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+[//]: # (title: Code Inspections)
+A central feature of ReSharper and Rider is to show [Code Inspections](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Code_Analysis__Code_Inspections.html) for potential quality issues, common practices and improvements, code redundancies, and other [inspection categories](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Code_Analysis__Code_Inspections.html#categories). Such code inspections are further classified by [severity levels](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Code_Analysis__Code_Inspections.html#severity), which determine how the code is underlined in the editor.
+![Code Inspection](Features__Code_Inspections__Sample.png)
+You can provide new code inspections by implementing:
+- `IHighlighting` – an interface containing all the necessary data to show code inspections (and to enable quick-fixes)
+- `ElementProblemAnalyzer` – a component that gets called by the SDK to analyze syntax trees and find highlightings
+> You should declare a [zone marker]() that requires `PsiFeaturesImplZone`. For C# code inspections, you can also require `ILanguageCSharpZone`.
+## IHighlighting
+The `IHighlighting` interface requires to implement 4 members, which return data specific to an individual occurrence of an inspection in code:
+- `ToolTip` and `ErrorStripeToolTip` are the strings that are shown while hovering the inspection in the editor or the stripes on the right-hand side of the editor
+- `IsValid()` determines whether the data connected with the inspection are still valid (usually PSI elements or text ranges)
+- `CalculateRange()` returns the range in the document where the inspection should be shown
+## Static and Configurable Severities
+Independent of an individual `IHighlighting` instance, the SDK requires general information about the inspection type, which is provided through the `StaticSeverityHighlightingAttribute` or `ConfigurableSeverityHighlightingAttribute`. As the names suggest, one is for highlightings with static severities and the other to let users change them:
+- `ConfigurableSeverityId` is a unique [inspection identifier](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Code_Analysis__Code_Inspections.html#ids-of-code-inspections) used for severity configuration and suppression through comments
+- `Languages` defines the languages (C#, ...) for which the inspection is intended
+- `OverlapResolve` defines the policy when two inspections overlap
+- `OverloadResolvePriority` defines the priority when two inspections with the same overlap policy and range collide
+- [//]: # (- TODO: MK `ToolTipFormatString*`)
+If you've applied the `ConfigurableSeverityHighlightingAttribute`, you also need to add the `RegisterConfigurableSeverity` with the following information:
+- `Group` should reference a well-known identifier from `HighlightingGroupIds` (but you can also define your own group)
+- `DefaultSeverity` is the pre-configured severity level of the inspection
+- `Title*` represents the searchable title and is shown in the list of all inspections
+- `Description*` is shown in the bottom field when the inspection is selected
+## ElementProblemAnalyzer
+The `ElementProblemAnalyzer` component is responsible to examine all syntax trees in the solution and to create highlightings accordingly. The generic parameter `T` is used to constrain the elements on which the analyzer should run, e.g., with `ICSharpDeclaration`, it is only called for types and members. The `Run` is invoked by the SDK with the following parameters:
+- `T element` is the start element from where the syntax tree is analyzed
+- `ElementProblemAnalyzerData` provides additional context about the analysis
+ - `Solution` and `File` for the analyzed element
+ - `SettingsStore` for checking settings that influence the highlighting (except severity)
+ - `ThrowIfInterrupted()` should be called in more complex analyzers
+- `IHighlightingConsumer` is used to pass created highlightings out of the analyzer, usually `AddHighlighting`
+> When choosing a type for `T`, you should be as specific as possible to keep safe-casts and invocations to a minimum.
+To allow the SDK working with the analyzer, it must be marked with the `ElementProblemAnalyzerAttribute` and include the following information:
+- `ElementTypes` are the `ITreeNode` abstractions on which the analyzer is called; usually this is the same as `T`, but an analyzer can also implement the non-generic `IElementProblemAnalyzer`
+- `HighlightingTypes` enumerates all highlighting types that are generated by the analyzer
+## Sample Implementation
+### Highlighting
+ SeverityId,
+ CompoundItemName: null,
+ Group: HighlightingGroupIds.CodeSmell,
+ Title: Message,
+ Description: Description,
+ DefaultSeverity: Severity.WARNING)]
+ SeverityId,
+ CSharpLanguage.Name,
+ OverlapResolve = OverlapResolveKind.ERROR,
+ OverloadResolvePriority = 0,
+ // Appears in solution-wide analysis
+ ToolTipFormatString = Message)]
+public class SampleDeclarationHighlighting : IHighlighting
+ // Appears in suppression comments
+ public const string SeverityId = "SampleDeclarationInspection";
+ // Appears in settings
+ public const string Message = $"ReSharper SDK: {nameof(SampleDeclarationHighlighting)}.{nameof(Message)}";
+ public const string Description = $"ReSharper SDK: {nameof(SampleDeclarationHighlighting)}.{nameof(Description)}";
+ public SampleDeclarationHighlighting(ICSharpDeclaration declaration)
+ {
+ Declaration = declaration;
+ }
+ // Used for IsValid and quick-fixes
+ public ICSharpDeclaration Declaration { get; }
+ public bool IsValid() => Declaration.IsValid();
+ public DocumentRange CalculateRange() => Declaration.NameIdentifier.NotNull().GetHighlightingRange();
+ // Appears in editor
+ public string ToolTip => $"ReSharper SDK: {nameof(SampleDeclarationHighlighting)}.{nameof(Message)}";
+ // Appears in scrollbar
+ public string ErrorStripeToolTip => $"ReSharper SDK: {nameof(SampleDeclarationHighlighting)}.{nameof(ErrorStripeToolTip)}";
+### ProblemAnalyzer
+ typeof(ICSharpDeclaration),
+ // Allows to disable the problem analyzer if code inspection is disabled
+ HighlightingTypes = new[] { typeof(SampleDeclarationHighlighting) })]
+public class SampleDeclarationProblemAnalyzer : ElementProblemAnalyzer
+ protected override void Run(
+ ICSharpDeclaration element,
+ ElementProblemAnalyzerData data,
+ IHighlightingConsumer consumer)
+ {
+ if (element.NameIdentifier?.Name.All(char.IsUpper) ?? true)
+ return;
+ consumer.AddHighlighting(new SampleDeclarationHighlighting(element));
+ }
diff --git a/topics/Intro/content_updates.md b/topics/Intro/content_updates.md
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--- a/topics/Intro/content_updates.md
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@@ -8,6 +8,14 @@ See [GitHub Changelog](https://github.com/JetBrains/resharper-devguide/commits/m
+## 2023
+### January 2023
+- Add [](Features__Code_Inspections.md) section.
## 2022
### September 2022