-class: center, middle
-*Making self-contained, distributable projects with*
-# What is Docker?
-* Standardized packaging for software and dependencies
-* Docker lets you create and run applications securely isolated in a **container**, packaged with all its dependencies and libraries.
-# Docker in lifescience
-Docker containers can be used to allow others to reproduce a complete analysis:
-> To further support reproducibility, we bundled all tools and dependencies into one Docker container available on DockerHub [19]. *docker run* executes the aforementioned Makefile inside the container.
-.small[(click [here](https://github.com/metagenomics/2015-biogas-cebitec/blob/master/Dockerfile) to see the Dockerfile)]
-docker run metagenomics/2015-biogas-cebitec
-.small[Bremges *et al* GigaScience (2015) 4:33, [doi:10.1186/s13742-015-0073-6](https://doi.org/10.1186/s13742-015-0073-6)]
-# Docker in lifescience
-Docker can also be used to define software environments and settings for benchmarking studies
-[CAMI Challenge](https://data.cami-challenge.org/): an independent evaluation of several tools in the field of metagenomics
->... we defined standards for submitting the software itself, along with parameter settings and required databases and implemented them in Docker container templates...
-Sczyrba *et al* Nature Methods (2017) 14:1063–1071, [doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4458](https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4458)
-# Docker in lifescience
-Docker can also be used to define software environments and settings for benchmarking studies
-[2nd CAMI Challenge](https://www.microbiome-cosi.org/cami/cami/cami2)
-> For reproducibility, participants could submit a Docker container containing the complete workflow, a bioconda script or a software repository with detailed installation instructions...
-Meyer *et al* Nature Methods (2022) 19:429-440,
-# Docker nomenclature
-* A Docker .green[file] is a recipe used to build a Docker .green[image]
-* A Docker .green[image] is a standalone executable package of software
-* A Docker .green[container] is a standard unit of software run on the Docker Engine.
-* .green[Docker Hub] is an online service for sharing docker images
-# Images and containers
-Example: Use a different OS
-.small[Check OS on local machine]
-$ uname -a
-Darwin johnsmbp.local 19.6.0 \
-Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: \
-Tue Jan 12 22:13:05 PST 2021; \
-root:xnu-6153.141.16~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
-.small[Pull Ubuntu (Linux) image]
-$ docker pull ubuntu:16.04
-16.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
-22dc81ace0ea: Pull complete
-Digest: sha256:e348fbbea0e0a0e73ab0370de151e7800684445c509d46195aef73e090a49bd6
-Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:16.04
-.small[Run a container and check OS version]
-$ docker run -it ubuntu:16.04
-root@407b0fd13fe5:/# uname -a
-Linux 407b0fd13fe5 4.9.60-linuxkit-aufs #1 SMP Mon Nov 6 16:00:12 UTC
-2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
-# Mounting volumes
-`$ docker run -it -v $PWD/data:/home/data ubuntu:16.04`
-.tiny[Local project directory:]
-$ ls project/
-|- doc/
-|- data/
-| |- raw_external/
-| |- raw_internal/
-| |- meta/
-|- code/
-|- notebooks/
-|- intermediate/
-|- scratch/
-|- logs/
-|- results/
-| |- figures/
-| |- tables/
-| |- reports/
-|- Snakefile
-|- config.yml
-|- environment.yml
-|- Dockerfile
-.tiny[Docker image file system]
-$ ls /
-|- bin/
-|- boot/
-|- dev/
-|- etc/
-|- home/
-| |- data/ # data folder mounted under home/
-| |- raw_external/
-| |- raw_internal/
-| |- meta/
-|- lib/
-|- lib64/
-|- media/
-|- opt/
-|- proc/
-|- root/
-|- run/
-|- sys/
-|- tmp/
-|- usr/
-|- var/
-# What can I use Docker for?
-* As an advanced .green[environment] manager
-docker run -it -v $PWD:/home my_image /bin/bash
-* To package your .green[code] with the .green[environment] it needs
-docker run \
--v $PWD/data:/home/data \
--v $PWD/results:/home/results \
-my_image snakemake report.pdf
-* To package a whole workflow with .green[environment], .green[code] and .green[data] (*e.g.* to accompany a manuscript).
-docker run \
--v $PWD/results:/home/results \
-my_image snakemake report.pdf
-* and much more...
-# What is Singularity?
-an open source container platform suitable for HPC clusters
->Singularity was created to run complex applications on HPC clusters in a simple, portable, and reproducible way.
-# What is Apptainer?
-In 2021 Singularity joined the Linux Foundation and became Apptainer.
-The company Sylabs still maintains **Singularity**
-# Docker vs. Singularity
-| | |
-| ------ | ----------- |
-| runs as a daemon process with superuser privileges | runs as regular user |
-| images stored centrally | image files that you can move around. No layers! |
-| isolates the host and container file system by default | containers have access to host file system |
-| well supported on Mac/Linux/Windows | limited support on Mac/Windows |
-class: center, middle
-# Questions?
diff --git a/lectures/containers/containers.html b/lectures/containers/containers.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff9d1f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/containers/containers.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2623 @@
+ Working with containers
Working with containers
What is Docker?
Standardized packaging for software, dependencies as well as the operating system
Docker lets you create and run applications securely isolated in containers
Docker in life science
Docker containers can be used to allow others to reproduce a complete analysis:
To further support reproducibility, we bundled all tools and dependencies into one Docker container available on DockerHub. docker run executes the aforementioned Makefile inside the container. 1
Reproducing the paper can now be done with one command:
docker run metagenomics/2015-biogas-cebitec
Docker in life science
Docker can also be used to define software environments and settings for benchmarking studies:
CAMI Challenge: an independent evaluation of several tools in the field of metagenomics.
[…] We defined standards for submitting the software itself, along with parameter settings and required databases and implemented them in Docker container templates … 1
Docker in life science
Docker can also be used to define software environments and settings for benchmarking studies:
For reproducibility, participants could submit a Docker container containing the complete workflow, a Bioconda script or a software repository with detailed installation instructions […] 1
Docker nomenclature
A Docker image is a stand-alone executable package of software
A Docker container is an instance of a Docker image
A Dockerfile is a recipe used to build a Docker image
Docker Hub is an online service for hosting Docker images
An example: using a different OS
Check OS on local machine
$ uname -a
+Darwin johnsmbp.local 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: [...] x86_64
Pull Ubuntu (Linux) image
$ docker pull ubuntu:16.04
+16.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
+22dc81ace0ea: Pull complete
+Digest: sha256:e348fbbea0e0a0e73ab0370de151e7800684445c509d46195aef73e090a49bd6
+Status: Downloaded image for ubuntu:16.04
Run the container interactively and check OS version
$ docker run -it ubuntu:16.04
+root@407b0fd13fe5:/## uname -a
+Linux 407b0fd13fe5 4.9.60-linuxkit-aufs [...] x86_64 GNU/Linux
To package a whole project with environment, code and data (e.g. to accompany a manuscript).
docker run \
+-v$PWD/results:/home/results \
+ my_image snakemake report.pdf
What is Singularity?
Another software for working with containers, similar to Docker
A Singularity image is contained in a single file, facilitating portability
Does not require root access, making it suitable for work at HPCs
What is Apptainer?
In 2021 Singularity joined the Linux Foundation and became Apptainer.
The company Sylabs still maintains Singularity as a commercial piece of software.
SingularityCE is an Open Source project supported by Sylabs.
The three versions are similar today, but will diverge with time.
Apptainer is the most commonly adopted version of the scientific community.
Docker vs. Apptainer
Runs as a daemon process with superuser privileges
Runs as a regular user
Images stored centrally
Image files that you can move around.
Isolates the host and container file system by default
Containers have access to host file system
Well-supported on Mac, Linux and Windows
Limited support on Mac and Windows
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lectures/containers/containers.pdf b/lectures/containers/containers.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a10bdc1..00000000
Binary files a/lectures/containers/containers.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lectures/containers/containers.qmd b/lectures/containers/containers.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db819bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/containers/containers.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+title: 'Working with containers
+ '
+format: nbis-revealjs
+## What is [Docker]{.green}?
+::: {.incremental}
+- Standardized packaging for software, dependencies as well as the operating
+ system
+- Docker lets you create and run applications securely isolated in
+ [containers]{.green}
+## Docker in life science
+Docker containers can be used to allow others to reproduce a complete analysis:
+> To further support reproducibility, we bundled all tools and dependencies into
+> one Docker container available on DockerHub. `docker run` executes the
+> aforementioned Makefile inside the container. ^[_Bremges et al GigaScience
+> (2015) 4:33, [doi:10.1186/s13742-015-0073-6](https://doi.org/10.1186/s13742-015-0073-6)_]
+::: {.fragment}
+Reproducing the paper can now be done with one command:
+docker run metagenomics/2015-biogas-cebitec
+## Docker in life science
+Docker can also be used to define software environments and settings for
+benchmarking studies:
+[CAMI Challenge](https://data.cami-challenge.org/): an independent evaluation of
+several tools in the field of metagenomics.
+> [...] We defined standards for submitting the software itself, along with
+> parameter settings and required databases and implemented them in Docker
+> container templates ... ^[_Sczyrba et al Nature Methods (2017) 14:1063–1071,
+> [doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4458](https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4458)_]
+## Docker in life science
+Docker can also be used to define software environments and settings for
+benchmarking studies:
+[2nd CAMI Challenge](https://www.microbiome-cosi.org/cami/cami/cami2)
+> For reproducibility, participants could submit a Docker container containing
+> the complete workflow, a Bioconda script or a software repository with
+> detailed installation instructions [...] ^[_Meyer et al Nature Methods (2022)
+> 19:429-440, [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-022-01431-4](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-022-01431-4)_]
+## Docker nomenclature
+::: {.incremental}
+- A Docker [image]{.green} is a stand-alone executable package of software
+- A Docker [container]{.green} is an instance of a Docker image
+- A [Dockerfile]{.green} is a recipe used to build a Docker image
+- [Docker Hub]{.green} is an online service for hosting Docker images
+::: {.fragment}
+![](images/images_and_containers.png){height=350 fig-align="center"}
+## An example: using a different OS
+::: {.fragment}
+Check OS on local machine
+```{.bash code-line-numbers="|1|2"}
+$ uname -a
+Darwin johnsmbp.local 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: [...] x86_64
+::: {.fragment}
+Pull Ubuntu (Linux) image
+```{.bash code-line-numbers="|1|2-6"}
+$ docker pull ubuntu:16.04
+16.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
+22dc81ace0ea: Pull complete
+Digest: sha256:e348fbbea0e0a0e73ab0370de151e7800684445c509d46195aef73e090a49bd6
+Status: Downloaded image for ubuntu:16.04
+::: {.fragment}
+Run the container interactively and check OS version
+```{.bash code-line-numbers="|1|2|3"}
+$ docker run -it ubuntu:16.04
+root@407b0fd13fe5:/## uname -a
+Linux 407b0fd13fe5 4.9.60-linuxkit-aufs [...] x86_64 GNU/Linux
+## Mounting volumes
+:::: {.columns height=90%}
+::: {.column}
+::: {.fragment}
+Local `project/` directory:
+```{.bash code-line-numbers="1|2-16|3-6"}
+$ ls
+|- doc/
+|- data/
+| |- raw_external/
+| |- raw_internal/
+| |- meta/
+|- code/
+|- notebooks/
+|- intermediate/
+|- scratch/
+|- logs/
+|- results/
+|- Snakefile
+|- config.yml
+|- environment.yml
+|- Dockerfile
+::: {.column}
+::: {.fragment}
+Docker container file system:
+```{.bash code-line-numbers="1-3|4-16|7-11"}
+$ docker run \
+ -v $PWD/data:/home/data \
+ ubuntu:16.04 ls
+|- bin/
+|- dev/
+|- etc/
+|- home/
+| |- data/
+| |- raw_external/
+| |- raw_internal/
+| |- meta/
+|- lib/
+|- opt/
+|- run/
+|- sys/
+|- usr/
+## What can I use Docker for?
+::: {.fragment}
+- As an advanced [environment]{.green} manager
+docker run -it -v $PWD:/home my_image /bin/bash
+::: {.fragment}
+- To package your [code]{.green} with the environment it needs
+docker run \
+ -v $PWD/data:/home/data \
+ -v $PWD/results:/home/results \
+ my_image snakemake report.pdf
+::: {.fragment}
+- To package a [whole project]{.green} with environment, code and data (_e.g._
+ to accompany a manuscript).
+docker run \
+ -v $PWD/results:/home/results \
+ my_image snakemake report.pdf
+## What is Singularity?
+![](https://sylabs.io/guides/3.0/user-guide/_static/logo.png){height=250 fig-align=center}
+::: {.incremental}
+- Another software for working with containers, similar to Docker
+- A Singularity image is contained in a single file, facilitating portability
+- Does not require `root` access, making it suitable for work at HPCs
+## What is Apptainer?
+::: {.incremental}
+- In 2021 Singularity joined the Linux Foundation and became
+ [Apptainer]{.green}.
+- The company [Sylabs]{.green} still maintains Singularity as a commercial
+piece of software.
+- [SingularityCE]{.green} is an Open Source project supported by Sylabs.
+- The three versions are similar today, but will diverge with time.
+- [Apptainer]{.green} is the most commonly adopted version of the scientific
+ community.
+## Docker vs. Apptainer
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column}
+![](images/docker-logo.webp){height=150 fig-align=center}
+::: {.column}
+![](https://apptainer.org/docs/user/main/_static/logo.png){height=150 fig-align=center}
+| | |
+| ------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Runs as a daemon process with superuser privileges | Runs as a regular user |
+| Images stored centrally | Image files that you can move around. |
+| Isolates the host and container file system by default | Containers have access to host file system |
+| Well-supported on Mac, Linux and Windows | Limited support on Mac and Windows |
+# Questions?
diff --git a/lectures/containers/images/docker-logo.webp b/lectures/containers/images/docker-logo.webp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88bd2d7d
Binary files /dev/null and b/lectures/containers/images/docker-logo.webp differ
diff --git a/lectures/containers/template.css b/lectures/containers/template.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a1ac43..00000000
--- a/lectures/containers/template.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
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