Releases: NREL-Sienna/PowerSystems.jl
Releases · NREL-Sienna/PowerSystems.jl
PowerSystems v0.26.0
Closed issues:
- UnitsInfo lost in forwarding of RegulationDevice (#573)
Merged pull requests:
- Add StaticGroupReserve (#554) (@andrewrosemberg)
- Fix serialization for StaticReserveGroup (#571) (@daniel-thom)
- Add storage target and conversion factor to HydroReservoir (#572) (@rodrigomha)
- regulation device patch (#574) (@jd-lara)
PowerSystems v0.25.0
Merged pull requests:
- Dynamic data parsing (#561) (@rodrigomha)
- Update GENROU struct (#562) (@rodrigomha)
- Add more defaults to ThermalStandard (#563) (@raphaelsaavedra)
- fixing vom cost omission in table data parsing (#564) (@claytonpbarrows)
- thermal defaults (#565) (@jd-lara)
- Update .travis.yml (#566) (@jd-lara)
- Cb/set parsed unit system (#568) (@claytonpbarrows)
- regenerate code (#569) (@jd-lara)
- system base patch (#570) (@jd-lara)
PowerSystems v0.23.3
Merged pull requests:
- Regulation device improvements (#553) (@jd-lara)
- Cb/tabledata bugfixes (#555) (@claytonpbarrows)
- Cb/tabledata bugfixes (#556) (@claytonpbarrows)
- add special case for RenewableDispatch (#557) (@jd-lara)
PowerSystems v0.23.2
Merged pull requests:
- Cb/tabledata bugfix (#548) (@claytonpbarrows)
- change labels in test (#549) (@jd-lara)
- Cb/get rating bug (#550) (@claytonpbarrows)
- adding get_max_reactive_power (#551) (@claytonpbarrows)
- fixing bag min angle limit in tabledata parser (#552) (@claytonpbarrows)
PowerSystems v0.23.0
Closed issues:
- PTDF() uses branch names but bus numbers as lookups (#446)
- Check binfo return value from getrf!(B) (#447)
- Serialization issue when having a dot for non-exported structs (#532)
Merged pull requests:
- update toml (#537) (@jd-lara)
- Fix powerflow to update in device base (#538) (@rodrigomha)
- modify flow_limits (#539) (@jd-lara)
- add set base system (#540) (@jd-lara)
- Remove MVABase from Inverter (#541) (@rodrigomha)
- sort buses un Ybus constructor (#542) (@jd-lara)
- Fix serialization dynamic branch (#543) (@daniel-thom)
- add max getter functions (#544) (@jd-lara)
PowerSystems v0.22.0
Closed issues:
- Refactor write pf results (#513)
Merged pull requests:
- Use DocStringExtensions TYPEDSIGNATURES (#525) (@daniel-thom)
- [WIP] Update Dynamic Models Structs (#526) (@rodrigomha)
- PSIMA 193 & 196 Per unit handling and field renames (#528) (@jd-lara)
- Add Impedance source in ext when parsing RAW files (#529) (@rodrigomha)
- table data parsing (#530) (@jd-lara)
- Cb/per unit tabledata (#531) (@claytonpbarrows)
- Jd/add dynamic branch (#533) (@jd-lara)
- Cb/tabledata improvements (#534) (@claytonpbarrows)
- add missing conversions (#535) (@jd-lara)
- Update Source and Fix some typos (#536) (@rodrigomha)
PowerSystems v0.21.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add Jacobian to power flow solver (#521) (@rodrigomha)
- minor table data parser improvements (#523) (@claytonpbarrows)
- Cb/ptdf monitored line (#524) (@claytonpbarrows)
PowerSystems v0.20.1
Merged pull requests:
- Add new AVR models (#515) (@rodrigomha)
- updating test for new rts hydro energy forecasts (#516) (@claytonpbarrows)
- update the addition of services (#517) (@jd-lara)
- forgot one (#518) (@claytonpbarrows)
- Add set dynamic injector for MultiThermalStart (#519) (@rodrigomha)
- pwl-origin-cost (#520) (@claytonpbarrows)
- fix function signature (#522) (@jd-lara)