Each test that is annotated by the @Intersmash
annotation will be managed by the Intersmash
which relies on JUnit5 Jupiter.
The Intersmash
extension will load the relevant provisioner dynamically, based on the
Application descriptor type.
Specifically, application descriptors that leverage Operator based provisioning, i.e. those implementing of
OperatorApplication, can either
implement the OpenShiftApplication
or the KubernetesApplication interface additionally, to let the Intersmash
extension select the related OpenShift or Kubernetes provisioner.
IMPORTANT: Intersmash support for provisioning on Kubernetes is currently limited to the following provisioners:
- Hyperfoil
Intersmash tests should be executed conditionally, (e.g.: via the Maven Surefire plugin exclusions) in order to be aligned with the targeted environment, see for instance the OpenShiftTest annotation, which is used to enable the Intersmash testsuite integration tests selectively.