- 🏁 First steps
- ⚙️ Installing Desktops
- 💻 Running the Desktops to use them with Termux X11
- ⬇️ Download scripts to run the desktops
- 🎨 Customizations - Themes
We are going to use Termux and Termux X11 in order to have a full Linux Desktop in our Android devices.
[Commands] How to install a Linux Distro on Termux with proot-distro (No Root)
You can check the video described in the First Steps section. The written steps are the following ones:
- Open Termux
- Install proot-distro
pkg update
pkg install proot-distro
- Install Debian (or the distor you prefer)
proot-distro install debian
4 Log in to the distro
proot-distro login debian
[Commands ]Create an user with sudo privileges
The steps are described in the video linked in the previous point.
- Install needed packages
apt update -y
apt install sudo nano adduser -y
- Create an user
adduser droidmaster
- Give the user sudo privileges
nano /etc/sudoers
# Add the following line to the file
droidmaster ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
- Check you can execute sudo commands (it should return
sudo whoami
I have installed different desktops, if you want me to test any other just leave a comment in any video and I will check it:
In the videos I'm using VNC but with Termux X11 installing the tigervnc server and dbus is no longer required.
# Commands:
proot-distro login debian --user droidmaster
sudo apt install xfce4
# Commands:
proot-distro login debian --user droidmaster
sudo apt install lxde
# Commands:
proot-distro login debian --user droidmaster
sudo apt install cinnamon -y
# Commands:
proot-distro login debian --user droidmaster
sudo apt install dbus-x11 nano gnome gnome-shell gnome-terminal gnome-tweaks gnome-software nautilus gnome-shell-extension-manager gedit tigervnc-tools gnupg2 -y
for file in $(find /usr -type f -iname "*login1*"); do rm -rf $file
- [Video] How to install KDE Plasma - Not recommended due to performance issues (KDE Plasma requires more resources)
# Commands:
proot-distro login debian --user droidmaster
sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop
All the scripts in this repository are prepared to run the different Desktops with audio in an easy way.
First you need to install the following packages in Termux:
pkg update
pkg install x11-repo
pkg install termux-x11-nightly
pkg install pulseaudio
Then, you just need to download the script corresponding to the Desktop you have installaded, give it permissions to execute it and run it (in Termux, not in proot-distro):
# Download the script to Termux
chmod +x startxfce4_debian.sh
By default this script works with the user "droidmaster". If you create a user with a different name in proot-distro, please change where it says "droidmaster" inside the scripts.
- startgnome_debian.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/proot_debian/startgnome_debian.sh
- startxfce4_debian.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/proot_debian/startxfce4_debian.sh
- startlxde_debian.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/proot_debian/startlxde_debian.sh
- startcinnamon_debian.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/proot_debian/startcinnamon_debian.sh
- startkde_debian.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/proot_debian/startkde_debian.sh
Customization videos:
How to install nerd fonts (this allows you to have icons in the terminal):
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/officialrajdeepsingh/nerd-fonts-installer/main/install.sh)"
- Whisker menu and MugShot (to improve default desktop default menu)
sudo apt install xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin
sudo apt install mugshot
- Install icon themes:
apt search icon-theme
sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme moka-icon-theme
- Install GTK themes (system themes)
apt search gtk-themes
sudo apt install numix-gtk-theme greybird-gtk-theme
- Install alternative dock (bottom panel)
sudo apt install plank
plank --preferences
- Install Conky (desktop widgets)
sudo apt install conky-all