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"y" to yank not working #937

Closed Answered by citizenmatt
intercepted16 asked this question in Q&A
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y is used to yank to a specific register, identified with a letter or other symbol, and addressed with the " symbol, such as "ayw to yank a word to the "a" register, and "ap to put the contents of the "a" register. If you don't specify a register, Vim (and also IdeaVim) will use the "unnamed" register, which you can also access with the quote symbol, e.g. ""yw or ""p.

If you want to yank to the system clipboard, you need to use the clipboard register, which is "*", so "*yw and "*p. You can also configure this to be used instead of the unnamed register, so yw and p would use the system clipboard. You can do this by typing :set clipboard=unnamed and hitting return. If you want this to alway…

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