Tic-Tac-Toe-Game Built Tic Tac Toe Game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Game Start The game starts with a blank board On hover we see the available options for player with mark "X". The game is now starting so player with "X" mark has all 9 boxes available. Switching turns When player "X" makes a move then it is player "O"'s turn. Again on hover we see all available boxes for "O" to select. Gameplay Players then switch turns until there is a winner or until the game ends with a draw Player "X" is about to win Player "X" makes a winning move and the user receives a message confirming the win and prompting the user to start over with a new game Restart button The restart button has a hover style effects for better user experience. It then brings the user to a blank board and the game can start over Victory for player "O" Likewise, when player "O" wins, a confirmation message appears Draw In the event the game ends with a draw then a message appears stating the outcome and the game can start over Enjoy playing!