All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.14.40 (2025-01-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @injectivelabs/injective-ts
- update PR base on Bojan's review (30e9b71)
- 🐛 fixes walletconnect signed tx type (ad77c8d)
- abstraction removal (f9ceb3c)
- account pagination (3edcd33)
- account service (8be69a1)
- account txs messages returned as empty array (a7df3ae)
- actual block time (f31d2df)
- add coingeckoId for stride (#87) (e6bf202)
- add DerivativeOrderSide (5ce6a71)
- add ethereumAddress from wallet (5f27985)
- add linebrakes in transformer file (2c8effd)
- add margin to position missing param (4d3b16f)
- add missing fetch in method name on docs (add16ef)
- add missing package dependecies (b4b6317)
- add missing params in functions (3cd74e9)
- add order mask to batch cancel spot order message (#71) (def9257)
- add sig prefix (9482f0f)
- add timeout height option to pk broadcaster (1430d84)
- add tokenType to FactoryToken type (c1024fd)
- added alchemy as gas price source (108df09)
- added alchemy as gas price source (e045e3d)
- added alchemy as gas price source (e118a48)
- added eip712 sign on private key (84b628c)
- added executionSide prop to trade objects (#78) (35da59c)
- added feePayer and feePayerSig to the broadcast tx (4533379)
- added formatters to the entry file (0a26c1c)
- added gas estimator (e3dd11f)
- added InjectiveChainId enum (8d9d7a6)
- added missing dependencies (5943591)
- added more message maps (830ea3c)
- added msg types (3db400d)
- added no throw variant of oracle prices for BO (7fbfd77)
- added origin decimals field (13cb714)
- added symbols for erc20 (e157eb9)
- added types for ethereum-utils, fixed bech32 import (1bec7b4)
- added version to sign only a hashed message (ad31809)
- address derivation (ef5f438)
- addresses conversion for broadcast client (3cf9cbc)
- alchemy api returns (48accce)
- alchemy version (b3cdb5f)
- allowance (d218e47)
- amino for msggrant (c7f8193)
- any for contractExecutionAuthorization (8a2a5d7)
- api endpoint (7c427c3)
- app usdt ticker (3222d5a)
- app usdt ticker (fbfe48b)
- archiver endpoint (6b295f5)
- args for MsgExec (33d5bf4)
- args for sending cw20 (b2395de)
- args to createStrategy (04111ec)
- assert initial version reset (40e48e7)
- asset service (5968d23)
- association token creation on solana (230d218)
- assset service exception handling (236916c)
- astar image file type (f05a59c)
- atom and weth testnet token metadata (3b4c97c)
- atom base denom (8ea7d2f)
- atom hash (7ecf025)
- auction types (a1df8e6)
- auth parsing for different cosmos accounts (eb8ebf0)
- auth support and positions querying (bdebabb)
- authorization typeUrl (f872999)
- authz composer (a1baa5e)
- authz grants (a71c22b)
- avax coingeckoId (b766b5a)
- axelar api moonbeam (aee6731)
- axelar chainId (943983b)
- bank comoposer export (028a498)
- bank composer proto (7df3aff)
- base account parsing (f680ece)
- base64 instead of binary (5db26dc)
- baseDenom for canto (912736b)
- baseToken and quoteToken wrong denom for market (26f9970)
- batch cancel for spot and derivatives (fe8a681)
- batch market update params (4039440)
- batch update web3 parsing (13be8ea)
- bid type map (8cd3a6d)
- bignumber conversion (7559a3c)
- binary options logo (16080ba)
- binary options types (be3645e)
- binary options unify (fa1c0aa)
- bind (f18ae29)
- blank dist folder (0a8d897)
- block mode for Keplr and TxGrpcClient refactor so it accepts txRaw in the methods and not constructor (863a51f)
- block tracker issue in web3-strategyu (a210e86)
- bojan's comment (e378cf7)
- bridge (435e0b8)
- bridge data included (ead1504)
- bridge origin and destination network (0b6131b)
- bridge transformer (a47e859)
- bridge utils (0961fca)
- broadcast method (870b68c)
- broadcasting and proto decoding (0cf6367)
- broadcasting sync mode on web3gw (3075246)
- broadcasting tx (5816180)
- build (c511a2b)
- build (762e938)
- build (c30f86b)
- build cache paths (7b50184)
- build errors (f9771df)
- build script (6e8c15f)
- cached denom tokens (a3abfdd)
- caching denom traces (66382eb)
- canary gh workflow (2f85724)
- casting (8b6cf64)
- chain name (1b413ae)
- chain name (0de54c1)
- chain name for cosmostation (c80a1b6)
- change limit param to optional (daae254)
- change log (e039b61)
- changed message type for cancel order (bb6e117)
- changed naming for derivative order type (c7e1043)
- char limit (713d43a)
- checksum addresss (7ef9e14)
- chronos and explorer endpoints (0de69e7)
- ci (4168d07)
- circular deps (fc41599)
- circular deps updated wormhole sdk (f8db6d1)
- class name export (21c58ab)
- coingecko api (3c177ee)
- coingecko api key (1c770ce)
- coingecko for axelr (8599b3b)
- coingeckoId (b60177b)
- coingeckoId for usdcfr (21e1f87)
- concrete typing (0f7e7b1)
- conditional (a7b4ed9)
- conditional check (b9a600d)
- conditional check (573d75a)
- confirm on injective (ac18de9)
- confirmation removed from metamask (7102e6c)
- console log removal (da3dda8)
- console logs (046c171)
- console logs (26aae87)
- constant import (872bb72)
- constants decoupled from packages (0c2f050)
- contract address (48aeaaa)
- contract address (295ccf7)
- contract address (dde882c)
- contract addresses (321ac80)
- contract token decimals balances (ed9c5ac)
- contracts param return type (8f7897c)
- contracts param type (e5bb20b)
- copy (a6c2ae9)
- correct eip712 hash (ef45b0f)
- cosmjs package (086ebde)
- cosmjs ts package (7187856)
- cosmos fee delegation signatures (9c8870d)
- cosmos network (6fde6d5)
- cosmos ts + packages bump (4c1213a)
- cosmos wallet (510dbfa)
- cosmos wallet (c3416df)
- cosmos wallet check (8c8960e)
- cosmos wallet fixes (71965cb)
- cosmos wallet strategy method (091cdb1)
- cosmos wallet strategy type (12e3875)
- cosmoshub endpoints (3ddce39)
- cosmoshub rpc endpoints (338d624)
- cosmostation sage & fetch network address retrieve invalid param (61baaf0)
- cre chain-id (b7ab896)
- createAssociatedTokenAddress (a479244)
- createStrategy types (41b773a)
- crescent add to cosmostation (0360627)
- crescent in cosmos networks (ab5fdaf)
- cw20 address for native sol (1d622af)
- cw20 address token metadata (0d8c33b)
- cw20 contract for USDCso (823c712)
- cw20 logo typo (c7ff0e5)
- cw20 send args (c4a7518)
- cw20 types fix (a054982)
- decimal places (14c3e48)
- decimals (16c2b2d)
- decimals for derivative markets (e1e4259)
- decimals, console log (3f76959)
- declare interface using pattern of other files (73de2ab)
- decoupling wallet from client (00ce45a)
- default gas limit (9243800)
- delegated fee false condition skip (e88bd25)
- denom client grpc endpoints (b5aab84)
- denom client return undefined for no token denom (29c6080)
- denom for redemptions optional (937de72)
- dependency cycle (8567551)
- dependency issue (c90e1e2)
- dependency issue (5cc2795)
- deprecate block mode (e3975ca)
- derivative types (324829e)
- derivatives chronos endpoint (ca8a0dc)
- devnet exchange api endpoint changed (c0f01af)
- devnet token meta doesnt include cw20 tokens (db05821)
- disable gas check for fee delegation (698020b)
- docs calculations typo (61ec731)
- dot decimals (5c73be9)
- dot ibc hash (c789469)
- double hashing (6408b32)
- downstream package (101392d)
- dummy testnet tokens (2fb3b39)
- duplicate spot market slugs (4d7df2a)
- dynamic import for ledger eth app (63d08bb)
- eip712 cid (dcdb609)
- eip712 domain (c2f19ff)
- eip712 for msgExecuteContract (b923f1c)
- eip712 generation (767f2d7)
- eip712 hash (d35d1dc)
- eip712 improvements (bfd0f05)
- eip712 mode (e8ae576)
- eip712 types ordering (f6b96f7)
- eip712 typing order (10e4b6d)
- eip712v2 for authz authorizations (bd99fb4)
- endpoint (b0a1929)
- endpoint (0133e4a)
- endpoint (bd0f05b)
- endpoint for signing (c290496)
- endpoint port for the chain-api (328a20e)
- endpoints (896de2c)
- endpoints (e77b587)
- endpoints (beb65d3)
- enums (a6cbd5a)
- erc20 balance (e6c108d)
- erc20 custom address meta (5cb4d95)
- erc20 inj balances always returned as 0 (fe70d49)
- erc20 minor (7a4bbde)
- error parsing (bec75d4)
- error parsing (def2bf5)
- error parsing and token type (c6650fb)
- error thrown on wormholeRpcUrl (bf3d9cd)
- esm import (b38da09)
- esm import grpc-web (3cf209f)
- esm imports (7ba5cf6)
- esm replacement pairs (1de017d)
- estimator (e3d97f1)
- ethereum in browser (0a735e5)
- ethers import (3ea3eae)
- evm provider (1101a9e)
- evmos and persistence bridge (498b76f)
- evmos bridge account query (94cf260)
- evmos gas price (ff45852)
- evmos public rpc (be4a985)
- evmos support for Keplr (edda166)
- exceltion logging and message parsing (37c3a70)
- exception codes added (f82a1fc)
- exceptions thrown (5c6f2ea)
- exchange auction transformer (383c647)
- exchange broadcast message (49e71df)
- exchange endpoint for staking network (bc96ed5)
- exchange module params (5c3864d)
- ExchangeRestExplorerTransformer contract transaction transfomer add support for null gas_fee txs (36b566c)
- exec args for cw20 send (de5e9c2)
- exec function (e22460e)
- exec params for vaults (1196e13)
- exec params for vaults (ec3f4d7)
- exec vault data (248a3c5)
- explorer endpoint (a39fd93)
- explorer endpoint fix (641285f)
- explorer port (4458129)
- explorer rpc service (6ab6652)
- explorer url (35671fa)
- explorer url updated (4146da2)
- explorer url updated (da60911)
- exponent for denom token metadata (bf69de4)
- export (c3491fa)
- export (91dd4b6)
- export (b951f04)
- export (a56004f)
- export (bc5a0da)
- export (660f18d)
- export (9360564)
- export (6522c42)
- export (6e105b2)
- export (c743932)
- export composer (0b6350f)
- export constants (294ae7c)
- export enums (44f0fb5)
- export fix (467fdc4)
- export for MsgExternalTransfer (f241a94)
- export for ui common (a9d65ef)
- export grpc related fns (83c8b3c)
- export MsgBatchUpdateOrders (1a191a4)
- export MsgTransferAndExecute (2c0e7dc)
- export naming (0b1b863)
- export permissions API for external use (de299f6)
- export providers (b10d20f)
- export static function (bb4e409)
- export utils (9e3d07c)
- export wasm (1d2112f)
- exported Contract class from contracts package (a40ce72)
- exported GovernanceConsumer (ed6b08e)
- exported insurance fund consumer (22f60b6)
- exported missing types (c701985)
- exported types from token-metadata (0f458c2)
- exporting images for tokens (1bedef9)
- exports (a232ce7)
- exports (c4dea7d)
- exports (bc77a41)
- exports (5c775c3)
- exports (750a096)
- exports (a9df1bb)
- factory token decimals (6000f3c)
- factroy denom token to return symbol or name mapped logo (9d4031b)
- fee payer for web3 gateway (9a2f425)
- fee payer missing (31f1d6a)
- fee recipient in trades (7d50924)
- feePaidAmount to volume (88c202f)
- fetchBinaryOptionsMarkets pagination format (921c5ae)
- fetchSpotSubaccountTradesList (e7c6b24)
- file casing (1701200)
- fix issues (47c9000)
- fix links to main docs portal (f27c381)
- fixed async static functions for composers (02cc13b)
- fixed compiling issue with the assert package (7e8f213)
- fixed fee amount (ee54f0d)
- fixed window undefined in node env, renmaed a method name to fit its purpose better (32498e9)
- fixes and improvements for the Ledger integration (208a30a)
- fixes for chain consumer (2a46e65)
- fn args (572ba41)
- format documents uniformly and remove unnneeded imports (f28d104)
- funding consumer (3a143d9)
- funds array for MsgExecuteContract (77dcb24)
- gas limit decopled for chain and exchange tx (45373be)
- gas limit estimation (4a1feff)
- gas limit estimation optional arg (dec443f)
- gas limit estimation optional arg (a6aa5e6)
- gas limit for contracts (8677227)
- gas limit increased (b06d475)
- gas limit on eip712 (fa6fa3a)
- gas limit support for keplr (e7492e6)
- gas prices (2efbc98)
- gas prices for metamask (b02150f)
- gas used (6375f80)
- gas used increased (9e54891)
- gasPrice increased (0ba0cc5)
- gasStep in feeCurrency (1a4de24)
- generalised cosmosChainId for Keplr wallet stragety (97d52dd)
- getBlockExplorerPathFromNetworkType for ethereum address (accdae9)
- getBridgeTransactionsWithToken not returning token metadata (46c5ef7)
- getContractAddressesForNetworkOrThrow method referencing wrong list of contract addresses (ce4cdbb)
- getDecimalsFromNumber from sdk-ui-ts (33e8664)
- gh workflow (9c5947c)
- gh workflow lerna version bump (6590820)
- github cache (d81d762)
- gitignore (7cff545)
- goerli contract address update (56d3a2b)
- gov modules (beb1eb4)
- gov proposal msg typings (31b354f)
- gov transformer (46e1113)
- grant transforming (8b64eb8)
- grpc broadcast sync tx (8fdc8de)
- grpc error handling (40fb0fd)
- grpc to ui transform (f10922c)
- handle 0 case differently in tens multiplier logic (246ff6a)
- handles invalid factory denom seperator format (5bd9c35)
- helpers export (f0a51e2)
- hex string (eac505c)
- husky commit scripts fixed (2b87e22)
- ibc bridge transaction incorrect timeout timestamp format (03e5b11)
- ibc metadata fetch error handling (d3f0306)
- ibc symbol addition (dc96904)
- ibc transfer memo (8815bf9)
- icons (c3f3ed8)
- image path (5dc35cc)
- image prefix (401b21c)
- images path fix (c53b63b)
- import (a898113)
- import (2a79d94)
- import (cfc70ec)
- import (24a0f67)
- import (32aa88f)
- import (59f6f2a)
- import js missing (01835b4)
- import path (126f7fc)
- import path on window object (28463b0)
- imports (877486d)
- imports (8c7ef36)
- imports (5554857)
- imports for derivatives consumer (ac45a4e)
- improt path (bdc1c2d)
- include all services (9fa30bd)
- include memo (778e3bb)
- included DistributionConsumer to the export (b64c85a)
- increase gas for gov messages (4cfdfbb)
- increased address taken from ledger (71901c3)
- increased gas constant (9d252dc)
- increased gas limit (c25ced0)
- increased gas limit (0999d6b)
- indexer token meta (ec7eb2f)
- indexerRestMarketChronosApi casing (335757f)
- inj denom erc20 balance (15dc573)
- injective emitter addres (7a2397c)
- InjectiveWormholeClient export (9786634)
- instantiate vault cw20 code id typing (f2dbd5e)
- insurance fund eip712 msg (cccb603)
- juno denom (d11d1fc)
- juno endpoints (7ca39a5)
- juno image (4ab15ef)
- kage token (017592e)
- keplr (fb25de2)
- keplr broadcast (a663a37)
- keplr eth sign based on features (b70e568)
- keplr packages bump (649beaa)
- keplr supported chain ids (ba90bd6)
- keplr supported chains (a334b48)
- keplr wallet broadcast (ae87c67)
- keplr with ledger (72ae432)
- keplrReclaimFunds message (dd2136e)
- kovan addresses for tokens metadata (8a19fa3)
- kovan map (6698b35)
- kovan map (9386ab8)
- kovan token meta (2bb88b9)
- leaderboard export (104c328)
- leap wallet (9ffd089)
- leap wallet (faad7c4)
- leap wallet (64565fb)
- leap wallet (1535355)
- leap wallet supported (20e03c1)
- ledger and trezor testnet alchemy network (c9bf21c)
- ledger cosmos (d4aef91)
- ledger disconnect transport (9af6664)
- ledger error handling (060d564)
- ledger fixed (dea584c)
- ledger gas fees (ea652e8)
- ledger legacy (d152574)
- ledger sign arbitrary (36dbb55)
- ledgerhq package version (3c98991)
- leftover console log (c3d7c89)
- lerna (7dabe28)
- lerna (fa60c2a)
- linting and initial fetch ofac (58983fc)
- local only util classes (bd99108)
- logo usdc mpl (e10a20a)
- lowercase address for hardware wallets (705ec01)
- mainnetSentry endpoints (fcb639a)
- map (81c6755)
- map by symbol (526d034)
- map contract exec message (3c9ccbc)
- mapBySymbol missing evm (bd7fe6a)
- mapping of grantAuthorization (58d1310)
- mapping to networks (62bbc7b)
- market quantity decimals (b34b4ee)
- market slugs (1f0f7f5)
- market slugs (dcc00d2)
- marketId optional (abdd797)
- marketId removed as required param (044ddd9)
- marketIDs history query (38bc1aa)
- marketIDs history query (e9f3038)
- marketing info undefined on contract (72dce9f)
- memo (e5cb3f6)
- memo as a number (1ce2d9c)
- message throw from metamask (1fbf8ff)
- message value passed to Keplr (207caa2)
- message value passed to Keplr (b5fd129)
- metadata fetching (e83b7d3)
- metamask chainId parsing (fe4b05b)
- metamask chainId, ledger transport (f549681)
- metamask in eip712_v2 (409e287)
- metamask requirement (7327a19)
- method signature for awaiting successfull transaction receipt (26aa8f4)
- minor (5e3cac2)
- minor (0aba365)
- minor (45dbe4e)
- minor (c7e31e3)
- minor (253737c)
- minor (a462cf7)
- minor (5c9e79c)
- minor (d1f31e5)
- minor (d4783a3)
- minor (2e7c15a)
- minor (299ad3d)
- minor (9e2322b)
- minor (65fa29c)
- minor (91d2705)
- minor (cc5b57d)
- minor (39099fe)
- minor (94cdf4e)
- minor (b29ec24)
- minor (2dee193)
- minor (8b6dda6)
- minor (62f0c9a)
- minor (1a955ad)
- minor (1be70b2)
- minor (a6f65fb)
- minor (d827081)
- minor (a433519)
- minor (aa83920)
- minor (5c6fef7)
- minor (73364ee)
- minor (39b553b)
- minor (b1a0687)
- minor (af6fffe)
- minor (4f82685)
- minor (8283050)
- minor (41c5aa9)
- minor (d027f8a)
- minor (ed71c43)
- minor (ef541cf)
- minor (b953826)
- minor (cc45f46)
- minor (6ee390a)
- minor (72f250e)
- minor (099b33d)
- minor (9cd18cb)
- minor (f052388)
- minor (82f2708)
- minor (cadaff2)
- minor (6658fc0)
- minor (80d9755)
- minor (7fbe0a4)
- minor (52fb10f)
- minor (0c426d9)
- minor args pgt (2d0b137)
- minor CHZ (65ef9cd)
- minor condition check (418431c)
- minor conversion to token info (d8e3d81)
- minor edge cases for multiple cw20 variation markets (81c4357)
- minor for MsgTransfer (2912a65)
- minor import (a806642)
- minor inj address check (a89c95f)
- minor map (be70514)
- minor map (6324005)
- minor naming (9f679e2)
- minor refactor (74b5a53)
- minor stuff (03f172b)
- minor tests (0f9baf1)
- minor todos (b661ec9)
- minor type export (8b616b4)
- minor typing (9a59b76)
- minor typing (e828399)
- minor typings (5059968)
- minor undefined error (ecec926)
- minor util fns (1f7376f)
- minor util function (55db0c8)
- minor vault config (ebdffcd)
- missing arg (f32ab3d)
- missing canto channelId (b3b7562)
- missing evmos token denom causes FE to crash (b65e660)
- missing secret chainId (641e7b9)
- moonbeam network chain id (c492407)
- moonbeam network chain id (f03905f)
- move dependency to proper package.json (3e57c96)
- msg execute contract compat (e15d04e)
- msg import (629478c)
- msg order (86c7d7f)
- msg params fix (d738d01)
- msg parsing (588d97e)
- msg type (df0e725)
- MsgbatchUpdateOrders (ed08b80)
- MsgbatchUpdateOrders (be8fc9c)
- msgBatchUpdateOrders amino (0a8bc64)
- MsgBroadcastClient (a446031)
- msgBroadcaster indexer endpoint (4df378b)
- msgBroadcaster options (b8f2575)
- msgExec cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []json.RawMessage error (146d17e)
- msgexec params (3f01ef8)
- msgGrant web3 (9e0eb14)
- msgs type (7b18629)
- msgSubmitProposalPerpetualMarketLaunch toWeb3 format (59e8163)
- MsgSubmitTextProposal type not found issue (9cb4db7)
- msgTransfer tokens param (8bd257d)
- msgTransferCosmJs toAmino (0561ad8)
- msgTransferCosmJs toAmino (05b2182)
- name and logo token (60e143e)
- naming (eee281a)
- naming (b299879)
- naming (031e4d6)
- naming convention (76d53e5)
- naming convention (48ca7ee)
- naming conventions (3fb9c1f)
- naming conventions for token meta (7e44818)
- naming exceptions (14a853d)
- naming for protocol stats (50bc498)
- naming for token (698c945)
- naming typo for oracle consumer (39c9f45)
- native sol decimals (baeec98)
- native sol decimals (ecff745)
- native sol symbol (9f85010)
- network (95f0985)
- network arg (293b9f9)
- network for bridge converter (43c5224)
- network information (853f467)
- network meta fix (f478d01)
- network sender (56c41ef)
- network service params (8a1c0f4)
- network testnet endpoints (c02baec)
- networks endpoints (2b4a3be)
- networks for wormhole constants (e4ccdfd)
- new injective logo (7f938c6)
- nonce on orderhash manager (a269718)
- not awaiting for error (b97cc8a)
- not found tx polling (92f2bc3)
- not found tx polling (226f2bf)
- not includes denom (9dcec26)
- nullable strings in value (32bf7f1)
- number conversion (966a95e)
- number for tick sizes (5171971)
- number formatting (fb71ba9)
- numbers converstion (dcf9dfb)
- okxwallet enum (26dd987)
- old peggy contract (e32ff67)
- old peggy contract (a7f8647)
- old peggy contract (54a9ae7)
- old peggy contract (df1f352)
- omni token erc20 (25e2a0c)
- optional param for rounding (bc0ec90)
- optional params (e4a9b24)
- optional params (6505e1c)
- oracle decomposer (56026bf)
- oracle decomposer (8fe2a93)
- oracle decomposer (3d0012c)
- order hash manager (f29c236)
- order hash manager (7db92b2)
- order of conditionals (20b78e7)
- order states (9b6e22d)
- order types for order side and state (70d325c)
- orderbooks response (d6225f2)
- orderMask and twitter link (0474569)
- orderMask field (9670e1e)
- outbound gateway wormhole (cc33e91)
- package export (cef1d5a)
- package name for subaccount-consumer (7ab19b2)
- package sizes (278037d)
- package version (f861fbf)
- package version update to prevent publishing error (4c7ae5c)
- packages (6ca820f)
- pagination for token holders (e09bea3)
- paging pagination (bfbac3e)
- param types (fad34ab)
- params for rest indexer api (c149563)
- parsing eip712 (7705e50)
- parsing smart contract state (322cbff)
- passing boolean to the broadcaster (e2e3741)
- path import (ae57777)
- path import (45a17b0)
- path import for icons (ef07786)
- path imports for deprecated packages (a4a1493)
- peggy denom (d3976f6)
- peggy deposits bridge txs (78aa6fb)
- peggy graphql address (3ee35ff)
- peggy testnet contract address (1592087)
- peggyGraphQlEndpointForNetwork returning wrong endpoint for mainnet issue (d8a851a)
- phantom (9273810)
- phantom as eth wallet (1b7c8ce)
- pk generating (0cc94e1)
- pk resubmitting tx twice in case of out of gas (8179115)
- pk signing eip712 (c042f4a)
- price fetch from the asset service (289b586)
- price service (32cf478)
- private key conversion (9c7ba69)
- private key import (653d3ba)
- proj token (5c40795)
- projx typings (6a3c532)
- promise resolve (5d7adc9)
- proper parsing (f2738eb)
- proper path for insurance messages (e67cb40)
- proposal composers (7993013)
- proposer composer fixes (63de1c1)
- protocol stats (6593325)
- protoObject function (999dbd3)
- provider binding (1582e8d)
- provider in the constructor (276b200)
- provider init for trust and metamask (ed11db1)
- pub from pk (2c9ad82)
- pub key (8ae3599)
- pubKey conversion to bec32 (5f44b77)
- pubkey derivation (8ff861e)
- pubkey derivation (b487019)
- pubKey derivation from the wallet (90ed294)
- pubKey deriving (d7139c1)
- pubkey for solana (bb20b9f)
- pubKey in base64 (7181b4a)
- pubkey path (b9deb69)
- pubkey to bech32 pubkey (d1962f9)
- public key (fe13df0)
- public key derivation from private key hex (90b2de6)
- public key derivation from private key hex (354b3c0)
- puggo image suffix (2c6bffd)
- pyth legacy market (53a09eb)
- react native check (b7815b9)
- recipient address (87f60d4)
- redundant fetch function - resolves #1 (360e246)
- redundant import of contracts (df4ecee)
- redundant method (575f252)
- redundant packages (7e3f38e)
- redundant param (279b431)
- redundant params (47ca9f2)
- refactor Wallets instead of WalletStrategies (cacaae7)
- regression from token metadata refactor (4a99e17)
- remove blank strings (104b4ea)
- remove confirmation (749d934)
- remove ibc/ from token hash (55d4ad9)
- remove retries from msgBroadcaster (a60bc4e)
- removed .DS_Store (f9e13a8)
- removed 404 error from tx fetcher (2a9534a)
- removed console log (3def4dc)
- removed console logs (649c934)
- removed ds-store file (7e28fe2)
- removed examples (a88625c)
- removed force publish for packages (335a1b6)
- removed holdQuantity (0107b1a)
- removed local storage for ledger wallets (4891c40)
- removed redundandt check (3ddc728)
- removed redundant changelog (b80c4da)
- removed verbose flag from web3-strategy (d939670)
- rename wallet ts folder structure to lowercase only (b2ffe42)
- renamed packages to avoid conflicts (eca2fca)
- resolutions (10f1156)
- resolutions (8a3b0b0)
- resolutions (bff3ca0)
- resolutions (4910ff3)
- resolutions (528d81c)
- rest api (35fb2e3)
- return correct signature (99da278)
- return types (fe6c05d)
- return types from stream (45ff576)
- revert dynamic import for alchemy-sdk (7de3e80)
- revert endpoints (88e67ad)
- rm unused tsconfig ref (f625e05)
- rounding (b269c9a)
- rounding to tick size (c693113)
- rpc and lcd endpoints (a360e7a)
- rpc endpoints keplr (abc8b15)
- rpc for axelar (42342ee)
- rpcUrls for web3 optional (316418a)
- script minor (adb7c76)
- scrt token metadata (140c192)
- sdk-ts docs (cc4bf85)
- sdk-ts (format) (27b9440)
- sdk-ts (hex string type) (c107257)
- sdk-ts (PrivateKey import path) (9d6f6cb)
- sdk-ts (pubKey type) (0fd1a4f)
- search symbol by symbol not uppercase (de32593)
- search symbol by symbol not uppercase (04d49e8)
- second web3-strategy docs fix (b7f06e0)
- sender not set (58cc039)
- server side check fixed (df86421)
- set funds as 0 for msgExecuteContractCompat (bbcfa54)
- sign mode (5597703)
- sign transaction response type (73f089f)
- signature derivation (6f0b5d2)
- signature for private key subprovider (4a800c0)
- signature list on simulating transaction (ac77679)
- signature propert typing (da77d09)
- signing using a private key (c92b5c3)
- signing with private key (ac1032b)
- simple jest setup (0ccea6e)
- simple tx clients (3725ecd)
- simplifying TokenInfo class (1089c71)
- slug missing from type (91be2ca)
- snakecase fields (96b5b47)
- snakekeys vault exec args (243450a)
- solana associated address (6e0d5c1)
- solana image (31d9466)
- spelling for SpotOrderState enum (774f9e7)
- spot market cw20 meta not fetched properly (9885d07)
- spot market proposal (40c041f)
- spot market slugs (5496d8c)
- spot order price (e278d73)
- stable gh worfklow (7000347)
- stable gh workflow (bc2ebae)
- staging endpoints (a4c41bf)
- staking endpoint (6cb75c4)
- staking endpoints (fcc1b3d)
- static tokens (8ddd1d0)
- std fee minor (a4bfdbf)
- stinj decimals (fe2a559)
- stream exports (a555444)
- streams callbacks (4984cdb)
- subaccount positions (9c48974)
- subaccount transformer (c387ee5)
- subscribe and redeem from vault (4a47e6f)
- supported chain ids (5527722)
- swapped endpoints (620ec5a)
- symbols missmatch (9d85fbf)
- temp endpoints for devnet (8147994)
- temp fix for torus (6deb04f)
- temp for eip712 (5578196)
- temp ibc token removed (969e920)
- terra endpoints (3e689a2)
- terra endpoints (c3de74b)
- terra ledger (f7f0830)
- terra retries (051614c)
- terra ust fees (f8cd8ef)
- terrajs version (04288df)
- test utils missing deps (c36acac)
- test utils missing deps (4d1fe66)
- test utils missing deps (145911c)
- testnet atom token decimal (220833b)
- testnet denoms (39b4146)
- testnet endpoints (869c9a0)
- testnet endpoints (a016c9c)
- testnet mapping for cw20 addresses (beadf61)
- testnet token metadata (6ad2759)
- testnet token overriding (e706739)
- testnet tokens (1209081)
- tests (062e713)
- tests (4accbb2)
- third web3-strategy docs fix (aae76ee)
- tick sizes less than 0 not parsing properly (5ad85dd)
- time utils export (90eb637)
- timeout (54d9024)
- timeout and blocktime (b4e11cd)
- timeout for coingecko (a0a16c5)
- timeout for rest queries (4d64636)
- timeoutHeight is optional (287aabd)
- timeoutHeight not being passed to the tx builder (07c14f3)
- tm endpoints (e81ccbc)
- toFixed used intead of toString for precision (747dcda)
- token decimals for sol (865476d)
- token decimals for terra from 6 to 18 (7b6b217)
- token denom mapping (3584927)
- token export for axlr (bc99346)
- token factory by symbol (ac0fb0b)
- token meta (b7e5309)
- token meta for osmo (7b54e14)
- token meta not populated on devnet env (11fead4)
- token meta util conditional (3072e44)
- token metadata and minor wormhole (e82724b)
- token metadata kovan addresses (102ef64)
- token metadata mapping (13cb174)
- token metadata maps (04b45ff)
- token price service import (3253bf5)
- token service (bca9c08)
- token service (3fe3f63)
- token service (f94e037)
- token service import (856ac12)
- token type unification (8dc921b)
- token utils coingecko api (69c1533)
- tokenFactoryStatic - getMetaByDenomOrAddress returning 2 tokens (f7f22dc)
- tokenInfo returned for ibc denoms (451bd6c)
- torus chain host name (02f4c32)
- toSupplyWithTokenAndLabel to use find instead of index (e44a065)
- trade proto (c8b0196)
- TradeExecutionSide enum values (00b5325)
- trading volume (2b3da1a)
- transaction exceptions (2083bb8)
- transaction fail exception (02be379)
- transaction fail exception (763931e)
- transform response (3c56d5f)
- transformer logo path (5e9e350)
- transport for stream (2e3e929)
- trezor connect (d3336e9)
- trezor exception (f19f819)
- trezor init (bbfb44a)
- trezor support (2383079)
- trezor wallet signing (5254dba)
- trigger price (9a9294b)
- trigger price null (4ea1a7c)
- tx broadcast clients (72fb92a)
- tx clients (0160e7f)
- tx error parsin (c281fec)
- tx hash return (4c84cd0)
- tx polling interval (402189f)
- tx polling interval (536e10f)
- tx provider (4e9399d)
- tx rest client (35028d0)
- txGrpcApi exception handling (a5b077a)
- txraw for simulation includes signatures (21e8309)
- txresponse interface (d923fd4)
- txresponse interface (950461c)
- type added (ee571c5)
- type addition for fetching governance parms (757e51f)
- type export (a3ba34f)
- type export (70995ef)
- type improt (f31c34c)
- type name (d5fd2a5)
- types (95bc799)
- types (279c5fb)
- types (c0f9bd8)
- types (ca5bcf3)
- types and conditions for keplr + ledger (5bc4a9a)
- types export (c67cf78)
- types export (800b506)
- types export (ff44030)
- types fixed, improvements for web3-strategy (d0074fd)
- types for createTransaction (b08b76d)
- types for old mainnet (e9d3fdd)
- types for services (3a961ba)
- types for streaming (91c3440)
- types import (1f749f2)
- types update (add60c4)
- types update (2227d5d)
- typing (05c49bf)
- typing (d96c26a)
- typing for perp and expiry futures (eac974d)
- typings export (999df38)
- typo (2056cd6)
- typo (b673377)
- typo (32a28f7)
- typo fix (798036c)
- typo fix for the positions streaming callback (f871fda)
- typo fix for the positions streaming callback (9d12324)
- typos (#272) (bd286bb)
- uicommon export (33463d4)
- undefined prop on PrepareTx (a14f810)
- unknown token (314c736)
- unused import (5f0b5d6)
- update BAYC token logo (228bfca)
- update bridge networks (b7dd35b)
- update Crescent destination channel (94e7ef6)
- update link to Cosmos SDK Transactions documentation (26f3da8)
- update moonbeam mainnet chain id (2a17825)
- update naming structure in types file (b48f698)
- Update package name after it was updated upstream (8efe048)
- update PR base on Bojan's comment (f059f30)
- update proto definition in MsgClaimVoucher (9efc4c9)
- update proto definition in MsgCreateNamespace (b043cfb)
- update proto definition in MsgDeleteNamespace (fc25c3d)
- update proto definition in MsgRevokeNamespaceRoles (14a4b30)
- update proto definition in MsgUpdateNamespace (d7140b8)
- update proto definition in MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles (3dcdbe4)
- update proto definition in MsgUpdateParams (cb695c2)
- update sdk-ui-ts typings to import from sdk-ts indexer instead of exchange (950079e)
- updated core mito indexer proto-ts (622c66f)
- updated package json scripts (1ca5d9d)
- updated std fee based on gas (0a86900)
- uptime percentage (ef0a1a3)
- uscrt token metadata (b5eb130)
- USDCnb token (d3d7d9c)
- validators json map import (36c4666)
- value decrypt from contract (83312ac)
- variable casing for MsgExec (bc50627)
- version (24f63c9)
- version (222b42c)
- version (df903a5)
- versions (b7770bf)
- wallet issues (a67b6fb)
- wallet provider in args (fc849bc)
- wallet ts export (3d64721)
- wallet-ts package bump (78d25d4)
- web3 instance (c94bcc6)
- web3 strategy for ethereum native wallets condition (3c5ab07)
- web3-strategy docs fix (442248d)
- web3client args (94337e4)
- web3Client eth allowance (626061e)
- window obj removed from wallet instance (2a51b62)
- window type checking for node env (b52faa5)
- window undefined (d7fb0de)
- wormhole client recipient (7a59d0d)
- wormhole contract addresses (a1f47a4)
- wrong image name (d1df097)
- wrong path for ExchangeProposalDecomposer (41619b7)
- wrong path for types (8dc5673)
- wrong return type (53c3fb8)
- xrpt token url (316e873)
- yaml (a9adaf3)
- yarn version (b51c8d9)
- zeroed out addresses for unused chains (17792b8)
- zeros in a number (107c49f)
- abacus abstractions (08dfc49)
- activity page pagination (068d54e)
- activity page pagination (35dc4e3)
- activity page pagination (79e85b9)
- activity page pagination (1da66fc)
- activity page pagination (60e91d0)
- activity pagination (41f2ca2)
- activity pagination (bb91c17)
- activity pagination (a91bb5e)
- activity pagination - bump to indexer 1.0.5 (a7d98a3)
- activity pagination - remove duplicate code (5c6efec)
- activity pagination - removed unused code (9e73339)
- activity pagination - renamed paging -> pagination (9227787)
- activity pagination - use indexer instead of exchange api (7de4dca)
- activity pagination updates (#63) (f999db1)
- add abacus proto gen (6e81d06)
- add AddressRoles fn with test and tranformer (be65227)
- add authorization (76b6e0a)
- add bonk to token-metadata (457e409)
- add canonical check for tokens (342d73f)
- add correct EIP-712 signing support (d11a532)
- add crescent (c902e84)
- add enable method for validation checks on strategies (a84d25b)
- add fetch multiple denoms token meta (a73872b)
- add fetchAddressesByRole fn with test and transformer (b3e6bb8)
- add fetchAllNamespaces fn with test and transformers (0911b58)
- add fetchModuleParams fn with tests and transformer (0cc3e44)
- add fetchVouchersForAddress fn with test and transformer (4e7e31a)
- add functionality to query on chain cosmswasm contract info (1215b7a)
- add functionality to query on chain cosmwasm data (7b7793a)
- add functions (4761770)
- add getchNamespaceByDenom fn with test and transformer (9544df7)
- add grpc support for ninja api (0445623)
- add image url to validator (1f5d893)
- add index file to export permission fns (b8c9b06)
- add logo for our validator (45e1a56)
- add mito and olp proto and refactor esm imports (f50e172)
- add more methods in ExplorerRPC (08b4a0a)
- add msg multi send (6a494aa)
- add MsgClaimVoucher file and spec file (c24aae2)
- add MsgCreateNamespace file and spec file (6c62089)
- add MsgDeleteNamespace file and spec file (fd13581)
- add msgExternalTransfer (d9b5444)
- add MsgRevokeNamespaceRoles file and spec file (0e16f25)
- add MsgUpdateNamespace file and spec file (3de8410)
- add MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles file and spec file (13c0dad)
- add MsgUpdateParams file and spec file (191e2f4)
- add okx wallet as eth wallet (974d25a)
- add permissions types (fb1bfb0)
- add phantom strategy (4bfe3bf)
- add private key wallet (881b81c)
- add registry to token factoryt (214662f)
- add skip & limit params (35012a4)
- add streamSpotMarket (66e392c)
- add support for CW20 balance (0eeb3b8)
- add support for devnet peggy and injective contract address (3bd2c31)
- add unit test coverage for eip712 messages (#75) (cf7e2fd)
- add unit test for remaining eip 712 messages (#77) (2584aa0)
- added a new tx-utils package for reducing the size of the utils package (d8e4786)
- added a node transport for grpc consumers (91d4bfc)
- added a way to get default fee for token (65bb3b4)
- added a way to get multiple assets prices (b731902)
- added ability to pass pk as a class to MsgBroadcastWithPk (7ab121d)
- added account change listeners (83896bd)
- added address formatter to utils package (2b5d919)
- added alchemy api wrapper (6e2d7b3)
- added amino and proper web3 support for all msgs (83f1857)
- added amino sign for Keplr (a3fa523)
- added attest from solana to injective (16eb6d1)
- added attest from solana to injective (40f770e)
- added axs to tokens meta (18e0627)
- added batch cancelling for the orders (3990a3b)
- added bayc (d39f626)
- added blocks with txs stream (7144aef)
- added bonfida sol domains (2e67999)
- added bridge transaction type (fee3a80)
- added chronos and explorer specific endpoints (1d74cfc)
- added chronos-api package (35154b8)
- added coinGcekoApi consumer (3aaa96d)
- added coinGeckoId to token meta (8f1768d)
- added composer for increasing margin to a position (1a74678)
- added context to exceptions (ccfd06b)
- added cosmos fee delegation support (f3e2b0f)
- added cosmos-ts package (4c56fbf)
- added cw20transfer args (5861fe5)
- added cw20transfer args (0b53619)
- added decomposers for binary messages (a8bebca)
- added default gas price (8b7062f)
- added deployERC20 on peggy (5f1f22e)
- added depositBalance method to the DepositManager contract (bda0dd6)
- added derivatives consumer, refactored and unified methods for subaccount consumer and spot consumer (1d175f1)
- added derivatives consumer, refactored and unified methods for subaccount consumer and spot consumer (33ff1e4)
- added description to the packages (6970b67)
- added devnet network (2975a41)
- added docs for web3-strategy, removed redundant contract instances (48cc385)
- added dot-plank ibc hash (6338ff2)
- added eip712 v2 support (1ae07f6)
- added exchange exception (3afa0c9)
- added exchange spot market consumer for chain consumer (13012ab)
- added execution side filter for spot market trades (09ed791)
- added expiry futures and perpetual swap market proposal (dcd8e84)
- added fetchin details (68cb45e)
- added fetching all balances for a user (2f3d5f5)
- added fetching coingecko id by symbol (4c80783)
- added fromBase64 init for PublicKey (77b6104)
- added gas prices for chains (321c5d7)
- added gas prices for chains (f69416f)
- added granter and fee payer to std fee (904b973)
- added hooks 'end' and 'status' on the streams (5ddcfd7)
- added httpRestClient which handles timeout exceptions (c200bc2)
- added initial ledger support (5c07023)
- added inj name service (ab782b8)
- added insurance fund composer and consumer (9f96e74)
- added insurance fund in the exchange consumer (ccc704f)
- added insurance funds explorer api types (5dcf7da)
- added isMetamask (2045d2b)
- added juno (e39af4c)
- added luna as gas currency (2881761)
- added messages to contract response (59f5f5a)
- added metadata (7a1e408)
- added more contract instances to the contract package (92fe669)
- added more packages initial versions (c3bde24)
- added msg store code (7159995)
- added msgEditValidator and msgWithdrawValidatorCommission (09a03a5)
- added multiple signers while creating a transaction (c10442d)
- added name, symbol, decimal methods to the base currency contract (bc27edb)
- added networks package for fetching endpoints (b6fc2a8)
- added networks package for fetching endpoints (de3db66)
- added new asset service (59f846f)
- added new composer to spot-consumer (4bd1a73)
- added new package - token metadata (d9c8474)
- added number conversion utils (6912fb0)
- added number flooring for chain numbers (83eafe9)
- added number formatters (f13d177)
- added object formatter (6a4621a)
- added ofac check in the broadcaster (1fbd1e3)
- added ofac check in the broadcaster (5bfc68a)
- added old mainnet endpoints (64100bd)
- added oracle consumer (e725afb)
- added oracle decomposer (34410fb)
- added oracle streaming (79a9661)
- added pagination (22c6807)
- added pagination proper handler (0c2f3d8)
- added pool fetch in staking consumer (0265be4)
- added positions support for derivatives consumer (05aec9e)
- added price fetching service to oracle consumer (2f383c2)
- added private key subprovider and refactored web3 strategy (40b1488)
- added proper errors for web3 strategies (454f3d8)
- added proposal decomposer for exchange-enable-proposal (e59f22d)
- added proposals decomposers (c1cab84)
- added proto composers (d72f481)
- added public endpoints (f0ec8f7)
- added re-delegations to chain consumer (1fcb280)
- added re-delegations types (c1675c7)
- added redelegating, withdrawing rewards, getting user rewards (0126863)
- added rest consumer example (aa20951)
- added sol token metadata (c991973)
- added solana sign transfer and confirm (cbb334f)
- added stargate signer (8da2961)
- added stargate signer, added timeout to ibc transfer proto (1c2d9dc)
- added state to the spot order type (04a9b2d)
- added streams support (ad0a9d2)
- added subaccount deposit and withdraw (b2adf42)
- added support for insurance funds and custom token factory denoms (1c82a82)
- added support for ws web3 (8b263a9)
- added sync mode to TxGrpcClient (0a125e0)
- added sync mode to TxGrpcClient (adfbcfd)
- added tens multiplier to markets (6221cba)
- added terra (c852f06)
- added testnet old endpoints (79358b1)
- added text proposal (51eae7f)
- added text proposal decomposer (2f6f887)
- added the ability to simulate a transaction (9d24ec4)
- added tickers map (dde13fc)
- added timeout height (c46c2f8)
- added timestamp filtering for trades (541554f)
- added toFixed variants (f0194b4)
- added token factory docs (372e221)
- added token factory token type (ad23e66)
- added tradeId (21dba26)
- added trust wallet (47bae16)
- added tx clients (dba397c)
- added tx-ts (ae9ebc7)
- added validator details and uptime (b775f91)
- added wbtc (4105e01)
- added wormhole and moonbeam bridge tx transformers (f499006)
- adding injx token metadata (a452be4)
- allow multiple amounts on Msgsend (3294e7d)
- annual provisions (7f7574f)
- arbitrary data verification (83e36f6)
- auction proto composer (52010f4)
- auction ts (c3b2e0b)
- authz composer (cbe4b52)
- authz module - add MsgExec and new param MsgGrant (#57) (3c2b103)
- authz stake grants (228e884)
- authz types and more methods (6e6a1d8)
- axelar (87c4866)
- axelar and moonbeam (49a41ae)
- baseDenom introduced (7c8f895)
- batch update msg composer (96ce647)
- batch update order composer (f0a6aa4)
- binary options support on the sdk (c5f6bc8)
- bonfida name service (e555ba9)
- bridge converter included in bridge service (2acf2d8)
- bridge skip symbols (ed4e2bd)
- bridge support for sommelier (be8646a)
- bridge-ts initial (4320b1c)
- broadcast allow fee price to be overwritten (85a53d7)
- broadcaster used instead of provider to support metamask (bed89c0)
- bump v1.13.78-RC.1 (17b92e2)
- caching denom traces (7b7f89e)
- caching denom traces (84ffb15)
- caching on coingecko prices (cb22366)
- cancelation order bitmask (70fed5e)
- chainConsumer add support for MsgInstantSpotMarketLaunch (4bc6a49)
- chainUrl for http calls (47657d9)
- channel map (be328f8)
- channels: Add Migaloo IBC channel details to all non-deprecated items in channels.ts (5e06aa6)
- check for cosmos wallet (925f68b)
- checksum address calc (3b1946e)
- chihuahua added (0176a3a)
- chronos endpoints decoupled (082f422)
- chzet (43faabc)
- cid (be5f93c)
- cid (b286316)
- commented msgReclaimLockedFunds (cbcf334)
- commented msgReclaimLockedFunds (316af92)
- common actions (1f706ee)
- community spend pool (d08a04b)
- compact error for reporting (381dc6d)
- comsostation eth version (a10d278)
- config for axios (53b3316)
- contract packages initial setup completed (6d47818)
- contract packages initial setup completed (f8674f9)
- contract packages initial setup completed (49ccff4)
- contracts package extended by adding a base contract and subscription manager (928d3d7)
- cosmos sdk doc convenient method (8b8dab7)
- cosmos wallet strategy (78d65e0)
- cosmostation initial support (ea941e5)
- cosmwasm map (697422e)
- create spot grid strategy (a57c40b)
- createAssociatedTokenAddress (6d5e6b4)
- creating insurance fund composer (632f7fe)
- cw20 adapter contract args (036fc91)
- cw20 addr validation (c4332e0)
- cw20 send args (b36e5ed)
- cw20 send args (22ee502)
- decouple chain consumer classes (02fdb86)
- decouple keplr (0e921a3)
- decoupled wormhole clients (72d7e6c)
- delegatedFee is an optional param (0324b0b)
- denom async client (72127aa)
- denom client (581977b)
- denom trace (bc631bb)
- denomClientAsync (8628f46)
- denomClientAsync (e820eb9)
- derivative market info (653d417)
- disconnect on wallet (86cad88)
- DMM consumer (50ce000)
- DMM consumer (74c4995)
- DMM Consumer (8df3c3a)
- docs (ddbecb2)
- dot tokenmetadata (6698c87)
- eip-155 transactions signing for ledger devices completed (cdc9b96)
- eip712 signing fix (62e05dd)
- eip712 signing fix (774b1dd)
- eip712 v2 (8eaaeba)
- eip712 v2 (e14b015)
- eip712 verification against chain (4fd66f7)
- enable keplr on devnet (021a315)
- enabled disabling a wallet for wallet-ts, refactored to use sync broadcasting mode (c1dde3f)
- enabled fee delegation for exchange transactions (75d6d63)
- erc20 new assets (ed9ce7e)
- ethereum native wallets optional on wallet-ts (15300dc)
- ethereum wormhole initial setup (af78d52)
- evm token support (3e26dc4)
- evm wormhole (8656087)
- evm wormhole client (38a6bb5)
- evm wormhole strategy (8241c1b)
- evmos fix (6d6d46e)
- exception class name (2e0bec4)
- exception names (14592d3)
- exceptions part 2 (1919620)
- exchange module state (ab8fcd2)
- exec exchange contracts (3e365ce)
- experimental keplr wallet add with data (79126ed)
- experimental ledger support for keplr (1afd947)
- experimental support for eip712 broadcasting (69fc77a)
- explorer consumer package (acdcd4a)
- explorer consumer package bump (28ecbd3)
- explorer services (3c69238)
- explorer stats api (9fdd911)
- explorer utils and generic types for wallet provider (b31b3ff)
- exported some types (cc1efe3)
- extended cg api (1b4399f)
- fee discount and trading rewards (3846d6b)
- fee payer fetching from indexer api (439f245)
- feePayerPubKey param for broadcasting (cf36b26)
- fetching multiple orderbooks (6dda8db)
- fetching params (afa8684)
- from bytes pub key (c7c744b)
- funding payments, validator uptime, bridge txs (e6265d4)
- funds stringified (14d262f)
- gas based on message (929f117)
- gas buffer coef (c08cdec)
- gas estimator for testnet (d1a5c72)
- gas limit from simulation (6305f0d)
- gas price fetching (476f4e4)
- gas price server (3035548)
- gas service (e6dba62)
- gas simulation on web3 wallets (65e5d97)
- gateway endpoints added (1cd8104)
- geometric sgt init (1055590)
- get injective address from subaccount (203c223)
- get token decimal and symbol based on denom (0594183)
- getExactDecimalsFromNumber (07421dd)
- getTensMultiplier function for handling decimals (3b66d5d)
- getting bridged wrapped tokens balance (dc3e36b)
- gitbook docs (8f79666)
- grid sc config (91c0c86)
- grpc indexer campaign api (1a2c561)
- handling tx (1af0252)
- helper awaitAll (8c9bdf8)
- helper functions for prepping a transaction (3c9a806)
- helper utils for sorting object keys (b48c598)
- ibc gateway support for wormhole (fbf7d96)
- ibc utils fns (04eb096)
- implement Auction consumer (3761411)
- implement grpc oracle stream for prices by markets (e24887f)
- implement retries on grpc and rest query calls (d8c4486)
- implement standalone dmm consumer (4ed29c3)
- implemented a way to fetch grpc all records from pagination (5b2f888)
- implemented Ledger Legacy support (f22301b)
- import web3 in the sdk-ui-ts (12bbb93)
- improved wasm error reporting (70dbe5a)
- indexer and core proto definitions gen and publish (49472ec)
- indexer api bump (76635c2)
- indexer migration (351320b)
- indexerTradingApi - autzh api - create strategy (ec2e1a4)
- initial eip712 (956d451)
- initial eip712 support for keplr (09c7ac6)
- initial exceptions setup (6da9f2e)
- initial grid strategies list impl (955ac92)
- initial monorepo setup with initial set of packages (99aab6c)
- initial order hash manage (3f1c9ec)
- initial sdk-ui-ts and sdk-ts refactor (fe00582)
- initial setup for the assert package (415e9b8)
- initial setup for the spot consumer (78dc6a7)
- initial setup fpr eip712 (d4d5096)
- initial setup ledger cosmos app (d113d86)
- initial sig verify for cosmos (63a3cfc)
- inj name resolution (ce0ce62)
- inj to sol (82ebbde)
- injective price service (43796a9)
- integrate portfolio api (4ba36ff)
- jest setup, msgBid unit tests (9caa08f)
- keplr reclaim funds (6f35de5)
- keplr signing (8ac5011)
- leaderboard (f69cee4)
- leaderboard - formatting (1e74433)
- leaderboard - restore shx & link-module-alias (71236e2)
- leap wallet support (0a9569d)
- ledger refactor (03a9a96)
- luna and ust (6e94041)
- magic wallet (6b31a9c)
- mainnet endpoints added (5d4df33)
- map chain error exception by module (1714e80)
- memo support (c446a30)
- message map (fd237b2)
- metamask provider for wh (918db79)
- migrated to grpcWebImpl (bbf4e37)
- minor authz utils (72fc977)
- minor util and readme update (9be782b)
- msg multi execute (2f67682)
- msgBatchUpdate (7bc3787)
- MsgBroadcaster in sdk-ts (7747ea8)
- msgBroadcaster on wallet-ts (d06a3db)
- MsgBroadcasterLocal for broadcasting tx in a node environment (8fd484b)
- msgExecuteContract add typing support (866c605)
- msgExecuteContractCompat (9c63a64)
- msgMultiExecute (c53cb78)
- msgmultisend (77adf6f)
- msgReclaimLockedFunds (b6b7ce8)
- msgSubmitGenericProposal (d9de27b)
- MsgTransfer for external chains (96ee3de)
- msgTransferAndExecute support (4a2c286)
- msgTransferExternal (0ebaa6e)
- multiple marketIds orderbook stream (181eed0)
- multiple messages in a tx support (1444adb)
- multiple messages support (1fc425b)
- naming and folder structure (f059fb7)
- native tokens (f16d1a8)
- neptune service (68bc897)
- network improvements and ledger parser (702d63d)
- new chz logo (918c53d)
- new chz logo (small) (b76eca6)
- new token meta (17b1aa5)
- new token metadata implementation (a285b1a)
- new wallet ts (e43b933)
- ninji wallet (e265ee1)
- ninji wallet (6a7cacb)
- nonja and bitget wallet (aebb71f)
- okx wallet (4771142)
- optimise bundle size (03bb060)
- optional orderHash (f741e35)
- order history (#64) (d86021a)
- order history (#65) (c179735)
- order history (#68) (9e431a7)
- order history (#69) (6bd506e)
- order history (#70) (74dcc0f)
- order history stream (#72) (4a1f6cd)
- order history updates (#67) (43d8472)
- orderbook v2 (889689d)
- osmo support (26b33d7)
- pagination for binary options markets (e9ce348)
- pagination for supply (81abacc)
- path updated for wasmx (2bebb9d)
- path updated for wasmx (36b594a)
- peggy upgrade (b2e658f)
- pending trade and earn rewards (6759dff)
- pgt and contract queries (a9698f6)
- pgt init (063551f)
- phantom support (1a4c2ce)
- ported chain consumer from the client (cff10b9)
- portfolio balance request (ec22208)
- portfolio value (02f12f8)
- portfolio value (32978ec)
- positions v2 (552c522)
- proposal decomposer (cf63bc0)
- proposals initial setup (2e72d3e)
- proto composers (be6ce2f)
- protocol stats package (eddf7e6)
- provider instead of signer (6990a84)
- querier active stake delegation (564335d)
- redeem from sdk-ts not wormhole-sdk (6492495)
- refactor trezor wallet (9807132)
- refactor with bases (4269edc)
- refactored ledger for address management (aaa3f68)
- refactoring, added support for proposals deposit and voting (b04d65e)
- remove gst strategy (0c11071)
- removed blockTracker from web3-strategy, spot consumer fix for canelling limit orders (1df568d)
- removed numbers converters from utils (36b7bcf)
- response transformers (b72ce57)
- rest endpoints decoupling (cba0e1a)
- rest wormhole queries (e137d96)
- retries on mempool full (309317a)
- retry on broadcast (6aaed21)
- rounds api (d4da4d4)
- sc search (778ee05)
- sdk-ts initial (1d2ef9b)
- sdk-ui-ts (4c8f902)
- sending to another inj address (95c180e)
- sepholia migration (2b7823b)
- setup indexer grpc account portfolio api and stream (72d7d85)
- simplified networks (9b9733b)
- simulating fee on ethereum wallets (5ff04e6)
- simulation added, web3 broadcast moved to wallet-ts (d521af3)
- single cw20 entry (f6ef98a)
- spl tokens transfer (bc78a26)
- spot and derivative services and cleanup (e638c67)
- staking consumer improvements (346690d)
- staking consumer improvements (0ec4200)
- subaccount balance stream added (2717a2e)
- subaccount decoupled from spot to own package (e017056)
- subaccount service (af197ef)
- support for injective address signer (f583335)
- switched base denoms to denoms (8f50d6f)
- terra walet on wallet-ts (2263181)
- terra wallet (9b51eae)
- terra wallet (7403790)
- timeout timestamp unification (41085d0)
- tm endpoint (2671cd3)
- token ibc cache (a4d7aed)
- token meta - support custom inj address for devnet and devnet1 (66fe31c)
- token price utils (1d79620)
- token service for cw20 balances (4850924)
- token verification intro (0967a5a)
- tokens (f7fd866)
- tokens meta for kovan (440d081)
- tokens metadata update (ebc89ba)
- tokens: Add WHALE token to tokens.ts and upload image (8a8abe0)
- tokens: add xtalis metadata (617c145)
- TokensMetadata: add talis metadata (1bde58d)
- torus integration (7f69c70)
- trade and earn history (be975a7)
- trading strategies stats api (cfc1699)
- trailing spot sgt (9b77594)
- transaction error handling (d0bc738)
- transfer method on ERC20 (b9c8b73)
- transfer native sol option (ae17950)
- transformers for spot and derivative (6dd12a7)
- trezor and fix for multiple messages (097a9c0)
- tx exception handling (36dbef7)
- tx filters (1b48cd8)
- tx response now returned instead of the txhash only (7959791)
- txClient (efab6c8)
- types fix (b3c9dac)
- uatom added (2354c55)
- ui common services (74f5099)
- unified tx clients (e404930)
- upated contracts packages with new deposit manager abi (fdbee9d)
- update bridge service utils (b6ce74a)
- update DMM consumer with latest exchange api (ed3a689)
- update mito indexer vesion (96c0a35)
- update oracle price stream (2c8de1b)
- update order object (2857701)
- update referral consumer with latest changes (ee1b836)
- update supernova folder structure (a220ecd)
- updated deposit manager contract with addiotional methods (866a5c1)
- updated docs (7c38c6d)
- utility methods for explorer (97db723)
- utils for token metadata and networks (271ac4c)
- verify sig and pk wallet strategy (d3a4794)
- verify signature on pk (85f4a0e)
- Wallet Connect - basic integration (b260f5b)
- Wallet Connect - basic integration (b88831a)
- Wallet Connect - integration - fixed issues with disconnecting wallet (613a816)
- Wallet Connect - integration - fixed issues with signing eth transactions (e990e5b)
- wallet connect v2 (6ef3ebb)
- wasm code grpc queries (91e618d)
- wasm messages (3773c39)
- web3 broadcaster (ceb7a90)
- web3 client (8f286b2)
- wh gateway and new tokens (d36f586)
- wormhole bridge improvements (1d0bb5d)
- wormhole bridges (6a68b67)
- wormhole client interface (6719782)
- wormhole from eth (38f279a)
- wormhole gw (1253e57)
- wormhole implemented (8ec7dac)
- wormhole mainnet (600926f)
- wormhole redeem flow (5509b49)
- xbx (bd6e917)
- Revert "chore: removed deprecated folder" (b5bbf3d)
- Revert "chore: added cid" (30af4a2)
- Revert "chore: update sdk-ts with latest indexer protos" (fcb9d33)
- faulty version (6e25b3f)
- update PR base on Bojan's review (30e9b71)
- 🐛 fixes walletconnect signed tx type (ad77c8d)
- abstraction removal (f9ceb3c)
- account pagination (3edcd33)
- account service (8be69a1)
- account txs messages returned as empty array (a7df3ae)
- actual block time (f31d2df)
- add coingeckoId for stride (#87) (e6bf202)
- add DerivativeOrderSide (5ce6a71)
- add ethereumAddress from wallet (5f27985)
- add linebrakes in transformer file (2c8effd)
- add margin to position missing param (4d3b16f)
- add missing fetch in method name on docs (add16ef)
- add missing package dependecies (b4b6317)
- add missing params in functions (3cd74e9)
- add order mask to batch cancel spot order message (#71) (def9257)
- add sig prefix (9482f0f)
- add timeout height option to pk broadcaster (1430d84)
- add tokenType to FactoryToken type (c1024fd)
- added alchemy as gas price source (108df09)
- added alchemy as gas price source (e045e3d)
- added alchemy as gas price source (e118a48)
- added eip712 sign on private key (84b628c)
- added executionSide prop to trade objects (#78) (35da59c)
- added feePayer and feePayerSig to the broadcast tx (4533379)
- added formatters to the entry file (0a26c1c)
- added gas estimator (e3dd11f)
- added InjectiveChainId enum (8d9d7a6)
- added missing dependencies (5943591)
- added more message maps (830ea3c)
- added msg types (3db400d)
- added no throw variant of oracle prices for BO (7fbfd77)
- added origin decimals field (13cb714)
- added symbols for erc20 (e157eb9)
- added types for ethereum-utils, fixed bech32 import (1bec7b4)
- added version to sign only a hashed message (ad31809)
- address derivation (ef5f438)
- addresses conversion for broadcast client (3cf9cbc)
- alchemy api returns (48accce)
- alchemy version (b3cdb5f)
- allowance (d218e47)
- amino for msggrant (c7f8193)
- any for contractExecutionAuthorization (8a2a5d7)
- api endpoint (7c427c3)
- app usdt ticker (3222d5a)
- app usdt ticker (fbfe48b)
- archiver endpoint (6b295f5)
- args for MsgExec (33d5bf4)
- args for sending cw20 (b2395de)
- args to createStrategy (04111ec)
- assert initial version reset (40e48e7)
- asset service (5968d23)
- association token creation on solana (230d218)
- assset service exception handling (236916c)
- astar image file type (f05a59c)
- atom and weth testnet token metadata (3b4c97c)
- atom base denom (8ea7d2f)
- atom hash (7ecf025)
- auction types (a1df8e6)
- auth parsing for different cosmos accounts (eb8ebf0)
- auth support and positions querying (bdebabb)
- authorization typeUrl (f872999)
- authz composer (a1baa5e)
- authz grants (a71c22b)
- avax coingeckoId (b766b5a)
- axelar api moonbeam (aee6731)
- axelar chainId (943983b)
- bank comoposer export (028a498)
- bank composer proto (7df3aff)
- base account parsing (f680ece)
- base64 instead of binary (5db26dc)
- baseDenom for canto (912736b)
- baseToken and quoteToken wrong denom for market (26f9970)
- batch cancel for spot and derivatives (fe8a681)
- batch market update params (4039440)
- batch update web3 parsing (13be8ea)
- bid type map (8cd3a6d)
- bignumber conversion (7559a3c)
- binary options logo (16080ba)
- binary options types (be3645e)
- binary options unify (fa1c0aa)
- bind (f18ae29)
- blank dist folder (0a8d897)
- block mode for Keplr and TxGrpcClient refactor so it accepts txRaw in the methods and not constructor (863a51f)
- block tracker issue in web3-strategyu (a210e86)
- bojan's comment (e378cf7)
- bridge (435e0b8)
- bridge data included (ead1504)
- bridge origin and destination network (0b6131b)
- bridge transformer (a47e859)
- bridge utils (0961fca)
- broadcast method (870b68c)
- broadcasting and proto decoding (0cf6367)
- broadcasting sync mode on web3gw (3075246)
- broadcasting tx (5816180)
- build (c511a2b)
- build (762e938)
- build (c30f86b)
- build cache paths (7b50184)
- build errors (f9771df)
- build script (6e8c15f)
- cached denom tokens (a3abfdd)
- caching denom traces (66382eb)
- canary gh workflow (2f85724)
- casting (8b6cf64)
- chain name (1b413ae)
- chain name (0de54c1)
- chain name for cosmostation (c80a1b6)
- change limit param to optional (daae254)
- change log (e039b61)
- changed message type for cancel order (bb6e117)
- changed naming for derivative order type (c7e1043)
- char limit (713d43a)
- checksum addresss (7ef9e14)
- chronos and explorer endpoints (0de69e7)
- ci (4168d07)
- circular deps (fc41599)
- circular deps updated wormhole sdk (f8db6d1)
- class name export (21c58ab)
- coingecko api (3c177ee)
- coingecko api key (1c770ce)
- coingecko for axelr (8599b3b)
- coingeckoId (b60177b)
- coingeckoId for usdcfr (21e1f87)
- concrete typing (0f7e7b1)
- conditional (a7b4ed9)
- conditional check (b9a600d)
- conditional check (573d75a)
- confirm on injective (ac18de9)
- confirmation removed from metamask (7102e6c)
- console log removal (da3dda8)
- console logs (046c171)
- console logs (26aae87)
- constant import (872bb72)
- constants decoupled from packages (0c2f050)
- contract address (48aeaaa)
- contract address (295ccf7)
- contract address (dde882c)
- contract addresses (321ac80)
- contract token decimals balances (ed9c5ac)
- contracts param return type (8f7897c)
- contracts param type (e5bb20b)
- copy (a6c2ae9)
- correct eip712 hash (ef45b0f)
- cosmjs package (086ebde)
- cosmjs ts package (7187856)
- cosmos fee delegation signatures (9c8870d)
- cosmos network (6fde6d5)
- cosmos ts + packages bump (4c1213a)
- cosmos wallet (510dbfa)
- cosmos wallet (c3416df)
- cosmos wallet check (8c8960e)
- cosmos wallet fixes (71965cb)
- cosmos wallet strategy method (091cdb1)
- cosmos wallet strategy type (12e3875)
- cosmoshub endpoints (3ddce39)
- cosmoshub rpc endpoints (338d624)
- cosmostation sage & fetch network address retrieve invalid param (61baaf0)
- cre chain-id (b7ab896)
- createAssociatedTokenAddress (a479244)
- createStrategy types (41b773a)
- crescent add to cosmostation (0360627)
- crescent in cosmos networks (ab5fdaf)
- cw20 address for native sol (1d622af)
- cw20 address token metadata (0d8c33b)
- cw20 contract for USDCso (823c712)
- cw20 logo typo (c7ff0e5)
- cw20 send args (c4a7518)
- cw20 types fix (a054982)
- decimal places (14c3e48)
- decimals (16c2b2d)
- decimals for derivative markets (e1e4259)
- decimals, console log (3f76959)
- declare interface using pattern of other files (73de2ab)
- decoupling wallet from client (00ce45a)
- default gas limit (9243800)
- delegated fee false condition skip (e88bd25)
- denom client grpc endpoints (b5aab84)
- denom client return undefined for no token denom (29c6080)
- denom for redemptions optional (937de72)
- dependency cycle (8567551)
- dependency issue (c90e1e2)
- dependency issue (5cc2795)
- deprecate block mode (e3975ca)
- derivative types (324829e)
- derivatives chronos endpoint (ca8a0dc)
- devnet exchange api endpoint changed (c0f01af)
- devnet token meta doesnt include cw20 tokens (db05821)
- disable gas check for fee delegation (698020b)
- docs calculations typo (61ec731)
- dot decimals (5c73be9)
- dot ibc hash (c789469)
- double hashing (6408b32)
- downstream package (101392d)
- dummy testnet tokens (2fb3b39)
- duplicate spot market slugs (4d7df2a)
- dynamic import for ledger eth app (63d08bb)
- eip712 cid (dcdb609)
- eip712 domain (c2f19ff)
- eip712 for msgExecuteContract (b923f1c)
- eip712 generation (767f2d7)
- eip712 hash (d35d1dc)
- eip712 improvements (bfd0f05)
- eip712 mode (e8ae576)
- eip712 types ordering (f6b96f7)
- eip712 typing order (10e4b6d)
- eip712v2 for authz authorizations (bd99fb4)
- endpoint (b0a1929)
- endpoint (0133e4a)
- endpoint (bd0f05b)
- endpoint for signing (c290496)
- endpoint port for the chain-api (328a20e)
- endpoints (896de2c)
- endpoints (e77b587)
- endpoints (beb65d3)
- enums (a6cbd5a)
- erc20 balance (e6c108d)
- erc20 custom address meta (5cb4d95)
- erc20 inj balances always returned as 0 (fe70d49)
- erc20 minor (7a4bbde)
- error parsing (bec75d4)
- error parsing (def2bf5)
- error parsing and token type (c6650fb)
- error thrown on wormholeRpcUrl (bf3d9cd)
- esm import (b38da09)
- esm import grpc-web (3cf209f)
- esm imports (7ba5cf6)
- esm replacement pairs (1de017d)
- estimator (e3d97f1)
- ethereum in browser (0a735e5)
- ethers import (3ea3eae)
- evm provider (1101a9e)
- evmos and persistence bridge (498b76f)
- evmos bridge account query (94cf260)
- evmos gas price (ff45852)
- evmos public rpc (be4a985)
- evmos support for Keplr (edda166)
- exceltion logging and message parsing (37c3a70)
- exception codes added (f82a1fc)
- exceptions thrown (5c6f2ea)
- exchange auction transformer (383c647)
- exchange broadcast message (49e71df)
- exchange endpoint for staking network (bc96ed5)
- exchange module params (5c3864d)
- ExchangeRestExplorerTransformer contract transaction transfomer add support for null gas_fee txs (36b566c)
- exec args for cw20 send (de5e9c2)
- exec function (e22460e)
- exec params for vaults (1196e13)
- exec params for vaults (ec3f4d7)
- exec vault data (248a3c5)
- explorer endpoint (a39fd93)
- explorer endpoint fix (641285f)
- explorer port (4458129)
- explorer rpc service (6ab6652)
- explorer url (35671fa)
- explorer url updated (4146da2)
- explorer url updated (da60911)
- exponent for denom token metadata (bf69de4)
- export (c3491fa)
- export (91dd4b6)
- export (b951f04)
- export (a56004f)
- export (bc5a0da)
- export (660f18d)
- export (9360564)
- export (6522c42)
- export (6e105b2)
- export (c743932)
- export composer (0b6350f)
- export constants (294ae7c)
- export enums (44f0fb5)
- export fix (467fdc4)
- export for MsgExternalTransfer (f241a94)
- export for ui common (a9d65ef)
- export grpc related fns (83c8b3c)
- export MsgBatchUpdateOrders (1a191a4)
- export MsgTransferAndExecute (2c0e7dc)
- export naming (0b1b863)
- export permissions API for external use (de299f6)
- export providers (b10d20f)
- export static function (bb4e409)
- export utils (9e3d07c)
- export wasm (1d2112f)
- exported Contract class from contracts package (a40ce72)
- exported GovernanceConsumer (ed6b08e)
- exported insurance fund consumer (22f60b6)
- exported missing types (c701985)
- exported types from token-metadata (0f458c2)
- exporting images for tokens (1bedef9)
- exports (a232ce7)
- exports (c4dea7d)
- exports (bc77a41)
- exports (5c775c3)
- exports (750a096)
- exports (a9df1bb)
- factory token decimals (6000f3c)
- factroy denom token to return symbol or name mapped logo (9d4031b)
- fee payer for web3 gateway (9a2f425)
- fee payer missing (31f1d6a)
- fee recipient in trades (7d50924)
- feePaidAmount to volume (88c202f)
- fetchBinaryOptionsMarkets pagination format (921c5ae)
- fetchSpotSubaccountTradesList (e7c6b24)
- file casing (1701200)
- fix issues (47c9000)
- fix links to main docs portal (f27c381)
- fixed async static functions for composers (02cc13b)
- fixed compiling issue with the assert package (7e8f213)
- fixed fee amount (ee54f0d)
- fixed window undefined in node env, renmaed a method name to fit its purpose better (32498e9)
- fixes and improvements for the Ledger integration (208a30a)
- fixes for chain consumer (2a46e65)
- fn args (572ba41)
- format documents uniformly and remove unnneeded imports (f28d104)
- funding consumer (3a143d9)
- funds array for MsgExecuteContract (77dcb24)
- gas limit decopled for chain and exchange tx (45373be)
- gas limit estimation (4a1feff)
- gas limit estimation optional arg (dec443f)
- gas limit estimation optional arg (a6aa5e6)
- gas limit for contracts (8677227)
- gas limit increased (b06d475)
- gas limit on eip712 (fa6fa3a)
- gas limit support for keplr (e7492e6)
- gas prices (2efbc98)
- gas prices for metamask (b02150f)
- gas used (6375f80)
- gas used increased (9e54891)
- gasPrice increased (0ba0cc5)
- gasStep in feeCurrency (1a4de24)
- generalised cosmosChainId for Keplr wallet stragety (97d52dd)
- getBlockExplorerPathFromNetworkType for ethereum address (accdae9)
- getBridgeTransactionsWithToken not returning token metadata (46c5ef7)
- getContractAddressesForNetworkOrThrow method referencing wrong list of contract addresses (ce4cdbb)
- getDecimalsFromNumber from sdk-ui-ts (33e8664)
- gh workflow (9c5947c)
- gh workflow lerna version bump (6590820)
- github cache (d81d762)
- gitignore (7cff545)
- goerli contract address update (56d3a2b)
- gov modules (beb1eb4)
- gov proposal msg typings (31b354f)
- gov transformer (46e1113)
- grant transforming (8b64eb8)
- grpc broadcast sync tx (8fdc8de)
- grpc error handling (40fb0fd)
- grpc to ui transform (f10922c)
- handle 0 case differently in tens multiplier logic (246ff6a)
- handles invalid factory denom seperator format (5bd9c35)
- helpers export (f0a51e2)
- hex string (eac505c)
- husky commit scripts fixed (2b87e22)
- ibc bridge transaction incorrect timeout timestamp format (03e5b11)
- ibc metadata fetch error handling (d3f0306)
- ibc symbol addition (dc96904)
- ibc transfer memo (8815bf9)
- icons (c3f3ed8)
- image path (5dc35cc)
- image prefix (401b21c)
- images path fix (c53b63b)
- import (a898113)
- import (2a79d94)
- import (cfc70ec)
- import (24a0f67)
- import (32aa88f)
- import (59f6f2a)
- import js missing (01835b4)
- import path (126f7fc)
- import path on window object (28463b0)
- imports (877486d)
- imports (8c7ef36)
- imports (5554857)
- imports for derivatives consumer (ac45a4e)
- improt path (bdc1c2d)
- include all services (9fa30bd)
- include memo (778e3bb)
- included DistributionConsumer to the export (b64c85a)
- increase gas for gov messages (4cfdfbb)
- increased address taken from ledger (71901c3)
- increased gas constant (9d252dc)
- increased gas limit (c25ced0)
- increased gas limit (0999d6b)
- indexer token meta (ec7eb2f)
- indexerRestMarketChronosApi casing (335757f)
- inj denom erc20 balance (15dc573)
- injective emitter addres (7a2397c)
- InjectiveWormholeClient export (9786634)
- instantiate vault cw20 code id typing (f2dbd5e)
- insurance fund eip712 msg (cccb603)
- juno denom (d11d1fc)
- juno endpoints (7ca39a5)
- juno image (4ab15ef)
- kage token (017592e)
- keplr (fb25de2)
- keplr broadcast (a663a37)
- keplr eth sign based on features (b70e568)
- keplr packages bump (649beaa)
- keplr supported chain ids (ba90bd6)
- keplr supported chains (a334b48)
- keplr wallet broadcast (ae87c67)
- keplr with ledger (72ae432)
- keplrReclaimFunds message (dd2136e)
- kovan addresses for tokens metadata (8a19fa3)
- kovan map (6698b35)
- kovan map (9386ab8)
- kovan token meta (2bb88b9)
- leaderboard export (104c328)
- leap wallet (9ffd089)
- leap wallet (faad7c4)
- leap wallet (64565fb)
- leap wallet (1535355)
- leap wallet supported (20e03c1)
- ledger and trezor testnet alchemy network (c9bf21c)
- ledger cosmos (d4aef91)
- ledger disconnect transport (9af6664)
- ledger error handling (060d564)
- ledger fixed (dea584c)
- ledger gas fees (ea652e8)
- ledger legacy (d152574)
- ledger sign arbitrary (36dbb55)
- ledgerhq package version (3c98991)
- leftover console log (c3d7c89)
- lerna (7dabe28)
- lerna (fa60c2a)
- linting and initial fetch ofac (58983fc)
- local only util classes (bd99108)
- logo usdc mpl (e10a20a)
- lowercase address for hardware wallets (705ec01)
- mainnetSentry endpoints (fcb639a)
- map (81c6755)
- map by symbol (526d034)
- map contract exec message (3c9ccbc)
- mapBySymbol missing evm (bd7fe6a)
- mapping of grantAuthorization (58d1310)
- mapping to networks (62bbc7b)
- market quantity decimals (b34b4ee)
- market slugs (1f0f7f5)
- market slugs (dcc00d2)
- marketId optional (abdd797)
- marketId removed as required param (044ddd9)
- marketIDs history query (38bc1aa)
- marketIDs history query (e9f3038)
- marketing info undefined on contract (72dce9f)
- memo (e5cb3f6)
- memo as a number (1ce2d9c)
- message throw from metamask (1fbf8ff)
- message value passed to Keplr (207caa2)
- message value passed to Keplr (b5fd129)
- metadata fetching (e83b7d3)
- metamask chainId parsing (fe4b05b)
- metamask chainId, ledger transport (f549681)
- metamask in eip712_v2 (409e287)
- metamask requirement (7327a19)
- method signature for awaiting successfull transaction receipt (26aa8f4)
- minor (5e3cac2)
- minor (0aba365)
- minor (45dbe4e)
- minor (c7e31e3)
- minor (253737c)
- minor (a462cf7)
- minor (5c9e79c)
- minor (d1f31e5)
- minor (d4783a3)
- minor (2e7c15a)
- minor (299ad3d)
- minor (9e2322b)
- minor (65fa29c)
- minor (91d2705)
- minor (cc5b57d)
- minor (39099fe)
- minor (94cdf4e)
- minor (b29ec24)
- minor (2dee193)
- minor (8b6dda6)
- minor (62f0c9a)
- minor (1a955ad)
- minor (1be70b2)
- minor (a6f65fb)
- minor (d827081)
- minor (a433519)
- minor (aa83920)
- minor (5c6fef7)
- minor (73364ee)
- minor (39b553b)
- minor (b1a0687)
- minor (af6fffe)
- minor (4f82685)
- minor (8283050)
- minor (41c5aa9)
- minor (d027f8a)
- minor (ed71c43)
- minor (ef541cf)
- minor (b953826)
- minor (cc45f46)
- minor (6ee390a)
- minor (72f250e)
- minor (099b33d)
- minor (9cd18cb)
- minor (f052388)
- minor (82f2708)
- minor (cadaff2)
- minor (6658fc0)
- minor (80d9755)
- minor (7fbe0a4)
- minor (52fb10f)
- minor (0c426d9)
- minor args pgt (2d0b137)
- minor CHZ (65ef9cd)
- minor condition check (418431c)
- minor conversion to token info (d8e3d81)
- minor edge cases for multiple cw20 variation markets (81c4357)
- minor for MsgTransfer (2912a65)
- minor import (a806642)
- minor inj address check (a89c95f)
- minor map (be70514)
- minor map (6324005)
- minor naming (9f679e2)
- minor refactor (74b5a53)
- minor stuff (03f172b)
- minor tests (0f9baf1)
- minor todos (b661ec9)
- minor type export (8b616b4)
- minor typing (9a59b76)
- minor typing (e828399)
- minor typings (5059968)
- minor undefined error (ecec926)
- minor util fns (1f7376f)
- minor util function (55db0c8)
- minor vault config (ebdffcd)
- missing arg (f32ab3d)
- missing canto channelId (b3b7562)
- missing evmos token denom causes FE to crash (b65e660)
- missing secret chainId (641e7b9)
- moonbeam network chain id (c492407)
- moonbeam network chain id (f03905f)
- move dependency to proper package.json (3e57c96)
- msg execute contract compat (e15d04e)
- msg import (629478c)
- msg order (86c7d7f)
- msg params fix (d738d01)
- msg parsing (588d97e)
- msg type (df0e725)
- MsgbatchUpdateOrders (ed08b80)
- MsgbatchUpdateOrders (be8fc9c)
- msgBatchUpdateOrders amino (0a8bc64)
- MsgBroadcastClient (a446031)
- msgBroadcaster indexer endpoint (4df378b)
- msgBroadcaster options (b8f2575)
- msgExec cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []json.RawMessage error (146d17e)
- msgexec params (3f01ef8)
- msgGrant web3 (9e0eb14)
- msgs type (7b18629)
- msgSubmitProposalPerpetualMarketLaunch toWeb3 format (59e8163)
- MsgSubmitTextProposal type not found issue (9cb4db7)
- msgTransfer tokens param (8bd257d)
- msgTransferCosmJs toAmino (0561ad8)
- msgTransferCosmJs toAmino (05b2182)
- name and logo token (60e143e)
- naming (eee281a)
- naming (b299879)
- naming (031e4d6)
- naming convention (76d53e5)
- naming convention (48ca7ee)
- naming conventions (3fb9c1f)
- naming conventions for token meta (7e44818)
- naming exceptions (14a853d)
- naming for protocol stats (50bc498)
- naming for token (698c945)
- naming typo for oracle consumer (39c9f45)
- native sol decimals (baeec98)
- native sol decimals (ecff745)
- native sol symbol (9f85010)
- network (95f0985)
- network arg (293b9f9)
- network for bridge converter (43c5224)
- network information (853f467)
- network meta fix (f478d01)
- network sender (56c41ef)
- network service params (8a1c0f4)
- network testnet endpoints (c02baec)
- networks endpoints (2b4a3be)
- networks for wormhole constants (e4ccdfd)
- new injective logo (7f938c6)
- nonce on orderhash manager (a269718)
- not awaiting for error (b97cc8a)
- not found tx polling (92f2bc3)
- not found tx polling (226f2bf)
- not includes denom (9dcec26)
- nullable strings in value (32bf7f1)
- number conversion (966a95e)
- number for tick sizes (5171971)
- number formatting (fb71ba9)
- numbers converstion (dcf9dfb)
- okxwallet enum (26dd987)
- old peggy contract (e32ff67)
- old peggy contract (a7f8647)
- old peggy contract (54a9ae7)
- old peggy contract (df1f352)
- omni token erc20 (25e2a0c)
- optional param for rounding (bc0ec90)
- optional params (e4a9b24)
- optional params (6505e1c)
- oracle decomposer (56026bf)
- oracle decomposer (8fe2a93)
- oracle decomposer (3d0012c)
- order hash manager (f29c236)
- order hash manager (7db92b2)
- order of conditionals (20b78e7)
- order states (9b6e22d)
- order types for order side and state (70d325c)
- orderbooks response (d6225f2)
- orderMask and twitter link (0474569)
- orderMask field (9670e1e)
- outbound gateway wormhole (cc33e91)
- package export (cef1d5a)
- package name for subaccount-consumer (7ab19b2)
- package sizes (278037d)
- package version (f861fbf)
- package version update to prevent publishing error (4c7ae5c)
- packages (6ca820f)
- pagination for token holders (e09bea3)
- paging pagination (bfbac3e)
- param types (fad34ab)
- params for rest indexer api (c149563)
- parsing eip712 (7705e50)
- parsing smart contract state (322cbff)
- passing boolean to the broadcaster (e2e3741)
- path import (ae57777)
- path import (45a17b0)
- path import for icons (ef07786)
- path imports for deprecated packages (a4a1493)
- peggy denom (d3976f6)
- peggy deposits bridge txs (78aa6fb)
- peggy graphql address (3ee35ff)
- peggy testnet contract address (1592087)
- peggyGraphQlEndpointForNetwork returning wrong endpoint for mainnet issue (d8a851a)
- phantom (9273810)
- phantom as eth wallet (1b7c8ce)
- pk generating (0cc94e1)
- pk resubmitting tx twice in case of out of gas (8179115)
- pk signing eip712 (c042f4a)
- price fetch from the asset service (289b586)
- price service (32cf478)
- private key conversion (9c7ba69)
- private key import (653d3ba)
- proj token (5c40795)
- projx typings (6a3c532)
- promise resolve (5d7adc9)
- proper parsing (f2738eb)
- proper path for insurance messages (e67cb40)
- proposal composers (7993013)
- proposer composer fixes (63de1c1)
- protocol stats (6593325)
- protoObject function (999dbd3)
- provider binding (1582e8d)
- provider in the constructor (276b200)
- provider init for trust and metamask (ed11db1)
- pub from pk (2c9ad82)
- pub key (8ae3599)
- pubKey conversion to bec32 (5f44b77)
- pubkey derivation (8ff861e)
- pubkey derivation (b487019)
- pubKey derivation from the wallet (90ed294)
- pubKey deriving (d7139c1)
- pubkey for solana (bb20b9f)
- pubKey in base64 (7181b4a)
- pubkey path (b9deb69)
- pubkey to bech32 pubkey (d1962f9)
- public key (fe13df0)
- public key derivation from private key hex (90b2de6)
- public key derivation from private key hex (354b3c0)
- puggo image suffix (2c6bffd)
- pyth legacy market (53a09eb)
- react native check (b7815b9)
- recipient address (87f60d4)
- redundant fetch function - resolves #1 (360e246)
- redundant import of contracts (df4ecee)
- redundant method (575f252)
- redundant packages (7e3f38e)
- redundant param (279b431)
- redundant params (47ca9f2)
- refactor Wallets instead of WalletStrategies (cacaae7)
- regression from token metadata refactor (4a99e17)
- remove blank strings (104b4ea)
- remove confirmation (749d934)
- remove ibc/ from token hash (55d4ad9)
- remove retries from msgBroadcaster (a60bc4e)
- removed .DS_Store (f9e13a8)
- removed 404 error from tx fetcher (2a9534a)
- removed console log (3def4dc)
- removed console logs (649c934)
- removed ds-store file (7e28fe2)
- removed examples (a88625c)
- removed force publish for packages (335a1b6)
- removed holdQuantity (0107b1a)
- removed local storage for ledger wallets (4891c40)
- removed redundandt check (3ddc728)
- removed redundant changelog (b80c4da)
- removed verbose flag from web3-strategy (d939670)
- rename wallet ts folder structure to lowercase only (b2ffe42)
- renamed packages to avoid conflicts (eca2fca)
- resolutions (10f1156)
- resolutions (8a3b0b0)
- resolutions (bff3ca0)
- resolutions (4910ff3)
- resolutions (528d81c)
- rest api (35fb2e3)
- return correct signature (99da278)
- return types (fe6c05d)
- return types from stream (45ff576)
- revert dynamic import for alchemy-sdk (7de3e80)
- revert endpoints (88e67ad)
- rm unused tsconfig ref (f625e05)
- rounding (b269c9a)
- rounding to tick size (c693113)
- rpc and lcd endpoints (a360e7a)
- rpc endpoints keplr (abc8b15)
- rpc for axelar (42342ee)
- rpcUrls for web3 optional (316418a)
- script minor (adb7c76)
- scrt token metadata (140c192)
- sdk-ts docs (cc4bf85)
- sdk-ts (format) (27b9440)
- sdk-ts (hex string type) (c107257)
- sdk-ts (PrivateKey import path) (9d6f6cb)
- sdk-ts (pubKey type) (0fd1a4f)
- search symbol by symbol not uppercase (de32593)
- search symbol by symbol not uppercase (04d49e8)
- second web3-strategy docs fix (b7f06e0)
- sender not set (58cc039)
- server side check fixed (df86421)
- set funds as 0 for msgExecuteContractCompat (bbcfa54)
- sign mode (5597703)
- sign transaction response type (73f089f)
- signature derivation (6f0b5d2)
- signature for private key subprovider (4a800c0)
- signature list on simulating transaction (ac77679)
- signature propert typing (da77d09)
- signing using a private key (c92b5c3)
- signing with private key (ac1032b)
- simple jest setup (0ccea6e)
- simple tx clients (3725ecd)
- simplifying TokenInfo class (1089c71)
- slug missing from type (91be2ca)
- snakecase fields (96b5b47)
- snakekeys vault exec args (243450a)
- solana associated address (6e0d5c1)
- solana image (31d9466)
- spelling for SpotOrderState enum (774f9e7)
- spot market cw20 meta not fetched properly (9885d07)
- spot market proposal (40c041f)
- spot market slugs (5496d8c)
- spot order price (e278d73)
- stable gh worfklow (7000347)
- stable gh workflow (bc2ebae)
- staging endpoints (a4c41bf)
- staking endpoint (6cb75c4)
- staking endpoints (fcc1b3d)
- static tokens (8ddd1d0)
- std fee minor (a4bfdbf)
- stinj decimals (fe2a559)
- stream exports (a555444)
- streams callbacks (4984cdb)
- subaccount positions (9c48974)
- subaccount transformer (c387ee5)
- subscribe and redeem from vault (4a47e6f)
- supported chain ids (5527722)
- swapped endpoints (620ec5a)
- symbols missmatch (9d85fbf)
- temp endpoints for devnet (8147994)
- temp fix for torus (6deb04f)
- temp for eip712 (5578196)
- temp ibc token removed (969e920)
- terra endpoints (3e689a2)
- terra endpoints (c3de74b)
- terra ledger (f7f0830)
- terra retries (051614c)
- terra ust fees (f8cd8ef)
- terrajs version (04288df)
- test utils missing deps (c36acac)
- test utils missing deps (4d1fe66)
- test utils missing deps (145911c)
- testnet atom token decimal (220833b)
- testnet denoms (39b4146)
- testnet endpoints (869c9a0)
- testnet endpoints (a016c9c)
- testnet mapping for cw20 addresses (beadf61)
- testnet token metadata (6ad2759)
- testnet token overriding (e706739)
- testnet tokens (1209081)
- tests (062e713)
- tests (4accbb2)
- third web3-strategy docs fix (aae76ee)
- tick sizes less than 0 not parsing properly (5ad85dd)
- time utils export (90eb637)
- timeout (54d9024)
- timeout and blocktime (b4e11cd)
- timeout for coingecko (a0a16c5)
- timeout for rest queries (4d64636)
- timeoutHeight is optional (287aabd)
- timeoutHeight not being passed to the tx builder (07c14f3)
- tm endpoints (e81ccbc)
- toFixed used intead of toString for precision (747dcda)
- token decimals for sol (865476d)
- token decimals for terra from 6 to 18 (7b6b217)
- token denom mapping (3584927)
- token export for axlr (bc99346)
- token factory by symbol (ac0fb0b)
- token meta (b7e5309)
- token meta for osmo (7b54e14)
- token meta not populated on devnet env (11fead4)
- token meta util conditional (3072e44)
- token metadata and minor wormhole (e82724b)
- token metadata kovan addresses (102ef64)
- token metadata mapping (13cb174)
- token metadata maps (04b45ff)
- token price service import (3253bf5)
- token service (bca9c08)
- token service (3fe3f63)
- token service (f94e037)
- token service import (856ac12)
- token type unification (8dc921b)
- token utils coingecko api (69c1533)
- tokenFactoryStatic - getMetaByDenomOrAddress returning 2 tokens (f7f22dc)
- tokenInfo returned for ibc denoms (451bd6c)
- torus chain host name (02f4c32)
- toSupplyWithTokenAndLabel to use find instead of index (e44a065)
- trade proto (c8b0196)
- TradeExecutionSide enum values (00b5325)
- trading volume (2b3da1a)
- transaction exceptions (2083bb8)
- transaction fail exception (02be379)
- transaction fail exception (763931e)
- transform response (3c56d5f)
- transformer logo path (5e9e350)
- transport for stream (2e3e929)
- trezor connect (d3336e9)
- trezor exception (f19f819)
- trezor init (bbfb44a)
- trezor support (2383079)
- trezor wallet signing (5254dba)
- trigger price (9a9294b)
- trigger price null (4ea1a7c)
- tx broadcast clients (72fb92a)
- tx clients (0160e7f)
- tx error parsin (c281fec)
- tx hash return (4c84cd0)
- tx polling interval (402189f)
- tx polling interval (536e10f)
- tx provider (4e9399d)
- tx rest client (35028d0)
- txGrpcApi exception handling (a5b077a)
- txraw for simulation includes signatures (21e8309)
- txresponse interface (d923fd4)
- txresponse interface (950461c)
- type added (ee571c5)
- type addition for fetching governance parms (757e51f)
- type export (a3ba34f)
- type export (70995ef)
- type improt (f31c34c)
- type name (d5fd2a5)
- types (95bc799)
- types (279c5fb)
- types (c0f9bd8)
- types (ca5bcf3)
- types and conditions for keplr + ledger (5bc4a9a)
- types export (c67cf78)
- types export (800b506)
- types export (ff44030)
- types fixed, improvements for web3-strategy (d0074fd)
- types for createTransaction (b08b76d)
- types for old mainnet (e9d3fdd)
- types for services (3a961ba)
- types for streaming (91c3440)
- types import (1f749f2)
- types update (add60c4)
- types update (2227d5d)
- typing (05c49bf)
- typing (d96c26a)
- typing for perp and expiry futures (eac974d)
- typings export (999df38)
- typo (2056cd6)
- typo (b673377)
- typo (32a28f7)
- typo fix (798036c)
- typo fix for the positions streaming callback (f871fda)
- typo fix for the positions streaming callback (9d12324)
- typos (#272) (bd286bb)
- uicommon export (33463d4)
- undefined prop on PrepareTx (a14f810)
- unknown token (314c736)
- unused import (5f0b5d6)
- update BAYC token logo (228bfca)
- update bridge networks (b7dd35b)
- update Crescent destination channel (94e7ef6)
- update link to Cosmos SDK Transactions documentation (26f3da8)
- update moonbeam mainnet chain id (2a17825)
- update naming structure in types file (b48f698)
- Update package name after it was updated upstream (8efe048)
- update PR base on Bojan's comment (f059f30)
- update proto definition in MsgClaimVoucher (9efc4c9)
- update proto definition in MsgCreateNamespace (b043cfb)
- update proto definition in MsgDeleteNamespace (fc25c3d)
- update proto definition in MsgRevokeNamespaceRoles (14a4b30)
- update proto definition in MsgUpdateNamespace (d7140b8)
- update proto definition in MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles (3dcdbe4)
- update proto definition in MsgUpdateParams (cb695c2)
- update sdk-ui-ts typings to import from sdk-ts indexer instead of exchange (950079e)
- updated core mito indexer proto-ts (622c66f)
- updated package json scripts (1ca5d9d)
- updated std fee based on gas (0a86900)
- uptime percentage (ef0a1a3)
- uscrt token metadata (b5eb130)
- USDCnb token (d3d7d9c)
- validators json map import (36c4666)
- value decrypt from contract (83312ac)
- variable casing for MsgExec (bc50627)
- version (24f63c9)
- version (222b42c)
- version (df903a5)
- versions (b7770bf)
- wallet issues (a67b6fb)
- wallet provider in args (fc849bc)
- wallet ts export (3d64721)
- wallet-ts package bump (78d25d4)
- web3 instance (c94bcc6)
- web3 strategy for ethereum native wallets condition (3c5ab07)
- web3-strategy docs fix (442248d)
- web3client args (94337e4)
- web3Client eth allowance (626061e)
- window obj removed from wallet instance (2a51b62)
- window type checking for node env (b52faa5)
- window undefined (d7fb0de)
- wormhole client recipient (7a59d0d)
- wormhole contract addresses (a1f47a4)
- wrong image name (d1df097)
- wrong path for ExchangeProposalDecomposer (41619b7)
- wrong path for types (8dc5673)
- wrong return type (53c3fb8)
- xrpt token url (316e873)
- yaml (a9adaf3)
- yarn version (b51c8d9)
- zeroed out addresses for unused chains (17792b8)
- zeros in a number (107c49f)
- abacus abstractions (08dfc49)
- activity page pagination (068d54e)
- activity page pagination (35dc4e3)
- activity page pagination (79e85b9)
- activity page pagination (1da66fc)
- activity page pagination (60e91d0)
- activity pagination (41f2ca2)
- activity pagination (bb91c17)
- activity pagination (a91bb5e)
- activity pagination - bump to indexer 1.0.5 (a7d98a3)
- activity pagination - remove duplicate code (5c6efec)
- activity pagination - removed unused code (9e73339)
- activity pagination - renamed paging -> pagination (9227787)
- activity pagination - use indexer instead of exchange api (7de4dca)
- activity pagination updates (#63) (f999db1)
- add abacus proto gen (6e81d06)
- add AddressRoles fn with test and tranformer (be65227)
- add authorization (76b6e0a)
- add bonk to token-metadata (457e409)
- add canonical check for tokens (342d73f)
- add correct EIP-712 signing support (d11a532)
- add crescent (c902e84)
- add enable method for validation checks on strategies (a84d25b)
- add fetch multiple denoms token meta (a73872b)
- add fetchAddressesByRole fn with test and transformer (b3e6bb8)
- add fetchAllNamespaces fn with test and transformers (0911b58)
- add fetchModuleParams fn with tests and transformer (0cc3e44)
- add fetchVouchersForAddress fn with test and transformer (4e7e31a)
- add functionality to query on chain cosmswasm contract info (1215b7a)
- add functionality to query on chain cosmwasm data (7b7793a)
- add functions (4761770)
- add getchNamespaceByDenom fn with test and transformer (9544df7)
- add grpc support for ninja api (0445623)
- add image url to validator (1f5d893)
- add index file to export permission fns (b8c9b06)
- add logo for our validator (45e1a56)
- add mito and olp proto and refactor esm imports (f50e172)
- add more methods in ExplorerRPC (08b4a0a)
- add msg multi send (6a494aa)
- add MsgClaimVoucher file and spec file (c24aae2)
- add MsgCreateNamespace file and spec file (6c62089)
- add MsgDeleteNamespace file and spec file (fd13581)
- add msgExternalTransfer (d9b5444)
- add MsgRevokeNamespaceRoles file and spec file (0e16f25)
- add MsgUpdateNamespace file and spec file (3de8410)
- add MsgUpdateNamespaceRoles file and spec file (13c0dad)
- add MsgUpdateParams file and spec file (191e2f4)
- add okx wallet as eth wallet (974d25a)
- add permissions types (fb1bfb0)
- add phantom strategy (4bfe3bf)
- add private key wallet (881b81c)
- add registry to token factoryt (214662f)
- add skip & limit params (35012a4)
- add streamSpotMarket (66e392c)
- add support for CW20 balance (0eeb3b8)
- add support for devnet peggy and injective contract address (3bd2c31)
- add unit test coverage for eip712 messages (#75) (cf7e2fd)
- add unit test for remaining eip 712 messages (#77) (2584aa0)
- added a new tx-utils package for reducing the size of the utils package (d8e4786)
- added a node transport for grpc consumers (91d4bfc)
- added a way to get default fee for token (65bb3b4)
- added a way to get multiple assets prices (b731902)
- added ability to pass pk as a class to MsgBroadcastWithPk (7ab121d)
- added account change listeners (83896bd)
- added address formatter to utils package (2b5d919)
- added alchemy api wrapper (6e2d7b3)
- added amino and proper web3 support for all msgs (83f1857)
- added amino sign for Keplr (a3fa523)
- added attest from solana to injective (16eb6d1)
- added attest from solana to injective (40f770e)
- added axs to tokens meta (18e0627)
- added batch cancelling for the orders (3990a3b)
- added bayc (d39f626)
- added blocks with txs stream (7144aef)
- added bonfida sol domains (2e67999)
- added bridge transaction type (fee3a80)
- added chronos and explorer specific endpoints (1d74cfc)
- added chronos-api package (35154b8)
- added coinGcekoApi consumer (3aaa96d)
- added coinGeckoId to token meta (8f1768d)
- added composer for increasing margin to a position (1a74678)
- added context to exceptions (ccfd06b)
- added cosmos fee delegation support (f3e2b0f)
- added cosmos-ts package (4c56fbf)
- added cw20transfer args (5861fe5)
- added cw20transfer args (0b53619)
- added decomposers for binary messages (a8bebca)
- added default gas price (8b7062f)
- added deployERC20 on peggy (5f1f22e)
- added depositBalance method to the DepositManager contract (bda0dd6)
- added derivatives consumer, refactored and unified methods for subaccount consumer and spot consumer (1d175f1)
- added derivatives consumer, refactored and unified methods for subaccount consumer and spot consumer (33ff1e4)
- added description to the packages (6970b67)
- added devnet network (2975a41)
- added docs for web3-strategy, removed redundant contract instances (48cc385)
- added dot-plank ibc hash (6338ff2)
- added eip712 v2 support (1ae07f6)
- added exchange exception (3afa0c9)
- added exchange spot market consumer for chain consumer (13012ab)
- added execution side filter for spot market trades (09ed791)
- added expiry futures and perpetual swap market proposal (dcd8e84)
- added fetchin details (68cb45e)
- added fetching all balances for a user (2f3d5f5)
- added fetching coingecko id by symbol (4c80783)
- added fromBase64 init for PublicKey (77b6104)
- added gas prices for chains (321c5d7)
- added gas prices for chains (f69416f)
- added granter and fee payer to std fee (904b973)
- added hooks 'end' and 'status' on the streams (5ddcfd7)
- added httpRestClient which handles timeout exceptions (c200bc2)
- added initial ledger support (5c07023)
- added inj name service (ab782b8)
- added insurance fund composer and consumer (9f96e74)
- added insurance fund in the exchange consumer (ccc704f)
- added insurance funds explorer api types (5dcf7da)
- added isMetamask (2045d2b)
- added juno (e39af4c)
- added luna as gas currency (2881761)
- added messages to contract response (59f5f5a)
- added metadata (7a1e408)
- added more contract instances to the contract package (92fe669)
- added more packages initial versions (c3bde24)
- added msg store code (7159995)
- added msgEditValidator and msgWithdrawValidatorCommission (09a03a5)
- added multiple signers while creating a transaction (c10442d)
- added name, symbol, decimal methods to the base currency contract (bc27edb)
- added networks package for fetching endpoints (b6fc2a8)
- added networks package for fetching endpoints (de3db66)
- added new asset service (59f846f)
- added new composer to spot-consumer (4bd1a73)
- added new package - token metadata (d9c8474)
- added number conversion utils (6912fb0)
- added number flooring for chain numbers (83eafe9)
- added number formatters (f13d177)
- added object formatter (6a4621a)
- added ofac check in the broadcaster (1fbd1e3)
- added ofac check in the broadcaster (5bfc68a)
- added old mainnet endpoints (64100bd)
- added oracle consumer (e725afb)
- added oracle decomposer (34410fb)
- added oracle streaming (79a9661)
- added pagination (22c6807)
- added pagination proper handler (0c2f3d8)
- added pool fetch in staking consumer (0265be4)
- added positions support for derivatives consumer (05aec9e)
- added price fetching service to oracle consumer (2f383c2)
- added private key subprovider and refactored web3 strategy (40b1488)
- added proper errors for web3 strategies (454f3d8)
- added proposal decomposer for exchange-enable-proposal (e59f22d)
- added proposals decomposers (c1cab84)
- added proto composers (d72f481)
- added public endpoints (f0ec8f7)
- added re-delegations to chain consumer (1fcb280)
- added re-delegations types (c1675c7)
- added redelegating, withdrawing rewards, getting user rewards (0126863)
- added rest consumer example (aa20951)
- added sol token metadata (c991973)
- added solana sign transfer and confirm (cbb334f)
- added stargate signer (8da2961)
- added stargate signer, added timeout to ibc transfer proto (1c2d9dc)
- added state to the spot order type (04a9b2d)
- added streams support (ad0a9d2)
- added subaccount deposit and withdraw (b2adf42)
- added support for insurance funds and custom token factory denoms (1c82a82)
- added support for ws web3 (8b263a9)
- added sync mode to TxGrpcClient (0a125e0)
- added sync mode to TxGrpcClient (adfbcfd)
- added tens multiplier to markets (6221cba)
- added terra (c852f06)
- added testnet old endpoints (79358b1)
- added text proposal (51eae7f)
- added text proposal decomposer (2f6f887)
- added the ability to simulate a transaction (9d24ec4)
- added tickers map (dde13fc)
- added timeout height (c46c2f8)
- added timestamp filtering for trades (541554f)
- added toFixed variants (f0194b4)
- added token factory docs (372e221)
- added token factory token type (ad23e66)
- added tradeId (21dba26)
- added trust wallet (47bae16)
- added tx clients (dba397c)
- added tx-ts (ae9ebc7)
- added validator details and uptime (b775f91)
- added wbtc (4105e01)
- added wormhole and moonbeam bridge tx transformers (f499006)
- adding injx token metadata (a452be4)
- allow multiple amounts on Msgsend (3294e7d)
- annual provisions (7f7574f)
- arbitrary data verification (83e36f6)
- auction proto composer (52010f4)
- auction ts (c3b2e0b)
- authz composer (cbe4b52)
- authz module - add MsgExec and new param MsgGrant (#57) (3c2b103)
- authz stake grants (228e884)
- authz types and more methods (6e6a1d8)
- axelar (87c4866)
- axelar and moonbeam (49a41ae)
- baseDenom introduced (7c8f895)
- batch update msg composer (96ce647)
- batch update order composer (f0a6aa4)
- binary options support on the sdk (c5f6bc8)
- bonfida name service (e555ba9)
- bridge converter included in bridge service (2acf2d8)
- bridge skip symbols (ed4e2bd)
- bridge support for sommelier (be8646a)
- bridge-ts initial (4320b1c)
- broadcast allow fee price to be overwritten (85a53d7)
- broadcaster used instead of provider to support metamask (bed89c0)
- bump v1.13.78-RC.1 (17b92e2)
- caching denom traces (7b7f89e)
- caching denom traces (84ffb15)
- caching on coingecko prices (cb22366)
- cancelation order bitmask (70fed5e)
- chainConsumer add support for MsgInstantSpotMarketLaunch (4bc6a49)
- chainUrl for http calls (47657d9)
- channel map (be328f8)
- channels: Add Migaloo IBC channel details to all non-deprecated items in channels.ts (5e06aa6)
- check for cosmos wallet (925f68b)
- checksum address calc (3b1946e)
- chihuahua added (0176a3a)
- chronos endpoints decoupled (082f422)
- chzet (43faabc)
- cid (be5f93c)
- cid (b286316)
- commented msgReclaimLockedFunds (cbcf334)
- commented msgReclaimLockedFunds (316af92)
- common actions (1f706ee)
- community spend pool (d08a04b)
- compact error for reporting (381dc6d)
- comsostation eth version (a10d278)
- config for axios (53b3316)
- contract packages initial setup completed (6d47818)
- contract packages initial setup completed (f8674f9)
- contract packages initial setup completed (49ccff4)
- contracts package extended by adding a base contract and subscription manager (928d3d7)
- cosmos sdk doc convenient method (8b8dab7)
- cosmos wallet strategy (78d65e0)
- cosmostation initial support (ea941e5)
- cosmwasm map (697422e)
- create spot grid strategy (a57c40b)
- createAssociatedTokenAddress (6d5e6b4)
- creating insurance fund composer (632f7fe)
- cw20 adapter contract args (036fc91)
- cw20 addr validation (c4332e0)
- cw20 send args (b36e5ed)
- cw20 send args (22ee502)
- decouple chain consumer classes (02fdb86)
- decouple keplr (0e921a3)
- decoupled wormhole clients (72d7e6c)
- delegatedFee is an optional param (0324b0b)
- denom async client (72127aa)
- denom client (581977b)
- denom trace (bc631bb)
- denomClientAsync (8628f46)
- denomClientAsync (e820eb9)
- derivative market info (653d417)
- disconnect on wallet (86cad88)
- DMM consumer (50ce000)
- DMM consumer (74c4995)
- DMM Consumer (8df3c3a)
- docs (ddbecb2)
- dot tokenmetadata (6698c87)
- eip-155 transactions signing for ledger devices completed (cdc9b96)
- eip712 signing fix (62e05dd)
- eip712 signing fix (774b1dd)
- eip712 v2 (8eaaeba)
- eip712 v2 (e14b015)
- eip712 verification against chain (4fd66f7)
- enable keplr on devnet (021a315)
- enabled disabling a wallet for wallet-ts, refactored to use sync broadcasting mode (c1dde3f)
- enabled fee delegation for exchange transactions (75d6d63)
- erc20 new assets (ed9ce7e)
- ethereum native wallets optional on wallet-ts (15300dc)
- ethereum wormhole initial setup (af78d52)
- evm token support (3e26dc4)
- evm wormhole (8656087)
- evm wormhole client (38a6bb5)
- evm wormhole strategy (8241c1b)
- evmos fix (6d6d46e)
- exception class name (2e0bec4)
- exception names (14592d3)
- exceptions part 2 (1919620)
- exchange module state (ab8fcd2)
- exec exchange contracts (3e365ce)
- experimental keplr wallet add with data (79126ed)
- experimental ledger support for keplr (1afd947)
- experimental support for eip712 broadcasting (69fc77a)
- explorer consumer package (acdcd4a)
- explorer consumer package bump (28ecbd3)
- explorer services (3c69238)
- explorer stats api (9fdd911)
- explorer utils and generic types for wallet provider (b31b3ff)
- exported some types (cc1efe3)
- extended cg api (1b4399f)
- fee discount and trading rewards (3846d6b)
- fee payer fetching from indexer api (439f245)
- feePayerPubKey param for broadcasting (cf36b26)
- fetching multiple orderbooks (6dda8db)
- fetching params (afa8684)
- from bytes pub key (c7c744b)
- funding payments, validator uptime, bridge txs (e6265d4)
- funds stringified (14d262f)
- gas based on message (929f117)
- gas buffer coef (c08cdec)
- gas estimator for testnet (d1a5c72)
- gas limit from simulation (6305f0d)
- gas price fetching (476f4e4)
- gas price server (3035548)
- gas service (e6dba62)
- gas simulation on web3 wallets (65e5d97)
- gateway endpoints added (1cd8104)
- geometric sgt init (1055590)
- get injective address from subaccount (203c223)
- get token decimal and symbol based on denom (0594183)
- getExactDecimalsFromNumber (07421dd)
- getTensMultiplier function for handling decimals (3b66d5d)
- getting bridged wrapped tokens balance (dc3e36b)
- gitbook docs (8f79666)
- grid sc config (91c0c86)
- grpc indexer campaign api (1a2c561)
- handling tx (1af0252)
- helper awaitAll (8c9bdf8)
- helper functions for prepping a transaction (3c9a806)
- helper utils for sorting object keys (b48c598)
- ibc gateway support for wormhole (fbf7d96)
- ibc utils fns (04eb096)
- implement Auction consumer (3761411)
- implement grpc oracle stream for prices by markets (e24887f)
- implement retries on grpc and rest query calls (d8c4486)
- implement standalone dmm consumer (4ed29c3)
- implemented a way to fetch grpc all records from pagination (5b2f888)
- implemented Ledger Legacy support (f22301b)
- import web3 in the sdk-ui-ts (12bbb93)
- improved wasm error reporting (70dbe5a)
- indexer and core proto definitions gen and publish (49472ec)
- indexer api bump (76635c2)
- indexer migration (351320b)
- indexerTradingApi - autzh api - create strategy (ec2e1a4)
- initial eip712 (956d451)
- initial eip712 support for keplr (09c7ac6)
- initial exceptions setup (6da9f2e)
- initial grid strategies list impl (955ac92)
- initial monorepo setup with initial set of packages (99aab6c)
- initial order hash manage (3f1c9ec)
- initial sdk-ui-ts and sdk-ts refactor (fe00582)
- initial setup for the assert package (415e9b8)
- initial setup for the spot consumer (78dc6a7)
- initial setup fpr eip712 (d4d5096)
- initial setup ledger cosmos app (d113d86)
- initial sig verify for cosmos (63a3cfc)
- inj name resolution (ce0ce62)
- inj to sol (82ebbde)
- injective price service (43796a9)
- integrate portfolio api (4ba36ff)
- jest setup, msgBid unit tests (9caa08f)
- keplr reclaim funds (6f35de5)
- keplr signing (8ac5011)
- leaderboard (f69cee4)
- leaderboard - formatting (1e74433)
- leaderboard - restore shx & link-module-alias (71236e2)
- leap wallet support (0a9569d)
- ledger refactor (03a9a96)
- luna and ust (6e94041)
- magic wallet (6b31a9c)
- mainnet endpoints added (5d4df33)
- map chain error exception by module (1714e80)
- memo support (c446a30)
- message map (fd237b2)
- metamask provider for wh (918db79)
- migrated to grpcWebImpl (bbf4e37)
- minor authz utils (72fc977)
- minor util and readme update (9be782b)
- msg multi execute (2f67682)
- msgBatchUpdate (7bc3787)
- MsgBroadcaster in sdk-ts (7747ea8)
- msgBroadcaster on wallet-ts (d06a3db)
- MsgBroadcasterLocal for broadcasting tx in a node environment (8fd484b)
- msgExecuteContract add typing support (866c605)
- msgExecuteContractCompat (9c63a64)
- msgMultiExecute (c53cb78)
- msgmultisend (77adf6f)
- msgReclaimLockedFunds (b6b7ce8)
- msgSubmitGenericProposal (d9de27b)
- MsgTransfer for external chains (96ee3de)
- msgTransferAndExecute support (4a2c286)
- msgTransferExternal (0ebaa6e)
- multiple marketIds orderbook stream (181eed0)
- multiple messages in a tx support (1444adb)
- multiple messages support (1fc425b)
- naming and folder structure (f059fb7)
- native tokens (f16d1a8)
- neptune service (68bc897)
- network improvements and ledger parser (702d63d)
- new chz logo (918c53d)
- new chz logo (small) (b76eca6)
- new token meta (17b1aa5)
- new token metadata implementation (a285b1a)
- new wallet ts (e43b933)
- ninji wallet (e265ee1)
- ninji wallet (6a7cacb)
- nonja and bitget wallet (aebb71f)
- okx wallet (4771142)
- optimise bundle size (03bb060)
- optional orderHash (f741e35)
- order history (#64) (d86021a)
- order history (#65) (c179735)
- order history (#68) (9e431a7)
- order history (#69) (6bd506e)
- order history (#70) (74dcc0f)
- order history stream (#72) (4a1f6cd)
- order history updates (#67) (43d8472)
- orderbook v2 (889689d)
- osmo support (26b33d7)
- pagination for binary options markets (e9ce348)
- pagination for supply (81abacc)
- path updated for wasmx (2bebb9d)
- path updated for wasmx (36b594a)
- peggy upgrade (b2e658f)
- pending trade and earn rewards (6759dff)
- pgt and contract queries (a9698f6)
- pgt init (063551f)
- phantom support (1a4c2ce)
- ported chain consumer from the client (cff10b9)
- portfolio balance request (ec22208)
- portfolio value (02f12f8)
- portfolio value (32978ec)
- positions v2 (552c522)
- proposal decomposer (cf63bc0)
- proposals initial setup (2e72d3e)
- proto composers (be6ce2f)
- protocol stats package (eddf7e6)
- provider instead of signer (6990a84)
- querier active stake delegation (564335d)
- redeem from sdk-ts not wormhole-sdk (6492495)
- refactor trezor wallet (9807132)
- refactor with bases (4269edc)
- refactored ledger for address management (aaa3f68)
- refactoring, added support for proposals deposit and voting (b04d65e)
- remove gst strategy (0c11071)
- removed blockTracker from web3-strategy, spot consumer fix for canelling limit orders (1df568d)
- removed numbers converters from utils (36b7bcf)
- response transformers (b72ce57)
- rest endpoints decoupling (cba0e1a)
- rest wormhole queries (e137d96)
- retries on mempool full (309317a)
- retry on broadcast (6aaed21)
- rounds api (d4da4d4)
- sc search (778ee05)
- sdk-ts initial (1d2ef9b)
- sdk-ui-ts (4c8f902)
- sending to another inj address (95c180e)
- sepholia migration (2b7823b)
- setup indexer grpc account portfolio api and stream (72d7d85)
- simplified networks (9b9733b)
- simulating fee on ethereum wallets (5ff04e6)
- simulation added, web3 broadcast moved to wallet-ts (d521af3)
- single cw20 entry (f6ef98a)
- spl tokens transfer (bc78a26)
- spot and derivative services and cleanup (e638c67)
- staking consumer improvements (346690d)
- staking consumer improvements (0ec4200)
- subaccount balance stream added (2717a2e)
- subaccount decoupled from spot to own package (e017056)
- subaccount service (af197ef)
- support for injective address signer (f583335)
- switched base denoms to denoms (8f50d6f)
- terra walet on wallet-ts (2263181)
- terra wallet (9b51eae)
- terra wallet (7403790)
- timeout timestamp unification (41085d0)
- tm endpoint (2671cd3)
- token ibc cache (a4d7aed)
- token meta - support custom inj address for devnet and devnet1 (66fe31c)
- token price utils (1d79620)
- token service for cw20 balances (4850924)
- token verification intro (0967a5a)
- tokens (f7fd866)
- tokens meta for kovan (440d081)
- tokens metadata update (ebc89ba)
- tokens: Add WHALE token to tokens.ts and upload image (8a8abe0)
- tokens: add xtalis metadata (617c145)
- TokensMetadata: add talis metadata (1bde58d)
- torus integration (7f69c70)
- trade and earn history (be975a7)
- trading strategies stats api (cfc1699)
- trailing spot sgt (9b77594)
- transaction error handling (d0bc738)
- transfer method on ERC20 (b9c8b73)
- transfer native sol option (ae17950)
- transformers for spot and derivative (6dd12a7)
- trezor and fix for multiple messages (097a9c0)
- tx exception handling (36dbef7)
- tx filters (1b48cd8)
- tx response now returned instead of the txhash only (7959791)
- txClient (efab6c8)
- types fix (b3c9dac)
- uatom added (2354c55)
- ui common services (74f5099)
- unified tx clients (e404930)
- upated contracts packages with new deposit manager abi (fdbee9d)
- update bridge service utils (b6ce74a)
- update DMM consumer with latest exchange api (ed3a689)
- update mito indexer vesion (96c0a35)
- update oracle price stream (2c8de1b)
- update order object (2857701)
- update referral consumer with latest changes (ee1b836)
- update supernova folder structure (a220ecd)
- updated deposit manager contract with addiotional methods (866a5c1)
- updated docs (7c38c6d)
- utility methods for explorer (97db723)
- utils for token metadata and networks (271ac4c)
- verify sig and pk wallet strategy (d3a4794)
- verify signature on pk (85f4a0e)
- Wallet Connect - basic integration (b260f5b)
- Wallet Connect - basic integration (b88831a)
- Wallet Connect - integration - fixed issues with disconnecting wallet (613a816)
- Wallet Connect - integration - fixed issues with signing eth transactions (e990e5b)
- wallet connect v2 (6ef3ebb)
- wasm code grpc queries (91e618d)
- wasm messages (3773c39)
- web3 broadcaster (ceb7a90)
- web3 client (8f286b2)
- wh gateway and new tokens (d36f586)
- wormhole bridge improvements (1d0bb5d)
- wormhole bridges (6a68b67)
- wormhole client interface (6719782)
- wormhole from eth (38f279a)
- wormhole gw (1253e57)
- wormhole implemented (8ec7dac)
- wormhole mainnet (600926f)
- wormhole redeem flow (5509b49)
- xbx (bd6e917)