.label.list = List the token properties for this token type below, one property per line\: TokenPropertiesPanel.label.type = 指示物类型 TokenPropertiesPanel.label.statSheet = Stat Sheet +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheet.tooltip = The default stat-sheet to use for this token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.combo.statSheetLocation.tooltip = The default display position for the stat-sheet TokenPropertiesPanel.button.statSheetProps = Stat Sheet Properties TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault = Set as Default +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.setAsDefault.tooltip = Make this the default type for all new tokens +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.add.tooltip = Create a new token type +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.addProperty.tooltip = Add a new property to the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.deleteProperty.tooltip = Remove selected property from the list +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.propertyUpDown.tooltip = Change the list position of the property +TokenPropertiesPanel.button.delete.tooltip = Delete the token type and its associated properties TokenPropertiesPanel.defaultPropertyType = Default Property Type