+This model updates the computation of DNI used for FARMS.
+The orignal FARMS use DISC model to compute cloudy-sky DNI.
+This new model uses a physics-based algorithm to solve the direct
+and scattered beam in the circumsolar region.
+Created on March 1, 2022
+Upgraded on March 21, 2023
+FARMS-DNI model developed by Yu Xie (yu.xie@nrel.gov)
+Xie, Y., Sengupta, M., Dudhia, J., 2016. A Fast All-sky Radiation Model for
+Solar applications (FARMS): Algorithm and performance evaluation. Sol. Energy
+ 135, 435-445.
+Xie, Y., Sengupta, M., Liu, Y., Long, H., Min, Q., Liu, W., Habte, A., 2020.
+A physics-based DNI model assessing all-sky circumsolar radiation. iScience 22,
+ doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2020.100893.
+Yang, J., Xie, Y., Sengupta, M., Liu, Y., Long, H., 2022. Parameterization of
+cloud transmittance for expeditious assessment and forecasting of all-sky DNI.
+J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 14, 063703.
+import numpy as np
def TDD2(Z, Ftotal, F1):
Compute surface reflection that falls in the circumsolar region.
A parameterization of Eq. (S4) in Xie et al (2020) is used.
All arrays should have the same shape (n_times) or
(n_times, n_lats, n_lons)
Z: np.ndarray
solar zenith angle (degree).
Ftotal: np.ndarray
GHI (Wm-2)
F1: np.ndarray
First order solar radiation given in FARMS (Wm-2).
See Xie et al. (2016) for more details.
Fd2: np.ndarray
Direct radiation caused by the reflection between
surface and cloud (Wm-2).
# compute the integration of the solid angle
a = 5.94991536e-03
b = 5.42116600e-01
c = 331280.9859904468
muomega = a * np.exp(-np.power(Z - b, 3.0) / c)
Fd2 = np.cos(Z * np.pi / 180.0) * (Ftotal - F1) * muomega / np.pi
return Fd2
def TDDP(Z, tau, De, phase1, phase2):
Compute cloud transmittance of DNI for water and ice clouds
More details can be found in Xie et al. (2020)
All arrays should have the same shape (n_times) or
(n_times, n_lats, n_lons)
Z: np.ndarray
solar zenith angle (degree).
tau : np.ndarray
Cloud optical thickness (cld_opd_dcomp) (unitless).
De: np.ndarray
Effective cloud particle size (diameter, micron).
phase1: np.ndarray
np.where( phase==1 )
phase is cloud thermodynamic phase (water:1, ice:2)
phase2: np.ndarray
np.where( phase==2 )
phase is cloud thermodynamic phase (water:1, ice:2)
Tddcld: np.ndarray
Cloud transmittance of DNI for the cloud
Tddcld = np.zeros_like(tau)
Tddcld[phase1] = Pwater(Z[phase1], tau[phase1], De[phase1])
Tddcld[phase2] = Pice(Z[phase2], tau[phase2], De[phase2])
return Tddcld
def Pwater(Z, tau, De):
Compute cloud transmittance for water clouds
The defination and use of the transmittance can be found in
Xie et al. (2020)
The cloud transmittance is parameterized by Yang et al. (2022)
All arrays should have the same shape (n_times) or
(n_times, n_lats, n_lons)
Z: np.ndarray
solar zenith angle (degree).
tau : np.ndarray
Cloud optical thickness (cld_opd_dcomp) (unitless).
De: np.ndarray
Effective cloud particle size (diameter, micron).
Tddcld: np.ndarray
Cloud transmittance of DNI for the cloud
umu0 = np.cos(Z * np.pi / 180.0)
# taup Eq.(3) in Yang et al. (2022)
taup = np.zeros_like(Z)
taup[(De < 10.0) & (umu0 < 0.1391)] = 0.1
taup[(De < 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.1391) & (umu0 < 0.2419)] = 0.2
taup[(De < 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.2419) & (umu0 < 0.3090)] = 0.3
taup[(De < 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.3090) & (umu0 < 0.4067)] = 0.4
taup[(De < 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.4067) & (umu0 < 0.6156)] = 0.5
taup[(De < 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.6156)] = 1.0
taup[(De >= 10.0) & (umu0 < 0.1391)] = 0.1
taup[(De >= 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.1391) & (umu0 < 0.2079)] = 0.2
taup[(De >= 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.2079) & (umu0 < 0.3090)] = 0.3
taup[(De >= 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.3090) & (umu0 < 0.3746)] = 0.4
taup[(De >= 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.3746) & (umu0 < 0.6156)] = 0.5
taup[(De >= 10.0) & (umu0 >= 0.6156)] = 1.0
# Tddp Eq(4) in Yang et al. (2022)
h = 0.005553 * np.log(De) + 0.002503
h[De == 0] = 0.0
Tddp = np.zeros_like(Z)
a1 = (umu0 >= 0.0) & (umu0 < 0.342)
Tddp[a1] = h[a1] * \
(-0.1787 * umu0[a1] * umu0[a1] + 0.2207 * umu0[a1] + 0.977)
a2 = (umu0 >= 0.342) & (umu0 < 0.4694)
Tddp[a2] = h[a2]
a3 = (umu0 >= 0.4694) & (umu0 < 0.7193)
Tddp[a3] = h[a3] * \
(2.6399 * umu0[a3] * umu0[a3] - 3.2111 * umu0[a3] + 1.9434)
a4 = (umu0 >= 0.7193) & (umu0 < 0.8829)
Tddp[a4] = h[a4] * \
(-0.224 * umu0[a4] * umu0[a4] + 0.0835 * umu0[a4] + 1.056)
a5 = (umu0 >= 0.8829) & (umu0 < 0.9396)
Tddp[a5] = h[a5] * \
(-94.381 * umu0[a5] * umu0[a5] + 170.32 * umu0[a5] - 75.843)
a6 = (umu0 >= 0.9396) & (umu0 < 0.9945)
Tddp[a6] = h[a6] * \
(-12.794 * umu0[a6] * umu0[a6] + 22.686 * umu0[a6] - 8.9392)
a7 = (umu0 >= 0.9945) & (umu0 < 0.999)
Tddp[a7] = h[a7] * \
(11248.61 * umu0[a7] * umu0[a7] - 22441.07 * umu0[a7] + 11193.59)
a8 = umu0 >= 0.999
Tddp[a8] = 0.76 * h[a8]
# Eq.(6) in Yang et al. (2022)
a = 2.0339 * np.power(umu0, -0.927)
b = 6.6421 * np.power(umu0, 2.0672)
# compute Tddcld using Eq.(5) in Yang et al. (2022)
Tddcld = np.zeros_like(Z)
a1 = tau <= 0.9 * taup
Tddcld[a1] = Tddp[a1] * np.tanh(a[a1] * tau[a1])
a2 = (tau > 0.9 * taup) & (tau < taup)
temp = np.tanh(b[a2] / np.power(taup[a2], 2.0)) - \
np.tanh(0.9 * a[a2] * taup[a2])
Tddcld[a2] = Tddp[a2] * np.tanh(0.9 * a[a2] * taup[a2]) + Tddp[a2] * \
temp * (tau[a2] - 0.9 * taup[a2]) / (0.1 * taup[a2])
a3 = tau >= taup
Tddcld[a3] = Tddp[a3] * np.tanh(b[a3] / np.power(tau[a3], 2.0))
return Tddcld
def Pice(Z, tau, De):
Compute cloud transmittance for ice clouds
The defination and use of the transmittance can be found in
Xie et al. (2020)
The cloud transmittance is parameterized by Yang et al. (2022)
All arrays should have the same shape (n_times) or
(n_times, n_lats, n_lons)
Z: np.ndarray
solar zenith angle (degree).
tau : np.ndarray
Cloud optical thickness (cld_opd_dcomp) (unitless).
De: np.ndarray
Effective cloud particle size (diameter, micron).
Tddcld: np.ndarray
Cloud transmittance of DNI for the cloud
umu0 = np.cos(Z * np.pi / 180.0)
# taup Eq.(3) in Yang et al. (2022)
taup = np.zeros_like(Z)
a1 = (De >= 5.0) & (De < 14.0) & (umu0 < 0.1391)
taup[a1] = 0.1
a2 = (De >= 5.0) & (De < 14.0) & (umu0 >= 0.1391) & (umu0 < 0.2079)
taup[a2] = 0.2
a3 = (De >= 5.0) & (De < 14.0) & (umu0 >= 0.2079) & (umu0 < 0.3090)
taup[a3] = 0.3
a4 = (De >= 5.0) & (De < 14.0) & (umu0 >= 0.3090) & (umu0 < 0.3746)
taup[a4] = 0.4
a5 = (De >= 5.0) & (De < 14.0) & (umu0 >= 0.3746) & (umu0 < 0.6156)
taup[a5] = 0.5
a6 = (De >= 5.0) & (De < 14.0) & (umu0 >= 0.6156) & (umu0 < 0.9994)
taup[a6] = 1.0
a7 = (De >= 5.0) & (De < 14.0) & (umu0 >= 0.9994)
taup[a7] = 1.5
a8 = (De >= 14.0) & (De < 50.0) & (umu0 < 0.139173)
taup[a8] = 0.1
a9 = (De >= 14.0) & (De < 50.0) & (umu0 >= 0.139173) & \
(umu0 < -0.0011 * De + 0.2307)
taup[a9] = 0.2
a10 = (De >= 14.0) & (De < 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0011 * De + 0.2307) & \
(umu0 < -0.0022 * De + 0.3340)
taup[a10] = 0.3
a11 = (De >= 14.0) & (De < 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0022 * De + 0.3340) & \
(umu0 < -0.0020 * De + 0.4096)
taup[a11] = 0.4
a12 = (De >= 14.0) & (De < 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0020 * De + 0.4096) & \
(umu0 < -0.0033 * De + 0.6461)
taup[a12] = 0.5
a13 = (De >= 14.0) & (De < 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0033 * De + 0.6461) & \
(umu0 < -0.0049 * De + 1.0713)
taup[a13] = 1.0
a14 = (De >= 14.0) & (De < 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0049 * De + 1.0713)
taup[a14] = 1.5
a15 = (De >= 50.0) & (umu0 < -0.0006 * De + 0.2109)
taup[a15] = 0.2
a16 = (De >= 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0006 * De + 0.2109) & \
(umu0 < -0.0005 * De + 0.2581)
taup[a16] = 0.3
a17 = (De >= 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0005 * De + 0.2581) & \
(umu0 < -0.0010 * De + 0.3907)
taup[a17] = 0.4
a18 = (De >= 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0010 * De + 0.3907) & \
(umu0 < -0.0008 * De + 0.4900)
taup[a18] = 0.5
a19 = (De >= 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0008 * De + 0.4900) & \
(umu0 < -0.0017 * De + 0.8708)
taup[a19] = 1.0
a20 = (De >= 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0017 * De + 0.8708) & \
(umu0 < -0.0006 * De + 1.0367)
taup[a20] = 1.5
a21 = (De >= 50.0) & (umu0 >= -0.0006 * De + 1.0367)
taup[a21] = 2.0
# Tddp Eq(4) in Yang et al. (2022)
Tddp = np.zeros_like(Z)
b1 = (umu0 >= 0.9994) & (De <= 10.0)
Tddp[b1] = 0.12269
b2 = (umu0 >= 0.9994) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 16.0)
Tddp[b2] = 0.0015 * De[b2] + 0.1078
b3 = (umu0 >= 0.9994) & (De > 16.0)
Tddp[b3] = 0.1621 * np.exp(-0.016 * De[b3])
b4 = (umu0 < 0.9396) & (De <= 10.0)
Tddp[b4] = 0.14991
b5 = (umu0 < 0.9945) & (umu0 >= 0.9396) & (De <= 10.0)
Tddp[b5] = -4.5171 * np.power(umu0[b5], 2.0) + 8.3056 * umu0[b5] - 3.6476
b6 = (umu0 >= 0.9945) & (umu0 < 0.9994) & (De <= 10.0)
Tddp[b6] = 298.45 * np.power(umu0[b6], 2.0) - 601.33 * umu0[b6] + 303.04
ade = -0.000232338 * np.power(De, 2.0) + 0.012748726 * De + 0.046745083
b7 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & \
(umu0 <= 0.2419)
Tddp[b7] = \
(-8.454 * np.power(umu0[b7], 2.0) + 2.4095 * umu0[b7] + 0.8425) *\
b8 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.2419) &\
(umu0 <= 0.3746)
Tddp[b8] = \
(-13.528 * np.power(umu0[b8], 2.0) + 7.8403 * umu0[b8] - 0.1221) \
* ade[b8]
b9 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.3746) &\
(umu0 <= 0.4694)
Tddp[b9] = (19.524 * np.power(umu0[b9], 2.0) - 16.5 * umu0[b9] + 4.4612) *\
b10 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.4694) &\
(umu0 <= 0.5877)
Tddp[b10] = \
(16.737 * np.power(umu0[b10], 2.0) - 17.419 * umu0[b10] + 5.4881)\
* ade[b10]
b11 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.5877) &\
(umu0 <= 0.6691)
Tddp[b11] = \
(-39.493 * np.power(umu0[b11], 2.0) + 48.963 * umu0[b11] - 14.175)\
* ade[b11]
b12 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.6691) &\
(umu0 <= 0.7660)
Tddp[b12] = \
(0.4017 * np.power(umu0[b12], 2.0) - 0.243 * umu0[b12] + 0.9609)\
* ade[b12]
b13 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.7660) &\
(umu0 <= 0.8480)
Tddp[b13] = \
(-11.183 * np.power(umu0[b13], 2.0) + 18.126 * umu0[b13] - 6.3417) *\
b14 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.8480) & \
(umu0 <= 0.8987)
Tddp[b14] = \
(-163.36 * np.power(umu0[b14], 2.0) + 283.35 * umu0[b14] - 121.91) *\
b15 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.8987) \
& (umu0 <= 0.9396)
Tddp[b15] = \
(-202.72 * np.power(umu0[b15], 2.0) + 368.75 * umu0[b15] - 166.75) *\
b16 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.9396) \
& (umu0 <= 0.9702)
Tddp[b16] = \
(-181.72 * np.power(umu0[b16], 2.0) + 343.59 * umu0[b16] - 161.3) *\
b17 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.9702) \
& (umu0 <= 0.9945)
Tddp[b17] = \
(127.66 * np.power(umu0[b17], 2.0) - 255.73 * umu0[b17] + 129.03) *\
b18 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 10.0) & (De <= 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.9945)
Tddp[b18] = \
(908.66 * np.power(umu0[b18], 2.0) - 1869.3 * umu0[b18] + 961.63) *\
bde = 0.0000166112 * np.power(De, 2.0) - 0.00410998 * De + 0.352026619
b19 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 <= 0.2419)
Tddp[b19] = \
(-4.362 * np.power(umu0[b19], 2.0) - 0.0878 * umu0[b19] + 1.1218) *\
b20 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.2419) & (umu0 <= 0.3746)
Tddp[b20] = \
(-49.566 * np.power(umu0[b20], 2.0) + 28.767 * umu0[b20] - 3.1299) *\
b21 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.3746) & (umu0 <= 0.4694)
Tddp[b21] = \
(58.572 * np.power(umu0[b21], 2.0) - 49.5 * umu0[b21] + 11.363) *\
b22 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.4694) & (umu0 <= 0.5877)
Tddp[b22] = \
(62.118 * np.power(umu0[b22], 2.0) - 63.037 * umu0[b22] + 16.875) *\
b23 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.5877) & (umu0 <= 0.6691)
Tddp[b23] = \
(-237.68 * np.power(umu0[b23], 2.0) + 293.21 * umu0[b23] - 89.328) *\
b24 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.6691) & (umu0 <= 0.7660)
Tddp[b24] = \
(1.2051 * np.power(umu0[b24], 2.0) - 0.7291 * umu0[b24] + 0.8826) *\
b25 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.7660) & (umu0 <= 0.8480)
Tddp[b25] = \
(-55.6 * np.power(umu0[b25], 2.0) + 90.698 * umu0[b25] - 35.905) *\
b26 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.8480) & (umu0 <= 0.8987)
Tddp[b26] = \
(-422.36 * np.power(umu0[b26], 2.0) + 733.97 * umu0[b26] - 317.89) *\
b27 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.8987) & (umu0 <= 0.9396)
Tddp[b27] = \
(-457.09 * np.power(umu0[b27], 2.0) + 831.11 * umu0[b27] - 376.85) *\
b28 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.9396) & (umu0 <= 0.9702)
Tddp[b28] = \
(-344.91 * np.power(umu0[b28], 2.0) + 655.67 * umu0[b28] - 310.5) *\
b29 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.9702) & (umu0 <= 0.9945)
Tddp[b29] = \
(622.85 * np.power(umu0[b29], 2.0) - 1227.6 * umu0[b29] + 605.97) *\
b30 = (umu0 < 0.999) & (De > 30.0) & (umu0 > 0.9945)
Tddp[b30] = \
(6309.63 * np.power(umu0[b30], 2.0) - 12654.78 * umu0[b30] + 6346.15)\
* bde[b30]
# compute Tddcld using Eq.(5) in Yang et al. (2022)
a = 1.7686 * np.power(umu0, -0.95)
b = 7.117 * np.power(umu0, 1.9658)
Tddcld = np.zeros_like(Z)
a1 = tau <= 0.9 * taup
Tddcld[a1] = Tddp[a1] * np.tanh(a[a1] * tau[a1])
a2 = (tau > 0.9 * taup) & (tau < taup)
Tddcld[a2] = Tddp[a2] * np.tanh(0.9 * a[a2] * taup[a2]) + Tddp[a2] *\
(np.tanh(b[a2] / taup[a2]**2.0) - np.tanh(0.9 * a[a2] * taup[a2])) *\
(tau[a2] - 0.9 * taup[a2]) / (0.1 * taup[a2])
a3 = tau >= taup
Tddcld[a3] = Tddp[a3] * np.tanh(b[a3] / np.power(tau[a3], 2.0))
return Tddcld
def farms_dni(F0, tau, solar_zenith_angle, De, phase, phase1, phase2,
Tddclr, Ftotal, F1):
Fast All-sky Radiation Model for solar applications with direct normal
irradiance (FARMS-DNI)
Xie, Y., Sengupta, M., Dudhia, J., 2016. A Fast All-sky Radiation Model
for Solar applications (FARMS): Algorithm and performance evaluation.
Sol. Energy 135, 435-445.
Xie, Y., Sengupta, M., Liu, Y., Long, H., Min, Q., Liu, W., Habte, A.,
2020. A physics-based DNI model assessing all-sky circumsolar radiation.
iScience 22, doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2020.100893.
Yang, J., Xie, Y., Sengupta, M., Liu, Y., Long, H., 2022. Parameterization
of cloud transmittance for expeditious assessment and forecasting of
all-sky DNI. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 14, 063703.
All arrays should have the same shape (n_times) or
(n_times, n_lats, n_lons)
F0: np.ndarray
extraterrestrial solar radiation (Wm-2).
tau : np.ndarray
Cloud optical thickness (cld_opd_dcomp) (unitless).
solar_zenith_angle : np.ndarray
Solar zenith angle (degrees). Must represent the average value over the
integration period (e.g. hourly) under scrutiny.
De: np.ndarray
Effective cloud particle size (diameter, micron).
phase: np.ndarray
Cloud thermodynamic phase (water:1, ice:2)
phase1: np.ndarray
np.where( phase==1 )
phase2: np.ndarray
np.where( phase==2 )
Tddclr : np.ndarray
Calculated in REST2. Transmittance of the clear-sky atmosphere for
direct incident and direct outgoing fluxes (dd).
Tddclr = dni / etdirn
Ftotal: np.ndarray
GHI (Wm-2)
F1: np.ndarray
First order solar radiation given in FARMS (Wm-2).
See Xie et al. (2016) for more details.
Fd: np.ndarray
Direct radiation in the downwelling direction (Wm-2). It includes the
narrow beam and the scattered radiation in the circumsolar region.
dni_farmsdni: np.ndarray
DNI computed by FARMS-DNI (Wm-2).
dni0: np.ndarray
DNI computed by the Lambert law (Wm-2). It only includes the narrow
beam in the circumsolar region.
# scale tau for the computation of DNI. See Eqs. (3a and 3b) in
# Xie et al. (2020), iScience.
taudni = np.zeros_like(tau)
a1 = np.where((phase == 1) & (tau < 8.0))
a2 = np.where((phase == 1) & (tau >= 8.0))
temp1 = 0.254825 * tau[a1] - 0.00232717 * tau[a1]**2.0 + \
5.19320e-06 * tau[a1]**3.0
taudni[a1] = temp1 * (1.0 + (8.0 - tau[a1]) * 0.07)
taudni[a2] = 0.2 * np.power(tau[a2] - 8.0, 1.5) + 2.10871
b1 = np.where((phase == 2) & (tau < 8.0))
b2 = np.where((phase == 2) & (tau >= 8.0))
taudni[b1] = 0.345353 * tau[b1] - 0.00244671 * np.power(tau[b1], 2.0) \
+ (4.74263E-06) * np.power(tau[b1], 3.0)
taudni[b2] = 0.2 * np.power(tau[b2] - 8.0, 1.5) + 2.91345
# compute DNI in the narrow beam. Eq.(S2) in Xie et al. (2020), iScience.
Z = np.arccos(solar_zenith_angle) * 180.0 / np.pi
dni0 = F0 * Tddclr * np.exp(-tau / solar_zenith_angle)
Tddcld0 = np.exp(-taudni / solar_zenith_angle)
Fd0 = solar_zenith_angle * F0 * Tddcld0 * Tddclr
# compute scattered radiation in the circumsolar region. Eq.(S3 and S4)
# in Xie et al. (2020), iScience.
Tddcld1 = TDDP(Z, taudni, De, phase1, phase2)
Fd1 = solar_zenith_angle * F0 * Tddclr * Tddcld1
Fd2 = TDD2(Z, Ftotal, F1)
# compute DNI using the three components. Eq.(S1) in
# Xie et al. (2020), iScience.
Fd = Fd0 + Fd1 + Fd2
dni_farmsdni = Fd / solar_zenith_angle
return Fd, dni_farmsdni, dni0