- This document describes how to use the Object Storage API served by Naver Cloud.
- Areas of use include uploading video files, json files, and thumbnail files.
- No need to use Naver Cloud and is compatible with AWS S3.
- Refer to Naver Cloud’s AWS SDK Guide for Java.
- Last Edit: 2023.10.02
- Why should I use it?
- Architecture
- Access-key and Secret-key issuance
- Create Object Storage bucket
- S3 sdk dependency injection through gradle
- Fill in application.yml
- Creating S3Client configuration file
- Description of API usage
- Starting S3 Client through Test Code
The reasons for using Object Storage
- Efficient data management: The open source we created exchanges data with both the client and the AI server. If the files sent from the client to the BE server are stored in Object Storage, they can be used by the AI Server and the client, reducing the number of API requests received from BE.
- Reduced Latency: Since files can be accessed in URL format, latency through file transfer is reduced.
- Server capacity and management efficiency: When files are stored inside the server, server capacity increases and file management becomes difficult when the server is expanded. These problems can be solved through Object Storage.
- Consistent file management: Like Redis' Global Cache, consistent data processing is possible by managing all files in one place.
- Log in to NaverCloud -> My Page -> Authentication Key Management -> Create a new API authentication key
- Console -> Services -> Object Storage -> Bucket Management -> Create Bucket
- Create a new folder (create folders that will be used in the future)
- in our case, create three folders called video, json, and thumbnail
implementation 'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3:1.11.238'
- Enter the issued key information, region, bucket name, etc. in spring boot’s application.yml.
- Since this is sensitive information, we use the method of creating a separate configuration file and loading it from the main yml.
access-key: "your access-key"
secret-key: "your secret-key"
auto: false
static: ap-northeast-2 // your location -> if you in korea, use ap-northeast-2
endpoint: https://kr.object.ncloudstorage.com
bucket: "your bucket name"
- Create a configuration file through @Configuration. (To manage as a singleton)
- Since Amazon's S3 SDK is used, an object to connect to AmazonS3 is created and returned.
- Use @Value to load information from a configuration file written in yml.
public class S3Client {
private String accessKey;
private String secretKey;
private String endPoint;
private String regionName;
public AmazonS3 getAmazonS3() {
return AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
.withEndpointConfiguration(new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(endPoint, regionName))
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)))
- Difference between Path and URL
- Path is the path where files are actually stored in Object Storage, and when deleted, this is used to delete them.
- URL is the URL used when the user actually wants to obtain the Object. This is not provided by the S3 SDK, but since the pattern is consistent, we create and store it ourselves.
private String bucketName; // your bucketName
private final S3Client s3Client; // connect to S3
private final VideoRepository videoRepository;
- In the createVideo method part, receive files to upload as MultipartFile.
- Create an uploadFileToS3 method and pass video files and json files as parameters.
public String createVideo(VideoRequestDTO videoRequestDTO) {
MultipartFile[] files = videoRequestDTO.getFiles();
MultipartFile videoFile = files[0];
MultipartFile jsonFile = files[1];
UploadFileDTO uploadFileDTO = uploadFileToS3(videoFile, jsonFile);
...The following codes are explained in number 8.
- Create a singleton object using getAmazonS3 of the s3Client that received DI.
AmazonS3 s3 = s3Client.getAmazonS3();
- Convert MultipartFile to File object through the method that converts it to File object.
uploadVideoFile = convertMultipartFileToFile(videoFile, videoFileName);
uploadJsonFile = convertMultipartFileToFile(jsonFile, jsonFileName);
public File convertMultipartFileToFile(MultipartFile multipartFile, String fileName) {
File convertedFile = new File(fileName);
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(convertedFile)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return convertedFile;
- Upload the file by specifying a path to the desired bucket using the s3.putObject method.
s3.putObject(bucketName, VideoObjectPath, uploadVideoFile);
s3.putObject(bucketName, jsonObjectPath, uploadJsonFile);
s3.putObject(bucketName, thumbnailObjectPath, uploadThumbnailFile);
- When first creating files, The user's read access will be disabled.
- Implement the setACL method to make the files accessible to AllUsers.
// All Users can access Object
setAcl(s3, VideoObjectPath);
setAcl(s3, jsonObjectPath);
setAcl(s3, thumbnailObjectPath);
public void setAcl(AmazonS3 s3, String objectPath) {
AccessControlList objectAcl = s3.getObjectAcl(bucketName, objectPath);
objectAcl.grantPermission(GroupGrantee.AllUsers, Permission.Read);
s3.setObjectAcl(bucketName, objectPath, objectAcl);
- Create URL, Path, etc. and save the Video Entity.
public String createVideo(VideoRequestDTO videoRequestDTO) {
MultipartFile[] files = videoRequestDTO.getFiles();
MultipartFile videoFile = files[0];
MultipartFile jsonFile = files[1];
UploadFileDTO uploadFileDTO = uploadFileToS3(videoFile, jsonFile);
Video video = videoRequestDTO.toVideo(uploadFileDTO);
return "success";
- Receive the PK of the video.
- Obtain the Video object using PK and get the path of the files.
public String deleteVideo(Long vno) {
Optional<Video> byId = videoRepository.findById(vno);
if (byId.isEmpty()) return "Video not found for Id : " + vno;
Video video = byId.get();
String videoPath = video.getVideoPath();
String jsonPath = video.getJsonPath();
String thumbnailPath = video.getThumbnailPath();
deleteFileFromS3(videoPath, jsonPath, thumbnailPath);
...explained in number 4.
- Create a deleteFileFromS3 method and delete it from Object Storage using Path.
public void deleteFileFromS3(String videoPath, String jsonPath, String thumbnailPath) {
AmazonS3 s3 = s3Client.getAmazonS3();
try {
s3.deleteObject(bucketName, videoPath);
s3.deleteObject(bucketName, jsonPath);
log.info("Delete Object successfully");
} catch(SdkClientException e) {
log.info("Error deleteFileFromS3");
- Also delete the Video object.
public String deleteVideo(Long vno) {
Optional<Video> byId = videoRepository.findById(vno);
if (byId.isEmpty()) return "Video not found for Id : " + vno;
Video video = byId.get();
String videoPath = video.getVideoPath();
String jsonPath = video.getJsonPath();
String thumbnailPath = video.getThumbnailPath();
deleteFileFromS3(videoPath, jsonPath, thumbnailPath);
videoRepository.delete(video); // --> delete from DB
return "success";
- S3Client dependency injection
- bucketName declaration
S3Client s3Client;
private String bucketName; // your bucketName
- List the buckets for the account set in s3Client.
public void bucketList() {
AmazonS3 s3 = s3Client.getAmazonS3();
try {
List<Bucket> buckets = s3.listBuckets();
System.out.println("Bucket List: ");
for (Bucket bucket : buckets) {
System.out.println(" name=" + bucket.getName() + ", creation_date=" + bucket.getCreationDate() + ", owner=" + bucket.getOwner().getId());
} catch (AmazonS3Exception e) {
} catch(SdkClientException e) {
- Upload the sample file located locally.
- Unlike service logic, you can directly create a File object using filePath.
public void uploadFile() {
AmazonS3 s3 = s3Client.getAmazonS3();
String bucketName = "your bucketName";
// upload local file
String objectPath = "video/video1";
String filePath = "src/main/resources/sample.mp4";
try {
s3.putObject(bucketName, objectPath, new File(filePath));
System.out.format("Object %s has been created.\n", objectPath);
} catch (AmazonS3Exception e) {
} catch(SdkClientException e) {
- Delete the file from the bucket using objectPath.
public void deleteFile() {
AmazonS3 s3 = s3Client.getAmazonS3();
String bucketName = "your bucketName";
String objectPath = "video/video1";
//delete object
try {
s3.deleteObject(bucketName, objectPath);
System.out.format("Object %s has been deleted.\n", objectPath);
} catch (AmazonS3Exception e) {
} catch(SdkClientException e) {