This module parses scene descriptions across various formats into each other using USD as the translation medium
multiverse_parser --help
usage: multiverse_parser [-h] --input INPUT --output OUTPUT [--physics | --no-physics] [--visual | --no-visual] [--collision | --no-collision]
[--keepusd | --no-keepusd] [--collisionrgba COLLISIONRGBA [COLLISIONRGBA ...]]
Multiverse parser
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT Import scene description as (URDF, MJCF, WORLD or USD)
--output OUTPUT Export scene description as (URDF, MJCF, WORLD or USD)
--physics, --no-physics
Whether to include physics properties or not
--visual, --no-visual
Whether to include visual meshes or not
--collision, --no-collision
Whether to include collision meshes or not
--keepusd, --no-keepusd
Whether to keep the USD file or not
The color of the collision meshes, if they exist
Go to ../../build/multiverse/modules/multiverse_parser
and run ctest
. The scene graph from ../../tests/multiverse_parser/input
will be translated in the output
folder in ../../tests/multiverse_parser