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Events are written in a form procedure EVENT_NAME(EVENT_PARAMETERS); like so:

    procedure OnHouseBuilt(aHouseID: Integer);
      // code

Custom event handlers

Sometimes we want to make it possible to handle some event in the different procedures. It could be usefull, when we want to make script, which could be easily included into some other script with minimum efforts, as much simple as possible.

Let's say in our includable script we want to do some stuff, when house is built, then we must have OnHouseBuild procedure. But then there could be an error, if main script (where our script is included) will have same OnHouseBuild procedure. That is why we want to have some other procedure, that will be invoked in our script. That could be archived with custom directive {$EVENT}

    {$EVENT event_name:event_handler_procedure_name}


  • event_name - name of the event, made with evt prefix, f.e. evtHouseBuilt
  • event_handler_procedure_name - name of the procedure, which will be invoked on that event

For example:

    {$EVENT evtHouseBuilt:MyCustomOnHouseBuilt}

    procedure MyCustomOnHouseBuilt(aHouseID: Integer);
      // code

When event happens all event handlers are invoked one after another. Default event handler (f.e. OnHouseBuilt) is always invoked first. Other custom event handlers invoked in order of declaration by {$EVENT} directive.

Other scripts functions:

Dynamic scripts usefull info:

Event description Parameters
and types
6570 OnBeacon
Occurs when a player places a beacon on the map.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
7000+ OnFieldBuilt
Occurs when player built a field.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
11000 OnGameSpeedChanged
Occurs when game speed was changed
aSpeed: Single;
11200 OnGroupBeforeOrderSplit
Occurs right before the group gets order to split.
Split parameters could be altered by script and returned to the game to be used there
aNewType: new group leader unit type
aNewCnt: new group members count
aMixed: is new group can have the only unit type or it can have any unit type from original group
aGroup: Integer; //group ID, which got split order
var aNewType: TKMUnitType;
var aNewCnt: Integer;
var aMixed: Boolean;
6220 OnGroupHungry
Occurs when the player would be shown a message about a group being hungry
(when they first get hungry, then every 4 minutes after that if there are still hungry group members).
Occurs regardless of whether the group has hunger messages enabled or not.
aGroup: Integer;
7000+ OnGroupOrderAttackHouse
Occurs when the group gets order to attack house
aGroup: Integer; //attackers group ID
aHouse: Integer; //target house ID
7000+ OnGroupOrderAttackUnit
Occurs when the group gets order to attack unit
aGroup: Integer; //attackers group ID
aUnit: Integer; //target unit ID
7000+ OnGroupOrderLink
Occurs when the group1 gets order to link to group2
aGroup1: Integer; //link group ID
aGroup2: Integer; //link target group ID
7000+ OnGroupOrderMove
Occurs when the group gets order to move to some point
aGroup: Integer; //group ID
aX: Integer; //Point coordinates
aY: Integer;
7000+ OnGroupOrderSplit
Occurs when the group gets order to split
aGroup: Integer; //group ID
aNewGroup: Integer; //splitted group ID
6114 OnHouseAfterDestroyed
Occurs after a house is destroyed and has been completely removed from the game,
meaning the area it previously occupied can be used.
If you need more information about the house use the OnHouseDestroyed event.
aHouseType: Integer; //HouseType as Integer from Lookup table
aOwner: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
14000 OnHouseAfterDestroyedEx
Occurs after a house is destroyed and has been completely removed from the game,
meaning the area it previously occupied can be used.
If you need more information about the house use the OnHouseDestroyed event.
aHouseType: TKMHouseType; //HouseType as TKMHouseType
aOwner: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
5057 OnHouseBuilt
Occurs when player has built a house.
aHouse: Integer;
5882 OnHouseDamaged
Occurs when a house gets damaged (e.g. by the enemy soldier).
Attacker is -1 the house was damaged some other way, such as from Actions.HouseAddDamage.
aHouse: Integer;
aAttacker: Integer;
5407 OnHouseDestroyed
Occurs when a house is destroyed.
If DestroyerIndex is -1 the house was destroyed some other way, such as from Actions.HouseDestroy.
If DestroyerIndex is the same as the house owner (States.HouseOwner), the house was demolished by the player who owns it.
Otherwise it was destroyed by an enemy.
Called just before the house is destroyed so HouseID is usable only during this event, and the area occupied by the house is still unusable.
aHouse: Integer;
aDestroyerIndex: Integer; //Index of player who destroyed it
7000+ OnHousePlanDigged
Occurs when house plan is digged.
aHouse: Integer;
5871 OnHousePlanPlaced
Occurs when player has placed a house plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
aHouseType: Integer; //HouseType as Integer from Lookup table
14000 OnHousePlanPlacedEx
Occurs when player has placed a house plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
aHouseType: TKMHouseType; //HouseType as TKMHouseType
6298 OnHousePlanRemoved
Occurs when player has removed a house plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
aHouseType: Integer; //HouseType as Integer from Lookup table
14000 OnHousePlanRemovedEx
Occurs when player has removed a house plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
aHouseType: TKMHouseType; //HouseType as TKMHouseType
13700 OnHouseRepaired
Occurs when a house gets repaired.
The event gets fired for each repair action
aHouse: Integer; //House ID
aRepairAmount: Integer; //how much house was repaired
aDamage: Integer; //house damage after repairement
10750 OnHouseWareCountChanged
Occurs when ware count is changed in house
aHouse: Integer;
aWare: TKMWareType;
aCnt: Integer; //current ware count in house (after change)
aChangeCnt: Integer; //ware change count. if aChangeCnt > 0 count increased, if aChangeCnt < 0 count decreased
6216 OnMarketTrade
Occurs when a trade happens in a market (at the moment when resources are exchanged by serfs).
aMarket: Integer;
aFrom: Integer; //From, aTo as Integer from Lookup table
aTo: Integer;
14000 OnMarketTradeEx
Occurs when a trade happens in a market (at the moment when resources are exchanged by serfs).
aMarket: Integer;
aFrom: TKMWareType; //From, aTo as TKMWareType
aTo: TKMWareType;
5057 OnMissionStart
Occurs immediately after the mission is loaded.
11000 OnPeacetimeEnd
Occurs immediately after the end of peacetime
5964 OnPlanFieldPlaced
Occurs when player has placed a field plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
6301 OnPlanFieldRemoved
Occurs when player has removed a field plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
7000+ OnPlanRoadDigged
Occurs when road plan is digged.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
5964 OnPlanRoadPlaced
Occurs when player has placed a road plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
6301 OnPlanRoadRemoved
Occurs when player has removed a road plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
7000+ OnPlanWinefieldDigged
Occurs when winefield is digged
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
5964 OnPlanWinefieldPlaced
Occurs when player has placed a wine field plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
6301 OnPlanWinefieldRemoved
Occurs when player has removed a wine field plan.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
5057 OnPlayerDefeated
Occurs when certain player has been defeated.
Defeat conditions are checked separately by Player AI.
aPlayer: Integer;
5057 OnPlayerVictory
Occurs when certain player is declared victorious.
Victory conditions are checked separately by Player AI.
aPlayer: Integer;
7000+ OnRoadBuilt
Occurs when player built a road.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
5057 OnTick
Occurs every game logic update.
6114 OnUnitAfterDied
Occurs after a unit has died and has been completely removed from the game, meaning the tile it previously occupied can be used.
If you need more information about the unit use the OnUnitDied event.
Note: Because units have a death animation there is a delay of several ticks between OnUnitDied and OnUnitAfterDied.
aUnitType: Integer; //UnitType as Integer from Lookup table
aOwner: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
14000 OnUnitAfterDiedEx
Occurs after a unit has died and has been completely removed from the game, meaning the tile it previously occupied can be used.
If you need more information about the unit use the OnUnitDied event.
Note: Because units have a death animation there is a delay of several ticks between OnUnitDied and OnUnitAfterDied.
aUnitType: TKMUnitType; //UnitType as TKMHouseType
aOwner: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;
6587 OnUnitAttacked
Happens when a unit is attacked (shot at by archers or hit in melee).
Attacker is always a warrior (could be archer or melee).
This event will occur very frequently during battles.
aUnit: Integer;
aAttacker: Integer; //Warrior who attacked the unit
5407 OnUnitDied
Occurs when a unit dies. If KillerIndex is -1 the unit died from another cause such as hunger or Actions.UnitKill.
Called just before the unit is killed so UnitID is usable only during this event,
and the tile occupied by the unit is still taken.
aUnit: Integer;
aKillerOwner: Integer; //Index of player who killed it
5057 OnUnitTrained
Occurs when player trains a unit.
aUnit: Integer;
5884 OnUnitWounded
Happens when unit is wounded.
Attacker can be a warrior, recruit in tower or unknown (-1).
aUnit: Integer;
aAttacker: Integer; //Unit who attacked the unit
14000 OnWareProduced
Occurs when resource is produced for specified house.
aHouse: Integer;
aWareType: TKMWareType;
aCount: Integer;
5057 OnWarriorEquipped
Occurs when player equips a warrior.
aUnit: Integer;
aGroup: Integer;
7000+ OnWarriorWalked
Occurs when warrior walk
aUnit: Integer;
aToX: Integer;
aToY: Integer;
7000+ OnWinefieldBuilt
Occurs when player built a winefield.
aPlayer: Integer;
aX: Integer;
aY: Integer;