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7. Visualization

Craig edited this page Jan 19, 2020 · 12 revisions

Model Visualization

A useful tool for checking input is visualization. You can visualize your models in 3D by importing the Visualization script and running the RenderModel method. The textHeight argument can be used to set the height of annotations and nodes in the rendering, depending on which unit system your model is based on. textHeight defaults to 5, meaning 5 model length units.


from PyNite import Visualization
Visualization.RenderModel(myModel, textHeight)

Analyzing a Model

Once a model is complete you can call the Analyze method to analyze it. Keep in mind the responsibility for correctness of a model is with the user. Errors will occur if the model is incorrect or unstable in any way.



Getting Node Results

The FEModel3D class stores nodes in a private list. The order of the nodes in this list is the order in which you added the nodes. It would be difficult to track and find the node you're interested in if you used this list, especially on larger models. Instead, the FEModel3D class provides a GetNode function to retrieve nodes from the model by the name you gave them when you created them.

Once you've retrieved a node you can access its reactions and displacements as node class attributes.


# Printing the Y-reaction and the reaction moment about the Z-axis at nodes "N2" and "N3" respectively
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