- Tested up to: WordPress 6.6.2
- Add: timeout option to CURL args
- Fix: check if DigiD userdata is not null before retrieving BSN
- Add: add help property to supplier select control in personal-data-row block
- Change: remove static response from controller classes
- Fix: return null when controller class, based on selected supplier, is not found
- Fix: personal data row block so it supports multiple suppliers
- Fix: check if multi-dimensional array contains only one array
- Add: check response of curl request and return exception when request failed
- Change: logging uses message and status code inside controllers
- Change: WeAreFrank! GF fields mapping options
- Add: WeAreFrank! as supplier
- Change: refactor controller classes
- Change: English translatable strings to Dutch
- Add: implement IdpUserData for retrieving BSN
- Fix: check if $holder is array before using 'isSingleMultidimensionalArray' method when prefilling
- Add: VrijBRP as supplier
- Add: custom age check and municipality check GF fields
- Change: GF Addon fields + implement basic token usage
- Change: explode dot notated values when prefilling
- Add: check for eIDAS BSN
- Change: changelog formatting
- Add: README.md
- Change: update license to EUPL 1.2
- Add: personal data blocks
- Add: prefill all advanced date fields
- Change: clean-up/refactoring & run composer format script
- Add: disable prefilled form fields when using 'Openzaak' or 'PinkRoccade' as configured supplier
- Add: when a field is mapped but there is no value found, set field to read-only
- Change: mapping field 'woonplaats' to 'woonplaatsnaam'
- Add: implement API key general setting
- Change: gf-addon title and icon
- Change: retrieve bsn by DigiD session instead of value of form field
- Add: tooltip for the 'Passphrase' form setting
- Change: clean-up code
- Change: restore 'Passphrase' form setting, is only used when this setting has a value
- Fix: root path to certificates
- Add: logging to Microsoft Teams
- Change: supplement BSN when length is lower than required 9
- Change: CURL header x-doelbinding is optional
- Change: remove 'Passphrase' form setting
- Change: iConnect settings, enable selection of .crt and .cer files
- Change: plugin name
- Change: Apply the right plugin version
- Add: handle multidimensional arrays in response when retrieving linked values
- Add: expand selectable prefill fields in form field settings
- Add: return linked values with ucfirst() when form field type is 'text'
- Add: return linked values in dd-mm-yyyy notation when form field type is 'date'
- Add: expand parameters to request url
- Add: form field setting for expanding the result set
- Add: plugin description
- Add: retrieve BSN from DigiD session.
- Add: dependency Yard | GravityForms DigiD plugin
- Add: prefill general settings
- Add: prefill form settings
- Add: prefill form field settings
- Add: Prefill selected form fields on pre-render of form